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Hounds Of The Blade (old)

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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

This might be covered in some other thread that I haven't seen, but when I go to open this game I get this error message:

action number 2
of Begin Step Event
for object KeyControlObject:

In script Key_chk:
Error in code at line 12:
global.b5 = global.Button[global.joypad_b5];
at position 25: Unknown variable Button or array index out of bounds

I should probably add that I'm on a laptop. Not sure if that makes a difference here or not. Any help or information on this would be great. Thanks!
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

This might be covered in some other thread that I haven't seen, but when I go to open this game I get this error message:

action number 2
of Begin Step Event
for object KeyControlObject:

In script Key_chk:
Error in code at line 12:
global.b5 = global.Button[global.joypad_b5];
at position 25: Unknown variable Button or array index out of bounds

I should probably add that I'm on a laptop. Not sure if that makes a difference here or not. Any help or information on this would be great. Thanks!

That looks like Java immediate window error-code, i suggest downloading java.
Other than that, have you tried re-downloading the file yet? It may have corrupted when you DLed the .zip file.
Hope this helps.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Tried both. Neither did any good though T_T. Thanks for trying though...
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Hmm wasn't there some issue with some usb controllers or that something was mistakenly seen as one, or was that in some other game?
Anyway try to unplugg anything usb, switch keyboard too if you can and don't need a mouse for it. If it works then at least you know in what area the issue is.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

who is a make voice AYA ?

try again, in english this time.

if you are asking who made the voice mod for nanocrisis then i have no idea,

it should still be in the old thread, if you want to go archive diving for it.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Wasn't here for months and saw this update.

So it's the level from the first few versions, sad that there's no new poses :p (though there's in-depth fingering drawing) give-up scene seem pretty bad. do they really rape girls with most of their clothes on? :p
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Wasn't here for months and saw this update.

So it's the level from the first few versions, sad that there's no new poses :p (though there's in-depth fingering drawing) give-up scene seem pretty bad. do they really rape girls with most of their clothes on? :p

Do they really rape girls while her sword hand is free? Will the girl actually sit there and get raped over and over again into complete submission and not swing(or stab) or sword at least once?

That is a HUGE peev of mine. It almost kills the game for me...
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Do they really rape girls while her sword hand is free? Will the girl actually sit there and get raped over and over again into complete submission and not swing(or stab) or sword at least once?

That is a HUGE peev of mine. It almost kills the game for me...

Just pretend that she's too exhausted to swing it. Imagination!
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I use one of the voice packs that was posted up for Nano Crisis a long time ago. It took me some time to figure out which sound fits the best for each situation in Hounds of the Blade, but through trial and error I figured it out. Also the guy who made the game made some mistakes with some of the naming for some of the voice files, but I fixed them. I have included a zip file with the voices that I am using for Hounds of the Blade at the moment. Just download it to your computer, unzip it and copy the entire Voice folder to your Hounds of the Blade main folder. When it asks you if you want to replace or overwrite just choose "yes to all".

Here is the file:
View attachment voice.zip
Last edited:
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

It's going to be the fly stage all over again! Damn them, flying all over the place while I'm trying to shoot them. ._.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I use one of the voice packs that was posted up for Nano Crisis a long time ago. It took me some time to figure out which sound fits the best for each situation in Hounds of the Blade, but through trial and error I figured it out. Also the guy who made the game made some mistakes with some of the naming for some of the voice files, but I fixed them. I have included a zip file with the voices that I am using for Hounds of the Blade at the moment. Just download it to your computer, unzip it and copy the entire Voice folder to your Hounds of the Blade main folder. When it asks you if you want to replace or overwrite just choose "yes to all".

Here is the file:
View attachment 11749

Ehh....appreciate the share but the voice is just too gruff and grunty for my taste. I like a little bit higher, airy voice.

It's going to be the fly stage all over again! Damn them, flying all over the place while I'm trying to shoot them. ._.

Yeah, gonna be another fly level but judging by the screenies that he posted months ago they will be very big compared to nano crisis' flies.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Yeah, gonna be another fly level but judging by the screenies that he posted months ago they will be very big compared to nano crisis' flies.

Well, at least it'll be easier to hit the flies. What I DON'T want is another dog stage. STOP RAPING ME AND LET ME KILL YOU, DAMNIT.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Well, at least it'll be easier to hit the flies. What I DON'T want is another dog stage. STOP RAPING ME AND LET ME KILL YOU, DAMNIT.

Dogs weren't hard if you knew the trick.

Run up to where you see one and crouch.
Hold your "look behind you" button and fire.
Switch to shooting the other direction if they come from behind you.

Rinse, repeat.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Do they really rape girls while her sword hand is free? Will the girl actually sit there and get raped over and over again into complete submission and not swing(or stab) or sword at least once?

That is a HUGE peev of mine. It almost kills the game for me...

Yeah, lack of attention to detail like that is pretty fucking crippling, but eh.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

yeah but when you get up wouldn't you ask "hey how did the sword get back in my hands?" just as well? though I to find it strange to still have a sword and not use it but....I would also headbutt and be biting my attacker just the same.
or it could be that she is trying to grab it/swing it but when a girl is being raped or just during sex, remember she is completely helpless in some peoples minds.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Just pretend that she's too exhausted to swing it. Imagination!

ROFL! Yeah, the moment a hand touches her crotch...

yeah but when you get up wouldn't you ask "hey how did the sword get back in my hands?" just as well? though I to find it strange to still have a sword and not use it but....I would also headbutt and be biting my attacker just the same.
or it could be that she is trying to grab it/swing it but when a girl is being raped or just during sex, remember she is completely helpless in some peoples minds.

I honestly think the game would be better if he got rid of the sword altogether. She has energy-manipulating abilities, right? Have her fight hand-to-hand. Her melee attacks could be powered by a nominal amount of energy per hit. That would work several ways: 1)it would ensure that her melee attacks would be powerful enough to fell/kill/destroy enemies(even larger ones), 2)it would allow more usage of the energy supply(right now, you really don't have to use any of the powers), 3)it would force more strategic thinking into the gameplay(because all of your attacks/techniques would use energy) and 4)would allow the animations to be changed to something more realistic.

I REALLY hate the fact that her sword hand(or any hand for that matter) is free while she is being raped over and over. Unfortunately, I don't speak Japanese, I'm horrible at art and I don't know how to program. So basically, all I can do is voice my opinion and hope that something gets changed. At least I can say I'm willing to pay for these kind of games--maybe that will count for something...
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

honestly, rather than all these changes you're proposing, i'd prefer it if he just pumped out content faster :(
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

ok, sorry if I sound like an ass but enough is enough.
1. game for free is free game.
2. game someone else is making is game you don't have to make.
3. game someone else is making, unless commissioned otherwise, is game they want to make.
4. complaining about the realism of any work of fiction/fantasy in any format is redundant.
5. porn in any format as a staged or scripted event is, more often than not, ridiculous and not realistic.

i'm not trying to pick a fight, i'd just rather that if any of the people who make these games(for free no less) find these boards that they'd like to feel supported than demoralized.
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