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ACT [ Z-Fied ] Resident Evil Progeny

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Re: resident evil game


By any chance could you tell me what isn't enjoyable about it?


Okay, well the sound one is because you've probably separated the folder. You have to keep the game in the folder it was extracted in, you can't move the game outside of the folder. The sound one is also because of a mercenaries bug that I'm working on fixing.

The loading one is one that I'm fixing now, in fact, I think I've just about fixed it.
Re: resident evil game

Can you have a cheat mode for us perverts who just want Rebecca to be raped without dying getting in the way?
Re: resident evil game


By any chance could you tell me what isn't enjoyable about it?


Okay, well the sound one is because you've probably separated the folder. You have to keep the game in the folder it was extracted in, you can't move the game outside of the folder. The sound one is also because of a mercenaries bug that I'm working on fixing.

The loading one is one that I'm fixing now, in fact, I think I've just about fixed it.
not really that it wasn't enjoyable its just the mixed matched Rebecca spirits and lack of for the zombies, I really see no reason to play as it is now I'll wait for a future update. and the game play is fine, feels just like a old RE game. I'll be expecting usage of the valve handle extensively!hehe
Re: resident evil progeny

fixed the title. z has stated on lok forums that graphics are low on the priority list. ive been following this project from the beginning and it has made some pretty far advances over its initial release. link if you feel like reading 15 pages:

Re: resident evil game

I'll be expecting usage of the valve handle extensively!hehe

Oh yes xD there is no RE game without the handle.
Oh wait there is!!! RE 5 but you could take the part there you need to raise the doors to get further ahead with the boat.
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Is there full screen feature yet? Or will it be too crappy for now?
Re: Resident Evil Progeny


As I just replied to the same thing on the blog, I'm going to add a gallery, and I'm also thinking of making a survival mode.


Haha, haven't thought about the handle yet, but I'll definitely have to include it now! xD


There's a way to make it fullscreen in the options. It's also where you can find the new HUD styles and stuff.
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Its got progeny in the title so will there be impregnation in this game?
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Rebecca is my favorite anyway so i'll keep an eye on it. I tried it an it seems pretty early right now. Couldn't get it to close with ctrl alt delete. Her clothes randomly disappear when moving an stuff.

I think without fullscreen the game is too small too but I guess that might be limitation of the game maker its made with.
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Is this game contains Guro or it's just a a horizontal-scrolling shooting em-up gaming with Monster Rape..
I hope I'm correct before I download..
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Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Is this game contains Guro or it's just a a horizontal-scrolling shooting em-up gaming with Monster Rape..
I hope I'm correct before I download..

Z said there might be some body pieces flying (like decapitation), but nothing on the BLOOD AND ORGANS EVERYWHERE (nothing like evisceration)

Some people consider decapitation part of guro though .- . so I guess 'light' guro?
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Maybe that's only zombie pieces flying
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

depending how RE like its going to be my guess would be that it might have decapitation on the main char, for example the licker jump attack which made a lot of people rage on RE3 mercenary, getting so close to the end only to have a friggen licker jump behind the corner and pop your head off. :mad:

oh the times..
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

If Z is going to put in decapitation for the main then I'm alright with it. Wasn't alright with it in RE3 or 4 piss me off it did, question is how many one shot kills is he going to put in?
Re: Resident Evil Progeny


There will be a couple of scenes where impregnation and egg-laying occurs.


Yeah it's still pretty early in development. You should be able to close it with the escape key, or going to quit game on the main menu. I can make the resolution of the window larger if you're after that?

@All on page 2

Decapitation of the main character will be included in, with Lickers and Hunters. There will be (and already is) some blood, and that's about where I'm drawing the line at.

There will be several one hit kill attacks, there will be a special attack for each boss, most of them will do massive damage/insta-kill and will lead into a special game over rape move.
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Well if the blood and gore only contains on the enemy and the theme of this game. Well its fine to me.. The only I hate is gore with sexual reference especially on Hentai..
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

Just put up a small status update and poll on the blog if you're interested (I usually update the blog every saturday). Look forward to releasing the next update now, what with more of a following. My course keeps me quite busy though.


I'm not going to add gore pointlessly, it'll suit the theme of the game. A little confused by what you mean with "only contains on the enemy"?
Re: Resident Evil Progeny

I just gave the game a play through and here are my opinion (sorry for any reiteration of mentioned points):

1) People already mentioned this, but the sprites for aiming and running are awkward or completely missing. But you already mentioned that the sprites are incomplete, so it will probably be fixed in the future. It would also be better to have a jump animation rather than having a standing Rebecca levitate vertically, but then I assume you are working on that.

2) I managed to get out of the bar, and past the dog and two zombies to enter a stone room with two door. I cannot enter the second door, because when I press Z the inventory pops up.

3) The sex animations are below mediocre in my books. The sprites do not match the zombie or Rebecca. It looks like two clay figures humping, but granted, as you mentioned, sprites are no where near fully completed. However, I must note that the sex animation should probably consist more than 2 or 3 frames, otherwise it just looks...boring.

4) Can't hit dogs with bullets... you already said you were gonna fix that issue.

5) There is a special weapon of some sort in the inventory when you start out, but you cannot select it. Unless I'm just stupid.

6) Also are enemies invincible? After filling a zombie with lead he just gets back up. Not really an issue in my opinion, because, well, they are zombies...you can't really kill something that is dead.

7) It would be nice to have a button to skip scenes. I know there is an option to skip cut scenes all together. But when I was playing, I didn't reach a save point so I had to go through the same bar scene several times.

8) I personally would like to see a higher grapple percentage, Rebecca gets whacked around a little too much before seeing any action.

9) Finally, the load screen when you re-enter the bar or through doors is WAY to long. I might be mistaking your intentions? I guess you are trying to stay true to the original game, by implementing similar mechanics and feelings, which you did. The opening "Resident Evil" was awesome and definitely reminded me of the original games. The controls are stiff, but not awkward, which really reminds me of RE4 (sorry never played the first 3). But I really recommend shortening the load time, unless the game maker itself is forcing the wait.

I might sound like I dislike the game, but really I am as excited as many other people to see this succeed and become awesome. Keep up the good work Z!
Re: Resident Evil Progeny


1) Yep, in progress
2) You kill the 2 zombies in the first room, then you can talk to the injured guy... and you'll work it out from there.
3) In progress, FAPCOM has just finished new sex animation #1
4) Yeah, working on it.
5) The special weapon is unselectable, and will come in to use later as an emergency grapple break.
6) No, they're not invincible. Zombies take about 6-8 shots/14-16 knife hits, and I added the knockdown to (once again) stay true to resident evils and add a way to escape from a group.
7) So, you want to be able to skip the bar scene as well as the text intro? I guess I can do that, I'll be changing the bar intro.
8) Fixed with this version, sex grapples are now at 2/3% of a chance, with normal grapples being at 1/3.
9) Load screen, as in, the door animations? It's the same for all door animations, it might be because you don't see anything it seems to take longer. But yeah, that's not going to change, sorry.

And don't worry, I've had more negative criticism than your one. In my view, that was just feedback, and thanks for it! :D
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