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Rumble in the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The wine was intoxicating that Vira could feel it starting to work on her, but as the innkeeper continued it became clear that the story would only get more sobering. "Before that man showed up we had seen absolutely no sign of the things responsible for the kidnapping, and patrols seemed to greatly hinder them."

"After... after the 'hero' left for his second attempt, the attacks really started. Three women were taken from this village in a single day, one in sight of a sentry. Groups, even including armed warriors, started being attacked, and at night people have been taken from the actual streets of towns."

"It's as if before they cared about keeping hidden, but now they don't. We don't know if that's because we already know about them, or because they've built up sufficient numbers, or what, but it's true. I hesitated to tell you about them at first because most of us believe that the attacks sped up because the 'hero' saw them and lived to tell the tale, but I don't see what further harm you can do even if that's true."

"The beasts kidnap women, but mostly only kill men. There can be little doubt that they are demonic, though not of a type that anyone here has ever heard of, and what that means for the women who are taken, but we know little more about them."

The woman poured the last few drops of the wine into Rachel's glass with a shrug, before emptying her own glass in a single swallow. "I'm afraid that's about all I know, having not seen any of the beasts myself. If you ask me in the morning, I'll point you towards someone who has actually seen the things up close."

"Thank you for the wine Miss... Miss Innkeeper. It was delishish... lish... good." Rachel slid off the stool in an apparent effort to stand up, but instead collapsed to the floor, where she raised a hand towards Vira.

The innkeeper - on their side of the bar now, and walking towards her own ground floor room - looked down at Rachel, then up at Vira with an amused smile. "The words you are looking for are 'Mistress Emily Highforest' and 'delicious', I think. Can you take care of her?"
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira again gave the innkeeper her full attention as she continued her story, her brow furrowing slightly at a few particular pieces of information that the other woman recounted, namely that the frequency and boldness of the attacks and abductions seemed to have increased considerably since that ‘hero’ attempted his second assault on whatever this creature was. It made her wonder briefly if that man might actually be connected directly to what was going on now in some way, perhaps having been corrupted by the beast into siding with it...or...maybe doing it himself now...or...something... ‘Wow, this wine’s strong,’ Vira mused to herself, shrugging off the effects of the wine as best she could as she finished off her second glass.

When the innkeeper said she could direct them to someone who would know more in the morning, Vira replied, “That would be very helpful. The more information I can get about what we’re dealing with here, the better.”

Vira then found herself unable to keep from laughing as Rachel failed to stand up from her seat, collapsing to the floor in her drunken stupor.

“The words you are looking for are 'Mistress Emily Highforest' and 'delicious', I think,” the innkeeper said, looking down at the intoxicated human woman with an amused smile as she made her way around the counter and towards her own room on the ground floor. She then looked back up at Vira and said, “Can you take care of her?”

Vira grinned back at the innkeeper and bowed her head slightly. “That I can...‘Mistress’ Highforest,” she replied, giving the woman a playful wink and putting a fairly suggestive emphasis on the title the innkeeper had used for herself.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The innkeeper frowned at Vira, but left her to her own devices as she locked and barred the main door to the inn and then shut herself in her own room, a faint click suggesting that this as well had a lock.

The second glass of wine had left Vira surprisingly lightheaded, but nowhere near as drunk as Rachel, who seemed to find her inability to stand unaided completely hilarious. The way the innkeeper had refilled her glass whenever Rachel had taken more then a sip made it difficult to judge how much the girl had drunk, but it was clearly too much. Getting her up the stairs was a difficult task not made any easier by Vira's own buzz, but she managed it without stumbling.

In their room, Rachel conjured almost painfully bright lights with a gesture. Then, wincing, another gesture dimmed them to more like the light of a single candle. She looked dissatisfied, but didn't try to adjust them again. A quick look at the door to the room showed that while the inn's owner might have a lock on her bedroom door, that luxury was not given to guests.

Giggling from Rachel made Vira turn around, to see that the girl had pulled off her dress, leaving only her underthings, and was trying to make shadow puppets on the wall. What exactly they were supposed to be was impossible to determine, but the general theme could be guessed at by the repetitive thrusting motion one seemed to be making at the other. The girl made a gesture and the shadows kept on moving even after her hands stopped. And changed slightly, until it was quite clearly a woman having sex with a cat-like beast. Rachel seemed to suddenly realize that she wasn't alone, and the shadows vanished while the woman tried to pretend that she hadn't been gently rubbing at her panties.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira found it difficult to pull her eyes away from the human woman’s scantily clad form as she struggled with her surprisingly lewd shadow puppet show. After a few moments, however, the Night Elf’s eyes widened in surprise when the forms on the wall suddenly took shape and began moving on their own, now clearly the depiction of a woman being mounted and fucked by a large cat-like beast. ‘Is...Is she thinking about...?’ Vira thought to herself, remembering their earlier encounter with the Feral Stalkers in the forest. ‘Wow, that...that must have really turned her on...’

As the shadows thrust against each other on the wall, Vira’s own slutty mind began to take over with the aid of the wine, and she found herself slowly slipping a hand beneath her robe and gently kneading at her breasts before she knew it. It was then she noticed Rachel’s own hands slowly undulating below her waist, her fingers gently working themselves at her sensitive core through the fabric of her panties. Vira’s free hand immediately began doing the same thing between her own legs, the sudden pleasure from her own skilled hands combined with the sight of Rachel masturbating before her enough to cause a soft moan to escape from the Night Elf’s lips.

Suddenly, the shadows on the wall vanished as Vira saw the human woman stop her ministrations, apparently remembering that she wasn’t alone and trying in vain to pretend she hadn’t been doing what she clearly had. Vira didn’t stop, however, and leaned back against the wall as she continued to pleasure herself, staring lustfully into Rachel’s eyes even as she shifted her panties aside with her fingers and gently began rubbing at her mound directly, eliciting more soft gasps and moans from herself with each stroke.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Rachel stared at Vira's hand as it moved rhythmically over her panties, blinking in surprise. Then her eyes went up to Vira's face, and she blushed deeply. Without breaking eye contact, Rachel pulled her panties down, then off entirely, dropping them onto the floor next to the bed as she exposed her breasts. Finally, she spread her legs, revealing her wet flower for Vira. She licked her lips as she waited for Vira to make a move, one hand gently rubbing each of her breasts.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira wasted no time in accepting the human woman’s invitation, slowly pushing herself away from the wall as she reached down and removed the sash around her waist, letting it fall to the floor with a muffled ‘thump’ as her ninjato and throwing knives impacted the wooden floor along with it. She then slipped out of her robe as she stepped forward, and untied the simple ties at either side of her panties and allowing them to fall, exposing her slender form to the other woman in full as she approached the bed, never breaking eye contact.

The Night Elf then dropped to her knees at the edge of the bed between Rachel’s spread legs and rested her hands on inside of the mage’s creamy white thighs, caressing them gently as she leaned forward, stopping only inches from the woman’s dripping honey pot. The scent alone was intoxicating, the feelings of euphoria it sent coursing through her mind better than any kind of artificial or alcohol-induced buzz. Vira breathed gently onto the waiting flower in front of her, teasing it lightly before planting a series of soft kisses on the insides of Rachel’s thighs, and then finally on the woman’s pussy lips themselves.

Vira savored the taste of the blonde woman’s juices on her lips as she broke the ‘kiss’, slowly licking them clean as she gazed up into Rachel’s eyes. “Say it...” Vira said softly, a lustful grin tugging at her lips as she continued caressing the woman’s thighs. “Tell me what you want me to do...whatever you want...but you have to say it...”
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira felt the woman's beathing grow ragged as her kisses moved up Rachel's thighs, until the final one brought a low moan. When she broke off the kiss, the human woman nearly fell over backward before catching herself. Vira's command to say what she wanted seemed to catch the aroused girl by surprise. "Don't stop. Make me cum, with your... with your mouth. Then..." Rachel blushed, and seemed to be having trouble getting the words out, until she switched to a whisper. "If you really have a magical cock... take me again. Just don't cum in my pussy..."

The woman looked mortified to have spoken, but also eager, licking her lips and spreading her legs even further apart as the juices Vira had tasted in her last 'kiss' came back stronger then before.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“As you wish...” Vira said softly, grinning hungrily as she slid her hands up the woman’s thighs and around her waist, gently grabbing hold of her smooth and shapely bottom in preparation. “...milady.

With that, Vira leaned in and gave a long, slow lick to the mage’s pussy, gripping her buttocks firmly so as to press herself in further as she ran her tongue all the way up the woman’s dripping slit, stopping at the small nub protruding from its hood before clamping her lips around it. She sucked greedily at the sensitive nub, flicking the tip repeatedly with her tongue, relishing in the musical moans that escaped from Rachel's lips as a result. She then released her clamp on the woman's clit with a light 'pop', and kissed the outside of the her nether-lips once more before diving into them fully, burying her face into the other woman's sopping wet crotch and thrusting her tongue into to her pussy as far as it could go.

Vira started out with slow, deliberate movements of her tongue as she twisted and swirled it around deep inside of Rachel's tight snatch, drawing moan after breathless moan from the young mage as she ate hungrily at every sensitive spot she knew. When the human woman began approaching her climax, Vira changed tactics and starts quickly thrusting her tongue in and out of Rachel's pussy, bobbing her head in time with the bucking of Rachel's hips as she brought her closer and closer to the edge.

When the dam finally burst, Vira planted her lips over the other woman's spasming cunt and moaned as her mouth was flooded with Rachel's orgasmic juices, drinking it down as if she needed it to survive as spurt after spurt splashed against her tongue. When the flow finally stopped, Vira pulled away and swirled the remaining juices around in her mouth, savoring the taste before rising to her feet and crawling onto the bed, hovering over Rachel's twitching form as she basked in the afterglow of her orgasm. The Night Elf then gently put her hand on the blonde woman's cheek and leaned in, kissing her full on the lips and sharing the fluid she had held in her mouth, allowing the young mage a taste of her own orgasmic juices.

After breaking the kiss, Vira shifted their bodies so that they were both fully on the bed, with Vira up on her knees and Rachel lying down on her back before her, legs spread wide with her eagerly-waiting pussy on display. “Looks like you're ready...” Vira said, grinning as she focused a wave of spirit energy in her hand and slowly lowered it between her legs, gently releasing it into her crotch. She then pulled her hand away a moment later, revealing a long hard cock already throbbing in anticipation. After a moment, she scooted forward on the bed and grabbed on to Rachel's legs, wrapping them around her waist and then lifting the human woman's hips up off the bed, bringing her dripping cunt in line with the Night Elf's member. “Alright then...” Vira said, rubbing the tip of her cock against the folds of Rachel's flower, “...here I come...”

With that, Vira took hold of Rachel's waist and held firm as she pushed her way into the young mage's pussy, going deeper and deeper into the human's love-tunnel until she finally bottomed out, letting out lustful moans of her own as the other woman's inner-walls squeezed tightly around her cock. After taking a moment to enjoy the feeling, Vira pulled back until just the tip of her member remained inside before thrusting back in, and then again, repeating this process over and over as she worked herself into a steady rhythm, bottoming out with each firm thrust into Rachel's gripping snatch. As she increased her pace, Vira felt the other woman's legs tighten around her waist as she began bucking her hips in time with the Night Elf's thrusts, moaning lewdly as her hands reached back and began grasping at the bedsheets beneath her.

As Vira felt her orgasm approaching, she slowed her pace slightly and began to pull out, planning to finish herself off with a titty-fuck using the mage's modest breasts. She quickly found herself unable to remove herself fully from Rachel's pussy, however, with the woman's legs wrapped tightly around her waist, keeping the Night Elf's throbbing cock securely inside. “R-Rachel... I...I'm about to...c-cum...” Vira struggled to say, holding herself back as best she could. “If...If you want me to...p-pull out...you have to...l-let go...” she finally managed between a few light grunts and labored breaths.

Vira knew she wouldn't be able to hold out much longer, but she was ready to pull out once she was able. It was all up to Rachel now, nearly lost in pleasure, to decide whether or not she really wanted her to, though...

Long post is long.

Not too shabby for my first time actually writing a sex-scene, though, if I do say so myself. ^_^;
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira's every touch on the young woman's clitoris brought another moan, rising in intensity until Rachel raised a hand to her mouth to muffle the sounds before she woke the entire inn. By the time the elf moved her oral attentions to the main event, it was clear that Rachel was almost on the edge of orgasm. She held out as long as she could, though, squirming and straining to hold her orgasm back. But she was no match for Vira's tongue, and eventually the young woman had a full-body orgasm, giving the elf a mouthful of her juices.

Before Rachel could fully recover from her powerful orgasm, she found Vira kissing her full on the lips. The night elf could unsurprisingly taste the terribly strong wine on the young human's lips, but Rachel's eyes went wide as some of her own honey passed through her lips, but she almost looked disappointed when Vira broke the kiss. But then the elf shifted the blonde woman fully onto the bed, and she was all eagerness again. Her breasts were still heaving after her orgasm, and her face was flushed, but she spread her legs wide, and it seemed to Vira that her pussy was practically begging to be filled. With a gesture, Vira materialized a thick, throbbing member. Rachel's eyes went even wider, seeing it appear. So did her legs. "It is real!"

The thaumaturgical member pushed easily between the woman's lower lips thanks to the ample natural lubrication, and it took only a few thrusts before Vira felt the woman orgasm, squeezing her cock even more tightly for a few seconds. But that clearly wasn't enough for the drunken woman, who resumed thrusting her hips before her orgasm was even over, pulling herself all the way up the Night Elf's throbing shaft with the aid of her legs. By now she had given up her attempts to muffle herself, and each thrust elicited a moan while her hands squeezed the bedsheets as if trying to turn them into diamonds.

Yet a third orgasm wracked the young woman, and Vira felt the additional tightness push herself to the edge, her own juices running down her thighs as her cock was about to burst. But the human woman was still thrusting away, her legs keeping Vira from pulling out. "R-Rachel... I... I'm about to... c-cum...", she warned the woman. Rachel thrust her hips up Vira's throbbing length once more, twice, then the words finally seemed to get through to her, and her legs relaxed as she pulled back, allowing Vira to free her member at the very last second with a cry of frustration. Warm seed gushed out of the summoned cock, splashing onto Rachel's belly.

Rachel, meanwhile, had reached around one of her legs to dip a finger into her aching pussy, and before Vira had finished unloading on her stomach was in the midst of her own orgasm. For a few seconds she just lay there, panting from the workout four orgasms had given her, then she pulled the hand from her pussy up to her mouth. It passed her lips and made a small popping sound as she pulled it out. Then it went down to her stomach, where she rubbed it in the other woman's cum before repeating the act with all signs of enjoyment.

This seemed to give her an idea, and she pulled herself out from under the other woman. Then she leaned forward and gently pushed Vira down onto her back, from which position the human woman lowered her lips over the night elf's still-hard cock. She took it slowly, licking the last of the cum from the tip and applying gentle pressure with her lips and tongue, but she managed to take the whole length into her mouth with some effort. She held it there for a moment, then Vira felt two fingers enter her dripping pussy. Rachel's head bobbed up in down, her fingers working in and out in time with her mouth, starting slow but quickly increasing in pace until the horny elf came.

Rachel took the whole load in her mouth, swallowing several times before fully removing the cock, licking the tip clean as she did. Then her fingers pulled out of Vira's pussy and went straight to her mouth, where she licked them clean. Finally, her other hand went to her mouth to be licked clean, and Vira realized that she had been masturbating while she gave the blow job. Only then did the other woman kiss Vira again, this time the mixed tastes of both their pussies and the salty tang of Vira's cum were added to the alcohol. Rachel pulled away for a moment, explaining "That was for not cumming inside me. I really don't want to get pregnant right now..."
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira simply sat there for a moment after she finished unloading herself all over the other woman’s stomach, her entire body shivering slightly as her orgasm echoed through her. She then gladly fell back onto the bed when Rachel moved out from under her and gently pushed her back, eager to see what the young mage had in store. She didn't need to wait long, though, and soon found the human woman's lips wrapped around her still-erect member, eliciting a low moan from the Night Elf as she lowered her head down onto the shaft until the entire length was in the woman's mouth. Vira then gasped in surprise as Rachel also slowly inserted a pair of fingers into her dripping slit, gradually working herself into a rhythm as she slipped her fingers in and out of Vira's pussy and bobbed her head up and down on her throbbing cock.

Vira arched her back from the combined pleasure of both sexual organs being stimulated at once, and could think of nothing else except to add to the sensation by bringing her hands to her breasts and kneading them with enthusiasm. “Ahh... Ahh... Oh yes... Yes... Oh Rachel... Ahh... Hahh... Hahhh~” the Night Elf moaned out between shortened breaths, her peak rapidly approaching as the young mage increased her tempo. When she finally reached her climax, Vira lightly bit her lip to keep from crying out in pleasure before bringing one of her hands down and gently pressing it at the back of Rachel's head, just enough to keep it in place as she pumped her load into the woman's mouth and covered her fingers in her pussy juices.

Vira then collapsed back onto the bed, left spent and gasping for breath as she basked in the afterglow of her powerful orgasm. Before she had fully recovered, however, Rachel was upon her and kissing her full on the lips, the combined taste of both of their juices and the Night Elf's own sperm clearly present on the mage's lips and tongue. With what energy she had left, Vira wrapped her arms around Rachel's back and pulled her in close, gently pressing their breasts together and passionately returning the human woman's kiss.

“That was for not cumming inside me,” Rachel said after a few moments. “I really don't want to get pregnant right now...”

“Mmh... You're welcome, then...” Vira grinned, kissing her once more before slowly drifting off to sleep with the young mage wrapped snugly in her arms. ‘Hmm... Looks like I get to snuggle up with someone for a change after all...’
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The next morning, Vira awoke in a very pleasant situation. The light of the newly-risen sun shone in through the window, and onto the sleeping form of the beautiful young woman next to her. Rachel was sleeping on her stomach, her somewhat disheveled blonde hair splayed across her bare back, the light shining on her pleasantly round bottom. She seemed to be sleeping lightly, and a slight sound suggested that she was dreaming.

Faint sounds from downstairs suggested that breakfast was probably available, or would be soon. Rachel stirred slightly and made another sound, this time clearly a moan of pleasure. In her present position, it would be easy enough for Vira to see or gently feel the woman's pussy, which was swollen and slightly wet with arousal, if not so much as the previous night. A very pleasant dream, then.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira gazed down at the human woman’s naked form as it seemed to almost glow from the light of the rising sun shining in through the window, smiling lightly as a soft moan of pleasure escaped from the sleeping woman’s lips. ‘What a perfect way to wake up in the morning,’ she thought to herself, idly positioning her hand on Rachel’s lower back and sensually caressing her beautiful bare skin, occasionally allowing herself to roam further down and gently rub the other woman’s shapely rear end.

The Night Elf could tell from the slight noises from downstairs that breakfast would be ready soon, but she wasn’t really sure she was ready to get up yet...especially not while she had a beautiful, young, naked, and apparently sexually charged woman lying in bed next to her. She’d have to be insane to leave that alone.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Rachel responded to the gentle carress of her sleeping body with moans that grew more vocal, though they were still very quiet. Her legs spread slowly apart, and her hips began slowly grinding against the bed. Before long, between her dream and a little extra 'help' from Vira, the woman shuddered an obvious orgasm, then went still. Too still. Vira's practiced ear caught the change in the pace of her breathing that suggested that the young woman was now awake. She remained still for several seconds, then spoke softly, as if to herself. "Well, that was a pleasant dream, but I think that maybe the wine was a little stronger then I'm used to. Perhaps I should get up and find some breakfast..." The woman made no move to get up, but stretched in place, still face down on the bed. In fact, she hadn't yet turned to see Vira in the bed with her.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

As Vira took notice of the other woman’s body starting to grind against the bed, it took everything she had to keep from summoning her cock again and moving to...‘assist’ her. When Rachel finally came, Vira noticed the woman’s body finally go still and her breathing suddenly normalize, indicating that she was now awake.

Still lying on her side and facing the young mage next to her, Vira propped her head up slightly with her arm as the other woman spoke, waiting for her to finish. “Good morning, sexy,” she said teasingly, resuming her sensual caress on Rachel’s lower back with her hand. “So...what were you dreaming about? It sounded like a good one...”
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"Uh... I was just dreaming of home. I've been gone a long time." Rachel rose as she spoke, blushing, and in seconds was pulling on her clothes. "No point in dallying about. I'll see about some supplies, you talk to... that man the innkeeper said might know something."

With that, the young woman scurried out of the room, leaving Vira to her own devices. When the elf left the room herself, she noticed that both of the other rooms on this floor were empty, their doors ajar. The innkeeper's daughter was busy changing the sheets in one, while the other was empty. She frowned disapprovingly at Vira as she passed.

In the common room, Vira found herself holding a tray of food and a glass of some sort of cool fruit drink - Rachel was nowhere to be seen. There were a few empty tables, but it seemed that the inn was a popular place to breakfast in this town. Before she could choose a table, the innkeeper appeared, and pointed out one man as a person who might be able to tell her more about the beasts. He was a middle-aged night elf, showing touches of grey in his hair, but he looked strong and fit. He wore rough brown and dark green clothes, and Vira spotted callouses on his hands of the sort one got by working a bow. He noticed her gaze. "Can I help you, young lady?"
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Right...” Vira joked at the other woman’s response about her dream. She then frowned slightly as the woman hurried to get dressed. “Aww... No quickie to start the day? Alright then, I’ll be down shortly.”

As Rachel made her way out of the room, Vira rolled onto her back and briefly stared up at the ceiling, thinking to herself. ‘Well, at least she remembers what happened last night,’ she mused at the woman’s mentioning of the man the innkeeper spoke of, glad that she wouldn’t have to explain everything to Rachel again later. After a few moments she crawled out of bed and re-gathered her things, getting dressed before making her way downstairs and quickly blowing a playful kiss at the innkeeper’s daughter as she passed by her.

The common room was once again relatively filled with activity, with only a couple of empty tables available. Having gathered a tray of foodstuffs and a cool fruit drink, Vira was about to find a place to sit when the innkeeper appeared and pointed out the man she had mentioned the night before. He was quite handsome, and the Night Elf could tell by looking that he was strong and fit, if perhaps a bit aged and gruff-looking. Still, she liked a bit of grey in a man’s hair. It gave off an air of experience...and she liked experienced men.

“Can I help you, young lady?” the man said, noticing her gaze.

“I should hope so,” Vira said coolly as she made her way over to the man’s table, smiling as she took her appraisal of him. “Mistress Highforest says you’re the man to talk to for information about the strange beasts behind all the recent disappearances. May I sit?”
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The man frowned. "Please, sit. I don't suppose that you want to know about them so that you can better avoid them? Well. Maybe I can change your mind, or if not that then perhaps you'll have a better chance of..." The man hesitated, then lowered his voice so that Vira had to strain to hear, even from across the table. "I was going to say 'chance of surviving', but you're a woman? You understand what that means? If you are beaten, they won't kill you. They'll capture you, and stuff you full of little demons. You'll spend the rest of your life being a big incubator, and our little demon problem will only get worse. If that isn't enough to convince you to leave... well then I might as well tell you what I know, on the off chance that it helps you avoid that fate."

"I was part of a party that was attacked. Three huge black beetles appeared out of a little hole in the ground that you wouldn't believe would have hidden one of them. As I watched, their skin grew, thicker, harder, almost crystalline. And then one of them hurled a piece of it at us, hit a man in the knee, and he collapsed. That's the first important thing. I don't think that 'hero' really even injured them at all, I think he just grabbed a piece of armor they threw at him."

"Next, one spat something at the second warrior in our party, while my arrows bounced off its armor. It was blue, and it glowed. And when it hit the man, his armor fell apart, and he died horribly. My second arrow took one in the underside, and at least hurt the thing, but by then two more had appeared behind us. I never got a good look at those, but they didn't look like beetles. Still insectlike, but shaped more like men... They knocked the wind out of me and before I could get to my feet they had taken the only woman out with us and vanished. But from the ground, I saw one spitting another little glob of the blue stuff, but this time it collected it and rubbed it onto the wound my arrow left. I think it stopped bleeding, but since their blood is also bluish and glowing, it was hard to tell."

"From the ground, I could see the belly of at least one of the beetles better. It wasn't armored as much, though I doubt it'd be easy to strike there, what with how low to the ground they are. It also... glowed. Like, enough to see by in the dark, maybe. A bluish light."

"Finally... I'm less sure about this, but I think at least some of them have... powers. I wasn't exactly in a position to know fully what was going on, but it seemed to me that one of the ones that came from behind was a Shadowmancer."

As the man spoke, Vira noticed Rachel coming in the door of the inn, holding a full-looking bag. She nodded at Vira and headed for the stairs to their room.

"I don't think anyone in the town could tell you more, not that they've seen firsthand. But there are a lot of them. The way they just appear and disappear, it's hard to keep count but... hundreds for sure, and with all the women they've taken there will be more each day. Still going?" The man frowned at Vira's response. "Well... anyone could tell you where that cave is that the 'hero' found." He looked about to spit when he said 'hero', but thought better of it, and gave brief directions to the cave.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira listened intently as the man recounted his knowledge of the bug-like monstrosities, but simply smiled and shook her head in denial at any comment or question asking her if she was dissuaded from continuing her investigation.

“I don't think anyone in the town could tell you more, not that they've seen firsthand. But there are a lot of them. The way they just appear and disappear, it's hard to keep count but... hundreds for sure, and with all the women they've taken there will be more each day. Still going?” the man asked, somewhat hopeful that he’d managed to convince her not to go.

“I’m afraid so,” Vira replied, garnering a frown from the man. “I agree that it’s dangerous, but it’s not a problem that can simply be allowed to persist, either.” After a moment, the man gave a set of directions to the cave, and Vira nodded as she absorbed the information. She then paused for a moment to think, remembering what her mission was.

Her master had sent her here to investigate, not solve this problem on her own, and Rachel was likely given a similar sort of direction from her superiors. Now that she they knew what they were up against, the Night Elf found herself agreeing with the man in that taking on this challenge all by themselves would probably be a bad idea.

“But...perhaps you are right that we should not be taking these creatures on ourselves,” Vira said, her hands clasped beneath her chin. “I’ll ask my companion, who you saw pass by here earlier, and see what she thinks. If she agrees, I’ll report this information back to my master in Celesis. He may think it pertinent to dispatch a team of warrior-monks to assist us in our assault on the monsters’ lair.” Vira paused a moment to take a final gulp of her fruit drink. “If that sounds agreeable, I would ask that you accompany me when I discuss this with my companion. She is very...proud...and she may simply scoff at my opinion on the matter, or think me exaggerating about the consequences should we go alone and fail. I feel that you may be able to convince her better than I could.”
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The man raised an eyebrow. "Bring her down if you like, but my wife would make me sleep on the floor for a month if she heard I was following a pretty young girl up to her room. Especially if your companion is the human."

A few minutes later, a slightly annoyed looking Rachel sat down with Vira and the man at the table. "No, I'm still going. I already knew that there were black beasts attacking the village, and that they were abducting women. A description of one attack, however well this man might be able to describe it, simply won't do. Are they demonic? Are they intelligent, can they be reasoned with? What is the nature of the 'blue goo' he described, and can anything be done to protect against it? And of course a live example would be ideal if it could be arranged. Can you answer any of those questions, or provide me with samples of any part of the beasts?"

The man reluctantly admitted that he could not. "Well then, I will have to go on. If you really think a few second-hand stories will fulfill your mission, you don't have to continue, Vira, and I certainly don't propose trying to drive the things out ourselves, but we should at least see them for ourselves before heading home. Maybe even rescue some of the women, if we can... that would really be perfect. They might be able to tell us more of their habits out of battle, and of course if what this man says is true then it might also solve the problem of capturing one of the beasts alive."
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Aww... You’re married? That’s a shame...” Vira said, teasing the man briefly before going to get Rachel.

After returning and allowing the man relayed his and Vira’s thoughts on the matter to the human woman, the Night Elf listened as Rachel argued back, and Vira found herself shying away slightly as the woman made good point after good point. As reckless and clumsy as she was, she was also right. Even if she had been instructed to avoid unnecessary danger, going back to her master with nothing but more stories, even ones from someone with firsthand experience with the creatures, would be no better than if she had simply repeated the rumors to him after hearing them.

“Yes...y-you’re right, Rachel...” Vira conceded with a light blush on her cheeks, somewhat ashamed of herself. “The least we can do would be to engage in a skirmish with some of these creatures. Capturing a live one would be optimal, yes, especially if they’re intelligent, but even managing to kill one of them would answer a lot of questions. I still don’t think it’s smart for us to go by ourselves, but if none of the village guards could be spared, I would understand,” Vira finished, her last few words directed more at the man in an effort to see if he would either be able to round up a couple of people to support them, or assist himself.