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thetwo Test Thread

Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia frowned down at the two fallen creatures, and with a flick of her wrists she sent the majority of the blood flinging off of her swords and onto the floor. Taking the first piece of clean cloth that she could find, Nadia got the rest of the blood off of her weapons and sheathed them, at the same time replying to Sarah; "Then reserve your strength in case we should truly need it," she paused to smile at the elven mage, "and..... Thank you, Sarah."

The redheaded angel glanced toward the assorted people lying on the beds, seeing if their positioning had changed since the death of Lillith. Her eyes settled upon the fallen angel as well, her gaze momentarily distant. "If you can, use lesser magics to heal yourself fully. More of those sneaky creatures may be about, and they seem quite dangerous when they catch us unawares." She directed the words at Sarah as she attempted to determine which, if any of those around them might still be in possession of their faculties if they could be given a minute or two, and which of them were draining energy from the others.

Name: Nadia
Class: Warrior
Race: Angel
Sex: Female

Body: 62
Mind: 26
Spirit: 40

Hit Points (HP): 62 + 26/2 + 40/2 = 95
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 26 + 62/2 + 40/2 = 77
Spirit Energy (EP): 40 + 20 + 26/2 + 62/2 = 104
Speed: 25 + 8 = 33
Dodge: 66
Armor: 2
Resistance: 39
Perception: 27
Stealth: 23
Grapple: 74

Experience: 50 (spent 38)
Corruption: 68

2x Exceptional (+8 stat points)
Two Weapon Fighter (Attack with two weapons at a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls)
Natural Spirit (Spirit Warrior: Energy Blade, Battle Aura and Energy Wave)
Skill with Bastard Swords (+12 to attack rolls with bastard swords)
Resistant (+8 Resistance)
Quick (+8 Speed)
Greater Energy Pool (+20 Max EP)
Skilled (3 skills)
Grapple Expert (+12 Grapple)

Mutated (Glowing Skin, Fetish, Tight)
Mutated (Multy-Orgasmic, Tight, Whip Tongue)
Sensitive (+4 to pleasure taken)
*Open Soul (+4 EP damage)
*Tainted Bloodline (1.5x corruption)
Fetish: Energy Drain

Mutations: Mutations until Nadia becomes Supernatural: 7/12
*Warped (causes 1/2 corruption)
*Faerie (Resist Cold and Electricity 5)
*Greater Wings (Fly at speed)
*Selective Fertility
Glowing Skin - Your character shines slightly in the dark, making them more visible but granting them light to see by. The character gets +2 to Perception, but a -2 to Stealth.
2x Tight (+2 PP damage during penetrative sex)
Soft Skin (+2 PP during non-oral foreplay)
Skyclad (-2 penalty to non-damage rolls unless naked)
Whip Tongue (+2 PP when giving head)
Multy-Orgasmic (Reset to ½ PP on orgasm)

Whirling Death
Scissor Defense
Quick Draw
Death from the Draw

Spirit Ceiling: 21
Note: All attacks use Body to determine attack rolls in place of Spirit thanks to Bladesinger
-Battle Aura
-Energy Wave
-Energy Blade
-Energy Blast

-Bow: 2d8 + 6 + Body/3 damage, (+64) [2d8 + 27] {100 foot range, 1 shot before reload, reload time 0 rounds}
-Khazidea (Bastard Sword) (+69) [1d12 + 30]
-Phantomfang (Bastard Sword) (+69) [1d12 + 30]
-Attack rolls with weapons: +62 from Body, +2 from knight, -3 from bastard swords, -4 from twf, +12 from skill with bs, total is 69
-Damage with weapons: +31 from Body, +1 from bs, -4 from twf, +2 from knight, total 30
4x Darkhearts
1x Angel's Feather
2x Chameleon Skin
100 denarii

Nadia is the child of an angelic mother and a human father, a non to unusual occurrence for her kind. She young for her kind, barely over twenty years old, and for an immortal, she was woefully inexperienced. As a member of the Fey, and an angel to boot, Nadia was in line to become a being of incredible power, but hadn't got there yet when she first encountered demons. At first, she'd fought them fiercely and with incredible skill for one her age, but eventually, she bit off more than she could chew. She was captured by a group of succubi, who took turns draining her essence. For days, she was subjected to sexual tortures, as the demons worked their dark fantasies upon her, but even as she resisted with all of her iron will, she began to enjoy the feel of her angelic spirit being fed upon by her captors. She never gave in, however, denying her captors the pleasure of breaking her, or bearing any of their sinful spawn, and eventually she was rescued by her kin. Several years later, she still remembered her captivity with a degree of fondness that disturbed her, though she had consciously avoided sexual contact ever since then.

Shortly after combating the demons at Artmirst, Nadia reached her twentieth year, and her powers began to develop in full. Her physical strength began to increase rapidly, and her ability to manipulate her energies began to come in. She still hadn't learned much in the way of controlling it, however, and neither had she yet learned to control outside forces in the form of magic. For the moment, she traveled across the lands, staying largely in the wilderness and among her Fey kindred, looking for ways to test herself so as to improve.

Appearance wise, Nadia is tall for a woman, about six feet in height, and fairly muscular. Her skin was a perfect, white creamy color, and completely unblemished despite her years of combat. Her breasts were impressive, but not overly large, sitting at full C-cups and tipped with tiny pink nipples. Her body was muscular, but she also had an appealingly rounded rear end. Her hair was dark red, and fell in loose curls to her shoulders. Her eyes were a deep sky blue. Her most apparent feature, however, were her pair of white feathered wings, which, while not yet large enough to allow her to fly, were growing extremely well.

She normally wore a simple white robe, slitted at the legs up to her thighs and fairly open at her chest. She kept a bow, which was normally left unstrung at her hip, with a quiver at her other hip. A pair of long swords hung over her back, crossed so that they were easier to draw and didn't interfere with her ability to move. Each had received a flavorful name, and had been gifts from her human father, though they possessed no power of their own as yet.

What happens to her post DG2 is yet to be figured out.
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Re: thetwo Test Thread

A nearby cabinet revealed the clean cloth Nadia had wanted, and enough more already torn into strips to serve as reasonable bindings for most of the people in the place if she decided she needed that. Sarah sat down with her back against the wall while Nadia turned her gaze on the rest of the room.

The first order of business was Lilith. The fallen angel's corpse looked almost peaceful, but under Nadia's enhanced gaze the tale was plain: there wasn't a sign of magic, the woman was well and truly dead.

Looking at the rest of the room, Nadia was immediately reminded that the threat was hardly gone just because the fighting had for the moment stopped. In the far corner of the room there was still a living grabber, fucking two women at once, and apparently oblivious to the combat that had taken place on the other side of the room. That seemed to be the only living invader remaining, at least inside. There had been more when Nadia had first come in, but either they had been close enough to Lilith to take part of the blow or they had slipped out. From her memory of the room before the attack, Nadia thought the former, but she really hadn't had time to get a good look.

Of the rest... none of them looked good. Four women and two men were far removed from the rest in terms of the damage revealed by Nadia's Sight. They were in a clump not far off, and Nadia thought that a bucket of water would probably enough to raise them from their stupor. A day or two of sleep would be needed to really recover, but those at least stood a chance of walking out on their own feet in the near future.

Perhaps a dozen more were completely gone, souls torn from their bodies and starting to actively drain the rest. There was no hope of them regaining their own selves, though they also weren't yet twisted completely to whatever end Lilith had had in mind.

Another twenty were in between. They had suffered enough damage that they wouldn't be simply walking away, not any time soon, but there was still enough left to offer hope of salvation. But for that at least some action would have to be taken immediately. They might last another hour like this, but after a day they would join the second group.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia spared Sarah a glance as she sat against the wall, looking at the elf with some concern for a moment before setting about her survey of the room. They had a few moments to themselves in relative safety, but Nadia kept her eyes out for threats and continuously shot glances at her lover even as she searched about. For a moment, she stood over Lillith's fallen form, staring morosely at her former kin and wondering what the aliens had done to her to cause such a transformation. She had never known fallen angels to follow a master other than themselves, so whatever had enslaved the powerful woman's will to the invading monsters must have been powerful indeed. It only mattered tangentially now anyway, and Nadia leaned down and placed a kiss upon Lillith's head before retrieving one of her feathers, keeping it in a pouch at her side.

That done, Nadia glanced at Sarah to ensure that she was still alright before walking over to the sole remaining alien and chopping the vile thing into chunks. Then, she swept her gaze across the room and sighed heavily. "So many gone.... And for what?" The angel set about her thankless task with a firm scowl on her face and clinical detachment in her mind. There wasn't anything that she could do for those who were too far gone, and their continued existence would only endanger others, particularly those on the brink of suffering the same fate. "Sarah, keep a careful eye out. Some of these people can be saved, but those who are too far gone endanger them. I fear we might not have the time to deal with all of them before some of the invaders waiting outside come to harass, however, and I particularly fear more of those lizards."

Nadia swept slowly across the room, giving a quick and clean death to those who were feeding upon the souls of others, but leaving those who might be able to make a recovery if left alone. Of course, with so much of the alien's slime about, Nadia was prepared in case any of those still salvageable attacked her in a lust drunk haze, calmly bopping them on the head and laying them gently upon the floor or a bed if one was available. The corpses she kicked aside to get them away from those still living, and if any remained passive after Nadia passed them she simply let them be. The red haired angel doubted that any of them would be lucid within the next few minutes, not without being cleaned up a little first, and Nadia simply didn't have the time or attention to spare. Constant glances were sent toward the doors and toward Sarah, making sure that both were clear before Nadia delivered a blow.

All the while, she kept a sharp eye out for anything that might prove to be the source of what ailed these people, wondering how the invaders spread their corruption, or how it might manifest itself. When she had finished with her grisly tasks, Nadia sighed and wiped down her swords once more before stepping over to the hunters. With a far more casual expression, Nadia skinned the ugly things, hoping for some way to reproduce their naturally ability for stealth.

(Acquire loot. Kill only those that can't be saved, knock out anyone that attacks her. Watch the doors and Sarah, and stop if anything dangerous shows up.)
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Coup de grace on the grabber.

Nadia gains 1 Angel Feather
Nadia gains 2 Chameleon Skin

For the attack on Petra so far, Nadia gains 12 XP and Sarah gains 6 ('cause seriously, Nadia did all the work. :p)

Perception: failure

With a single solid black feather in her pouch, Nadia went about the thankless task of putting down the mindless victims of the invaders, easily destroying the remaining alien as it continued its vile assault on the helpless women. Among the others about half a dozen would eventually awake to a bump on the head in addition to their other problems, having turned on Nadia or the other victims, but there wasn't time to be gentle. Most of the others gently pleasured themselves in the absence of their extended assault, but they seemed to be dropping off one by one into sleep of their own accord.

Of the source of the peoples' ailment there was no obvious sign. Their bodies had begun to adapt themselves to their new situation, but Nadia had stepped in before the transformation had been complete, so she found nothing like the darkness she knew stood at the heart of every demon, or indeed the grey heart that many of the invaders possessed. With that idea fresh in her mind, she examined the corpses of the invaders themselves. The grabber had been rather thoroughly destroyed, leaving nothing useful behind. The hunters proved more fruitful, and Nadia came away with two significant pieces of their remarkable hide.

That seemed to be all there was to do in the infirmary, at least for the moment. In the longer term perhaps it could be turned back to its original use, even rehabilitating the remaining victims, but that wasn't going to happen in an afternoon. Sarah seemed to have finished whatever she was doing. She now seemed completely healed, and even a little less tired then before. Outside the infirmary... it was impossible to say. Nothing particularly loud was happening, but any attempt to look outside would have to involve opening a door, as all the windows had been blacked out.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Her grim work finished, Nadia let out a sigh and wiped down her swords once more before sheathing them. "This was once a place of healing.... Why did this have to happen?" Nadia said quietly to herself, her eyes once more set upon the prone figure of the fallen angel. So much taken, and for what? What had the creatures perpetrating this mean to gain? Shaking her head, Nadia pushed the question out of her mind. That was a mystery to be answered at another time, for now she had to make sure that she and Sarah made it out of here in one piece.

Turning to the elven fire mage, Nadia let out another sigh and stepped over to join her. "Are you feeling better Sarah? I'm not sure how much more time we have to spare. Those still alive here might be able to make a recovery from whatever was done to them if we wait long enough, but we would have to clear out the rest of the monsters outside. I... I don't know if I'm strong enough for that, but I'll do what I can. What I'm worried about most are more of those lizard things sneaking up on us. Is there anything you could do to prevent that? Anything that you could do to help me see them better, or maybe help yourself see them so that you could warn me. It wouldn't have to be anything spectacular, and I wouldn't want to tax your strength if you think that it might be needed, but anything that you could do would be appreciated."

(Sarah helped! A little..... I think. Probably. Anyway, ask for a Perception or Body buff, nothing exceptionally powerful but something to keep the damn lizards at bay.)
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Casting(Sarah): success!

Sarah and Nadia each gain a +12 buff to perception.

Perception(Nadia): failure
Perception(Sarah): success!

"Okay, I think I can manage that..." Sarah placed a hand on Nadia's shoulder and a brief feeling of heat filled the angel, leaving behind significantly enhanced vision. The elf removed her hand and muttered a word, blinking several times as she adjusted to her own eyesight.

Before moving on, both women paused to listen. Nadia heard the sounds of the place continuing, though now lacking the sensuous moans that had earlier come from the captured humans and elves. Sarah, however, sensed something more. "They... must have noticed when you stopped that orgy. They were running about pretty much randomly before, but now it sounds like far fewer things are moving, and they're moving in this direction. We can't wait much longer, more must be arriving all the time..."
Re: thetwo Test Thread

"They must have something leading them still, even with the death of Lilith. Come, let us be done with this so that we can move on to helping those that might still be saved," Nadia replied calmly, her eyes set toward the door. She suspected that more than a straightforward battle lay ahead of them, but they couldn't do much to prepare for it besides steel themselves and hope for the best. "Stay behind me, and don't waste your energy unless it's absolutely necessary."

With that, Nadia began to glow softly, her aura extending to grant her increased strength. She was still weakened and exhausted, but the coming battle would require as much strength as the exhausted angel could must. Possibly more, but Nadia hoped that she and Sarah hadn't come this far to fall now. Then, her aura glowing dimly about her nude form, Nadia stepped outside and reached for her blades, resting her hands on their hilts as she checked either side quickly in case more of the hunters were about.

Activate Battle Aura X = 4, and then go outside and look around.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Perception(Nadia): 42
Perception(Sarah): 44

Outside the former infirmary, despite her heightened perceptions, Nadia didn't see any hidden hunters. There were, however, half a dozen of them standing in a huddle in the middle of the street. There were also another four full-sized grabbers, and a pair of nude woman with blank stares and skin that glistened with slime, though none of these were in the huddle. At Nadia's exit, one of the scaly lizards raised its head. Its look of puzzlement quickly faded to alarm, then panic, and it hissed something to its fellows. Then it turned, and started running. The other four each glanced at the glowing angel, and followed the first.

The other invaders, perhaps less intelligent then the Hunters, didn't run. Instead they started advancing on the angel and the elf, the twin girls advancing head-on while the four grabbers came two on either side, spread well out. Nadia could feel Sarah's presence behind her, waiting for some word from the angel before she spent energy on an attack.

95 HP, 77 PP, 48/104 SP;45 Speed, 78 Dodge, 43 Resistance, 39 Perception, +12 attack, +12 melee damage. 2 EP upkeep on Battle Aura.

Sarah: fine, low energy, +perception
Re: thetwo Test Thread

The hunters appeared in plain sight in a huddle directly ahead of the two of them, something that the angel was quite thankful for all things considered. She'd much rather know where the damn things were than not, but of all the things to do upon sighting the angel and Sarah exiting the infirmary, they did the thing that surprised Nadia the most. They turned tail and ran. On the one hand, that meant less enemies for them to fight now, which was good considering the numbers already arrayed against them. On the other hand, that meant that the creatures would be out and about and endangering others, possibly including them.

For a moment, Nadia considered following after them and killing the creatures before they got away. That would leave Sarah defenseless save for her already dwindling magics, however, and that much Nadia simply could not do in this situation. A sudden bout of inspiration brought a blush and a smile to Nadia's face, and she half turned to give the fleeing hunters a view of her toned but still pleasantly round backside as she called out; "Hey! Come back here! You know you want a piece of this!" Only half believing what she was doing, Nadia gave her bottom a loud smack in an effort to taunt the creatures further even though their other foes were quickly closing in. She shot a brief, apologetic look at Sarah before turning back to the hunters who had hopefully at least slowed down a bit and calling; "First one of you lizards to reach me gets a free ride for as long as you can handle it!"

Hopefully that would be enough to pique the creature's interests. Of course, having just killed Lillith, Nadia wouldn't be surprised if the lizards continued to run off. At least she'd tried, and it hadn't cost them anything particularly valuable except time. "Conserve your strength and don't try to take their attention, I can likely handle these cretins on my own. Do as you think best," Nadia whispered to Sarah and then turned back toward their approaching attackers. As an angel, she was honor bound to keep her word. The first of the hunters would receive the ride of their life.... High up into the sky, and only once everything else had been dealt with. She hadn't precisely said when either, she'd simply have to leave them for last. For now, Nadia placed her hands on her swords and waited for their mindless foes to draw near.

20 point defensive fighting, 10 to increase Sarah's dodge (this is allowed normally but I don't think I ever said as much explicitly in the rules) 5 to increase Nadia's dodge, and 5 to increase Nadia's Resistance against hostile effects (this got edited in a while ago.)
Whirling Death (Activated) – The character gets a +8 bonus to their melee damage, attack rolls and AV, but takes 4 points of damage per round that ignores AV. This damage ignores AV. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Let them come to her, Nadia will attack whoever comes to her first with Flurry. Prioritize the Duo if none of the hunters decided to take her up on her offer, otherwise kill a hunter first, but not the first one to reach her. Try to get them to leave Sarah alone, and soak as much attention as possible.

I'd include my numbers and whatnot, but my head is killing me at the moment and I'm sleepy. If you want me to edit them in later, just lemme know in the shoutbox or something.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Attack (Nadia): 6+69-24 = 51 v 30 -> Hit!
Damage(Nadia): 1+31+2 = 34
Attack (Nadia): 5+69-24 = 50 v 30 -> Hit!
Damage(Nadia): 8+31+2 = 41
-> The Duo is killed!
Attack (Nadia): 11+69-24 = 56 v 45
Damage(Nadia): 6+31+2 = 39-4 = 35
Attack (Nadia): 2+69-24 = 47 v 45
Damage(Nadia): 11+31+2 = 44 = 40
-> Greater Grabber 1 is killed!

Casting(Sarah): success!
Attack(Sarah): 1+41 = 42 v 45 -> Miss!

Grapple(GGrabber2): 1+50 = 51 v 83 -> Miss!

Grapple(GGrabber3): 8+50 = 58 v 39 -> Hit!
Grapple(GGrabber4): 6+50 = 56 v 39 -> Hit!

Resistance Damage(GGrabber3): 6,5,5 = 16
Resistance Damage(GGrabber4): 6,4,1 = 11
-> Sarah gains the "Aroused" status.

Nadia's 'offer' to the Hunters was enough to make Sarah blush, but she only smiled in response to the Angel's apologetic look. Unfortunately, that was also about as much reaction as she got out of the hunters. One turned and slowed for a moment, but then shook its head and followed its fellows, sprinting away at full speed. They were almost to the gate already.

The others advanced all at once, the duo and two grabbers looking to reach Nadia at the same moment, just as the remaining two grabbers reached Sarah. Nadia wasn't worried about herself as much as she was about the other woman, even considering her additional opponent. Her twin swords moved in a deadly dance, striking down the pair of blank-eyed women as they started to smile seductively at her, fatally cutting off the mental attack she could feel building from them. Next up came the grabber on her right, its thick hide barely giving any resistance to the bastard swords as it died. She did her best to get her blades between Sarah and the grabbers advancing on the woman, but nevertheless ended up separated from her friend as she dodged her own third attacker.

Sarah had less luck. The intercession of Nadia's blade bought her a few seconds despite not actually connecting with the advancing grabbers, but being attacked from both sides was clearly enough to panic the nude elf. She threw a sphere of white-hot flame at one, missed, and backed right into the other. Its tentacles writhed instantly around her limbs, and she barely had time to gasp at the sudden flood of aphrodisiacs through her skin before the second one was wrapping slime-dripping tentacles around her midriff, and both were advancing tentacles towards her exposed pussy and ass. The incredibly potent slime, already coating her breasts, thighs, arms, and stomach, went to work quickly. And the panicked squeak that had come as she backed into the first one turned into a desperate moan of arousal in seconds.

91/95 HP, 77 PP, 46/104 SP;45 Speed, 78 Dodge, 43 Resistance, 39 Perception

Sarah: low energy, grappled (2x), Aroused

1 Greater Grabber, attacking Nadia
2 Greater Grabbers, grappling Sarah
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Re: thetwo Test Thread

The hunters hadn't bought her offer, which was only slightly disappointing and not particularly surprising, but at the moment Nadia had a number of other more important things to worry about. Firstly, she had laid waste to the two women and one of the grabbers that had come for her, which also came as little surprise to the angel. Unfortunately, Sarah had panicked when pressed from both sides and was now wrapped in the tendrils of two of the slimy abominations, which was unacceptable. Strangely, she could see her lover becoming aroused by the vile creatures, but she didn't have the time or energy to consider that at the moment while they were still surrounded and under attack. The hunters were getting away, but she couldn't very well leave Sarah to be raped by these creatures, and she might be able to deal with all three at once if she hit them hard enough.

Taking her blades and turning, Nadia swung both swords in a cross in front of her, being careful not to hit Sarah as she chopped with both of her heavy blades into the slimy tentacle monster that had initially grabbed her elven lover. After that, she spun to her right and swung her right hand blade in a diagonal chop, her sword starting around her left thigh and curving up until it had passed her right shoulder, the swing chopping into the other one that had wound its tentacles around Sarah. Not waiting to see if she'd killed either of the monsters, Nadia turned and swung upwards with her left hand blade and tried to chop the last of the ones that had attacked her in half along the middle. If all went according to plan, Nadia would have killed all three of her remaining attackers and would be free to follow after the hunters. Though they were already near the gateway of the tiny village, Nadia hoped that she might be able to catch up to them before all of them could escape.

I think you forgot the 4 damage Nadia should have taken last turn. If she benefited from its effects in that turn, which I'm pretty sure she did, she should have lost HP. Also, you said hunters moved in to attack, I thought that all the hunters were running away while a duo and four grabbers of indeterminate age moved in to distract us.

Keeping Whirling death active (+8 bonus to melee damage, attack rolls, and AV but takes 4 points of damage per round)
Using Flurry (take 4 attacks, but all attacks are made at a -12 penalty to attack rolls and take a -6 penalty to damage)
Also using 20 points of defensive fighting to increase Nadia's dodge, just cuz.

Attack rolls for all four attacks: 69 (base) + 12 (Battle Aura) + 8 (WD) - 12 (Flurry) - 20 = +57 to each attack according to the sheet I have on record.
Damage rolls for all four attacks: 30 (base) + 12 (Battle Aura) + 8 (WD) - 6 (Flurry) = 1d12 + 44 damage per hit. So yeah, they're probably gonna die.

Nadia's relevant defensive stats: 66 + 12 + 20 = 98 Dodge, 27 + 12 = 39 Perception, 39 + 4 = 43 Resistance, and 2 Armor.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Attack(Nadia): 13+57 = 70 v 45 -> Hit!
damage(Nadia): 10+44 = 54-4 = 50
->Greater Grabber3 is killed!
Attack(Nadia): 17+57 = 74 v 45 -> Hit!
damage(Nadia): 9+44 = 53-4 = 49
->Greater Grabber3 is *extra* killed!
Attack(Nadia): 18+57 = 75 v 45 -> Hit!
damage(Nadia): 3+44 = 47-4 = 43
Attack(Nadia): 5+57 = 62 v 45 -> Hit!
damage(Nadia): 11+44 = 55-4 = 51
->Greater Grabber2 is killed!

Grapple check (Sarah v GGrabber4): 15+3 = 18 v 61 = 50+11 -> GGrabber4 wins!
Sarah is penetrated!

Pleasure damage (Sarah): 8,8,5,3+21 = 45
Pleasure damage (GGrabber4): 6,8,6,1+5 = 26 ->GGrabber4 orgasms

Pregnancy: ???

Resistance damage (Sarah): 5,6,2 = 13

Nadia's twin bastard swords plunged into the first invader that had touched her partner with all the force and fury she could mount. They hardly seemed to find any resistance at all, only the spray of blood showing Nadia that she had struck home as she instantly moved on. One hand guided a blade in a looping path, carefully avoiding Sarah as it darted towards the other creature that had grabbed the elf woman, while the other hand went for the grabber that was even then futilely trying to engage the elf.

It was this second blade that Nadia's eye followed, and so she saw as the beast surged forward at the last second, adding its momentum to that of the cold iron such that the combined forces sliced the beast cleanly in half. Only then did the angel turn to see how she had done on the two beasts assaulting Sarah. The first one, which she had struck twice, was unsurprisingly dead, having very nearly been sliced into four separate pieces. But the other one had been wounded but not fatally, and continued its assault on the already-aroused woman. Sarah's hand glowed for a moment with fire, but then faded to nothing as tentacles suddenly plunged into her mouth, ass, and pussy all at once. They started pushing in and out all at once and with an almost-painful speed. Before Nadia could do anything, the tentacles swelled and poured a flood of sticky white cum into Sarah's body.

The hunters weren't quite out of sight yet, and while their camouflage was making them increasingly difficult to see as they got further away, Nadia's enhanced vision could still pick them out. For the moment.

87/95 HP, 77 PP, 44/104 SP;45 Speed, 78 Dodge, 43 Resistance, 39 Perception

Sarah: grappled, penetrated, aroused, low resistance, low energy, about to cum.

1 Greater Grabber: raping Sarah, critically injured, stunned by orgasm.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

'Damnit!' Nadia thought while she outwardly exclaimed, "Sarah! Vile creature!" It just so happened that she had failed to kill one of the creatures that had been raping her lover, and it had reached climax within her before Nadia could finish it. She watched the thing's tentacle pulsating and pouring its seed into Sarah with a mix of revulsion and somewhat selfish rage, but out of the corner of her eye Nadia noted that the hunters were very nearly out of her range. If she gave them even another moment, they would be gone without a trace, and she and her charges would have to watch over their shoulders for the damned things for years to come.

But, to strike at them would leave Sarah momentarily at the mercy of the tentacled abomination that was still pounding relentlessly into her holes, and that would likely be enough to push her lover into enjoying the act and quite possibly earn her another dose of the thing's seed to boot. Such creatures were inevitably potent, and the idea of her lover being forced to bare another of these monster's spawn was repulsive enough to make it a powerful contest. The angel was torn for a heartbeat, the only amount of time that she could spare before acting one way or the other, and considered her options. A selfish part of her wanted to kill the thing beside her and release Sarah from its grasp before it could do anything more to her, while another part of her thought of all the harm that the escaping lizardmen might cause to her charges. Torn between her own desires and her duty, Nadia remembered the battle that she had just won mere moments ago.

She turned around and focused on the escaping monsters, focusing as much power as she could at once even as a part of her despaired over the choice she'd been forced to make. She only hoped that Sarah would be able to forgive her for making it. An orb of golden light the size of a grapefruit shot out of her hands like a cannonball right into the center of their ranks, hoping to catch all of them as it exploded in a burst of power. She didn't spare more than a moment to survey the effects of her blast before turning back to Sarah and finishing off the slimy thing that was raping her, slashing it into bits with both blades while being as careful as ever not to harm her. Who knew, perhaps it had been too busy recovering from its climax to molest her further?

Energy Burst X = 15, Burst radius 10 feet version, send it into the middle of the hunters and fry as many of them as possible. Preferably all of them. After that, execute the last monster so that we can save the turn.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Attack (Nadia): 67, 83, 79, 77, 78 v 75 -> Nadia hits 5/6 hunters.
Damage (Nadia): (5+3)*15 = 120
-> All five are killed

Casting check (Sarah): Success!
Attack(Sarah): 19+31 = 50 v 45 -> Hit!
Damage(Sarah): 3+8 = 11 (pierce 10 AV)
-> GGrabber4 is killed!

Nadia formed another ball of potent energy, and hurled it at the hunters just on the edge of her range. It was a difficult shot, trying to hit all of a fast-moving group at such a distance and with the camouflage as well, but the Angel's aim was nearly perfect. A ball of grass and dirt vanished in a burst of arcane fire, along with four entire hunters, and more then half of another. The left half. The apparent leader of the group had been a little further ahead then the rest, and managed to dive forward still further. A flicker of movement after the carnage suggested that he had survived, but even Nadia's amazing eyes couldn't follow him. Perhaps he was being more stealthy now, or perhaps before it had just been the others giving him away, or even just that a little extra distance made the difference, but after that final flicker Nadia couldn't spot even a hint of him.

She turned back to Sarah. It had only been a short time, really, while Nadia dealt with the hunters. It probably hadn't felt so short to the violated elf, but then from the way her eyes were rolled and the way her toes were curled, she probably wasn't really aware of much outside her self. Again a glow started about one her hands, and this time the spell didn't fizzle. The burst of fire was small and very nearly missed the creature violating her, but the patch of blackened skin was too much for the critically-injured monster, and it dropped the nude elf to the ground before collapsing entirely.

For a moment, from the way she curled into a ball and whimpered, it seemed as if Sarah were hurt. It quickly became clear that the main tone wasn't pain, but arousal. When she managed to get to her knees, Nadia could see the woman's stiff nipples and even more tellingly the pinkness between her legs, with more then just the tentacle beast's cum dripping from the opening. It was clearly only with considerable effort that she stopped herself from leaping onto the angel, or masturbating on the spot. Her voice shook only slightly. "Is that... all of them?"

A quick glance around the ruins of Petra didn't give a hint of anything alive except for the two women themselves, and the only sounds were from the people left inside the infirmary.

87/95 HP, 77 PP, 29/104 SP;45 Speed, 78 Dodge, 43 Resistance, 39 Perception

Sarah: Low resistance, low energy, low PP, Aroused.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia scowled after the fleeing hunter for a moment, knowing that at least one had survived, but then turned back toward Sarah. Despite her obvious arousal she'd been able to cast a spell to finish off the tentacle creature raping her, and Nadia quickly proceeded over to her to help remove the tentacles from her holes. She remained silent as Sarah curled up into a ball, though Nadia did hold a somewhat disgusted expression on her face as she felt the leftover slime getting into her skin. Nadia allowed Sarah to recover on her own for a moment as she surveyed their surroundings, finding nothing moving around them.

Even so, when her lover regained her knees and asked whether they'd gotten all of them she couldn't find the energy to answer affirmatively. Instead Nadia tiredly replied, "Is it ever all of them?" The red haired angel shook her head slightly and sighed, "I think we're out of danger for now, at least." With that she turned toward Sarah and smiled wryly, noting the woman's continued arousal and saying, "We're back in Petra, and your room is probably nearby.... Got any interesting toys you'd want to try out on me?"
Re: thetwo Test Thread

The elf woman perked up a bit. "Hey, that's right! There have to be some supplies left, and maybe even some of my things!"

It didn't take long to find Sarah's former room, and the pair were fortunate enough not to encounter any further sign of hostile life. The room was no larger then the one Nadia had spent a night in before the invasion, and half of it had been seared by fire. The outer wall had been repaired in a slipshod way, and the intact bed and nightstand had been dragged into the unburned bit, but the ruins of a chest of drawers and a wardrobe stood along side a gaping hole to the next room over as evidence that no effort had been wasted on anything but basic function.

The brown-haired elf moved over to the nighstand and opened the drawer. It was empty. She frowned, but rummaged around in it. There was a small click, and another smaller drawer appeared. She pulled everything out of it, including a small cloth bag that seemed to be full of coins, a few papers, a key, and the oblong object that she handed Nadia with a beet-red blush.

It was about a foot long, about two inches wide at the base, tapering off to a blunt tip, and had round ribs all along its length. It was made of some rubbery material that Nadia didn't recognize, and smelled faintly of Sarah. The nude elf was biting her lip while watching the angel's reaction to the solid red dildo, and Nadia was acutely aware of the effects of the tentacle beasts' aphrodisiac, which the elf seemed to be having trouble shrugging off. "We could, ah, also check the other girls' rooms, or..."
Re: thetwo Test Thread

"Oh my..." Nadia said as she examined the tool that Sarah had produced from her hidden storage compartment, blushing slightly herself as she handled it gingerly. "And I thought you preferred the fairer sex!" the angel said with a giggle as she turned to smirk at her lover, watching her bite her lip in a manner that was blatantly adorable as she examined Nadia's reaction to the tool she'd been handed. A positively devilish smile came over the angel as she looked back at the elf, and with a single swift motion Nadia was upon her, surging forward and pushing her gently onto her back on the bed.

"No, I think this will do nicely!" Nadia said, the signs of her own arousal becoming apparent as she climbed on top of her lover. The crimson haired angel's wings had to cramp somewhat to fit into the room, and she ended up having to remain on her knees on the bed, her bottom raised in the air as she knelt over Sarah and supported herself on one elbow. Not wasting any time on foreplay with the clearly still aroused Sarah, Nadia planted a deep kiss upon her lips before placing her free hand between the woman's legs, the tip of the tool that her lover had provided Nadia with gently parting her nether lips and pressing into her depths.

Nadia gave Sarah a moment to become accommodated to the size and the ridges along the dildo's length, making sure as well that her hand had enough room to keep a decent hold on the scandalous little toy when she began to work it into her lover's body in earnest. That process began shortly after Nadia slid the dildo into her lover's body, though she made sure to start slow and work her way up in speed so as not to overwhelm Sarah too early. She wanted to keep her lover in ecstasy for as long as she possibly could, and make her orgasm until she had forgotten all about the tentacles that had ravished her holes only a short while ago.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

"Well." Sarah's arousal didn't seem to be fading along with the aphrodisiac. In fact, it seemed to be getting worse as she watched the angel handle the phallic tool. "I didn't always have an angel of my own, and they don't seem to make.... 'toys'... that act like-"

The elf cut off as Nadia pushed her onto the bed, and spread her legs wide open as she accepted the kiss. The effect of the toy was electric. Just the tip was enough to make Sarah's back arch, and she repeatedly gasped with pleasure as the angel slowly pushed the tool down her lubricated passage until it was as deep as it would go. Pulling the ridged dildo back out was just too much, and she felt Sarah's entire body tense as she came.

Nadia paused for a moment, but she felt a smaller hand on the hand that held the dildo, gently pushing. She started again, and this time took things even slower. The elf writhed beneath her, unable to contain her pleasure as she was slowly brought towards orgasm, her hands running frantically over Nadia's own body, tweaking the angel's hanging nipples, rubbing at her belly and breasts, gently feeling the base of her wings, and increasingly paying attention to Nadia's own increasingly hot pussy.

Sarah came for a second time, all the more powerfully for the longer buildup, and this time was unable to contain her passion, letting out a scream of release. She was breathing heavily, her breasts almost hypnotic... and with a bead of what seemed to be milk forming at the tip of each one. Her mouth widened in surprise as she realized that the angel wasn't letting her off this easily, as she pushed the naughty toy back into Sarah's body all at once.

Some time later, a panting elf gently pulled Nadia's hand off the dildo after yet another orgasm, and after a brief kiss spun around under the angel. Nadia was treated to the sight of Sarah pulling the dildo out of her pussy with a whimper of arousal, and then the glistening tool disappeared beneath the angel's body, leaving only the thoroughly used snatch itself, still practically dripping with arousal.

Nadia felt the wet tool brush against the slopes of each breast, then trail along her stomach before coming to rest against her pussy. Sarah hadn't ignored the angel while she was being worked with the tool, but the incredible pleasure she had apparently felt had left her efforts somewhat disjoint, and while she had brought the angel to orgasm once, she certainly felt she could use another. The dildo, lubricated by her lover's arousal, rubbed gently up and down Nadia's slit until Sarah could hold back no more, and pushed it all at once into the angel on top of her.

The feeling was incredible, each new ridge bringing with it a shuddering wave of pleasure on top of all the previous ones, and instantly bringing Nadia to her second orgasm. Sarah's legs spread wide, demanding attention, as she continued to work the toy between Nadia's legs, returning the treatment she herself had been given.

With the ridged toy to help, Nadia came twice before her tongue brought Sarah to another release, and finally the elf seemed to be done, tentacles forgotten in favor of her angelic lover. The toy came out slowly, and sarah leaned up to deliver a kiss to Nadia's lower lips before turning again and finding the upper lips. The two women's juices mingled between their lips, and Nadia felt the elf falling asleep.

The angel looked down at Sarah. The elf was sleeping soundly, and by the smile on her lips and continued wetness between her legs was having pleasant dreams. The dildo was sitting between her knees, on the wet patch that had been the inevitable result of so many powerful orgasms from both women. The elf's naked body was enough to keep Nadia aroused, but a closer inspection revealed two minor disturbances. Firstly, Sarah's breasts did seem to have leaked several drops of milk, and upon closer inspection seemed slightly... fuller... then they had before. Secondly, there was the slight bulge in the woman's stomach that suggested that the tentacle beast's rape had been more productive then might have been hoped.

Outside, things seemed still. The only movement Nadia saw was what seemed to be a wolf on the other side of the wall. It was too far and gone too soon to say if it was normal or twisted, as the ones she had seen in the forest, but either way it probably meant there weren't many people around.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia let out a pleased moan as Sarah's hands once more explored her body. They never had had the opportunity for a private session together like this, where they could go for as long as they wanted to. The angel wanted to make it count, and as such she pulled away from the kiss to nibble on Sarah's neck as she pushed the ribbed dildo into Sarah's pussy for the first time with some help from the elf. The feeling of her lover shuddering beneath her after everything they had gone through together that night was incredibly satisfying to Nadia, even more so than the attentions that Sarah began to lavish upon her sensitive parts, as much as she enjoyed those.

Spotting the two droplets of liquid on top of her lover's breasts caused Nadia to smirk slightly, and she claimed Sarah's mouth in a brief but powerful kiss, her tongue diving into Sarah's mouth and assaulting her lover's inside of her mouth. When she broke from that kiss, Nadia's mouth immediately descended upon the tip of Sarah's breast and started suckling firmly, moaning as the sweet taste of the elf's mother's milk filled her mouth. She drank from Sarah's breast eagerly but only briefly as she continued to pump the tool into her lover's depths, eventually switching to the other and doing the same. Back and forth she went, sucking on each breast in turn as her lover came over and over, her own body swiftly heating up from Sarah's attentions and the delicious display of the elf's naked body beneath her.

When it came time for the angel's turn on the impressive tool, Nadia was shuddering with anticipation before Sarah had even brushed it against her heaving breasts. The single orgasm that Nadia had had from Sarah's attentions while the dildo had been plunging into the elf's pussy had only made her more aroused, and Nadia bit her lip and moaned softly as she felt the toy brushing against the creamy skin of her taught stomach. More soft gasps and moans came forth from the crimson haired angel's lips as that tool, coated in Sarah's arousal and the leftovers of the semen that the alien creature had pumped into her, teased against her dripping folds. Though she was the one on top, Nadia's legs parted and exposed her sex fully to Sarah as the brief teasing continued, becoming almost unbearable to the highly aroused angel.

When the ribbed dildo finally pushed into her folds, Nadia's deep blue eyes rolled up into the back of her head as she suffered through an instantaneous orgasm, a primal scream of passion escaping her mouth as her body shook and shuddered under the potent waves of pleasure that wracked through her. Sarah's face, located as it was beneath her sex, was quickly coated in Nadia's dirty juices as the angel came, and her folds clung so tightly to the tool embedded inside of her that Sarah found it almost impossible to move for a few seconds. As soon as she came down from her climax Nadia's mouth descended upon Sarah's pussy and wrapped around her clit, which she began to suck upon and lick rapidly as her moans of pleasure continued to escape from her. Though she put all of her effort into pleasing Sarah, Nadia's tongue was no match for the tool pushing into her sex, each thrust of which felt almost like an orgasm in and of itself, and twice more Nadia shuddered under Sarah's attentions with it before she could bring her lover to orgasm.

When the elf turned around beneath her and kissed the still twitching angel, Nadia moaned one last time and returned the embrace passionately. Though she was physically and emotionally exhausted herself, Nadia looked down at her sleeping lover for a long while. She was pregnant with another tentacle spawn, and her breasts had grown somewhat which might be signs of further mutation due to their vile influence. The only danger she'd spotted so far had been a wolf, and though she knew it was hardly the best of plans Nadia felt herself slowly drifting off to sleep. One of the hunters had escaped her wrath, but hopefully it wouldn't cause them any more trouble. Somehow, Nadia doubted that, but even so she allowed herself to close her eyes and go to sleep while lying beside Sarah. Hopefully, she would awaken before they could suffer any serious harm if they were disturbed.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia awoke before dawn, fully rested and somewhat to her surprise unmolested. A glance out the window at the remains of Petra showed no difference from the previous night. A small group of deer were grazing at what once must have been a garden, which suggested that even the wolf was gone. And there was an even more welcome sight - Gods-Reach, obscured by clouds for the past several days - was visible through a break in the cover. There was no ominously large thing hovering over the city, and while Nadia could see damage to buildings even from Petra, there were soft lights glowing in many windows rather then the uncontrolled fires she may have half expected.

The elf still slept soundly on the bed, her naked body having rolled onto the warm spot the angel had left behind. She seemed to be having a dream, and by the smile on her lips it was a pleasant one.