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Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Re: Finding Paradise (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar

NPC Stats:
Krig: HP = ??/46, PP = ??/47, EP = ??/121, Status = ??

Unsurprisingly, the light metal wrapped around her neck proved unmovable no matter how hard Tamonten tugged at it, and a very unpleasant tingling sensation that started in that area and gradually began to spread up towards her head and down the rest of her body encouraged her to stop perhaps a little more quickly than she might have normally, particularly when she ended up scratching herself and drawing blood. When she stood up and moved over to the bars, she found that the rest of the hallway in her cell block was deserted, though she heard the faint sounds of breathing from somewhere nearby, the sound noticeably not originating from her cell-mate. Checking the bars for weak links, she found that most of it was fairly sturdy save for a section almost opposite the door that wobbled just slightly when she shook it. The wall was considerably more solid, mortar and brick fitting together perfectly and provided no points that she might be able to smash through.

Finally, Tamonten tried the door. More specifically, she tried kicking the crystals growing from the lock. The things proved to be quite sharp, unfortunately, and she ended up opening a jagged cut along the bottom of her foot for her efforts. Her attack hadn't gone in vain, however, as a chunk of the crystal broke off and fell to the floor, the break causing a loud cracking noise and the falling piece of crystal a light clink. The crystal on the floor dissolved before Tamonten's eyes in a matter of seconds, and at the same time the full crystal formation repaired itself until it looked as good as new, the blood from the wound on her foot vanishing into it as if it were being absorbed.

The noises caused her cell-mate to awaken, as she heard him stir and groan softly behind. If she turned about, Tamonten would see a pair of dimly glowing violet eyes shining out from under the man's long, matted hair. For a moment the battered man was both still and silent, an expression that Tamonten could have sworn was disbelief on his face, and then, in an oddly familiar voice, he began to laugh aloud. The sound was pained and mirthless, interrupted by occasional coughs and choking noises, but it went on for a surprisingly long time before the man leaned his head back against the wall and sighed, his body otherwise completely limp. He gasped in breath for a moment, the effort of laughter apparently taking a great deal out of him, and then said; "It figures.... And I thought that my day couldn't get any worse..."

He paused to let out another bark of laughter that turned into a cough before continuing, "Beaten by a lowly wretch.... Dragged off in disgrace... Only for my incompetent men to be slaughtered.... And to end up captured by that winged lunatic... All of my strength stolen before I could even try to defend myself.... And now, to top it all off.... I'm stuck in a cell with the damned woman who caused all of it.... Damnit!" Varthic's face was anguished and enraged, and his hands balled into fists where they rested on the floor, but he couldn't seem to be able to move enough to take out his rage on her if that was any consolation for Tamonten.
Re: Finding Paradise (Hafnium)

Her efforts, all combined, earned the possessed girl a bleeding foot and neck, and little of value. The bars carried some slight hope. Not as much hope as a loose brick would have held, as breaking through a weak spot in the bars only meant escaping deeper into the prison. Still, she might be able to work them loose enough over time that, when an opportunity presented itself, she could break free and make a mad dash for freedom. That wouldn't help her then, of course, as she didn't even have the slightest clue about the layout of the building she was in or who held her captive. But, if she timed it just right...

A groan from her cellmate interrupted her train of thought. She turned to keep an eye on him if only for her own safety. He looked beaten and battered enough that he shouldn't pose any threat to her but it was hard to say what might be left of his mind. It was even harder to say how long he had been in the cell. And it was impossible to feel safe about being a naked woman locked into a room with a naked stranger no matter how strong she might have been--her time with the hellhounds helped to grow that sense of vulnerability. Tamonten felt all the wiser for her decision as he began to laugh that mirthless laugh. Oh great, he's insane.

And then he spoke. Varthic spoke. At first, as crazy as it might have seemed to her if she really gave it the thought, the swordswoman felt pity for the demon prince. It was pity that showed on her face. He looked so beaten and broken. As much as she had disliked his methods and attitude, she didn't think he deserved the treatment he had received, and it really did sadden her that his men had been slain. She wasn't taxed by feeling that way for too long. The beaten man did a spectacular job of erasing any sense of empathy the pale girl might have had for him in record time as he continued talking. By the time he had finished, Tamonten had fixed him with a baleful stare.

"Gods, why couldn't they have just killed me?" She spat the question before turning around to wiggle the loose bars, trying to work them ever looser so that they would be primed and ready for an eventual escape attempt. The swordswoman was past patience and at least a mile down the road of bitterness and anger. "Anything but having to listen to you." The pale woman gave a quick glance around for guards every so often as she continued to work at the wobbly section, although her attempted subtlety in her work didn't stop her from berating Varthic. "Did it ever occur to you to say who you were working for before asking for a surrender? You realize that with all the rapists roaming around a group of women might not want to give themselves up to just any old demonic asshole and his pet giants, right?"

"It is a real shame about your men. I'd rather be stuck in a cell with one of them. At least Pano or the one who took command when I knocked you out might have been smart enough to realize that this hasn't exactly been a ideal day for me either." She gave one of the bars a few more ferocious shakes, almost as if she was trying to throttle it as a substitute for the demon prince. "Speaking of that, I see you're still throwing around words like wretch. I should have administered a higher dose of that particular cure, 'cause you've still got a bad affliction." Tamonten pulled away from her efforts with a frustrated growl and sat herself in the corner farthest away from the demonic man, not sure what to do with herself at that point in time and too infuriated to think of anything else.

Engage in the pettiest of squabbling! Try to loosen the bars for a bit (not so much that they actually pop free, though), then give up in frustration and sit in the corner for a bit!

Stats (unarmed, naked): 66 Grapple, 62 Dodge, 33 Resistance, 0 Armor, 26 Perception, 14 Stealth

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a (Damage Done/8)*Monster DC Resistance check against her. If they fail once, they can't attack that round. If they fail a second time they surrender or flee. Additionally, on a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 16 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 4 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 12) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey or a plant. She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (20 and 20 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul).
Re: Finding Paradise (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar

NPC Stats:
Krig: HP = ??/46, PP = ??/47, EP = ??/121, Status = ??

Varthic laughed mirthlessly at Tamonten's spoken preference for death rather than listening to him any longer while she wiggled the two loose bars, not making too much progress at weakening them further but not seeing any signs of guards either. "Would it really have made a difference to a human which lord we were working for? And it was that idiot Pano that grabbed your friend before we could speak, and you who attacked him for it! " he snapped back when she spoke of how he might have handled the situation better.

"Even were you not directly responsible for me being here, I still wouldn't care about how your day went, wench!" he then spat at her angrily. "And that idiot Pano's still alive too! He's in the next-" Varthic began, but was cut off by the sound of the big man's cheerful voice sounding from the cell to the left of the one that Tamonten was in; "Varthic! Who's that with you in there huh?"

"Cell...." Varthic groaned weakly, "Just when I was free of him for a few minutes.... Damnit..." Pano, despite likely being in similar straights to Varthic at the moment, still managed to sound both happy and excited as he said; "Is that Betty's friend? Hi Betty's friend! I know you were mean before, but now we're in prison! And there's a wall in the way, so you can't be mean and hit me with long hard things anymore!" Varthic groaned again, but Pano continued as if he hadn't heard; "We were captured Betty's-Friend! Varthic says it's your fault, but-" the next words were spoken in a whisper, "I think he's just being grumpy!"

Varthic, apparently having had quite enough of this, spoke aloud; "I'm not being grumpy Pano, but we're TRAPPED IN GOD DAMN-" The demon prince's words, having risen to a shout, suddenly went silent as a loud bang was heard from down the hall, Pano going completely silent as well. A brighter source of light than the pale white glow that illuminated most of the dungeon flickered against the floor, and a large misshapen figure stood in the path of that light, casting a warped shadow along the prison floor. After a moment the sound of footsteps could be heard, loud thumps coming in uneven intervals as if their originator had a limp.

Both Pano and Varthic went silent, and if she glanced at the demon prince from her corner Tamonten would see that he was trying to appear as if he were unconscious. Before she could try to do the same, however, a being with the most putrid visage of anything that she'd ever seen on a humanoid creature came into view. It was about eight feet tall, but one of its legs was about a foot shorter than the other while also being about three times as thick. Walking half bent with a lump the size of a troll's chest growing off of its back, meaty tendrils exuding a thick green slime writhing from seemingly random points on its body, and with two arms that were both unnaturally long and ending in hands that looked like they'd been stretched both length-wise and width-wise as if they were made of rubber before being stitched onto the ends, with fingers that ended in claws longer than Tamonten's middle fingers extended from each one save for the index fingers.

The very worst part, however, was the thing's face. It was as if the creator of this creature had taken a troll's head made of wax, melted half of it until it drooped down, plucked out the eye on the good side and replaced it with a fist-sized black gem that had blood constantly leaking out of it, and then taken the mouth and filled it with shark's teeth. A single tuft of scraggly orange and green hair sprung upwards at the top of its head, but other than that the creature was hairless. Most of its ruddy skin was covered by a stretched, stiffened leather garments that had numerous cuts and burns, save for its face, its hands, and the massive hump coming off of its back. From its left hand hung a lantern, but inside of the brass and glass casing was only darkness, pitch darkness through which Tamonten's eyes could not see.

In its other hand was a ring of keys, and when he saw that the possessed swordswoman was awake he unlocked the cell and gestured to her as it spoke in a low, gurgling voice; "You! Come.... Now! Out of cell!"
Re: Finding Paradise (Hafnium)

Sulking in the corner proved to be a poor choice. By the time she realized the game that Varthic, and possibly Pano, were playing at in their sudden, and relieving, silence, the less-than-photogenic jailer had spotted her. The manacled swordswoman spared a withering glare at Varthic. "You look like a whipped dog now, O' Prince," she muttered beneath her breath before rising to her feet and turning toward her newest and perhaps most unpleasant conversational partner.

Tamonten did her best to maintain what dignity she could, given the circumstances. With blood already on her neck and foot, the manacles upon her arm and throat, and full nudity it was hard to look like much more than a caged animal. The pale girl briefly attempted to fold her wings over her front in order to hide herself from the creature who had come to fetch her, but had no luck in that. Whether it was because of her inability or because they had been chained, the frustrated woman couldn't even determine. If only she had learned to use her new appendages before coming to Artmirst, she wouldn't even be in the cell.

Striding toward the jailer, she briefly considered striking him in the face and fleeing. It looked like it could take a bit more abuse without anyone noticing overly much. While her fists balled a few times, the possessed girl never followed through on that urge. It was taller than her, had claws at least three inches long, and probably out and out stronger than her. She had no idea where she might run to in order to escape from it. It was best to get the lay of the land first, see who or what she was dealing with, then weigh her options for escape. Don't be so rash, she told herself. That was what had landed her in the situation. Everything from her choice to travel into Artmirst without truly proper preparation to the battle plans she followed, she blamed the disaster on them and the demon in equal parts now.

Briefly, she tried to recall some saying her father had. Some pithy words or tidbit of wisdom that he would bestow upon her each morning. She couldn't. Tamonten could only remember his face. Almost leathery features due to years in the sun with a cleanly trimmed beard and sharp blue eyes that he seemed to be able to see through her with. How hard had it been to keep secrets from him because of his paternal stare? All except the one that mattered. He would know what to do, he would have been able to fight his way out of the prison without issue. But not Tamonten, she had never been as skilled as him, nor as strong--a shortfall she felt more than ever in the damp, dreary surroundings she had been placed in. The days spent training in swordsmanship under him might have been her happiest time, save perhaps that morning in the flowerbed with Krig. As she tried to peer into the pitch-black lantern, she missed him, and she missed Kringlicsly.

She sniffled a few times before looking the man-like thing in the eyes, or, perhaps, eye. "Take me where you will," she forced herself to say through a waning voice, trying to sound much more sure than she was. "I'll not be here long, one way or the other." I've got to be strong. This isn't the end for me.

Accompany yon Igor.

Welcome to the Hotel Fallen Angel.

Such a lovely place.
Not a lovely face.

Stats (unarmed, naked): 66 Grapple, 62 Dodge, 33 Resistance, 0 Armor, 26 Perception, 14 Stealth

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a (Damage Done/8)*Monster DC Resistance check against her. If they fail once, they can't attack that round. If they fail a second time they surrender or flee. Additionally, on a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 16 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 4 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 12) PP damage if her opponent is a faerie, plant, kitsune, has fox ears, a fox tail, violet hair, is Krig, is engaging in bondage, or energy drain is involved, . She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (20 and 20 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul).
Re: Finding Paradise (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar

NPC Stats:
Krig: HP = ??/46, PP = ??/47, EP = ??/121, Status = ??

The abominable creature licked its lips and turned around, the tendrils on its back waving and dripping slime onto the floor as it strolled back towards the doro from which it had come, visible to Tamonten now that she was out of her cell. It didn't seem worried about Tamonten following it, though if she glanced behind she would see that the opposite wall was solid stone with no door. There were numerous other cells along the walls, but the thing didn't stop in front of any of them until it had almost reached the door. Suddenly, it halted and spun, a single tendril flicking out and inserting a key into the lock, quickly turning it and then yanking the door open. "You!" the creature cried, and a whimpering voice answered as Tamonten spotted a woman crouched in the corner next to a cot similar to the one she'd woken up on. "Nnn... Guh..... Get.... Over here! NOW!"

The woman whimpered and tried to push herself farther from the monstrous man despite already being about as deep into the corner as she could realistically get. It didn't ask twice. A tentacle reached out, stretching far more than should have been possible, and wrapped around the poor woman's ankle. She let out a piercing scream as she was dragged towards the thing, scrambling to hold onto something to keep herself from being pulled toward it, but her actions were in vain. She was pulled, kicking and screaming across the floor until a few more tendrils wrapped around her and lifted her up, pressing her against the lump on the creature's back. By then Tamonten had a chance to get a better look at her, her green skin and red hair marking her as an orc, and powerful muscles rippled as she tried to squirm free.

The monster took no further notice of her, not that Tamonten could see, and she was free to intervene if she so desired, but if she chose not to she would see the woman's struggles rapidly dying off. After only a few moments, she would see the orc go still, her eyes distant as her struggles halted completely even though there was no obvious sign that she'd been injured. Her eyes glazed over, and it became fairly clear that the slime that leaked from the monstrous man's tentacles was poisonous somehow. Slamming the cell door shut, it turned and headed for the door again, passing through it and closing it with a tentacle after Tamonten had followed him through.

They came forth into what had likely once been a room designated for guards to wait when this prison had been held by humans, as a cheap wooden table was sitting in the center of the room, surrounded by a half dozen chairs. Half of those chairs were occupied by people who could have passed for human if they didn't possess demonic features similar to Tamonten's own, clad in black leather armor, swords belted at their hips and rifles sitting against the wall beside the door. They glanced up at Tamonten's escort, then at her, and then returned to the card game that they were playing immediately. The abomination payed them no heed, heading towards one of the two other doors in the room, the one on the right. Passing into a long stone hallway, the man-thing led her past several more doors on the right before turning left and entering another rickety wooden door.

Inside was a fairly large chamber, dark save for a very bright white light shining down onto a table in the center of the room. On that table, clearly illuminated by the bright light, was a woman bound with leather straps. She was on her belly, naked, her legs spread slightly so that her womanhood was on full display. The woman herself was of an athletic build but with fairly wide hips, and Tamonten could see deep dark scales present on her back and thighs. She possessed a long, reptilian tail that was pulled up high and held over her back by yet more leather straps. There were red marks along her back, thighs and bottom, as if someone had been whipping her, and her eyes were wide, her pupils dilated.

Standing beside the table on which the woman was bound was another figure, a woman of exceptional figure clad in a pure white robe, with pitch black wings that were held closely against her back. A long plait of black and white hair hung down her back, streaks coming evenly and forming long stripes, and as Tamonten and her guide stepped inside she would turn about to glance at them. Her front was as intoxicatingly lovely as her back, almost hypnotic to the possessed swordswoman as she felt her urges rising despite any resistance that she might try to put up against it. It wasn't enough to turn her into a drooling idiot, however, and it wasn't distracting enough to keep her from noticing that the abominable jailer apparently lacked her willpower, as he was holding as still as a statue and drooling onto the floor. The fallen angel strode forward her with long, swift strides, and it would be then that Tamonten realized that she was at least seven and a half feet tall.

Coming to stand before the creature, she cooed; "Excellent work my sweet~ You always find the ones that try to hide when I ask for them~ Such a good boy!" Coddled into the winged woman's bosom, the creature shivered with pleasure and moaned in a fairly disturbingly sexual manner. The fallen angel cuddled with the creature for a full minute, ignoring Tamonten completely unless she attempted to get away or to attack one of them. "Such a good boy~" she repeated, but then pulled away and placed a hand on her hip, "Why don't you go and get yourselves a treat in the kitchens while mommy finishes up?" The creature nodded, dropped the limp orc woman onto the ground, and then thumped out of the room, leaving Tamonten alone with the strange woman, who promptly turned toward her and gazed upon the warrior with eyes as black as the night.

"So, you're the one who killed fully half of my collectors, and denied me two great prizes! Do you have a name?" she said while wiping a hand across her chest, the monstrous creature's drool disappearing at the same time.
Re: Finding Paradise (Hafnium)

The pale girl followed in silence. She told herself again and again that temporary cooperation was necessary in order to better secure her escape, that she needed to have an idea of where she might flee to in order to flee at all. It was all she could do to not at least try to make a run for it. And it all still felt very unpleasant. The words, while sounding rational and well in her head, did little to make her feel less angry and helpless.

They certainly did nothing as the jailer made a stop to pull an orc woman kicking and screaming out of her cell. It would easily be the most difficult part of her feigned cooperation. The swordswoman wanted to attack the thing, to save the woman from her fate, but at the same time she knew she could give no lasting help. At best, she told herself, she would temporarily save the woman only to likely be defeated by the beastly creature, then both would be dragged off. That thought, in turn, set off a cascade in her mind. Was she really so weak that she couldn't even risk helping such a terrified woman? Was it true that she couldn't do anything, or was that just the doubt that her defeat and subsequent shaming by the hellhounds had put into her? Was she simply afraid that if she tried to take arms again, it might happen again?

It made the few seconds between the screaming orc being pulled from her cell and finally going limp feel like an eternity. And by the time it was over, Tamonten had to focus both to unclench her fists and to try to stop her pale arm from trembling worse than its counterpart. The thought that the other woman had suffered so that she could learn more about what the abomination could did nothing to calm her anger at herself.

She resumed following in silence. The pale girl did her best to continue learning more about her surroundings, but after the orc her mind kept drifting to thoughts of revenge. The jailer, the guards, and the building, she would see them all put to the torch after the prisoners were freed. She would find out who ran the place and deliver their justice by hand, she promised herself. That soothed her slightly.

Upon being delivered into the chamber, the manacled girl's desire for vengeance only grew. To not only keep prisoners but to torture and shame them so, the denizens of the prison were nothing short of despicable in her eyes. Tamonten used the feelings of disgust and anger as a shield, hefting them both in an effort to endure whatever ordeals might await her at the hands of the master of the chamber. It turned out that while they both might be well and fine for that, neither were enough to shield her from the unexpected pangs of her loins as the white-robed woman turned in her direction. As much as it further angered her, she lusted for the fallen angel.

The fairly disturbing scene between the woman and her abomination did at least offer Tamonten some time to cope with the sudden feelings of desire. The black-winged angel was beautiful, perhaps more so physically than anybody that the swordswoman had ever seen, but at the same time she was ugly. It was unlike with Krig, who was simply beautiful, this woman's beauty could be further described--surreal and dangerous came to mind. There was something wrong about her. It wasn't just unnatural, looking at her was like finding a perfectly rounded apple only to find it infested with worms. And then it struck the possessed girl: the angel's heart was as black as her wings. The thought helped to steel her resolve.

It didn't occur to the collared warrior until the woman turned toward her that she had spent an escape opportunity trying to guard herself against the woman's looks. Good gods, I really am weak. The pale girl wouldn't let it show, though. "Tamonten," she replied plainly, without hesitation. "And from what I've seen, you didn't deserve to even look upon either of the women you would so callously deem as prizes." She met the woman's gaze and stared defiantly as she continued. It might not have been the wisest move when dealing with any humanoid in the demon-infested ruins, but even if she had known that she wouldn't have cared at the time. The manacled woman might have complied physically but she would never even pretend to like such a black-souled woman, even if her traitorous body had no such compunctions. "I ask you now: free those you keep imprisoned, seek redemption, and all will be forgiven. Otherwise, I will make bringing you to justice my mission in life."

Threaten a fallen angel while armed with nothing but a birthday suit.

Stats (unarmed, naked): 66 Grapple, 62 Dodge, 33 Resistance, 0 Armor, 26 Perception, 14 Stealth

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a (Damage Done/8)*Monster DC Resistance check against her. If they fail once, they can't attack that round. If they fail a second time they surrender or flee. Additionally, on a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 16 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 4 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 12) PP damage if her opponent is a faerie, plant, kitsune, has fox ears, a fox tail, violet hair, is Krig, is engaging in bondage, or energy drain is involved, . She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (20 and 20 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul).
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Re: Finding Paradise (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar

NPC Stats:
Krig: HP = ??/46, PP = ??/47, EP = ??/121, Status = ??

The fallen angel, perhaps unsurprisingly, was not impressed by Tamonten's statement regarding her lack of worth, nor by her "offer." She laughed, a high, rich sound that rolled from her as smoothly as spiced wine but tasted to Tamonten's ears like rotting meat bathed in crude oil. "You sound like one of my pure kin! How ironic given your appearance and your... Passenger." When Tamonten met her gaze, the fallen angel smiled and tilted back slightly, pushing her now cleaned chest forward as she raised one hand over her increasingly pronounced bosom and up to her face, where she licked one of her fingers in an alluring manner as her eyes flashed with power. Tamonten felt her eyes drawn to the display, and if you tried to look away they were drawn instead to the ample cleavage on display courtesy of the angel's low cut robe. Even lower were the woman's hips, shifted slightly to the side so that her garb pressed against the mound at the crux of her legs. The only place that Tamonten could look that wouldn't bring up a traitorous response in her body was away from the woman, it seemed, though whether the warrior was willing to do as much was up to Tamonten herself.

"Worthiness is a subjective matter, so I will not argue it with you. I doubt that a warrior like you would respond well to logical coercion anyway," she said suddenly, regardless of Tamonten's reaction to her display. Assuming a more relaxed pose and thus abandoning her arousing one, the fallen angel also adopted a more professional tone of voice as she delivered her name; "I am Elawdrin, but you may call me Ela when we are in a non-professional setting and Mistress when we are working together." She paused, and a smile that was very nearly manic came over her features, "I can tell already that you're going to give me trouble, Tamonten... But I can tell something else about you too."

The woman approached Tamonten, closing the distance between them in only two strides whilst showing off a great deal of the smooth, creamy skin of her shapely leg in the process. Looking down at Tamonten as they stood face to face, the woman bent forward slightly and whispered her next statement, "You're afraid...."

She let the words sink in for a moment, a vicious smile on her face, before straightening and adopting a conversational tone, "But there's simply no need for that! If you're cooperative, even you can become a very important part of my program! Even if a kitsune and an angel slipped out of my fingers because of your play at heroism, the frankly unique aspects of your physiology offer numerous possibilities all their own! But first, I suppose I ought to explain a few things to you~"

She settled back, restoring Tamonten's personal space if she hadn't stepped back on her own already, and then continued; "Firstly, I should probably tell you about the program! That will make explaining your role in it that much easier~ Come, follow me!" She reached out and placed an index finger under Tamonten's chin, her wings sweeping the air as she turned and backed towards the table, leading Tamonten like that unless she attempted to pull away. When they reached the table, Ela continued; "I am here in Artmirst to find... Unique... Individuals, like you! And combine their bloodlines in order to create a superior being! Evan, the little dear, was my first prototype, but I've made many improvements on the design since then. You may have robbed me of both kitsune and angel blood to add into the pool, so your own contributions will have to do.... For now.

"You see, you should have come to me with a litter of hellhounds to replace the ones that you killed already growing inside of you. There is nothing wrong with my breed, of course, and they filled you to the brim, so it must have been you who had something going wrong. A cursory examination revealed that you were, indeed fertile, but.... There was another reason that you did not conceive by my little dogs~" The black winged angel smiled mischievously at Tamonten, forcing her to wait in suspense for a moment before continuing; "You are already pregnant! And with a little kitsune too~ So, you've no idea the kind of luck that you falling into my lap really is! Sadly, the pregnancy of the fluffy-tailed-immortals is not accelerated even with one so drastically corrupted as yourself, so I'll have to wait the full nine months, but after she's born and allowed to develop a bit, I'm sure that I'll be able to find a way to accelerate the process. In the meantime, you can help me by impregnating some of my other subjects so as to pass on your own unique brand of strength. If you do as I ask, then you and your child will be free to go once I've taken what little I need from you, I give you my word. So!"

She clapped her hands, but then dropped her smile suddenly, her gaze becoming incredibly dangerous. "If you prove difficult, I will simply abort the fetus and give you to my little puppies until you've tripled their numbers. By then you'll have broken to the point that you'd do whatever I told you to. The hunt for the father and the angel that she flew away with continues, and they might even come to me looking for you, so don't think that I wouldn't do as such in order to protect my investment. If you wish your unborn child to live, then you will cooperate with me to the best of your abilities. Do you understand me?"
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Re: Finding Paradise (Hafnium)

Her heart is blacker than her wings, she mentally amended as her host began to speak. As much as it annoyed her, her anger did nothing to shield herself from the lust of simply looking at the angel. Even knowing what a cruel and evil being that she was dealing with, the swordswoman would have surely shown her arousal easily if she had still been connected enough with her demon to summon its more lewd power. This, too, was different from the attraction she had to Krig. With the foxgirl, she fantasized about gentle scenarios -- unless it was something being done to the pale girl herself -- but right then she wanted nothing more than to fuck the evil woman into the ground. She ended up averting her eyes, unable to truly fix them on her tormentor's own.

That only lasted until the fallen angel was mere steps from her before she turned to defiantly meet the woman's eyes again. Tamonten listened in silence, enraged silence. The more the woman talked, the more her stomach churned in disgust. That such an evil being could commit such atrocities anywhere and go unstopped was beyond her ability to stand. Her fury built as she was led toward the table, where the bound woman laid, and once more she began to use it as a shield. Whatever the angel had planned, the manacled girl would give her no satisfaction. If the black-winged monster thought that tormenting the warrior about all that she lost to the hellhounds would shake her, Tamonten would prove her wrong.

But that impetuousness was robbed from her at the news that she was pregnant. She felt scared, at first, and then... happy. A little part of Krig was inside her. Her subconscious betrayed her emotions as her hands roamed to her belly. In nine months she might deliver Kringlicsly's child. She could imagine the life they might share. The swordswoman feeding the babe with her kitsune lover beside her. She could see the child of their love slowly growing up, playing with his or her parents. Tamonten might even teach him or her swordsmanship, as her own father had taught her. Happiness.

But the angel kept talking and that image slowly changed. There was nothing happy in her imagination by the time Elawdrein had finished. She saw herself giving birth, only to desperately try to fight off Evan as the abomination took the baby to its wicked mistress. The pale girl imagined her child being forced to do everything she had done to secure his or her safety and then being locked away naked and in chains like an animal. Even if the evil angel was true to her word, Tamonten's child, the result of Krig's love for her, would have still suffered through it all. The shaking warrior began to tear up again. I'm sorry, she thought, directed equally to Krig and her unborn babe, but her choice was already made.

"You're right about a few things," the pale girl finally replied, her voice trembling. "I'm terrified." Tamonten took a deep breath. As she exhaled, however, her mouth formed into a mirthless little smile. "But lady, I have had an evil tree -- who was more trustworthy than you, by the way -- give me a better offer. And that was while I was looking at the entrails of an angel." A wave of courage washed over her, the angel had already taken everything from her, what more could she do? She seized the momentum and said as much. "You have already taken everything from me. And now you expect that I should smile and nod and rape and impregnate women against their will in order for my child to be born into much the same foul conditions, so that you can make another abomination..."

"Damn right I'm going to give you trouble, you bitch!" In a flash, Tamonten balled her fist and took a wild swing at the angel, trying to strike her directly in the face. If it accomplished nothing else, it would at least make her feel better.

Punch the sociopath angel! This can't possibly go poorly!

1x Unarmed Attack
Attack: 66
Damage: 1d8 + 36

Stats (unarmed, naked): 66 Grapple, 62 Dodge, 33 Resistance, 0 Armor, 26 Perception, 14 Stealth

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a (Damage Done/8)*Monster DC Resistance check against her. If they fail once, they can't attack that round. If they fail a second time they surrender or flee. Additionally, on a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 16 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 4 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 12) PP damage if her opponent is a faerie, plant, kitsune, has fox ears, a fox tail, violet hair, is Krig, is engaging in bondage, or energy drain is involved, . She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (20 and 20 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul).
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Re: Finding Paradise (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 1/64, Status = Low on Energy, Sealing Collar, Charmed, Pregnant

NPC Stats:
Krig: HP = ??/46, PP = ??/47, EP = ??/121, Status = ??

Attack (Tamonten) : Hit.
Damage: 1 + 36 - 8 = 29 damage.

Attack: Hit.
Resistance (Tamonten) : Enemy wins. Tamonten has been charmed!

"An evil tree?" the fallen angel asked somewhat incredulously. She appeared as if she wanted to ask more, but abandoned her curiosity as Tamonten stated that she had already taken everything from the swordswoman, at which she balked. "Everything? You still have your-" *Wham*

She'd been cut off by Tamonten's statement, and then by the blow that the captive swordswoman struck against her. Tamonten had hit her square in the face hard enough to make her rock back a step and turn her face to the side. And, for one long moment, the fallen angel was both silent and utterly still, her eyes wide and a red mark that would likely form a bruise on her cheek where Tamonten had punched her. Whether she was stunned by the blow itself or by Tamonten's willingness to strike her, Elawdrin neither moved nor made a sound until, suddenly, she tilted her head back toward Tamonten and smiled. "Thank you sir, may I have another?" she said sardonically, and then her eyes flashed a brilliant blazing orange, like staring into two flaming hearts.

That was the only warning that Tamonten had before the mental assault by the angel with a black heart began. There was a moment in which she might have tried to fight it, but as utterly unprepared for it as she was Tamonten couldn't even sally a proper resistance before she felt Elawdrin's will worming around in her head. The sensation was distinctly unpleasant, but she couldn't do anything to stop or prevent it as the very first thing that the black winged angel did was take away her ability to move. Left paralyzed on the spot, Tamonten couldn't even try to throw another punch as she felt her searching for something.... And then she found it, and everything that Tamonten had ever felt for Krig, she suddenly felt for the fallen angel standing in front of her. It was as if the emotions had simply been copied, overwriting the seething hatred that Tamonten rationally knew that she ought to feel for this woman, but before she could process that properly and reassert her true feelings the logical part of her was simply shut down completely.

What was left was when Elawdrin's influence pulled out of her mind was animalistic lust and blind affection, and it was in that state that Tamonten found herself once more able to move. "Now that that's out of the way, I believe that there are some things that you've been wanting to do to me ever since you laid eyes on me!" she said with a bright smile, and then stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Tamonten, practically bending the pale swordswoman over backwards as her lips pressed against Tamonten's so hard that it almost hurt. Tamonten felt Elawdrin's hands roaming up and down her back, one ending at the back of her head and entangling itself into her milky white hair and pulling her harder into the kiss while the other found its way to her bottom and groped her there.

After a moment they briefly separated just long enough for the fallen angel to rip off her robe, exposing a body sculpted from some heavenly material the likes of which Tamonten's slightly fuzzy mind only recalled seeing once before in a state that made her feel ill rather than aroused. All seven feet of soft, creamy skin and flawlessly formed curves moved back to Tamonten then, colliding with her hard enough to knock her back a step and into the table in a parody of the punch that had preceded the events. Another moment of their conjoined lips, their tongues wrestling between their mouths, and Tamonten felt herself suddenly lifted up and plopped onto the table, her legs forcefully parted by her heavenly partner as she stepped in and once more resumed the kiss.

This time their oral embrace was extremely short, however, as Elawdrin suddenly dipped down Tamonten's body, a brief pause in which she sucked on one of the pale swordswoman's puffy nipples before the angel was on her knees, her face right next to Tamonten's flower. She looked up at Tamonten as if she were asking permission for a split second, the pleading gaze in her bright orange eyes fantastically arousing, and then dove forward as she placed one hand on Tamonten's thigh and the other on her belly. Spreading her legs apart and pushing Tamonten backwards slightly, Elawdrin closed her eyes and moaned softly as she brought her mouth to the spellbound warrior's nether lips and gave them a soft kiss. She felt the angel's tongue flick out against her folds a second later, and the first pulse of pleasure was also accompanied by the increasingly familiar sensation of her soul's essence being drained. Dark tendrils stretched out from the fallen angel's black soul, wrapping around Tamonten's split one and threatening to devour it completely even as the addictive ecstasy of being fed upon pounded through her senses.

Elawdrin started off slow, rolling her tongue in circles around Tamonten's petals and lapping up her love honey for a few moments and getting her fully aroused before her tongue slipped into the swordswoman's sex. Impossibly long and as agile as one of Evan's tentacles, with the added aid of the flow of Tamonten's spirit to guide her to her sweet spots, pure ecstasy was quick to come and slow to depart as the fallen angel hungrily ate the swordswoman out. Occasional soft moans left the angel's mouth, the soft vibrations of her lips adding stimulation to her clitoris while her tongue ceaselessly writhed against Tamonten's inner walls. A powerful orgasm began building within her, the knot of pressure in her abdomen slowly expanding as the fallen angel alternated between stimulating her most sensitive places and slowly circling around them like a predator circling its prey, the brief pauses only forcing her body to yearn for more. And more it did receive, as Elawdrin suddenly pulled back a moment later only to seal her lips over Tamonten's clitty.

The light suction that the angel applied was one thing, pleasurable but bearable, but when Elawdrin started flicking her tongue rapidly in quick bursts interspaced with slow circles around its hood Tamonten found out how much pleasure the fallen angel really could provide. Within moments Tamonten was pushed into a shuddering climax, titanic waves of pleasure hammering through her mind and forcing her muscles to spasm wildly as the sensation overload caused her brain to send seemingly random signals all over her body. The angel's hungry tendrils tore into her exposed soul like ravenous piranha, threatening to utterly consume her as the feasted upon her energies until there was almost nothing left before turning upon the very core of her being, violating Tamonten even in the very depths of her soul.

When she came down from her climax, Tamonten was exhausted to the point that she could barely keep her eyes open, but as she recovered the fallen angel turned out to be not quite done with her yet. Pulling her mouth off of Tamonten's clitoris, she gave it another kiss and then slowly slide back... Only for Tamonten's sensitive nub to slowly expand outwards until a fully sized cock was jutting out of her, iron hard and twitching as if it had just spurted up everything that it had. Elawdrin gave the tip of her cock a sensual kiss before taking it into her mouth and rolling that horribly wonderful tongue over the sensitive dome. "So big even though it was your body reacting to my magic! Wonderful~" she said as she pulled off and licked it from base to tip and back several times, until a droplet of precum appeared on the head. When she spotted that, Elawdrin took the tip into her mouth and licked it all over again, one hand lightly grasping Tamonten's rod around the base and giving it a few slow strokes before, with a soft moan and an audible pop, the fallen angel pulled her mouth off and away from the swordswoman's conjured manhood completely. Throughout all of that, Tamonten had felt a lessened sense of being drained, as if Elawdrin was holding back from draining her dry and knocking her out.

The fallen angel rose to her feet, and Tamonten caught sight of her soft folds at the meeting point of her shapely legs, puffy and damp with arousal. It wasn't on top of Tamonten that Elawdrin climbed, however but rather next to her, and she gently took the exhausted warrior's head and tilted it towards the bound dragoness. "Awww, I've gone and exhausted you early! I'm sorry dear~ Why don't you go and fill up on her? She has plenty of energy for you to feed on while you pound into her, and you can cum inside her as much as you want! Don't worry, I won't get jealous, I'm going to milk ten times as much out of you as she is anyway~" Elawdrin said softly, and Tamonten saw the bound woman shudder and squirm as the foul woman's words drifted over to her.

"I even got her nice and ready for you before you arrived!" she stated, and for a moment a strange, troubled sensation rose in Tamonten's mind before it was squashed by a wave of arousal. The scaled woman's tail was raised by her bonds, both of her holes exposed for Tamonten to see that her own juices were flowing well enough that a trail of them were running slowly down her legs, and she was on her knees on the table in a perfect position for the swordswoman to take her however she wanted. If she hesitated for another moment, Elawdrin would encourage her by saying; "Go on, go get her! She's all for you! Go ahead and pound her until you've drained out all of her energy and she's so full of your cum that her belly gets round~"
Re: Finding Paradise (Hafnium)

(I can not apologize enough for this. Thankfully, most of it is reaction!)

The pale human stood still in the aftermath of her own punch, expecting some sort of immediate reprisal. Whatever the reason behind the unmoving angel, Tamonten was surprised enough by her lack of counterattack to pause for a moment herself. She shook herself out of it as quickly as she could, seeing the woman's lack of motion as an opportunity. The manacled girl cocked her fist back for another punch, ready to see things through to the end since she had been given the chance. It didn't quite pan out.

Her knuckles had been moving toward Elawdrin when the target of her aggression turned. The swordswoman recoiled from the mental assault, stopping mid-attack and clutching at her own head. She clenched her eyes shut but it was too late, she could still see the blazing orange without even looking at the fallen angel. "Get out!" Tamonten cried. She would have repeated it many more times, but muscle control was robbed from her. Without the ability to move or even scream, she stood frozen in helpless terror as the black-hearted woman rooted around in her head.

The first thing to go was her disgust at the angel's crimes, it was replaced with love. The sudden switch left the paralyzed warrior dizzy as she tried to come to terms with it. One didn't simply forget what had been said and done to them over the course of the prior day. At the same time, she was sure, despite everything that had been inflicted upon her body, her pride, and her dignity, that Elawdrin was one of the best things to have ever happened to her. She loved Ela but she didn't. She could never love something like the corrupted being who had asked her to rape other captives in return for her unborn child's safety. Never.

When the woman simply shut down her logical brain, however, she found that never wasn't as long as it had once been. It felt as if a candle had been blown out. Everything was dark and fuzzy. It was hard to think past her sudden overwhelming devotion and love for Elawdrin--no, 'Mistress' was more accurate, they were in a professional setting, after all. The only other things she could truly think about were her instincts, needs, and desires; hunger, thirst, sleep, and lust, and the first three were by no means pressing.

Tamonten began to panic. She couldn't remember why she had hit her mistress, simply that she had. No longer was she afraid of the punishment the fallen angel might inflict on her. Instead, she was scared that Elawdrin might never forgive her. After all, all she wanted in life was for her mistress to have as much love for her as she did for her mistress. That's not right. A little voice spoke up. It was blissfully easy to ignore when the tall angel forcefully yanked her into a kiss, no matter how rough it was. She felt so happy as the woman's hands explored her body. The love of her life had forgiven her and obviously loved her too, she thought. Perhaps it was merciful that her inner voice was easy to ignore, that way she didn't have to know what a twisted mockery the kiss was of her actual love.

As Ela exposed her smooth, flawless skin, the swordswoman's heart raced. By the time she had been seated on the table her breathing was excited and shallow. Little force was necessary to part her legs as the kiss resumed, though whatever excess the other woman used went without protest. The possessed girl herself closed her eyes and found her lust-filled mind still coherent enough to wonder how they would pleasure each other. In the end, Tamonten had no preferences as long as she could be with her mistress. Just to remain in her embrace, caressing her soft skin and pressing against her lips would be paradise. It wouldn't.

Her low expectations combined with her heightened lust made the angel's ensuing descent toward her nethers all the more exciting. Her heart felt ready to beat its way out of her chest as her mistress made that dizzying descent--dizzying for the swordswoman. She leaned back, propping her hands against the table for support as Ela's tongue circled around the stiff nub of her nipple. The small wave of pleasure and the feel of that twisted soul which she loved for... she couldn't tell why, connecting with her own elicited a whimper in anticipation. As the fallen angel sunk to her sex and gave a short look up at her, Tamonten felt ready to faint. It's not love.

The lick against her already wet folds joined their souls, that Elawdrin could feed off of the warrior's vulnerable soul. With only adoration for the angelic beauty, it didn't alarm her as it should have. In her state of mind, the possessed girl could think of nothing better to show her love than to share her spirit's very essence with her mistress. That the feel of her soul being drained away induced ecstasy as much as the angel's lips and tongue did was a bonus.

Her energy drained in massive quantities as the angel inflicted her expert touch on Tamonten's crotch. She threw her head back, eyes clenched shut, and moaned her appreciation at her mistress's techniques. The long tongue writhing against her inner walls sent sparks of pleasure through her core, even as her partner's twisted soul hungrily consumed large chunks of her own. Her release seemed closer and closer, leaping forward with each movement of the tongue lodged in her depths. Her energy poured away, being eaten faster than her warped body could replace it, and she didn't care in the least. Even the annoying little voice went away underneath Elawdrin's attentions.

The teasing and testing only made the coming release feel stronger, until it was a tidal wave that felt ready to sweep Tamonten right out of the waking world. She teetered on the edge of impending climax as the angel turned her attention to her clit. "Mistress," she whimpered. Then she felt the rapid flicking of the woman's tongue, combined with the suction, and her eyes went wide. "Ah! Mistress!" She screamed in ecstasy as that one last push sent her plummeting off of the edge. The orgasming swordswoman pushed her hips toward the source of the pleasure as she found her climactic release. The pale girl arched her back as waves of mind-numbing bliss crashed against her lithe body. She spasmed and twitched and, before it was all said and done, collapsed onto her back as her eyes rolled upward from being at the receiving end of the succubus angel's expertise. The continuing consumption of her soul only made it all the more satisfying.

She was so tired, though. Her eyelids were heavy. Even the continued twitches and spasms of her body in the throes of the aftermath were unable to rouse the pale girl from her drowsiness. Even as exhausted as Tamonten was, she still managed to mewl with pleasure as Elawdrin continued to lavish attention on her groin. She gasped in pleasant surprise as the fallen angel continued by extracting a cock from her loins, bringing it to full size. The warrior's greatest torment then was the difficult struggle to remain awake from the continued drain of her energy in order to enjoy the body-wracking pleasure of her mistress's affections on her newly grown appendage.

Through it all, she remained conscious. The sight of her partner rising up, her sex on display, making the trial worth it. Her heart felt ready to pound out of her chest. The swordswoman would be allowed to penetrate the woman she thought she loved. Yet, when she was denied that opportunity, the little voice in her head rejoiced. Thank the gods. She ignored it again, letting out a disappointed whine as she was robbed of her opportunity to bury her cock in the perfect angel's folds.

Her head tilted to the side easily to look at the dragonkin. The spike of arousal that washed over her felt so wrong, but it was there. And her supernatural lust was there, too. It did not take much urging from her mistress before she was on her way, especially once she had confirmed that there would be no jealousy. Your real love would have been jealous. She made her way, slowly but surely from the exhaustion, toward the exotic, tailed woman. Halfway to her goal, her legs froze. Don't do it. You'll regret it for the rest of your life.

The feeling of guilt and wrongness was getting really annoying. This was a gift from the woman she loved the most. It was an appealing one, at that. The world might have been a more enjoyable place if it looked more like the scene in front of her. Women's backsides up in the air and presented to her to sate her lust, men on their backs and ready for her. Without inhibitions or the means to sort her darkest desires from what she knew was right, there was nothing to stop her from acting on the former. Nothing except that nagging feeling which wouldn't go away, which wouldn't let her advance.

But her mistress's further encouragement gave her the strength to ignore it. It even allowed her to ignore the feeling of dread and defeat as she took up behind the lizard-tailed woman. "All for me..." she muttered as she took her rod in her pale hand and lined herself up. Tamonten grabbed at the woman's soft ass with her manacled limb, roughly groping the flesh and holding her as she sunk the first few inches of her new cock inside the other woman's cunny. Both hands grabbed at the woman's fleshy cheeks once she was sufficiently inside. The swordswoman, despite her feelings of guilt, exulted in the feeling of sinking herself deep within the dragoness. A sigh escaped her lips that lasted until she had hilted in her helpless partner, followed by a small moan as she felt her own soul beginning to wrap with the other woman's.

There was no romance. The possessed girl was no better than the hounds who had abused her, charmed as she was by Elawdrin's magic. She was driven by lust made worse by the feeling of wet warmth gripped around her shaft and by an insatiable hunger to replace the energy ripped away from her. As soon as she was comfortable, she began to rock her hips back and forth. The only measure in her movements was what was inflicted on her by her exhaustion. The only reason she made any effort to pleasure the scaled woman with her thrusts was because it afforded her the opportunity to consume more energy. As she began to steal away more and more of her partner's spirit, only the latter remained.

Tamonten graduated to pistoning the woman's sex. Her concern for her bound victim's pleasure still remaining entirely in its ability to help her sate her pressing hunger faster. The only conscious goal she worked toward by rutting the dragonkin was her own release. That was achieved before too long, thanks to the fallen angel's teasing. She hadn't kept track of the time, or anything else, before her new appendage began to throb dangerously inside the other woman's depths. Without warning, she rammed herself home. Her hands formed a death grip on the other woman's backside as the waves of pleasure rocked through the warrior's body. She could feel each twitch as she delivered wave after wave of cum inside the helpless dragoness. After her body expended itself, she leaned on the scaled woman for support as she panted and recovered, never removing her slowly softening cock from her partner.

Another feeling of defeat combated a feeling of contentedness for her focus when her wits had returned to her -- though only slightly, given the effect of the charm -- but neither would receive it. Tamonten's mind went right back to her hunger and lust and all the dark desires, which she had nursed but never acted out, which now found freedom without ration to contain them. She grabbed the dragonkin's hips and began to saw herself in and out of the woman's pussy, causing her length to rapidly return to its iron hard state. Each pump displaced some of her seed, causing it to dribble out in thick strands, droplets hitting the table beneath them as the thick liquid dripped down in strands. It didn't matter, she would replace it.

The swordswoman ignored the little voice in her head completely as she pushed on. She pulled her pale limb back from the dragoness's hip and laid an openhanded slap across her ass as she mercilessly fucked the helpless woman. The tightening caused by the sudden jolt of pain sent the pale girl over the edge again. Tamonten gave a satisfied grunt as she filled her partner's womb with her seed for a second time. The possessed girl didn't stop there. In the aftermath of her second orgasm with her cock, she leaned forward as she recovered to grope and tease the bound woman's breasts.

It continued like that. The swordswoman spanked and groped and teased. She grabbed the woman's hips and rocked the helpless dragoness against her. The warrior had no count of how many times she had inseminated the dragonkin, for her own pleasure and with little coercion required from the cruel mistress of the prison. She may have never inflicted the kind of pain on the reptilian woman that the angel had, but she was anything but kind. Her unnamed and unwilling partner received all of the urges that Tamonten had so frequently repressed, with no care or concern for her comfort. For the warrior, at least, there would be no forgetting or forgiving herself when the control wore off.

The last time was perhaps the kindest and the most wrong of them all. It was sparked by fuzzy memories. Rather than enacting her dark urges, she leaned forward and lovingly caressed her partner's back from around the woman's tail. Her hands wandered as she used the intake of her partner's soul to determine what rhythm granted the draconic being the most pleasure. The pale girl's hands found the scaled woman's soft orbs and gently groped and tweaked at the nipples, like a lover rather than an wild animal rutting. Over time, she readjusted. Her pale hand roamed to the woman's clit, rubbing a circle over the sensitive nub. The manacled warrior's blackened hand wrapped around her waist and touched at her stomach, as Tamonten couldn't maneuver herself directly over the bound woman's back for the tail in the way. Her mouth gently kissed at the small of the dragoness's back.

She continued this reenacted memory of gentleness until the dragonkin was nearing her peak, and then leaned back, continuing to thrust at the other woman's pace rather than her own. But it was as her unknown partner came to her finish and gave up the last dregs of her energy that Tamonten gave one last dark display of dominance. She grabbed the woman's hair and pulled her head up. With one last thrust, the warrior finished inside the lizard-tailed female one last time, giving a final loud groan in triumph as her last load joined all the others inside her partner's belly.

When she had finished and recovered, she let go of the woman's hair, allowing her to fall however her bonds would hold her. The swordswoman slid herself free, allowing a stream of cum to escape the dragoness. Her body was covered in a sheen of sweat and her crotch was covered in a cocktail of juices, but she was brimming with stolen energy. Despite that, a sudden wave of confusion and complete and utter defeat set upon her such that she simply stood still after her time with the dragon-like woman had come to an end. The object of her affection was none too far away but she couldn't even focus on her mistress. Tamonten only stood there confused and unsure of what to do next, the feeling of dread churning in her stomach.

What have you done?
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

NPC Stats:
Krig: HP = ??/46, PP = ??/47, EP = ??/121, Status = ??

The bound dragoness snapped to attention as Tamonten came up behind her, letting out a startled grunt and shaking for some reason that her shattered mind couldn't quite puzzle out. "Nnn.... No! Don't!" she whimpered pathetically, trying and failing to pull away from Tamonten as the spellbound warrior pressed the tip of her magically grown cock against her petals. "Fight it! Fight her! Please! Don't do this!" There was no point in her words, as the tiny voice in Tamonten's mind proved insufficient to the task of breaking her away from the fallen angel's control. Helpless, the dragon woman could do nothing but squirm and whimper as Tamonten groped at her firm, shapely rear, offered so pleasantly to her courtesy of her mistress.

"No.... No.... Nononono..... Nooooo!!!" she cried as the swordswoman slipped her cock into the squealing woman's sex, and she felt a soft barrier part and break in her path as she slowly slid into her unwilling partner's flower. The first hungry tendrils of Tamonten's spirit found the dragoness both incredibly powerful and incredibly tasty, gobbling up tiny portions of her essence and restoring the pale swordswomen's own battered soul. Still exhausted, Tamonten nonetheless noticed the slight trickle of red coating her cock when she first pulled back, but other than the subdued voice of her conscience there was no drive to think on it beyond as a curiosity. "Good work my pet~ I'm sure we'll be having many sessions just like this one in the future!" the Mistress said from beside her, and gave Tamonten a light pat on her bottom in order to encourage her.

Not that Tamonten needed it. The flow of energy coming from the squealing and squirming dragoness rapidly replenished her, allowing her to rut into the poor creature as viciously as she wanted, and though she had been a virgin only moments ago the blue-scaled woman proved quite resilient. She was still struggling when the first dangerous throbs of Tamonten's cock signaled her impending release, and her eyes widened as she cried out once again; "No! Ngh.... Please stop this! Please! Hah..... Not inside me! Nnnnnn.... Don't.... Don't cum inside!" There was no mercy to be offered by Tamonten, her primal instincts and her desire to please the horrible creature that had forced her to do this combining to overwhelm what little control she still had over herself, and that request went unheeded. The dragoness screamed in horror and frustration as the first thick streams of sperm poured into her waiting depths, but then she went silent and still.

Even as the swordswoman took up her tempo once again, her victim was as still and silent as stone, the only sensation that she could feel their coupling at all the continued flow of her essence out of her being, feeding Tamonten to the point that she was at full strength and beyond. Strands of her seed were forced out of the abused woman's pussy as Tamonten went for round two, and her puppeteer reached down and scooped some of it up in between her fingers and brought them up to her mouth. "Mmmmm~ Delicious! You two combined tastes wonderful!" she said, and then started walking around the table in order to see the show from every angle.

The wild rutting continued for a long while, Tamonten wasn't sure how long, but she did know that she came inside of the blue-scaled woman four more times, and that the other woman didn't even cum once in turn, though she gave up plenty of her energies even so. Elawdrein was constantly present, egging the pale swordswoman on with words and the occasional touch, every embrace bringing a sense of joy that would later be sickening to her when she came back to herself. Only when Tamonten adopted a more measured pace, shifting her angle in order to provide maximum pleasure to her did the bound woman's stony facade break. She let out a moan before she could stop herself, and weakly whimpered; "N... No.... Don't...."

Exhausted as Tamonten had been when she started raping her, the dragonkin could do nothing to prevent it as Tamonten began hammering into her at a more measured pace, one meant to provide maximum pleasure and guided by the flawless aim provided by the draining of her very essence. The more gentle teasing of her soft orbs was met with a light squeal and a sudden tensing of the dragon woman's sex, which had long ago loosened in the face of the abuse laid upon it by the mind-controlled warrior. When the swordswoman went for her clitoris, she found it engorged and exposed, an easy target, and rhythmic pulses of her soul came flooding out of her with every flick of Tamonten's fingers against that tiny sensitive nub of flesh, and she whimpered in pleasure as a result. "Hnn.... No... Stop... Don't.... Don't touch me there... I'll....."

She bit off her next words in order to stifle a moan, but Tamonten recognized the signs as her partner began to tighten and pulsate around her shaft, and despite her resistance and continued whimpering the woman's hips began to push back weakly against Tamonten's thrusts. "Ooooo~ It looks like she's going to cum soon! I knew her will couldn't hold out forever!" Elawdrin gleefully said from the sidelines, practically hopping up and down with glee. "Keep going, make her first time memorable~"

That much seemed fairly certain, though it was likely not going to be in the way that the fallen angel meant it. Regardless, Tamonten didn't have to wait long before she brought the dragoness to her first and only orgasm. "No... S..Stop! Don't! No more! Please Stoppppp!!! I can't.... No... I won't... Won't.... Gonna.... Gonna.... Cum!!! Don't make me cum! Noooo...... Don't.... Pleasssss-Ahhhhhh!!!!" her will broke, and a wave of her juices mixed with the swordswoman's semen sprayed out around Tamonten's cock as her sex tightened and quivered invitingly, an invitation that Tamonten took eagerly and immediately as she unleashed one last burst of cum into the abused and now conquered dragoness. Her last display of dominance only made the woman cum all the harder, finally unleashing the moan that she had been trying so hard to contain until then as Tamonten tugged on her hair and forced her to tighten around her cock. She passed out before Tamonten had fully emptied herself, but her bonds prevented her from slumping over despite the fact that she had suddenly become limp.

Tamonten was not given long to recover, however, before Elawdrin was upon her, as the fallen angel jumped excitedly and pulled Tamonten to the side of the table once more. "Excellent work Tamonten! You'll make a wonderful breeder once you're properly broken in, but for now... Mistress will reward you for your efforts!" she said, and then the grin on her face became a lustful one as she pushed Tamonten onto her back and straddled her. Lashes of invisible force came forth and wrapped around Tamonten's wrists, pulling them up above her head and binding her to the table as securely as the dragoness that she had just been forced to rape by the very woman straddling her. For a moment, Tamonten thought that she might be about to start riding her then and there, but unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) she was denied that pleasure as the black-hearted woman once more trailed down until her head was level with Tamonten's cock.

"Heeheehee.... Maybe next time you'll earn all of me~ But for now, you'll have to make do with this!" she said, and then took Tamonten's magically granted rod into her mouth, slowly licking off the accrued fluids as she made her way down, and the energies that Tamonten herself had taken from the dragoness started slowly leaking out of her. Of course, Elawdrin was no more merciful than Tamonten had been to her partner, and the dark angel was nothing if not efficient. Once she reached the base, taking everything that Tamonten had to offer as if it were nothing, she started to bob up and down at an ever increasing rate. Surges of pleasure brought on by her oral attentions were joined by the now familiar pleasure of her "Mistress" feeding upon her soul, and when Tamonten came into Elawdrin's mouth only moments after she had started it was almost enough to make her black out, leaving her drained and exhausted once more. The angel didn't stop feeding this time, however, the dark tendrils of her hungry spirit reaching deeper and deeper into the swordswoman's vulnerable soul, and it was the very core of her being was pierced and feasted upon that Tamonten finally blacked out, accompanied in the end by a sense of horrible violation.


There was no telling how long she had been out. The inside of the windowless prison was as dark as it had been when last she had awoke within its walls, the passage of time marked by nothing that she could see. Her head ached horribly, and the magical effects of the fallen angel's fiery gaze had gone, leaving her with the shame of her own deeds. It took her a moment to realize that she was moving, or more accurately being carried, over the pounding in her head, and another moment to realize what she was being carried by. Evan the Abomination, his lopsided gaze set straight ahead and his horrid, clawed hands curled gently around her form in order to offer her a full cradle of support. He was carrying her back into her cell block, his mouth closed and his warm breath wafting from his flaring nostrils onto her, keeping her warm despite the chill air and her own nudity. It wasn't long before she was back on her cot, having been placed there by the hideous creature with a great deal of care and then covered with a ratty blanket before he turned and waddled out of the room, once more leaving a trail of drool as he passed out of sight, one tentacle coming forth and closing the door.

Her muscles started responding to her call a few moments later, and she was able to move enough to see Varthic still lying against the wall, naked and apparently asleep. The cell block was silent save for the dragging steps and raspy breath of Elawdrin's servant, until a bang followed shortly by another and accompanied by a wave of darkness signaled his departure from their chamber, leaving Tamonten seemingly alone with Varthic.

(Tamonten gains 2 exp and another mutation, bringing her up to Supernatural.)
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

What have I done?

It had echoed in her head from the time she had finished with the dragoness until she had passed out and now it was her wake-up call. It had meant less when she was still under the effect of the angel's gaze, then it had been nothing more than a set of words with some meaning long forgotten. As Evan carried her back to her cell, it was an all-consuming question. It burned at the swordswoman's very soul. It caused her to forget the disgust she held for the thing carrying her, too busy trying to part the haze in her head and remember what had transpired.

Being set down did little for her headache. It was worse than the one she had nursed from her hangover not long prior--and that headache was given relief by waking up in a cuddle pile of loved ones, this had no such saving grace. But, left mostly alone and in the dark, it could not hold back the horrible memories for long, even though after the fact the pale girl sorely wished it had been able to. Of course, it wouldn't have mattered even if the pounding of her brain had kept it all away; in the windowless cell that might be her home until Elawdrin was finished with her, she would have all the time in the world to remember everything she had taken and lost and plenty of time after that to despair.

She had raped another prisoner. Not just raped, she had deflowered and possibly impregnated the helpless dragoness. The thought left her with just enough limb strength to curl up into a little ball. Where had her great proclamation been then? Where was her resistance? There were pangs in her chest that felt similar to heartbreak. But she hadn't wanted to, Tamonten told herself as some last defense mechanism. Yet, as much as she told herself that, she couldn't hold the memories of the pleasure she had felt at bay either.

Raping the dragonkin and the attentions she received from the foul angel felt no different in raw pleasure than her time with Krig and the fae had. And the cries and denials of the lizard-like woman, they had been... exciting. Exciting. They had only made her feel more savage and excited. Was that something she truly was? She raised her blackened hand, bringing it close to her face in order to view it through the nigh-impenetrable darkness and asked of nobody; "Am I becoming a demon even without its influence?"

It was a thought that led to self-pity, more than anything else. She just wanted to be with Krig again. Tamonten wanted to go on dates and pick flowers and all the things she thought were stupid when she was younger, because if it was with the foxgirl it wouldn't be stupid. Their child would be born and then maybe they could settle down. She would have to introduce the kitsune to her parents, of course, but surely her father and mother would understand, they always understood...

A tear rolled down her cheek, hitting the cold floor of the prison without fanfare. The escapist thoughts only made her sad now, because it might never happen. "I want to go home," she whispered as she laid motionless on the floor.

Time passed without further thought or movement from the swordswoman. To anyone watching, there was no indication of the sudden rage her whispering had sparked within her. She stood up slowly, her legs shaking with the effort. The pale girl advanced toward the bars, feeling them with her hands. She took a few steps back. With no warning other than a sudden shriek, she threw her body at the bars like a crazed animal. "Elawdrin! I'll kill you!"

"If it's the last thing I do I'll kill you! I'll hunt you to the ends of the world if I have to! You'll go to the afterlife without ears! Without eyes! I'll cut them from your head! You'll have no fingers, no wings, no neck!" She threw herself at the bars with each word, until her headache alone felt ready to make her fall unconscious, let alone the pain she was causing the rest of her body. "I'll obliterate you and scatter you to every reach of the continent for what you did! For every evil you've committed!"

Tamonten continued to slam herself against the bars for a time following her words, but eventually exhaustion took its toll. When she had expended the last of her energy and rage, she simply slumped to the ground on her hands and knees before sitting back in a kneeling position. She was panting and had likely accomplished little other than waking Varthic, but she wasn't broken yet. The fallen angel would pay for her crimes. If nothing else could give her the strength to make it through the ordeal, the possessed swordswoman would hold onto vengeance.

Probably wake up Varthic with crazed yelling and a vicious attack on the cell door!

Took potent as the (hopefully) final mutation. Gotta keep clearer than ever of them corruptive demons.

Stats (unarmed, naked): 66 Grapple, 62 Dodge, 33 Resistance, 0 Armor, 26 Perception, 14 Stealth

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a (Damage Done/8)*Monster DC Resistance check against her. If they fail once, they can't attack that round. If they fail a second time they surrender or flee. Additionally, on a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 16 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 4 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 12) PP damage if her opponent is a faerie, plant, kitsune, has fox ears, a fox tail, violet hair, is Krig, is engaging in bondage, or energy drain is involved, . She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (20 and 20 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul).
Has potent: Impregnates/Impregnated on a 3 or higher.
Has supernatural: bestows corruption as a supernatural character.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

NPC Stats:
Krig: HP = ??/46, PP = ??/47, EP = ??/121, Status = ??

There was no comfort for Tamonten in that cold, dark, silent place. No hero came riding in to save her, and no deity or angel came down to raise her out of the hell that she had been dropped into. The only things that might assuage her were things that could only come from within, knowing that she had at least kept Krig from suffering through this perhaps being one of them. Her demon was, for all intents and purposes, cut off from her, removing any ability on her part to call upon its power, and her body and soul were both battered and weakened... But neither was broken. Not yet.

The walk from the cot on which she had been laid to the barred wall of the cell was slow and awkward, her muscles at first refusing to respond properly, but once there she had all of the control that she needed in order to throw her tantrum against her captor. The cell block was as silent as a tomb save for her banging as Tamonten raged against the bars, ignoring the pain that shot up her body every time she bashed herself against the solid metal that caged her in. It remained as such, her fury unanswered save for the dull ache that her ineffective assault brought up in her tired body, and even after she had expended her rage and delivered her last threat against the fallen angel Tamonten's surroundings were dead silent.

The cell door showed no hints of distress at the swordswoman's assault, and other than a slight ringing following her final blow (which quickly passed) they didn't seem to have been affected at all. "Are you finished?" Varthic's exhausted whine came from the same place where she'd seen him laying earlier. If she turned, Tamonten would find the demon prince's violet eyes gazing at her, their glow a shadow of their former power. "You and I want the same thing," he began, speaking low and fast, "I don't care which of us ends the winged bitch, just so long as she ends and we get out of here. Pano will help, and there are others... We're allowed out sometimes, to mingle, as the orc that went with you told me. Elawdrin knows that we plot against her, but she thinks herself invulnerable here... And together, maybe her arrogance will be her undoing. I was conscious enough to see the armory when I was brought in, your sword will be there, as will my armor.

"If we don't work together, we'll both end up dead down here," he stated frankly, "Dead or broken, and I think you don't want that....." He paused, and then, in a moment that seemed to take everything that he had, Varthic quietly concluded; "I.... I want to go home too..."
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The swordswoman sat in silence as Varthic spoke. Initially she had set herself to ignore him, fully expecting yet another quip or sarcastic remark and still too proud to offer the olive branch first. She could only be surprised that the demonic prince, who she considered more arrogant and prideful, would do so. Not that she would show him her surprise, having left her back facing him even as she considered his words.

"Over the last week I have seen and been subjected to more evil than I could have ever truly believed existed," she finally said, breaking a silence that she had allowed to hang in the air long enough to be considered pregnant. "I have seen at least a hundred bodies and have been responsible for about thirty of those," her tone was heavy with lament. "I'm not sure that I'm not already broken in some way, or that this isn't some cosmic punishment for some of the things I've done." It wasn't a rational thought, she knew, but having already been so physically and emotionally abused it was difficult to keep the idea from flitting through her head and out into the open. I'm at the mercy of a depraved angel because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and made some wrong decisions... followed by a right one. The physically and emotionally naked girl reassured herself by recalling the memory of the angel rising into the air with Kringlicsly.

"And throughout it all, I'm beginning to believe that I have more luck with alraunes and demons than I do with angels," Tamonten concluded her rambling. "Whatever else happens, Elawdrin will be punished. I have seen the amount of lives that can be destroyed by a single being with her power and her maliciousness and I won't let it happen in full again." She finally turned away from the bars to look at her cellmate. The manacled woman still didn't fully trust the demonic man, she wouldn't have been able to offer even an ounce of faith in him or felt safe enough to sleep if he had been at full strength. This was almost a different prince, though. There was a certain weakness in his eyes and voice that seemed impossible to fake. And besides, if it was a trap then it was an incredibly circuitous one.

The swordswoman crawled closer to Varthic so that she could speak to him in relative privacy, continuing in quick whisperings. "We have another advantage if we work together. When the jailer comes for either of us, between the two of us we can try to overpower him. We can use the mingling time to collect allies, refine our plans, find backup options, and get a better feel for our prison. When the time comes, he has a keyring which will surely unlock all the other cells. With the rest of the prisoners to help, we should be able to fight our way to the armory and then find an escape route for those unwilling to face the angel to carry out any who are injured or broken who might yet be saved. Then we can slay Elawdrin and burn this foul place to the ground and hopefully go home."

"How long do you think it will take you to fully recover your strength? The jailer seems strong and I wouldn't want to try it at anything less than full power or we'll reveal that option for nothing, but I'd really like not to stay here for long."
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

NPC Stats:
Krig: HP = ??/46, PP = ??/47, EP = ??/121, Status = ??

Varthic was tense and silence, awaiting the verdict on his display of humility. Her initial statement offered no indication of her acceptance or refusal of an alliance that might allow both of them to escape, and his view of her back was similarly unable to tell him whether or not his foe accepted his proposal. He offered no comment on her thoughts even though Tamonten chose to speak them aloud, and given that she had her back turned there wasn't even an expression on his face by which she might be able to judge his opinion of them. When she did turn, following a reinforcement of her oath to see the fallen angel punished, she found the demon prince staring at her guardedly, his expression tight and revealing nothing. "We agree on that at least," he offered softly, "We won't be getting out of here so long as she lives, that much I'm sure of, and I'd be happy to tear her head from her shoulders myself, given the chance."

Varthic edged slightly aside as Tamonten dropped to her knees and crawled closer to him, his eyes widening in a slightly discomforted manner, but he couldn't move far or fast and he calmed once she actually started to speak. His expression remained neutral up until she asked how long it would take him to recover his strength, "That'd be a great idea... Except that it'll take me a long time to regenerate on my own." He paused and cleared his throat, pointedly not meeting Tamonten's eyes for a moment, "I'm.... An incubus, you see. But I might be able to restore myself when we get some yard time! Pano will help us when we make our break, and there are a few others I've met since arriving here that might be up to escaping still. I was outside and back while you were in the pit.

"A few are too broken to be of use, but there are still some here with fight left in them. If we can organize beforehand, then they'll be ready once we kill that beast and let them loose." Varthic paused again, and his eyes slid over the swordswoman's body before reverting back to her face. "Of course, I'm sure that anyone wanting out of here would be happy to help tear Elawdrin apart if we let them out of their cells, one way or the other. If you're in a hurry.... A bit of energy from you and we'd be able to attack him next time he opens our cell. I'm in no position to make the choice for you, unfortunately, but... It'd be faster if you did."
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

She stared him in the eyes long and hard following his offer. Whatever she was thinking, the swordswoman's face betrayed nothing. Whether the demonic prince attempted to break the silence or not, she contributed nothing but her continuing stare. If there had been crickets within hearing distance, they could have held a veritable concert without interruption from her--though, truth be told, the pale girl probably would have been less comfortable if there had been any of the insects nearby; in Artmirst such things were probably fifteen foot tall slavering rape-beasts, each hell-bent on stuffing every available uterus in a five mile radius with their progeny.

"Tell you what," she finally said, breaking yet another silence in what couldn't have been a quarter of an hour. Her mouth, with the rest of her face uncertain of what expression was suitable to that moment, formed a wry little smile. The small upward curve of her lips probably best fit Tamonten's mood at the time, since some part of her wanted to laugh. "If you forget that you ever offered that option, I will too." She wasn't good enough at reading people to tell whether he actually desired her or was just being pragmatic, but if his actions up to that point had been his way of expressing interest then he needed greatsword smack more than she had thought.

A woman of her word on that particular matter, she continued as if she had immediately forgotten that giving him her energy had even been on the table regardless of Varthic's own choice. "We can make good use of the time you need... mingling... in order to spread the word. We'd best stick to those who we can be certain aren't likely to snap and spill everything to Elawdrin. The rest will hopefully come to our side when we make our move." At that, the swordswoman returned to her little corner, the one farthest away from the demon, preferring to give Varthic his space and keep to her own. She sat herself down and leaned against the wall, imagining that the prince could tell her easily enough from where he was if he had any responses. Besides, she preferred to hear footsteps or opening doors sooner rather than later, regardless of whether she could do anything about it or not.

"I suppose all that's left is to play the waiting game, then, unless there's some other knowledge that I'm unaware of."

Sit in corner. Say words. Play the waiting game.

Stats (unarmed, naked): 66 Grapple, 62 Dodge, 33 Resistance, 0 Armor, 26 Perception, 14 Stealth

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a (Damage Done/8)*Monster DC Resistance check against her. If they fail once, they can't attack that round. If they fail a second time they surrender or flee. Additionally, on a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 16 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 4 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 12) PP damage if her opponent is a faerie, plant, kitsune, has fox ears, a fox tail, violet hair, is Krig, is engaging in bondage, or energy drain is involved, . She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (20 and 20 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul).
Has potent: Impregnates/Impregnated on a 3 or higher.
Has supernatural: bestows corruption as a supernatural character.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

Varthic began to stare at her in an odd manner as Tamonten remained silent, but when she spoke up with her offer to forget that he'd said that, the demon prince actually seemed fairly relieved. "Hiding things from Elawdrin isn't realistically possible... You should know that, given the state of you when you were carried in here and what you did to the cell bars. She'll know we're going to try and escape, but she's arrogant enough to think that we'll fail. So long as we can keep the actual specifics of our plan a secret from her, we should catch her by surprise at least initially. It's.... Not exactly a tactically brilliant plan, so I don't think we can expect them to stay flat footed for very long. We'll have to get as far as we can with what time we've got!" said Varthic as Tamonten returned to the opposite corner of the cell.

After that, they played the waiting game. The cell block was largely silent save for those times when one of Elawdrin's victim's woke up screaming or the door burst open to admit Evan the monstrosity, and Varthic seemed to sleep through most of it. She could feel him watching her at times, a dark, demonic hunger evident in his gaze, but his will seemed superior to his urges, and he remained in place, leaned against the cold stone of the prison wall and far out of reach of Tamonten. There was little comfort to be had in the dark, dank cell, and it was impossible to tell how long she had been there. Four times Evan came and went, snatching up people from their cells and returning others, but he didn't open their cell door this time and remained too far away for her to attempt to sneak the keys from his grasp.

Finally, the door was cast open once more, but this time it was not Elawdrin's favored monster that strode into the cell block. A team of women, each and every one of them supernaturally beautiful and curvacious and clad in dark leather, clutching whips in one hand and wicked looking curved knives in the other came striding down the halls, each with a key. "Wakey wakey little toys~ Any late sleepers will be punished! It's time to play in the yard for a while, remind you what the sun and the free air feel like! Come on now, up! We're feeling hungry today, so if you don't, we'll be making a snack out of you!" The cells were all unlocked, but not opened, and the women all cleared out of the room towards the door rather quickly, where they stood like a group of guards. Varthic took a moment to get to his feet, but managed to do so without any help and started moving toward the door. "Not yet.... There's too many..." he said under his breath once he got close to Tamonten, and a moment later there was a loud buzz, and the cell doors all swung open at once.

People started filtering out of their cells and into the passageway that ran through the cell block, many moving slowly and sluggishly. They were an odd menagerie, each and every one of them standing out as clearly not human save ironically for Varthic, as even Pano came forth from his cell sporting demonic horns (and a member that was almost frighteningly large swinging between his legs.) The guards formed a corridor for them, their knives and whips at the ready, and Tamonten realized quickly that each and every one of them looked almost exactly the same. She walked through the passageway created by the guards with her fellow prisoners, through the guard room and into another narrow corridor containing another dozen or so of Elawdrin's prisoners with their own escort. The prisoners, though moving sluggishly, still jostled and crowded one another in the narrow space, and Tamonten was not immune to this as she quickly lost track of her two demonic allies. The guards formed walls around them as they moved towards a door, more groups joining the swiftly growing square as they moved in near-perfect synchronization to encircle them. By the time they reached a set of double doors, there were about forty prisoners compared to about twenty four guards, but Tamonten felt those around her shudder suddenly as Elawdrin herself strode into the corridor behind them, hands behind her back in a casual pose.

The guards came to a stop, and the fallen angel smiled brightly and spoke in a raised voice, addressing them; "Hello my darlings! You'll be going out to play with all of your friends now, but remember not to cause any trouble! We've taken precautions to keep any of you from escaping~ Don't worry! You'll all be free just as soon as my work here is finished, but until then.... Don't bother the guards, don't harm one another too badly, and don't go and make any children that I haven't authorized! I've got plans for each and every one of you, and if you go and spoil them.... You'll have to be punished!" With that done, Tamonten and her fellow prisoners were corralled by the guards out the doors, which suddenly opened to admit nearly blinding sunlight. They were ushered out into the daylight as a clump, but those around Tamonten - predominantly women but including a few men as well - began to disperse immediately, giving her a view of the yard.

It was surrounded by a spike-tipped iron fence that was about twenty feet high, and around the whole of the building (including overhead) was a field of pale blue light with no clear purpose. There were a few of the succubus guards wandering among the fairly spacious courtyard into which she'd been released, but most of them were clustered around the doors. There were about ninety prisoners, all told, and about three quarters of them were female. Tamonten spotted the blue-scaled woman she'd been forced to rape, her belly rounded already, sitting on a picnic table along with two more of her kind, one on her left and one on her right with green and red scales respectively. They seemed to be attempting to comfort their comrade even though the red one had a belly round with child as well.

Groups had formed here and there, some as large as ten, but they seemed happy to keep to themselves. Individuals were scattered throughout, but many of them seemed like the broken sort - lying or sitting about with empty stares or eager smiles, some even adopting erotic poses as if inviting other inmates to have their way. Several other people had begun to eye her, including a fairly fierce looking man that appeared entirely human at a glance, and a woman that looked the part of a succubus even better than the guards with her midnight hair, clearly devilish features including but not limited to cloven hooves, a bull's horns, and leathery wings that were each almost twice as large as she herself was. Varthic and Pano, having gotten lost in the hustle of their crowded group, were approaching her from the entrance, the latter supporting the former, but Tamonten could head out into the yard proper if she wanted to. There was plenty of open space, and a few of the prisoners were exercising in both the athletic and martial manner respectively, while a few others looked to be ready to start on no less strenuous activities that their warden might not approve given her order not to produce outside of her laboratory.

When they reached or caught up with Tamonten, Varthic began to speak, low and fast; "I've only been out here once so far, but there are a few things you need to watch out for." He took in a breath that seemed ready to start spouting off a great many things, but Tamonten could head him off if she wanted to. When she didn't, the crippled demon prince went on; "That group over there," he pointed to a squad of people including a pair of wolfish women, a gruff that was almost as big as one of the plant hulks that Tamonten had dealt with when going to face the black oak, the orc that had been dragged from her cell when Tamonten had first been taken to meet their captor, an alraune with purple skin, and a male night elf that was covered in ritualistic scars, "...are trying to organize an escape of their own. They're all in different blocks, and I'm pretty sure that the orc's in ours, but talking to them might be useful, if only for someone to serve as a distraction while we go for the armory."

He gestured then to the man that was eying Tamonten, now surrounded by a small posse that comprised most of the rest of the men in the courtyard, "Stay away from that one.... He's a lunatic, and looks like he intends to induct you into his "harem" as he calls it. The guards won't stop you from defending yourself, but they won't stop him unless it looks like he's going to do damage either, and he's really just not worth the trouble. Stay away from her too," he gestured over to the succubus, who smirked and waved back at him before turning her unmistakably hungry gaze back to Tamonten. "She's the one that... Put me in this state. She's a prisoner like us, but she actually likes it here, and Elawdrin lets her walk around as she wills."

Then, Varthic breathed a heavy sigh and pointed to one last person, a human girl sitting on the ground only a short ways away. "And whatever you do... Stay away from that one!" he said darkly, "She's dangerous... I don't think the sealing collars work on her. Someone bothered her, and the guards were cleaning him off of the walls when we were all brought back in."
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Varthic's glances went unnoticed, although most everything in the block had flown under the radar for the swordswoman once the two had finished talking. She spent most of the time escaping to her own imagination, it was the only way to stay sane. She imagined an escape, a return to Kringlicsly and the faeries, and what would come after. While the new seal and safety from the demon in her head left her much room to imagine, it also left her much time for introspection. Many times, her thoughts came back to how there were so many things she hadn't said and hadn't done, and how angry she was at herself for that. The uncertainty and timidness that had kept her from saying it all in the first place might mean that she would never get the chance to. Then there was the matter of her parents...

That was harder. The fey might not have batted an eye at her changes and Krig seemed to take it all in stride, but what would her parents think when their daughter returned to them with wings and a tail? It had all come on so quickly that she still rarely remembered that she had them, let alone trying to imagine how her mother and father would react after a few years of her being gone. But she had changed much since then anyway, her hair had once been black and her skin had been a deep tan. With a sigh, she moved to rest her forehead in her pale hand only to touch directly on her newest additions, the nubby little horns, marking her discovery of yet another change. Tamonten couldn't help but release a mirthless chuckle at the realization, though she quickly returned to silence when she remembered her cellmate.

Around the same time, the cells opened. The pale girl instinctively held her breath, wishing beyond hope that it wasn't her that the monstrous jailer was coming for. But those same wishes left her guilty when the screams came, when Evan hauled off yet another victim to suffer in her place. It happened several more times like clockwork, each increasingly hard to ignore. In the aftermath of the fourth such call, she made a pledge to herself, if only for the calm she hoped it would bring. When I get free, I'll correct my mistakes. I'll tell Krig how I feel, I'll be faithful to her, and when I'm free of my demon I'll find my parents.

Not long after her silent pledge, the block was paid a fifth visit. With some effort, the swordswoman remained calm as the guards came, and even as they taunted the prisoners. She raised herself to her feet and followed Varthic's lead in waiting at the door. When the time came, she followed instructions and crowded into the corridor along with the rest. As Elawdrin made an appearance, though, that calm washed away. Despite the demonic prince's warnings, the manacled woman's hands clenched into fists and, for a moment, she very much considered risking the odds of a twenty-five versus one, if only to show that she was still defiant and that her spirit would not be so easily broken.

But the angel finished speaking before Tamonten's anger came to the tipping point, and so she did not follow through on what would have certainly been a poor decision. In the end, she was ushered to the yard along with the other prisoners without incident, much to her frustration. Still, the information garnered from the trip would be worth temporary cooperation, she told herself. When she finally viewed the yard, the prisoner numbers alone could have truthfully been considered as worth it, but the depressing package it all came in made it hard to think as much. Between the number of broken prisoners and being confronted with the dragonkin she had so thoroughly raped, the possessed warrior would have much preferred the darkness of her cell.

Thus, when Varthic caught up with her, it was at the start of the swordswoman's effort to find a place out of the way in order to escape the eyes of those watching her so intently and avoid the possibility of the dragoness spotting her. She allowed the demonic man to explain what he had learned to her without interruption, though she did spare an occasional glance toward the woman she had impregnated in her efforts to avoid being seen. The words proved to contain more useful information, but wrapped in a depressing package yet again. It seemed that of ninety prisoners, more than half might be as dangerous to a bid for freedom as the guards.

When she finally responded, she couldn't help but fall back to forced humor in an effort to keep herself from despairing. "You have no idea how much denarii I would pay for people to stop looking at me like a freshly baked pie." Turning her own attention to the group of potential escapees but carefully avoiding pointing, she asked; "Any suggestions on how to go about getting in with them? If you don't then I'm going with the direct route." After his answer, instead than looking at the subject of her next topic, Tamonten instead turned to regard Varthic as she asked her next few questions. "Do you have any information on how my apparent admirers prefer to attack? I'd like to have an idea of where I should punch them and how hard." Giving him the time to answer that question as well, she concluded her questions with; "And do you happen to have any information on the scaly group?"

Answers in hand and barring any further information that he wanted to share, or some desire to remain together, the swordswoman would bid him a temporary farewell. "I think you should go and recover now. I'll see about recruiting some allies." Although how was largely up to the answers Varthic had given her thus far.

Bit of an abrupt end, but I need some information before Tamo makes her next move!

Stats (unarmed, naked): 66 Grapple, 62 Dodge, 33 Resistance, 0 Armor, 26 Perception, 14 Stealth

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a (Damage Done/8)*Monster DC Resistance check against her. If they fail once, they can't attack that round. If they fail a second time they surrender or flee. Additionally, on a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 16 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 4 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 12) PP damage if her opponent is a faerie, plant, kitsune, has fox ears, a fox tail, violet hair, is Krig, is engaging in bondage, or energy drain is involved, . She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (20 and 20 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul).
Has potent: Impregnates/Impregnated on a 3 or higher.
Has supernatural: bestows corruption as a supernatural character.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

Tamonten's divided attention between the demon prince and the draconic woman upon whom she had sired a child did not go unnoticed by her ally, and whenever she turned back to him the pale swordswoman would find him scowling with increasing intensity at her. As such, her humor was met with less than enthusiastic reaction from Varthic, albeit that probably wasn't what she was aiming for with her deadpan response anyway. "What are you talking about? And what's a... A freshly baked pie?" Varthic snapped irritably, and Pano immediately interjected; "Oooh! Oooh! I know what that is! It's a vagina that's leaking jizz Varthic! I heard Cleese talk about those before!"

The huge man grinned widely, and the twitching and the soft blush that came over Varthic's face, which continuously shifted between rage and disgust, lasted for almost a minute before he sighed and muttered; "God... Damnit... Pano..." After that he resumed his usual sneer and got back to business, replying to each of her questions in turn; "I wouldn't know how to go about approaching them. I think I might have been forced to rape one of the wolf twins actually... Anyway, they've been fairly overt about their intentions to leave together, and it's not like Elawdrin doesn't know that her test subjects are going to try and get out eventually. You might as well just ask them.

"The brute likes to corner people, usually on his own. He's apparently a... What was it? A rester?" Varthic paused, and Pano quickly supplied; "He's a wrestler!" Varthic grimaced before going on; "Right... Well, the wrestler just tends to corner people, but apparently he has some of our blood in him. Those he rapes.... They tend to join him willingly. I'd wager that all of the women fawning over him are enthralled... The pathetic oaf. As if he deserves any of that! Anyway... The demoness is more subtle. She comes to her victims playing the friend, but if she gets close enough she'll prick you with her tail. It's poisonous, and she's used it to reduce anyone that goes after her to a drooling mess for her to feed on. Punching either of them should work. I beat the brute half to death when he went for me, so it shouldn't be much of a problem for you either."

When Tamonten asked about the scalies, Varthic quirked an eyebrow, "Who?" Pano immediately pointed to the three dragoness's and shouted; "Them! Over there! Those three!" That caught the attention of the three women, and Tamponten found that the woman she'd raped was now staring at her quite coldly, whether or not she decided to look back. "Ahhh... I don't know a thing about them. They arrived after I did. Looks like they've been settling in well though... Elawdrin's gotten two out of three of them already!"

The demon prince and his ally showed no desire to stay near Tamonten despite their alliance, and he nodded. "I'll come and find you before we're out of the yard, to see how you did. Don't screw up, the more bodies we have, the fewer blows we'll take." And then, the pale girl was alone out in the yard, Varthic and Pano wandering off as the demon prince sought out a victim to use to regain his drained energies while she was left to gather allies for the coming prison break. The glares coming her way had grown in volume, and as she parted from her two allies the two "sharks" both grinned, the demoness offering Varthic a wave from which he cringed away while the wrestler watched her with naked hunger.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Following Pano displaying his less than encyclopedic knowledge of both baked goods and dirty terms, the swordswoman could not help but give it some consideration that he was one of the people whom she was reliant upon in order to escape the prison. If she were forced to look for a bright side, it probably would have been that the extra drop of despair did at least help to curb her more immediate reaction, which would have been to blush and avert her eyes.

As such, Tamonten kept her eyes on Varthic and was completely surprised to find that he'd blush at all. Given that he was a demon, a prince, and, in her own opinion, a bit of a prick, she had expected him to take quite happily to such terminology. Indeed, she pegged him as the type to have proudly kept a list and trophies of conquests and rape victims, of course that may have still been true. Though, she ended up quickly setting aside thoughts of that peculiar reaction for the time being. It didn't really matter in the long run, they had far more pressing business at hand.

The rest of the information proved useful. She would simply need to approach the group--and apparently avoid mentioning Varthic, which was no problem given that she hadn't intended to. In theory, recruiting them probably wouldn't be too hard, at least, as she only really needed to let them know what she was after and offer to help them out along the way.

The information about her admirers was promising as well. She bore some small familiarity with wrestlers, at least, which was almost refreshing. For nearly a week the pale girl had been faced with demons, alraunes, faeries, and other things which she had either never heard of or only seen in story books. To be faced with styles and tactics that she not only had some familiarity with but also had some idea of how to counter was a palpable relief. She would still need to keep her guard up, but at least she could potentially handle the demoness and the wrestler. And it left her with the ability to plan for everything ahead, a great step in the right direction... Until Pano started yelling and pointing.

Gods dammit, Pano, she thought before she could stop herself from using one of Varthic's lines, even mentally, all the while attempting to shield herself from view of the dragoness. Tamonten couldn't help but notice that the woman she had raped had in turn noticed her, and after that she couldn't help but to wither and shrink away under that damning glare. Of all the looks she had received that day, her victim's was probably been the hardest to endure. She could only be thankful that the demon's answer about them was short, that it wasn't anymore insulting to the scaled group than it had been, and that he was gone in short order. Him noticing her plight would have only made things more difficult--both dealing with the gnawing guilt and dealing with the prince himself.

Once she had been left to her own devices, it was the glares that remained the hardest to withstand. They made her want to curl up in a ball and surrender. Deep down, though, the swordswoman knew she couldn't do that, not if she were to enact justice on Elawdrin and try to right what she had done to the dragonkin, and certainly not if she were to ever share a life with Krig again. To lay down and let her spirit break now would accomplish nothing, not even redemption. She closed her eyes for a few seconds in order to bolster her resolve. I'm sorry, the manacled girl silently apologized during that brief moment shutting out the rest of the prison yard. But as much as I want to and probably deserve to crawl into a little hole and die right now, there's too much left for me to do. I have to press on. Opening her eyes and taking a deep breath, she knew it was time to move.

It took effort to begin, but as she forced herself to stand upright and begin the walk to the group that Varthic had pointed out to her -- one that felt like a thousand mile walk under the growing glares -- she found that the looks from the wrestler and the succubus had almost the opposite effect, she felt like she thrived beneath them. Let them try for her, Tamonten declared in her heart, she would see that they were the ones who broke in the end, along with any others who would side with the cruel warden of the prison. Maybe she would never find forgiveness, in herself or her victim, for the dragoness she had violated, but she could still see to it that, at the end of her stay, the only ones who remained in the prison were those who shared Elawdrin's black heart.

She carefully avoided coming too close to any of the other prisoners, but otherwise made a path straight to the group. Barring anything preventing her from getting to the group or any guards nearby which might overhear her, she would walk directly into their midst, stand as straight as her back could manage, and announce intentions simply. "I've heard that your group is organizing an escape. I want Elawdrin's head and have a few others of like mind. I don't expect you to trust me with any plans, I'm just here because I believe the two aren't exclusive goals."

Walk over to dat group! Say words if successful!

Prepare to repel attempts to make Tamo into a prison bitch!

Stats (unarmed, naked): 66 Grapple, 62 Dodge, 33 Resistance, 0 Armor, 26 Perception, 14 Stealth

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a (Damage Done/8)*Monster DC Resistance check against her. If they fail once, they can't attack that round. If they fail a second time they surrender or flee. Additionally, on a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 16 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 4 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 12) PP damage if her opponent is a faerie, plant, kitsune, has fox ears, a fox tail, violet hair, is Krig, is engaging in bondage, or energy drain is involved, . She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (20 and 20 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul).
Has potent: Impregnates/Impregnated on a 3 or higher.
Has supernatural: bestows corruption as a supernatural character.