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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"It's just... I've heard that the Lord used to ride a massive black steed of immense strenght and intelligence in his adventuring days. This horse matches very well on both accounts, that possible gesture of confirmation is one thing. How it got here so accurately without a rider is also good sign of a high level of intellect. As for the strenght... well, it's pulling this huge wagon with all the armoring on both itself and the cart. I'm amazed that the Lord sent him on such an errand..." the officer said, getting into the carriage after everyone else had entered.

Once everyone had settled down inside and the doors were shut properly, Nina could see the steed rearing up to a massive height before taking off. And did they go alright as the horse speeded up to a ridiculous velocity. The desert landscape began to shift at a rapid pace when the animal really got into full gallop, making it seem like they were in a hotel room turned into a sports car. "This speed is unbelievable... If this keeps up, we'll reach Blackwall by tomorrow evening." Karin broke the silence, still amazed by the fierce animal taking them towards their destination.


Tentacle God
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Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"He's the most amazing horse I've ever seen... He can't be just any normal sort of horse, that's for sure," Nina wondered aloud as she stared through the tiny window in the front of the carriage at the amazing animal.

She didn't know what else to say though. Would the carriage be bumpy at this speed? With no clear roads and only primitive wheels with no shock absorption, there wasn't much reason for them to have the most smooth of rides at this pace unless the carriage itself was enchanted as much as the horse was.

"Does this Lord Grimhorn know magic like the kitsunes?" she asked to no one in particular.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Karin continued to speak, being the most knowledgeable of the group about her homelands and rulers. "Not that I know of. Both him and the woman he's together with are renowned as warriors, not spellslingers. But there are a few potent mages in both the military and civilian sects of the Lord's domain. It's not a mean feat for him to get a few spells cast, given some time at least."

The trip was mostly uneventful as they group progressed in the comfy ride, with nothing proving too big an obstacle for the mighty animal pulling them forward. There was a spot where the carriage needed to cross a river ford, but this didn't shake the steed's confidence and it just pushed through, the water reaching up to the doors of the wagon but not getting in. The opulent carriage seemed to be waterproofed as well. Another obstacle came in the form of a bandit roadblock, but this too was completely ignored. The horse just plowed through, slicing up a few of the more eager brigands with the blade mounted onto it's protective headgear. As bits of wood and bandits flew past the passangers inside, the trip continued in peace for them.

Towards the evening, the transport passed by the town Nina remembered visiting on her forward-timed forest trip. It was here that she had met with Karin, Shizuha and Faye for the first time and gotten the ride back to her home estate. Karin mentioned that the town was called Greenoaks, a trading post of a town with some importance. There was a small military garrison there in addition to a unit of rangers.

Once night begun to fall, the horse slowly brought down it's speed until the carriage had fully stopped in an open area at the side of the forest road. Throwing open the doors, Karin lead everyone out so they could stretch and do other little things before it was sleep time. Seeing the women come out, the horse somehow detached itself from the armored wagon and moved over to look at them before settling down near the open doors. Even as it was laying down, the animal was almost as tall as Iris was.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina stretched herself and did a few skips and high steps on the other side of the carriage, just to get her blood circulating again. Her bum was a bit sore from sitting for a prolonged time, but compared to any other sort of travel that she had done in this world, it was very minor soreness. The animal was incredible.

She went around to the horse, approaching it from the front. "Thanks for all your hard work today. You're very impressive." Nina reached out to pet the horse's flank.

Looking around for the others, Nina spotted what the others were up to, and quickly set to preparing for the night's camp. There was a tent to prop up and a meal to prepare. It was her job to see that it was done. She wondered if Iris or Iliana would want anything for now before she got started.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The horse looked at Nina as she approached, taking in the words of praise with a snort in response. It made no move towards the girl as she petted it, as well as she could with the armor plates there.

As much as she looked for one, the girl could not find a tent anywhere in the carriage's equipment. But she found a strange, lamp-like object at the inside roof of the cart. There was nothing descripting it's use visible on the cart itself, but turning a small switch caused a part of it to come out, revealing a compartment with a faintly glowing rock. It radiated warmth as soon as the air found itself inside the tiny compartment, filling the carriage with a pleasant temperature. "Oh, looks like we can rest inside. Especially since the doors can be locked, though I doubt many creatures would dare approach with him there....." Karin said, giving a look at the mighty horse after having returned from the nearby bushes after relieving herself.

Both Iris and Iliana had worked off the stiffness of the journey, and were having brief looks around the nearby forest. Nothing was visible nearby, but there seemed to be some animal presence a bit farther away. The pair soon returned to the carriage, aware or not about the animals. The sleeping compartments inside were a curious thing to Iris, and the winged girl looked like she could actually fit inside comfortably, despite the relative snugness of the areas.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

With no camp areal to prepare and travel food already available within the carriage, Nina was at a loss for things to do. She went and changed into some sleeping clothes - a simple cloth shift and some panties - and then checked her own sleeping alcove to test its comfort. Finding it suitable and to her liking, Nina lay down and watched the others go about their business, wondering if this would just be an easy, sleepy night before they went and arrived at the Lord's capital tomorrow. It would be an interesting day ahead of them, that was for certain.

"Will my lady require anything before we settle in for the night?" Nina asked once Iliana was near to her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The compartment was strangely appealing and comfy despite the somewhat tight look it had. Iris seemed to be enjoying her spot, doing a few small rolls in there before settling down. Karin's approach was not as playful, she treated the are like any other resting spot.

"Hmm, not really. We are pretty well set inside here." the mistress replied upon being asked about possible needs. She went into her compartment and layed down on the sheets. "Looks like it'll be an easy night, or at least I hope so. With that horse in front of the doors, nothing uninvited will enter anywhere near us. Let's just hope the creatures of the forest don't get any ideas and try to sneak in. I'm sure the noise will be quite loud if Mr. Horse gets a reason to start mauling them." she pondered aloud as the un-uniformed Karin went to close the doors and lock them from the inside


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nodded and then got ready for bed in her own alcove. She pulled a blanket over herself and snuggled up with her head resting on her pillow. She wished everyone a pleasant sleep before closing her eyes and letting herself fall away into an easy sleep. She dreamed of Iliana and Iris and Tiger and Lynnette and Isaku and Valkenhayn and Elise and Serge and Drake and Faye. They were all naked but having some sort of semi-serious debate in a large bed. Nina was the subject of the debate and it seemed to be a trial of some sort. They seemed to be discussing whether she should be allowed to stay on as a maid. She was in the middle of them all, hogtied in the way her mistress sometimes restrained her. All of the ways Nina was making life more difficult for them were being stacked against the ways in which she was useful. Most of the ways in which she was considered useful in the dream had to do with her willingness to whore herself out to them. Nina cried in the dream and shook her head. She was better than that, really! But in the dream she was gagged and could not protest. The dream faded out before a decision could be made. Nina went on to dream about ogres and vampires and kitsunes all attacking her, only in her dream she could fly and was a much better sword fighter, and she spent time hacking away at monsters. This dream eventually passed and faded to be replaced with a nice romantic dream involving Iliana and Iris, which faded in time as well.

When next Nina awoke, she would be well rested, and ready to start the next day afresh.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The night brought forward some rather colorful, interesting dreams to Nina. They varied from unpleasant to enjoyable, sadly ending once enough time had passed. The green-haired girl found herself still laying in the compartment, more comfy than one could imagine about a carriage. It would've been slightly chilly inside if it weren't for the magical piece of rock that still glowed faintly in it's high-mounted compartment. The weather looked to be cloudy, and it was still morning, with the first rays of the sun peeking over the horizon.

Just then, Nina noticed that the door of the carriage was open slightly. Upon investigation, she revealed that the reason was most possibly Iris, who she could see from the door window. The blind girl was having a silent meeting with the mighty steed that had been pulling the carriage along. They exchanged looks, the horse's eyes meeting with Iris' blindfolded visage. Eventually, a smirk appeared on the warrior's face and she climbed onto the massive animal's back, using the armoring to her advantage. The horse then got up to it's full height and started walking around, giving a ride to it's passenger.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina giggled at the sight of the blind warrior riding the mighty steed. "My lady, quick, you must look..." she called over to the sleeping Iliana. "Iris and the armored horse have had a spiritual connection, and now he's accepted Iris onto his back as a rider. She is quite good with animals it would seem, our Iris."

The green haired girl watched with fascination and wonder as the frail blind girl rode with ease upon the mammoth horse's back. Both mount and rider seemed to have some sort of understanding and it was clear that the steed had allowed her to ride him. He was a proud animal, no doubt, and it was only because Iris was a special individual that she had earned a spot on him.

The morning air was chilly outside the carriage so Nina dressed in heavier traveling clothes and pulled her boots on before stepping outside the carriage to observe the little exhibition more closely.

"Having fun Iris?" she called out.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iliana got up as Nina called for her, moving next to her servant girl to look out from the other window, dressed in a simple robe for the night. "Heh, looks so. Might be a side effect of her spirit waking. Might." the mistress gave a reply, looking at the scene with a happy smile. She was clearly liking the fact that Iris got something nice to do once in a while.

After her quick dress-up, Nina went out to look at Iris having her little or not so little joy ride upon this mighty beast's broad back. There was no way the girl would've been able to ride the animal normally, so she had to keep her legs on one side. When called for, she nodded eagerly in reply. The ride continued for a few more moments, the horse even doing a few circles around the carriage at higher speed. Somehow, Iris held on, not looking worried about the increased velocity in the slightest.

Afterwards, the horse bent down it's front legs to allow the blind warrior an easy way back to the ground and on her own two feet. It looked at her for a while longer before returning to the front of the carriage and taking it's spot between the two beams that attached to the harness on his armor. Gesturing with it's head again, it made what looked like a request to attach them properly, as it was not able to do so. Clearly it was aiming to start the trek once more.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina headed over to the horse and examined the way the harness attached to the horse's armored plates. After figuring out what went where, Nina lifted the beams and secured them in place.

"Okay you're all set. Thanks again, Mr. Horse." Nina said with a smile and then returned to the carriage for the rest of the journey.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

As in reply to her words, the horse turned it's head back and nodded at Nina when she was finished with the rigging. Once everyone was back inside and the doors shut, the carriage resumed it's journey across the foreign Lord's lands at full speed.

The day proved to be very similar to the previous one, though there was more to be seen this time. Grimhorn's region was a multi-faceted land, with rolling plains, thick forests and even a few small mountain areas. Small, thriving communities passed their sights as the carriage roared past, revealing people hard at work, but generally looking content about their existence. Sometime in the afternoon, the skies darkened as rain started pouring down upon the lands. In their comfy little room, the women were nicely protected from the downpour, and the warmth-producing rock made sure they could still see the sights by keeping the temperature proper to prevent the windows from fogging up.

The other women seemed to be enjoying the trip, eating and drinking when necessary. Iris took the opportunity to nap some along the way, dozing off onto Iliana's lap in the warmth of the carriage. Karin told a few quick stories about missions she had been on, the men in her squad and their spirit as a team. With all this going on, the carriage worked itself towards Blackwall, quickly and steadily making way through the landscape.

As the sun was on it's way towards the horizon, the carriage arrived in Grimhorn's capitol city, Blackwall. This place was a city in every sense of the word. A huge place filled with people and merchandise, even in the rain, it was the closest thing yet to a modern city that Nina had seen. There were street lamps, which was a curious thing to see in such a setting, though the light in them was no doubt coming from a luminescent stone or magic. The speed of their carriage slowed down as they entered the streets. The horse was clearly not intent on causing havoc by running full pelt through the city, and thus slowed the pace to a more manageable level. Soon the streets started to widen and the houses get more distance between each other, eventually revealing their destination.

Grimhorn's estate looked more like a Japanese castle than a mansion from the outside. A sturdy, roofed wall separated the building and the city, standing at some 10 feet. The carriage followed the wall until a gate came into sight, where it stopped. Outside, there was a guard post that was similar to the one at Iliana's estate, but bigger and having a few comfy things inside. There was a guard in there too, a woman who looked like she was in her mid-twenties. As she walked out, more details could be seen. She was another red-haired female in this world, the hair reaching down to her lower back. A sleeveless, dark green chinese-style slit dress was set up over a white shirt, showing off a little leg and the guard's arms, which were scarred in many places and visibly muscled. A pair of braids hung from the sides of her face, and a matching green beret was set onto her head with a star on the front. The guard was beautiful, even with the slight blemish of her scarred arms. But, the expression on this woman made Nina uneasy. There was no friendliness or sympathy detectable on her features, a cold, emotionless mask being the only thing there. None of that likeability that made Isaku so pleasing to deal with was present. She stood there in the rain, crossing her arms and waiting for the passengers of the cart to address her. A pair of brass knuckles were hanging on a hook at her belt, indicating her as yet another fistfighter.

Even with the carriage and the horse there, it seemed like they were not going to get in without this girl's say-so. The group needed to be careful what they told her, as it might end up in unwarranted troubles.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina thoroughly enjoyed the sights of the rest of the day's ride. Seeing a more temperate climate with wide plains, forested countryside, rolling hills, and even some mountains off in the distance reminded Nina of her own home back in reality outside of the EGG. She kept her eyes peeled against he window watching people and places fly by as she often did when riding as a passenger in a car on long rides. Occasionally she glanced over to where Iris was lying down with her head resting on Iliana's lap and smiled. Her mistress and her warrior friend were so cute together. Nina of course wouldn't mind resting her head in the lady's lap as well, but that was Iris' position and Nina knew that. Nina was simply thankful to be with them and be considered part of the family.

She checked her red short cloak to readjust it and make certain that her crest with the palm tree and the oasis was easily distinguishable on her front. When Karin spoke from time to time, Nina would continue the polite conversation, happy to chat every once in a while. And once the city of Blackwall came into view, Nina would have many questions about city life in the capital and what sort of specialties the city was known for.

The japanese style of Grimhorn's castle caught her off guard. She'd been expecting a more western architectural design for the imposing Grimhorn's castle. But perhaps the man just had tastes that ran that way, who was she to judge.

The horse had brought them up to the gatehouse and now they stopped for inspection from the redheaded, beret wearing gate guard. Her style of dress seemed as odd and out of place as the castle itself, but that wasn't what struck Nina the most about her. It was that look in her eyes. The girl just didn't seem friendly, and that was a shame, considering that the Lady Iliana was an expected guest.

Nina looked to the Lady. "Shall I announce you my lady? Or is it more proper to have Karin explain who we are?" The question was a low whisper, directed at both Karin and Iliana. Nina didn't know if she should be the one to speak and had already promised Iliana long ago that she would be better about speaking out of turn.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The situation was tense, but Iliana seemed confident enough. "I'll introduce my---" her speech was cut short as the door was pulled open from the outside and the tall woman nearly fell out face-first. It looked like the guard outside had an extremely low patience towards waiting for them. Before they realized it, the young woman had jumped in and was casting piercing gazes at them. In the low light of evening, one could see that her aqua-colored eyes actually glowed faintly and had a somewhat reptilian quality about them.

In a slow as molasses moment, the guard had looked throught them. She gave a polite bow to Iliana, addressing her as Lady in a coldly polite voice. Nina and Iris didn't get the bow, but the girl was not making a fuss about them being there. But once Karin got the turn, the look on her face intensified. "What might you be doing on this carriage, lieutenant?" she talked, almost spitting the rank out as she said it. "There was no mention that you'd be coming." the questioning continued. Karin tried to put up some sort of resistance, but the guard's authority would not be denied. "You're not getting in. Go back to the town barracks and carry on from there. I'm not to let anyone besides Lady Einzbern's people in." The officer still tried a bit, but there would be no mercy. "OUT! Or I'll alert the guard and have you arrested."

Seeing that she had no other option, Karin climbed down from the carriage after bidding farewell to the group. With the rain pummeling her, she started to head towards the local barracks. "Always so difficult, damn military..." the guard could be heard talking to herself as she began to push open the gates for the carriage.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina gulped as the guard stared harshly at her, confused as to why this strange and discourteous woman was being so pushy towards everyone. It's not like this was a time of war, and none of them could be that much of a threat to the palace's security, could they?

"Bye Karin, we'll see you maybe when we leave. Thanks for your company!" Nina waved and tried to make sure that Karin didn't leave them with only unappreciative thoughts in her head.

Once Karin was gone, Nina sat back and gave a bewildered look to Iliana, as though she were saying "What was THAT all about?"

Still, it wasn't her place to start any problems or cause an international incident. She decided that she would let Iliana do all the diplomacy unless anyone asked her a direct question. She was here to serve and protect Iliana to the best of her ability and that was what she'd be.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The officer waved back at them from a distance away, returning the thanks before eventually vanishing from sight behind a building's corner.

"Couldn't say. Maybe the guard is in a terrible mood, or there is something between those two. It did seem like she knows Karin..." the mistress gave out her thoughts, looking out from the window at the guard girl who was getting the gates open for them. Soon the carriage creaked forward again, entering the courtyard of Grimhorn's home under the watchful eyes of the beret girl.

The outside areas were not too large, and the carriage soon pulled over to the front door of the castle-estate. A much more polite-looking robed man was waiting for them there, a bladed staff held in one hand as he opened up the doors for them. "Lady Einzbern, honored guests." he adressed them. "I am called Mori. My job here is to greet visitors and act as a guard." the man introduced himself, helping the group get their packs under the protection of the roof using his free arm before opening the main door for them. "Please, enter and wait in the entrance hall, someone will be there shortly to help you forward."

With the trio inside the main hall, Mori gave them a bow before closing the door behind them. The inside of the estate was a sparsely-furnished place with extremely fine wooden floors everywhere. There was only some light where they were, giving the place a rather mysterious air with long shadows. Not before long, a girl that Nina estimated to be teen-aged appeared from the darkened hallway, looking at them curiously from a distance away. A pink, long-sleeved shirt with many bows and a long, red flower-textured skirt made up her attire. She wore her black hair long and perfectly straight, with cheek-lenght sidelocks and a line-straight frontal ridge. A small smile came to her face, which she eventually covered with one of her overlong sleeves. There was a certain elegance to her manners, and she giggled at the trio as her eyes wandered through them. Just then, a sleek, slightly curved sheath tipped them of it's existence behind her back as the girl brushed her other hand's fingers against it.

Even this girl was armed. There might be more than they bargained for here, as everyone they met until now had been bearing weapons. Still, it looked like Iliana was taking it in stride, as she returned the girl's curiousity with looks of her own.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina stayed close by to her mistress and Iris as they entered deeper into the castle. She was thankful to be greeted by someone other than the beret-wearing girl and nodded politely to Mori, though she stayed silent, letting her mistress do all the talking. She was glad that Iliana was taking everything in stride and looking comfortable. Certainly if Nina were a more paranoid person, seeing everyone armed and being aloof in this building might make her think this was one giant trap, but she knew that if Iliana had any reason to suspect such an eventuality, she wouldn't have agreed to come here in such an open and trusting manner. Certainly this Grimhorn must be an honorable sort and would not mistreat them as they were his guests and came under a banner of peace and goodwill.

Once they were within the main hall it was not long before they met a strange, teenage girl with dark hair and a pink floral dress. Even a sweet looking girl like this was armed in Grimhorn's fortress.

"Who could she be?" Nina wondered softly to Iliana. Nervously, Nina returned the smile with one of her own and studied the girl in the same manner as the Lady Einzbern did.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I think we'll find out. She's coming for us." Iliana said back at Nina when the girls started to move towards them. Despite her dress, there was a grace and flow to her movements. Still keeping her mouth covered, she stopped near them and turned her gaze towards Iliana. "Are you people here to visit the Lord?" she asked, to which the mistress agreed to in a courteous manner. After getting the answer, the girl look through them some more. "You do look like the woman described. Come on, I'll take you. And don't worry about your packages, they will be taken to the selected guest room." a brief instruction followed, and the girl soon turned to lead them on. There indeed was a short, curved sword in a sheath behind her back.

The castle-estate was grand, but also had similar dark corridors everywhere else. All inside doors were sliding ones, as very much expected from such a place. Eventually, the group found themselves on a set of much bigger sliding doors, which the girl opened for them. Inside, there was huge study, almost like Iliana's but with less furnishings. A backwards-facing chair was set in front of the table, and what seemed like a human person was sitting on it. Short, slightly spiky white hair grew on the man's head and an official-looking robe was his clothing of choice. Nothing else could be made up yet, as the sitter was back towards them. The girl went forward, stopping besides the chair. "Father. Your guests have arrived, I brought them here for you." she addresed the seated man. "Is that so? You're a good girl, Kagura." a deep voice replied to her, and the man turned briefly to pet the girl on the head, which she actually seemed to like.

This girl named Kagura took a few steps back and assumed an observing position from the side as the man got up from his chair. This man had strong features, and wore a traditional man's kimono. From her current position, Nina estimated that he stood a little bit taller than Iliana. Despite his covering clothing, the man's neck revealed that he was in tremendous condition, even with his apparent age. It looked like the man was somewhere in his fifties. "Lady Einzbern" came the adress towards them as he started coming for them. "You've come with less escorts than expected. Your trustiness is admirable, and I will return that goodwill." he continued, shaking hands with Iliana. "Rao Grimhorn, the regent of this land. That girl is my daughter, Kagura." he identified the girl who had now covered her mouth again with the sleeve.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

So Kagura was the girl's name, and she was the daughter of the Lord Rao Grimhorn. Well, that made sense with the way she acted, Nina thought as she stood up straight and tried to present a respectable bearing as she stood next to Iliana. The Lord Rao was himself a quietly impressive man. His reserved style made his obvious power lie tantalizingly behind the scenes, just suggesting at what a fighter the man must be.

Nina would bow low if the man addressed her directly, but would not speak out of turn unless asked a direct question. She would not dream of interrupting Iliana with such a meeting of two noble minds. At times like this though, she envied Iris' capacity for controlled silence. Nina was a natural talker, and was afraid she might slip and say something far too casually. To keep her mind occupied she studied Kugura and Lord Grimhorn's features very closely, while listening to the discourse that her lady would have with their host.