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Tower of Change, chapter 2

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Re: Tower of Change, chapter 2

or they don't want to work on it anymore and provided reasoning that didn't seem jerkish
Re: Tower of Change, chapter 2

Whenever someone says "I never have time" - THEY ARE LYING. Trust me. I don't know of any society where you have to be "productive" 100% of the time. I see many "productive" people wasting hours and hours and hours at pubs/bars, golf courses and casinos.

The truth is they never want to be caught doing anything "geeky".

Yes. But it is very possible (and likely) that someone would have so little free time and be so stressed out by their lives that the last thing they want to do is work on these things.

As Kavenbach said, he has two jobs now and 99 problems, but the game isn't one. When I knew a person who had two jobs, wife and a kid, while also being in trouble with some other things in their life, they barely had free time to TALK. Let alone work in something that consumes a LOT of time. (not to mention... Porn games is the kind of thing most people can only do when they have a lot of privacy, and now he lives with more people than his immediate family).
Re: Tower of Change, chapter 2

This game have some potential and it's fun at the begining, too bad that its ridiculously high difficulty and horrible control make it too frustrating at the final levels.
Re: Tower of Change, chapter 2

its ridiculously high difficulty and horrible control make it too frustrating at the final levels.

Well that's more of a bad coding problem than the actual difficulty of the game...And yeah the controls are just bad...really bad.
Re: Tower of Change, chapter 2

Could someone post an image or two of gameplay? Can't find any and can't be arsed to download, install and make the game run (for some reason there always are some errors with these kind of things), maybe just to find that I don't like it. Maybe one H-scene would be preferred, but it's not necessary

The game is about as pixellated and silly looking as h games can muster, but the cool thing about it was the author went past the typical type of monsters (like slimes and stuff) and used weirder things like goblins that turned your character into gems, ghosts that would push your soul out of your body, and even sections of wall or giant ash monsters that would rape you.

The downsides to the game were the clunky controls and (at times) overly difficult level layout. The levels can be VERY hard.
Re: Tower of Change, chapter 2

This game is one that has grown on me. It appears to be made by a man with the desire to make an addicting and, at times, punishing action-platformer h-game, yet has no idea that graphics on a computer CAN be better than that of Custer's Revenge.

At first, I played the first chapter and almost immediately erased it from my hard drive while laughing my ass off. Then after two or three stages, I was hooked.

Yes, the graphics are horribly dated, but there's much more beauty in the actual motion and animation of the characters that truly takes be back to those vintage atari games, which those games themselves were usually god awful and nearly unplayable. If you're looking for a truly erotic experience, then this game leaves a LOT to the imagination. But it's more fun than I could have ever imagined when first seeing it, and that's because the challenge the game presents is practical, not in a "this game is just glitchy and broken" difficult way, it has smart level layout, and it keeps throwing new enemies and new challenges your way to break the monotony that other action-platformers suffer from.

After beating the first chapter and playing through the second, it's clear to me that this guy knows how to make a game, and a fun one to boot. It's certainly an unlikely gem in my eyes.
Re: Tower of Change, chapter 2

This game is pretty well done despite being pixels. Especially chapter 2. A shame it won't be finished.
Re: Tower of Change, chapter 2

"by KavenBach » Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:29 pm

Well, I guess I owe everyone (the few) interested in this some closure of sorts. MadBirdCZ PM'ed me lately, and I've transcribed most of my reply here.

The sad truth is that KavenBach is dead, and most of his creative endeavors with him. I hardly have any time to even turn on my computer these days, let alone work on something like this...

I'm working two jobs, for about 75 hours a week, and that includes working overnight and sleeping days. I was kicked out of the family home with my wife and disowned by my family because we refused to let the rest of my family raise my newborn daughter for us. So I'm living with my mother-in-law, and that greatly limits time and privacy for, er, production of adult entertainment. What time I could find I didn't particularly want to waste on something which, truthfully, made my brain hurt, frustrated the hell out of me when working on it, and received more criticism than approval. If spriting had been quicker and coding hadn't made my ears bleed I would be more inclined to keep working on it, but...

Instead, over the last several months, I've wasted time here and there with RPGMaker VX. It requires a lot less coding and spriting for a semi-playable result. There's only about 6 hours worth of playtime so far. Sure, I spent a little time here and there on TOC-C2, but there's hardly any difference from the last released version...

At this point... since I can't expect to do anything with it for a LOOOONG time, if ever... I should probably just release the base file if anyone else wants to try to muddle through my crap programming to salvage something. Dunno. Too tired to work on it anymore. I never have time... and what time I have, I have no interest in wasting on it anymore. I wish I could say it was still being worked on, but really, I have to be honest... it isn't.

Sorry to disappoint. Thanks to everyone who ever showed interest.


From the tf forums.

Apparently he's offering the base code to anyone who wants to finish it.
Re: Tower of Change, chapter 2

That was already posted on this page just a few posts up.
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