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The Colony - Day 2

Re: The Colony - Day 2

Skora took a 9mm pistol and a corresponding holster, fitting it onto her belt. It was a shame she wasn't able to take the bigger weapons, but she didn't want to start trouble.

After taking the pistol, Skora turned and for the first time noted the olive skinned woman. "What's up with that one?" she asked casually for the Captain to hear.
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

Kardas' eyes narrowed as she spotted the woman secured on the wall, a position she was far too close to being in not long ago. She opened her mouth to say something, but then apparently changed her mind, but her attention was without a doubt focused on the girl over the weapons presented and her entire body-language practically screamed disapproval. Still, at least that damned AI seemed to have left her alone...
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Jethro remained quite, noting every inch of the complex as they made their way through, noting every possible escape route in case they had to rabbit. When they arrived at the armory, however, the left side of his face cracked into a smile as he hefted the Tempest X11 into his hands and cocked it back, chambering a round and staring down the sights. "Now THIS is a weapon." he states, lowering the weapon and looking down at his old Jennings he had exchanged for the new gun, then back to Nanako. "I trust you haven't hurt the good doctor?" he asks, turning to look at Jenkins
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Re: The Colony - Day 2

Emily smirked at Skora's joke, and broke out into a laugh when the captain looked puzzled. "Here's hoping he'll never have to learn," Emily whispers back to Skora. Emily was just happy to be moving again.

As they are led into the armory, Emily looks over all of the showcase mods, and notices that nothing will fit onto an Orc weapon. Sighing in regret, she picks up the Aster 18. Remembering all of the best action vids, she knows that *somehow* she should be able to carry far more than the all of the guns and ammo she already has. After all, 2 pistols and one rifle is piddling compared to what Xīn was carrying when he assaulted that tower. After finally finding a place on her other hip for the new pistol, she sheepishly turns to the captain and asks, "I don't suppose you have a backpack I could use?"

Once fully equipped, Emily turns to look at the captive woman. "Huh? Who's she?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Marie lets out a "Oof!" as the orcess muscles the two women off of her, then a disappointed moan, almost a mewl, when she regains her senses, such as they are.

"But cats can be so smart... and so furry..." she blurts out, before trying to tackle the orcess once again.

((Move to the orcess, tackle her again. That's the last of Marie's EP, and the orcess is dry, so we'll get a new round.))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

((I'll take the Perfect Bore mod on my current pistol. Which... should bring it up from 1 damage to.. d3?))

Dark eyes glance over the room, taking in Nanako, the soldiers, the weapons.. and the Asari turns to the last option without commenting on the first two. So. They were running out of professionals as well, that was a good sign.

While everyone else starts going for the new, shiny weapons, Cassidy disassembles her own pistol, snapping the barrel and bore assembly block out with a few deft motions.. before exchanging it for another. Although they looked fairly similar, visually, a quick glance at the serial number on the side of the upgrade part reveals everything. Aftermarket manufactured, and of a significantly higher quality than the Alliance bothered to churn out. Putting her weapon back together once more, and aiming briefly down the sights.. the Asari smiles, and holsters the pistol. Perfect.

"So. Who's our lovely guest in the oh-so-fashionable restraints..?"

Rather than try and take charge again, the scientist was happy enough to fade into the background. As long as they were -getting- somewhere, that was fine by her.

((Query. Do we have Nanako's description/mugshot available from our HUD? Or, included in the mission brief at the start of this day? In short, would we recognise Nanako on sight? If so, is this her?))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

((Sorry for the late post. Had some real world issues.))

"There's a few things I'd like to get first, if possible." Circe glanced around, looking for any orcs that might be able to fufill those needs. "First, I need a close-quarters weapon, a blade of some kind, or more preferably, something less lethal that I can use to disable attackers that get too close for my firearms to be effective. Tereani had a blade, so I know your kind uses them." She said, turning back to Lullana. "And I don't exactly trust your weapons anyway. As far as I know, you could be able to disable them remotely. You can't disable a pointy stick." She added, giving a sardonic smile.

"And secondly, turn around." She said to Marcus and waved to his bonds. "I need to know about these. He's only of limited use to me with his hands tied. If he's going to be of any use as a slave, I'm going to need him to do more than walk and talk." She explained.

((Note: She's using 'you' to refer mainly to orcs in general and not Lullana in particular))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Somewhere East of Firelight Base: Carmine Forest (Sector 9), Orc Slave Camp (Barracks); Lullana, (and later) Circe, Marcus

The man with the blue insignias on his clothing stands up, looking at the Orcess with a hint of mistrust. Afterall, she left his hand bindings on, and his leather collar... although he was lucky it wasn't one of the orc's red control collars; Lullana had no idea how to even start by taking those off. She was about to show Circe what she needed before a yellow skinned orc - one of the trainers - cleared her throat. She couldn't speak English, it seemed, so she made sure to speak with Lullana:

"<We'd appreciate it if you kept the beast's restraints on his wrists until leaving the compound. This is for the safety of many whelps and grunts, such as yourself,>" She nodded to Lullana. After Lullana finished explaining to Circe, the orcess glanced at the green skin, then to her slave and back again.

"<You seem to have a... taste for certain qualities in these men,>" She grumbled, "<At least the human knows to pick strong ones... Hah! She's more of an orc than you!>" She said, giving Circe a hearty slap on the back, walking away, still laughing at the thought of some human being 'more' of an orc than an actual Greenskin in their race.

"Can you tell what they're saying yet?" Marcus grunted to Circe.

Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Floor 1); Cassidy, Jethro, Emily, Skora, Kardas and Ninaski

((Ninaski chooses the Nullifier, incase Scurdy ever returns.

Hehe... Sorry, thought that was a funny joke.

In response to the query: Yes, you do have a picture of her, and know what she looks like.))

Everyone's HUD lights up as they look at the bound woman, a picture of Nanako showing up on their viewscreens. Her were restraints removed, she stood up, dusting herself off and turned around to reveal sparkling green eyes... plastered onto a pissed off face of womanly fury that Cassidy had seen time and time again. She pushed the 'soldier' who freed her away, storming towards the nearest person - Jethro.

"What the FUCK," She said, shoving his shoulders - but after finding he barely budged, quickly moved to the next closest: Emily, who received quite a hearty shove instead, "I've been stuck here for five fucking days! Where the fuck is Cassie?! Why didn't she clear this up sooner?! WHY-... Why is she mint green?" Nanako asked, immediately moving over to Skora, taking hold of the woman's arm, running her fingers along it. She moved up close to the orc, grabbing onto her head and forcing open one of her eyes, peering into it, then opening up the girl's mouth and looking at her teeth, finally turning to the Captain, who was still attached to Kardas' hip.

"You weren't joking about an invasion then?"

"Maybe next time, instead of throwing a fit and having us place you under 'arrest', you should actually listen," He replied. Nanako made a bit of a face, before crossing her arms and looking at the group.

"Chief Medical Officer Nanako Hisagawa. My question still remains: Where's Commander Winters?" She didn't apologize to Emily, Skora or Jethro, even as one of the 'soldiers' passes in front of Nanako, handing her an extra hip holster for her pistol.

"That's all we have... sorry..."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"'Arrest' huh?" Kardas muttered coldly to the captain as Nanko threw her tirade but seemed otherwise content to watch for now. "You'd think she'd be pleased to see us," she added a little louder, flicking the hair out of her eyes as she watched the medical officer, less than pleased to have what certainly looked like yet another non-com princess to look after.

"Well, we've saved the princess, now what?" Kardas asked dryly, a very bored expression upon her face as she looked over at the Asari, who at least seemed to know what this group was trying to do. With a roll of her eyes and a glance to the scuffle unfolding she added, "And really, you call me crazy?"
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

Emily flies back about 5 feet, but manages to stay upright... barely...

"I've had more than enough of being shoved around by orcs," Emily yells back. "You get that one for free... do it again, and your precious 'Cassie' be damned, you and I will have it out right here, right now. Cassie can get her Medical Officer back, some assembly required."

Emily is visibly shaking with what appears to be an adrenaline response. She appears to have a strong need to maintain her boundaries, and to stop being a toy to be tossed around.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Jethro smirks with the left side of his face as Nanako explodes, feeling the shove in his skin's senses but not knowing how hard she really had shoved. When she had finished, he made an electronic noise that sounded somewhat like someone clearing their throat. "Doctor. I do believe the Commander is waiting for you back at base. If we hurry, we just might get back in time for evening mess. Of course, since our other good doctor is in the lead, I wouldn't want to overstep my own leadership capabilities." he says, sarcasm once again seeping through. Something was happening inside that brain of his, but as to what, no one without a black-level bioengineering degree would be able to tell.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Circe staggered forward a step from the force of the slap and looked at the yellow skinned orc with some suspicion until she started to laugh and walk a away. Figuring that laughter was the same for orcs as it was for humans, Circe straightened herself and turned to Marcus. "Not yet. I've only been with them for a day." But he did raise a point she wanted to bring up to Lullana as well and she turned to her companion. "But that's another thing I wanted to ask of you, if you could teach me your language. If I'm going to be fighting alongside you, I'll need to."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Skora dismissed Nanako's impromptu close up inspection by jerking her face away from the medical officer with a scowl. Obviously the woman had come to her own -obvious- conclusion about what Skora was.

The half orc crossed her arms defensively and let others voice their contempt and dislike of their VIP charge in her place. This one would have provided good sport in the slave pens - breaking the fiesty personalities was an orc soldier's favorite past time. If she thought five days' worth of imprisonment was bad, she'd be in for a rude awakening if the orcs got her.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Lullana shrugs off the comment by the yellow skinned Orc, though it took some effort as she was beginning to tire of the putdowns of her fellow Orcs, before turning to Circe "When we get back we may be kept busy during the day but if you wish to learn then I will teach you in the evenings when our tasks are done."

"We should start to head back."
She nods towards the exit as she finishes speaking before making a start towards the gates they entered from with her new slave in tow.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Cassidy finishes snapping the holster closed on her newly upgraded pistol.. and watches their Medical Officer with some amusement as the woman inspects every member of their group. Except her. With half an amused glance to Kardas, she steps in to console the Medical Officer.

"Relax, Little Miss Angry. Command Winters, recognised by all of us as the only one with an idea of how to survive this colossal fuck-up, is back at base running co-ordination and communication. This ragtag bunch, while not much aesthetically.. aren't actually half bad. Two of them at least have saved my life already today, Menthol here included. Hm. Menthol.. would you prefer that to Green?"

Then it clicks that she hasn't -actually- introduced herself, and the tattooed Asari steps forward with an apologetic grin, and a hand extended.

"Sorry, carried away. Cassidy. better known as Doc."

And here's hoping you -haven't- heard of me. Best to omit the last name just in case.

"This is "Tin Man" Jethro, "Kitten" Emily, don't be fooled by the name, "Green" Skora.. her loyalties -aren't- in question, despite her skin colour, and "Crazy" Kardas. She's usually pretty reasonable, but in a fight..? Anyway. Now that we've got you.."

Turning on one booted heel to face the Abstergo Captain, still thoroughly in Kardas' possession.

"Even if we can't have our lab tech back... I'd like to speak with her. Or this Winters you have evaluating her. Our tech has the access codes to get the labs open back at base. And trust me. If we're to have any hope of finding a solution to this invasion that doesn't involve lots of people dying? We're going to need a lab."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Very well. Come. You in front." Circe motioned for Marcus to walk in front of her and behind Lullana and the orc's new slave.

After they were out of the compound and about to reenter the forest, Circe stopped and reached for Marcus's bindings, trying to remove them. "So, why an engineer? I would have thought you orcs prize brawn over brain normally." She said as she worked, motioning to the Alliance engineer.

((If Silth wants stuff to happen before they leave, ignore that last paragraph))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Lullana shrugs at the question. "He might be useful. Besides, would a healer really help when needed? This one is more useful away from combat." She carries on walking, still unsure of exactly what to make of this curious human.

((Sorry Maiko, I just realised I missed you're earlier post regarding weapons etc, I was in a rush to past after being absent for a bit and must have totally skimmed over it.))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

((OOC GM stuff: Tassy, DeMatt, assuming you guys see this first, go ahead and post actions for Dreana and LDF... I suggest having Kalica try to tackle Marie, so Kiera's turret has a clear target.

......Of course, you could always just knock the orcess out and have a prisoner... Go ahead and tackle her! >.>))

Somewhere East of Firelight Base: Carmine Forest (Sector 9), Orc Slave Camp (Barracks); Lullana, Circe, Marcus*, and an unnamed Engineer

As the group passed through the camp, Many of the orcs watched Marcus walk in front of Circe, the bioid catching their glances and stares. He must have become very popular in his short time here.

As the gate slid open again, the red Orc outside watched the four come through, laughing at Lullana and her new slave.

"<Perfect. You know how to pick strong ones,>" He chuckled. She could feel her cheeks burning a bit, taking the group just out of sight before she showed Circe how to undo Marcus' bindings. It was a fairly simple task - just running her finger along silver bindings released Marcus... but her comment about choosing 'brain over brawn' didn't quite help either.

"I-I'm good at fighting!" The mechanic said frantically, hoping that would help improve his chances. Lullana had a hard time understanding if he was actually saying this, or if he was trying to keep his act going in front of Circe. It was fairly convincing if he was.

Marcus rubbed his wrists where the binds had been, looking over at Circe and Lullana, trying to keep from glaring at the orcess.

"I'll be more of an aid to my Master with weapons," He said in a low growl.

Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Floor 1); Cassidy, Jethro, Emily, Skora, Kardas and Ninaski

"You're princess is in another castle," Jenkins muttered, just under his breath, but Kardas caught the little jibe at Nanako. Apparently the woman had been giving Abstergo more trouble than they thought she was worth.

As the Asari put on her showboating, Nanako turned and smiled at her display, until the woman's name came up. Her slight smile quickly disappeared, turning into a stone-cold glare, her green eyes revealing the quiet, building rage that could possibly out perform her past tantrum and any before that the group had missed. As Cassidy finished, somewhat more cautious than when she first started, Nanako only squared up her tiny shoulders and glared at the Asari with the silver and gold tattoos on her face.

"Homewrecker," She said sternly, before going over to Emily, grabbing onto the woman's arm and pulling her close. Even though the orc slave tried to jerk her arm away, Nanako held her in place, holding her hand over the woman's wrist, her meditool beginning to do a small diagnostic as it scanned over Emily's skin.

"What have you been eating?" She asked quietly, "You seem thin, and... full of protein."

The Captain kept his attention on Cassidy, waiting until she was finished speaking, before shaking his head.

"We can't let you up on the second floor. Even though it's an emergency, it's still company policy. I doubt she'd be likely to answer her radio... It's... a very intense 'evaluation'," The captain said. There was definitely something about the way he said evaluation this time...

So that meant they were having sex.

Firelight Base: Floor 2, Command Center; Xerabus and Commander Winters

"Seriously?" Cassie asked quietly, staring at Xerabus in shock, "You... You haven't run across any of the orcs? At all?"

"They're the big green things that seem to enjoy grabbing victims and raping them."

Cassie shot the representation of Kiera a glare before looking back to Xerabus, "If you're offering your help... Yes, we do need it."
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Hmph. Not -that- Cassidy, silly girl. Anyway..Tin Man.. don't let our Medic here do anything rash, will you..? And.." Leaning close to Jethro as she passes, murmuring into his ear.

"If I mention Directive Foxtrot-Uniform-Alpha-One-One at any point in this conversation... start shooting. Kill everything not us. Pass it on to the rest of the team via private radio.. don't risk the public channels, they'll be listening."

Sauntering past Jethro with her.. diplomat's smile in place, and a nod to Kardas, Cassidy closes the polite conversational distance between herself and the Captain. Palms settled on his shoulders, jumpsuited breasts pushed against his armoured chest, and big, dark, Asari eyes turned up to his visor.

I hate doing this.

"Regulations... such a pain, aren't they..? I'm sure we could... work something out. After all.. we're incommunicado. This never has to get back to your superiors. All I want is a nice little word with Miss Winters, a chat with my lab tech.. and you'll never see me again. Of course, if you don't -want- me to leave straight away... I'm sure I could find time in my schedule for you. Must be... -hard- for you to keep that armour on all the time.. no R&R, no time just for you... hm?"
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