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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

This isn't the Shikieiki I know! Someone dethrone this brutal monster and have her judged for her own crimes! She's meant to be a judge of the DEAD, not go about judging and then personally executing the living! >_<

Ok (C), and this is how. Eirin makes the anti yama drugs, Yukari/Komachi slips in the drugs, and Yukari opens a portal for us to meet with the Enma Dai-O (King of all Yama, and this isn't even Touhou shit now) and lay out this fake Shikieiki's crimes for her punishment and dismissal. :mad:

Actually, maybe we should meet with the Enma Dai-O first, before druging his subordinate.

Not that I actually expect any of this to get written into the story...

Bah! I hate her.

(And really, with a tyrant like that ruling over Gensokyo, I'm sure the whimsical likes of Yukari and others would be happy to help bring her down.)
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

With thoughts of getting back at the Yama for her cruel treatment of Tewi, Byakuren turns on her heels and heads back to have a little brainstorm with Eirin. After a while, they come up with a plan to ensnare Shiki and deal her a fitting punishment. Eirin gets to mixing up a drug suitable for their plans, telling Byakuren she'd just increase the potency of some older creation a few dozen times to bring it's effects to undeniable levels. While the doctor poured over her drugs to create a suitable foil, Byakuren goes out to seek a certain person to help them. They needed undetectable movement, and she knew about one such being.

Approaching Yukari for aid, Byakuren was uneasy in front of the gap mistress, yesterday's encounter still clearly in her mind. After a brief discussion, the youkai lady agrees to help them. "It's always fun to bring high-and-mighty types like that Shikieiki down a peg or three. Maybe I'll get to play with you again as well~" she says, a hand quickly dissappearing into a small gap. Yukari was light on the teasing this time around, only rubbing her finger across the mage's panties. "Alright, let's go see Eirin. Maybe I can catch up on old times with her as we do. Could potentially enjoy a few cups between us after we're done with this little lesson." With their agreement complete, Yukari opens a gap next to her, prodding Byakuren through and following after the mage herself. In a blink of an eye, they are back at Eirin's little field clinic.

With her medicine complete, Eirin switches over to boiling some water and sending Reisen to look for Shikieiki in the vicinity, as the Yama had been patrolling the relatively quiet resting areas for any signs of unrest. They set up a normal-looking arrangement at the table, then waited for Reisen to return with Shiki in tow. All three women were a bit jittery about the coming trick to play on Shiki, but Byakuren and Eirin saw it as fair play to give the cruel Yama some of her own medicine. And if she wasn't ready to apologize and forget the whole thing, Keine could be called in to assist them with the matter. Once Shiki enters, Yukari is already gone a bit farther away with the potent weakening drug, ready for a moment of non-attention to slip the small vial into her tea. Once she was powerless, the women would tie and strip her before having their way with the Yama's small form. The seemingly normal invitation goes smoothly, Shiki remarking at one point that she was surprised they weren't bitter about Tewi's fate. Once the Yama's head turns the other way briefly, Yukari takes her cue and sneaks a hand and the medicine through a minor gap.

But it looked like Shiki was not so easy to trap. As Yukari's hand appears beside the Yama's cup, her own smaller hand darts out and grabs the gap youkai's wrist mid-operation. "Just what do you think you're doing, Yakumo?" she asks the floaty hand holding a vial. Noticing the vial, Shiki's grip tightens like a vice around Yukari's wrist, squeezing it harder and harder until she lets go of the liquid. Holding Yukari at bay with her other hand, Shiki investigates the vial and takes a careful sniff to determine what it was. "So... you intended to weaken me with this drug. Well, it would've been a wasted effort, since I've tried this stuff on myself before. A Judge has to know their limits.." she says in a cold voice, snapping Yukari's wrist like a twig before pulling the gap youkai through her own gap, the lady crying in pain from the sudden break of her bones. Dress flapping as she flies to the ground, Yukari hits the floor hard, struggling against the pain. A quick casting of a spell restrains both Byakuren and Eirin in ghostly chains as Shikieiki rises from her seat and walks over to Yukari. Knowing full well about the gap youkai's abilities, the Yama takes measures to her own hands quickly. Mounting herself on Yukari's upper body, she starts smashing her fist to the lady's face repeatedly, the sounds of breaking bones audible over the beating. Only once Yukari stops moving does Shiki stay her hand, having reduced the gap mistress to a heap on the ground.

"Now, we can talk properly." Shikieiki says as she gets up and leaves the severely beaten Yukari laying there in a small pool of her own blood. Casting a killing glare towards the two imprisoned women, she conjures up her diamond-shaped rod after shaking the worst blood splatters from her hand. Enlarging it to a more suitable striking instrument, she starts taking turns at the pair, bringing hard, punishing blows on their bodies. "When will you learn? It is my given duty to watch over these games and keep the whole place in good order by any means necessary. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. I don't do this for my own desire, it's been appointed to me by the ruler of Hell" she informs them among the beating. "Extreme disturbances call for extreme measures. What happened to this worthless little creature.." the Yama says, giving the catatonic Tewi a quick kick to the side. "..is entirely her own fault. Your attempted assault towards me is not a crime punishable by death, but I'll still have to make you regret your foolish decisions as they were an attempt to disrupt proper order." Withdrawing her rod, she re-configures the ghostly chains in a way that Byakuren and Eirin are now tied against each other. The violent pull of the chain causes the women to be forced along as the Yama starts to depart the clinic, a few separate chains attaching to Yukari's unmoving form as they move past, causing her to get dragged across the ground behind them as well.

Moving the rather gruesome group to the open field, Shikieiki shoves bound pair farward and away from her. A hell-red light starts to glimmer under their feet, an intimidating construct soon rising up and hoisting both women upon itself. It was a triangular thing made from wood with a metallic edge facing upwards. As they get picked up, the edge buries itself into their lower parts, causing hideous pain as it digs deeper and deeper. To further increase the sense of agony and fear, chains shoot out from the hellish glow and wrap themselves around Byakurens and Eirin's legs to prevent them from falling off the torture device as they pull them down even harder. Shiki takes a little time to set them both up with blindfolds and ballgags as well, bringing the unpleasant factor to near max level. Hearing Yukari getting set to a similar device, Byakuren is soon unable to detect anything else, the pain in her womanhood making it ridiculously hard to even think straight. "I'll come and see if you three should be released once sun starts to set..." Shiki's voice can be heard saying, before steps start to move away from them. It was barely past noon at the current moment, which caused Byakuren's mind to darken with despair....

The darkness was unrelenting. Nothing but a terrible pain in her lower body was detectable. Byakuren thought she could feel Eirin's body against her own, but the pain pushed any other feelings aside before they had time to linger too long. Having tolerated the pain for what seemed like years, the mage was starting to lose her conscious mind among the waves of agony, feeling like she'd soon be free if her mind shattered under the non-stop torment.

And then it stopped.

The blindfold sliding away from her eyes, Byakuren can hazily see the form of Shikieiki looking over her. "I hope this has given you a lesson. Do not try to go against me. It won't end good for anyone trying to do so." the preachy Yama tells them, walking away from them and leaving them there in the cool summer night. The pain in her lower parts was horrendous, but Byakuren still thought about crawling towards Eirin and taking hold of the doctor's beat-up body. Even Yukari was near them, still looking as destroyed as before.

From the corner of her eye, the mage thought she saw someone walking near them.

A. Try to call out towards the person near them.

B. Crawl and try to reach Eirin

C. Just lie down and allow yourself to fade out for today


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I normally like Shiki but this particular incarnation is a bit hard to like. ;_;

A is tempting because it could be someone who could help in the quest to dethrone the green tyrant (or at least make her calm down a bit). I'm going to go with B though, just because I'm curious as to if we've basically lost yet another member of the Imperishable Night group and Tewi's best chance of a good recovery. ;_;

Edit: Also, I have the sneaking suspicion that the person nearby is going to be someone more loyal to Shiki than us. Or, you know, more interested in harming us than helping us. One of those.

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Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I will not rest until we've murdered Shiki and buried her deep.


We probably can't do anything to help Eirin besides comforting her at the moment, and this person who's passing by may be able to help all of us. And maybe if she sees the brutality of Shiki first hand she'll be willing to help us kill her later.


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) We don't have time to rest, we need Eirin back on her feet so she can patch us all up. This stranger may just be the help we need to accomplish this and our future plans.

And screw you Tass, I wasn't the only one who wanted this.
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B. Also, people need to stop listening to Aurani. Her plans are stupid and inevitably end in hate-sex.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


I agree with Tiffanian on this one. We need to either kill her or break her, preferably the former. Extreme levels of excessive violence are the only viable solution. We just need to get enough firepower to obliterate the Yama.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


This isn't a paradise... if everyone has to live in fear of this hypocritical puritan, then this Gensokyo is hell on earth already. A Yama is meant to be an impartial judge, sentencing both justified punishment and reward, but enacting neither herself.

(A) I think we kinda need help.

We may have perhaps just been mutilated, but we can't stop now. I see our recruitment plans for potential allies being as follows. (I apologise for the following bit of meta-game knowledge, and if this is the wrong kind of input since it's kinda irrelevant to the current vote. But it's what everyone seems to be thinking.)

Yukari happens to have a long time very close friend who works in the same business as Shiki. A Yama can't punish someone who was already sentenced long ago, and especially someone sentenced to serve as the mistress and caretaker of the dead.

We had dinner with a pair of ancient gods a while ago. They can't pull rank on a Yama, but neither can she harm or sentence them. They also gain power from anyone who believes in their cause...

There is one obvious candidate for the "fire power and extreme levels of excessive violence" that Cross seeks. who can shrug off any kind of pain or injury the Yama can inflict. Dunno about a definite motive for recruitment though.


Demon Girl Master
Apr 5, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I'm going to vote A as well.

we never know who it is walking and Yukari and Erin have some pretty powerful allies and friends. Plus don't forget how many friends we already made in our travels.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

With a feeble cry, Byakuren tries to attract the attention of the person near them. Her plea is heard as two figures start to look over them quite busily, trying to make them feel as comfortable as possible in the grassy fields. A fire soon starts to light the vicinity and bring some warmth to the beaten trio of women. When she can finally muster the strenght to look around, Byakuren can see two red-dressed blonde girls tending to her friends. One of them bears a dress that looks like it's hem was made from the reddened autumn leaves, the other's distinguishing feature is her hat with a cluster of grapes on its brim. The one with the hat soon notices Byakuren being conscious, and comes over to her. "Looks like she roughed you three up bad. Let old me give you a bit of advice, do not try to mess with that Yama anymore, this event will pass and she'll return to her proper duties down in Hell." the caretaker girl gives out a bit of her mind, before going over to the fire to retrieve something. "If you can, please eat what I'm going to offer." she says, breaking a bit of from whatever she was holding and placing it to Byakuren's lips. The mage was indeed hungry and thirsty after spending multiple hours on Shiki's torture device. Slowly munching on the offered food, she realizes that it is a sweet potato. The friendly girl notices Byakuren enjoying her humble offer, and lets her have as much as she wants and giving the mage water when she needed it, an utterly friendly expression fixed on her face.

With her hunger and thirst satisfied for the most part, Byakuren gets up to a sitting position near the fire, noticing that some of the pain was gone from her body. "Now, don't go moving too much. We'll see to your friends." the blonde girl with the hat says to her, going over to see Yukari's condition. The gap youkai was unresponsive towards her attempts, the girl gently feels up Yukari's face from the side where Shiki pounded her. "Oh goodness.. these are pretty serious damages. The doctor over there should be the one looking at this, but what can we do in this situation.." the yet unnamed helper tells her, giving Yukari some water to relieve her. "She can't bite properly with that broken jaw. Miss Yakumo here is going to be eating a lot of soup until she recovers..."

The other girl soon confirms that Eirin's condition is stable, only Yukari was in serious risk after the assault. The girl with the hat soon returns to Byakuren, the mage starting to tire from mere sitting. The girl is quick to make her feel better, taking Byakuren's gradient-haired head on her lap. "In case you want to know, I'm called Minoriko. My sister over there is Shizuka. We'll take care of you for through this night, so try to feel at ease and rest. You'll no doubt have another arduous day of battles coming tomorrow, champion. With the power of our harvest cousing through your body and reworking the damages, you'll be taking part in that singles tournament. The gap youkai won't be up to any serious action for a long while. So do your best and impress the gods above.." As Minoriko's words roll through her head, Byakuren falls away to the land of dreams again, a feeling of immense pleasantness overcoming her in the girl's lap.

Once she wakes up, Byakuren finds the rest of her crew surrounding her, their expressions showing relief as she sits up on her resting place. Upon hearing an explanation from Murasa, she is told that a pair of girls brought her over after taking care of injuries she had suffered. Only a slight ache remained from the hours-long ride on a triangular wooden block, but she ignored that as her name was called from the outside. With an embarassed expression, Shou explains that she had gone and signed Byakuren too into the singles rounds. "We've yet to solve our little competition, I want to do it here." the tiger youkai continues, the spirit of the game firmly inside her. Nudging Shou's cheek, Byakuren goes forward to continue the tournament in a new setting.

Now by herself, the mage enters the ring to begin a different style of fighting. Rinnosuke's cheery announcement sounds across the arena as she introduces both contestants, Byakuren getting loud cheers as the audience recognized one half of the champion pair. But her first opponent in the singles was someone she didn't want to fight, but now had to. It was the blonde bridge princess Parsee.

A. Offense

B. Defense

C. Something else?


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Parsee won't hold back. We can't either. It's time to take fighting seriously. We need to grow strong, until there will be none who can oppose us.


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Throw a Yuugi plushie at her and then strip her naked in the confusion.

Fine, A)


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Hey, the Aki sisters didn't rape or beat us! I think we're getting on the right track (unless you were hoping for rape or beatings, I suppose)!

Go for the throat, Bya!

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Drawing a few deep, steady breaths to focus her mind towards the upcoming conflict with the jealousy-fuelled Parsee, Byakuren takes to off to meet the bridge princess at face level before they commence. Going for a straight-up offensive strategy, the mage brings some of her more formidable barrages to bear on her opponent. The somewhat calm Parsee is having a hard time right from the start, her usual jealousy aura nowhere to be seen. With the bridge princess at such a state of disadvantage, Byakuren is easily able to take her down after a minimal effort. "Have I really become this strong again?" she thinks as the announcement for her victory is echoing through the surrounding area.

The reason for Parsee's quick loss is explained some moments later as Byakuren sits down among the rest of her group, the bridge princess seemed to just want to get back to her lover, the oni woman Yuugi. The two of them go past the mage's group and head towards some less exposed area to be together in private. Letting the two have their privacy, she asks the rest of her group about how they were doing. Nazrin and Ichirin weren't taking part, Murasa and Shou both had defeated their first opponents about as easily as she did. Spending the resting time with her companions, Byakuren wishes them well as her name is announced for the second time during the day.

Once she reaches the arena, the mage is facing a younger girl in fancy blue and pink clothing. She had a look that was similar to another young girl in the past few days, Koishi. She had a similar orb with cords connected to it over her heart as well, but unlike Koishi's this girl had a staring eye in the middle of it. The eye keeps itself fixed on Byakuren, no doubt performing some sort of scan on her the entire time. "Welcome to round two of the deciding singles tournaments, good people of Gensokyo! This pair didn't have a chance to meet each other during the pair competition, due to an unfortunate clash of sister pairs happening. The Komeijis just weren't up to defeating the hardened veteran Scarlets, and so lost early in the competition. We'll see how the champion Byakuen will deal with her opponent's unusual abilities. This is the master of the underground mansion Palace of Earth Spirits, Satori Komeiji!"

A. Offense

B. Defense

C. Something else?


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Ah, shit. Satori. Out of all opponents available, it had to be the most annoying one to fight. Freaking mind-reading youkai. Let's see, now...


Either try to overwhelm her third eye by focusing on something very annoying (like a song) or cut the crap and go straight for that third eye. She can use it to read her opponent and make us face spellcards from our memories... Including enemy spellcards. So we need to take out her biggest strenght out of the picture.


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) Relax and clear our mind, then attack without putting any thought into it, yet aiming the attacks towards her third eye.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I can't remember how Satori's mind-reading powers work at all. I remember it not being just straight-forward telepathy though. Maybe an all-out, thoughtless offense will counter the mind reading!

Alternatively, think something along the lines of 'is that Koishi over there doing naughty things with those 3 villagers' and hope she turns so we can sucker punch her. >.>

If only it were Koishi! I had a Freud joke ready for Koishi! >.>


S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C. Thoughtless, random offensive. Occasionally think of a feint to have her slip up, then sucker punch her. Don't let her sense a pattern, just be random about everything.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(C) We are a monk (supposedly) so lets open up a can of combat meditation on her frilly ass! (Pretty much what the others said)