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Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Oh wow, we took out Yakumo family, yay us! Who's next?




I don't think that distracting them will work. Somehow, I doubt they're that easy to beat. Personally, I believe we should avoid melee and focus on Sakuya, not Meiling. She's a tank, she can take a lot of punishment before going down. On top of that, she hits like a train. Sakuya, however, is a human, and even if she can stop time, there ought to be a window of opportunity. We need to be aggressive here, we have to keep that girl from having enough time to box us in with knives. Otherwise, we'll be either skewered or end up as easy pickings for the martial artist.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I actually felt really guilty reading Chen's downfall. How could we do that. We got so caught up in winning, that we lost our way. Please forgive us Shiki. T_TAs for this fight, (C)

Ahah! I actually thought of a battle tactic that makes some kind of sense and doesn't involve cheating. Fully agreeing with Grave's strategy, Meiling is a tank, so don't waste energy on trying to wear her down and avoid letting her bait us into Sakuya's traps. Though Sakuya's powers do have one key limitation. Even with time stopped, she can't pass through existing shots and obstacles. If we can lay down some area denial or movement restricting fire (some of Byakuren's horrible homing lasers perhaps. Do we have those?), all that time manipulation will be worth a lot less if she has no where to go and less angles to throw knives from.

I cite ZUN as my teacher for this strategy.

(And yes I do realise that she did actually escape from that flame vortex, but only just.)
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S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Meiling hits hard, and like what the others said, is a damn tank. Sakuya is a human with powers, but has her limitations.

Move somewhat erratically so they can't read our movements.

Use firepower to deny Meiling any chance to get close and use long range to our advantage. Move all around Sakuya (covering her Xs, Ys, and Zs) while maintaining distance and pound her with as much firepower as we're able to dish out, but still conserving energy to fight afterward. Keep denying Meiling opportunities to get close, using a permission strategy. If she wants to get close, she'll have to eat a lot of our bullets. Sakuya will be denied a lot of movement and maneuverability (much like Squid said)

If possible, time our movements so that Sakuya's knives and Meiling's travel pattern intercept. If we're lucky, Sakuya will down her own partner.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"This will be a tricky fight Murasa, but I trust in your ability. These two don't mess around when it comes to fighting, Meiling especially is a rock-hard opponent if you let her near. Sakuya is an extremely skilled knife-thrower and knows a good few danmaku patterns as well, making for an intimidating combination. We need to maneuver carefully and take the maid out first, she'll just lure us to a melee trap or surround us with her numerous knives." Byakuren lays out her strategy, grabbing Murasa's head and giving her a friendly shake. "We can do this!"

With their plan ready, the two of them take to the air, facing the formidable pair of Scarlet Devil Mansion contestants. The opposing team doesn't waste time at pushing the attack on the other team, Meiling wasting no time as she almost appears in the middle of them with her ridiculously fast movement. Quickly splitting off towards different directions, the pair try to keep the chinese youkai fighter between themselves and Sakuya, not allowing the maid to have any direct fire at them. Dodging a few traps the maid tries to lay out, Byakuren keeps her attacks aimed at her, employing some criss-crossing lasers to further prevent her time-stopped movement. After a few minutes spent avoiding Meiling and dodging Sakuya's knife barrages, Byakuren's team is on the advantage, having punished the maid quite a lot with their restricting danmaku. They can hear Meiling complain as she starts getting frustrated at the constant evasion maneuvers. "RRRGH, COME ON! Let me fight you face-to-face, this is not fun!"

Ignoring the gateguard's complaints, Byakuren keeps the pressure on Sakuya, finally getting her to do a serious mistake. With too many things to look out for, the maid finds herself trapped and takes a direct hit from one of the mage's lasers. Falling briefly, Sakuya is not as easy to knock out as Chen was, soon correcting herself in mid-air and backing out from the arena. "Meiling, it's up to you now! Fight with your entire being and take them out! We need to face the mistresses again!" the maid shouts out, doing her best to prevent her uniform disintegrating on her, as it got heavily damaged in the fight.

Looking at the maid's departure as she shouts her final words, Meiling turns her attention back on the two combatants she was facing alone now. Casting her gaze down briefly, the gateguard silently floats there for a while, before a terrible roar sounds across the arena and surrounding lands. As Meiling starts to glow with green energy, she turns to face the two opponents again. "You just had to do it.. Now I have to go serious with you.." she says, tossing her beret away as small draconic antlers rise among her red hair, the young woman's eyes turning yellow and slightly reptilian in looks. With another roar, her hands grow claws, scales covering part of her face and making a steady coat up to her elbows. The final act of transformation sprouts her a long draconic tail. Still leaking her ki energy as she takes her fighting stance in the air, the newly-transformed Meiling seems ready for them. "Now, why don't you stop trying to play tag and fight me properly?" she asks the pair, her voice now raspy and a bit deeper.

"We haven't seen this in a while, the Dragon Fusion! Hold on now people, there might be serious injuries coming!" Rinnosuke announces, sounding intensely excited about the turn of events.

A. Offensive strategy

B. Defensive strategy

C. Something else (comment)


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) Swing Murasa around and launch her at Meiling. ANCHOR'D


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


She has an even stronger form? That's it.


I know, it's risky as Hell. But let's face it - right now, she's an even bigger tank. We can't afford to drag this out, we have to stay at range and throw everything at her. EVERYTHING.

Well, maybe except Murasa. Altough a fastball special can be quite amusing, I doubt it's going to work. Really.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I'm out of ideas. Still, it's two on one, we'll just have to nail her with everything we've got, keep up the pressure, and pray.


S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C. It's basically an offensive strategy, but with more details. I guess?

Keep blasting her with our bullets. Don't let her get near, and continue pummeling her with as much firepower as we have.

Also, a key component of martial arts is deception. Make Meiling think she hit Murasa and brought her down. As Meiling becomes more focused on Byakuren (who needs to up her evasion and firepower), wait until Meiling gets near Byakuren and then have Murasa nail her with all she has from behind. Maybe an anchor to the head? As that happens, have Byakuren just wail on Meiling's front with a barrage of magically enhanced attacks.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"This is bad Murasa! We need to stay away and throw everything we got on her! This form is a death sentence waiting if you let her close. But, we could try a few deceptions..." Byakuren says, giving Murasa a quick change of strategy.

This hidden form of Meiling proves to be a formidable opponent, staying in pace with the opposing team as they zoom away. After a brief chase, Murasa is pressed into a melee situation, her defenses just barely holding the dragongirl back. Catching Meiling's fist with the frame of her anchor, Murasa's eyes widen as she notices the massive thing's body bend under the force of the blow. "THIS IS MORE LIKE IT! DON'T DISSAPPOINT ME NOW!" the gateguard shouts among a flurry of punches, happy that she finally gets to melee properly. Trying to get away from the mad rush, Murasa's anchor starts to accumulate damage as fist-shaped dents form on it's frame. Byakuren fires barrage after barrage at Meiling, possibly damaging the dragongirl with her precision attacks. If she was harmed by Byakuren's danmaku showers at all, Meiling surely wasn't showing any signs of it.

Murasa decides to employ a faint, letting Meiling nail her on the cheek. The captain makes a dramatic fall, Byakuren boosting her performance with a "NO!" of her own. The dragongirl quickly changes target to Byakuren, zooming towards the mage now in an effort to start melee-ing her too. Backing away from the charging gateguard, Byakuren can see the fake-out working as Murasa pulls out a quick recovery, simultaneously hurling her anchor at Meiling's back. Too focused on the oncoming danmaku, the gateguard fails to notice the massive projectile as it slams into her back, a part of it knocking her on the back of the head.

But much to Murasa's horror, the frenzied gateguard seems to barely notice the anchor bouncing across her back. Turning her attention back to Murasa, Meiling pulls out a near-instant move, appearing in front of the captain with a grin on her face. Without her anchor there, the captain is easy prey to the dragongirl who throws a six-hit barrage of punches across the opponents body, the seventh throwing her higher into the air. Flying some 10 feet up from the uppercut, Murasa can't even start to fall before Meiling is over her, pulling off a somersault and landing her shin on the captain's skull. Now with both of them falling towards the ground, Meiling unleashes a few more punches on Murasa before grabbing her by the collar and driving the seafarer to the ground with a huge slam, the force of the impact creating a small crater for Murasa to lay in.

With the captain now taken out, Meiling rises from the crater and stares back towards Byakuren in the sky. A few trickles of blood are visible now under the gateguard's long hair, the anchor did have an effect on her. Meiling stumbles forward a few steps, dropping to one knee as she shakes her head. "Haaa, can't... focus..." she mumbles under her breath, before standing up to her proper height. With most of her energy spent, the gateguard reverts back to her usual easygoing form. "Byakuren-sama.. looks like you win. Old me can't fight anymore, vision's... blurry.." she calls out, forfeitting the match for Byakuren's team as she shakily wobbles out from the arena. "This is a major upset folks! Such a strong team taken out off the competition by the newcomers! Surely this day will be full of surprises!" Rinnosuke's announcement sounds across the plains before he congratulates Byakuren's team for their victory.

Confirming that Murasa is alive, Byakuren takes the captain to see Dr.Eirin before the next match. The good doctor uses her consummate skill to get Murasa back on her feet in no time. "I'm fine, I really am. Just a slight ache on my head." the captain assures Byakuren several times before they head towards the resting areas.

The following matches start to get longer and longer, Byakuren's team getting their earned rest, before an utterly loud bang wakes them from their peaceful lazing. Seeing the entire arena engulfed in a roaring fireball is quite a sight as they are heading into the night, the low light giving a spectacular lightshow that wasn't as visible during the day. "And another major upset caused by a newcomer team!!" Rinnosuke yells out, excited out of his shoes. "The Scarlet Sisters have been defeated by this team of undergrounders! This'll make for exciting and new rounds for the last two that are coming up!" Seeing Remilia and her partner exit the arena defeated gives Byakuren chills, not quite sure what to make of these newcomers.

An extended rest period ends soon, Byakuren and Murasa get up and enter the arena once more as they are called to action as the first team in the last remaining three battles. They now face the team that dropped Remilia out, a red-haired, slim-figured catgirl in a gothic lolita dress, surrounded by a few spirits of the dead. Her partner is a black-haired girl with a green-and-white dress, a strange-looking "eye" embedded under her neck. Her bodyshape is much more generous and plentiful than her partner's, a pair of black wings making her a bit bigger than she actually is. But she bears an eye-catching feature on her right arm, a long hexagonal tube that crackles with barely-controlled energy. "These two have proven themselves a worthy team as we head towards the future tournaments, their names remembered by all as they felled the all-powerful Scarlet Sisters after a long fight. Remember to look out for Okuu's atomic release, this is an absolutely devastating combination of cat and raven, Rin Kaenbyou and Utsuho Reiuji!

A. Focus on Utsuho, all-out attack

B. Focus on Rin, all-out attack

C. Focus on Utsuho, conservative strategy

D. Focus on Rin, conservative strategy

E. Something else?


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

And to think I was worried about Meiling. Now we're fighting a living NUKE.


Utsuho dishes out insane firepower from the get-go. We need her out of the game ASAP, then we can fight Rin... And the sooner we can focus on her, the better. She's a necromancer, and can summon zombie fairies.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Mhm. (A)

Trying to be conservative will probably drop us with just the fallout. Fight fire with fire. Hopefully Okuu's explosive firepower merely caught the Scarlet sisters off guard in arrogance. We'll be ready for it right? Aim for the glowing red spot perhaps? : P


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

E) Blast and tear their clothes off, then molest them.

But since everyone else are such killjoys.


S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A. The faster Utsuho falls, the better. Just be ready for every attack they throw.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"There's really not much strategy to be had here, Murasa. That raven girl, she's literally overflowing with explosive power. We need to focus on her, to get that power away from the battlefield. Only then can we focus on her partner, who seems more limited in the power department." These are the instructions shared between the two as they enter the fray.

Right from the get-go, Utsuho's control rod starts to disperse massive, explosive barrages of bullets. The sheer size of the individual shots makes evading them difficult, not made any easier by the continuous spawning of zombie bodies by the catgirl's power. The dead fairies keep on blocking Byakuren's shots aimed at the opposing team and constantly try to grab and slow her and Murasa down by clinging onto them with a death grip. Fighting away with all their power, the girls manage to damage Okuu somewhat, but the fight is starting to wear them down as they have to push themselves to the limit just to cause some damage to the opposition.

After a few exchanges of bullets and explosions, both Murasa and Byakuren have taken a few minor hits, just to cause a few in return to the extraordinarily shooty raven girl on the other team. But there seems to be a temporary relief as the opposing team changes tactics. "Okuu, I'll keep them away fom you! Charge your Flare in the meantime nya, we'll go to the final match if you manage to release it!" Byakuren can hear Rin shout to her partner. All of a sudden, they find attacking much easier as the air is not filled with flying explosions coming towards them. With both of them pressing the attack, Rin can hardly manage to block even half of their shots and is forced to back away as Murasa closes with her. Swinging the huge anchor at the catgirl, Murasa forces Rin back from Byakuren, who is going for Utsuho with all her quick spells. Herding both animal-themed girl closer to each other, Murasa pulls a fast one over Rin, suddenly zooming over her to melee with the charging raven girl. Forced into close encounters with a determined close-range combatant all of a sudden, Utsuho is surprised and taken out as both members of the opposing team pile their attacks on her, the damage received earlier not doing her any favors.

Now on her own against a well-working team, Rin isn't much of a challenge to Byakuren and Murasa. Her summoned fairies slow the other team somewhat with their attacks, but ultimately matter very little as the get shot down almost immidiately after appearing. Once Murasa is within melee range of her, the catgirl throws the fight, knowing that it's over for her. "Why did I tell that bird-brain to switch strategy..." she can be heard muttering to herself as she exits, clearly dissappointed by the outcome.

Once they've listened to Rinnosuke's congratulating announcement, the pair head back to the resting area, waiting for the extended breaktime to pass. "This is exciting huh? We've gotten this far against some of the best Gensokyo has to offer!" Murasa says, feeling quite energetic and ready to head out to the final match. "It is. We've seen so many strong people, there's bound to be at least a few willing to help us on our future efforts.." Byakuren replies, impressed by the power she's witnessed during the day. When their names are finally announced, the evening is late, making a fantastic display of danmaku for the spectators.

Once they are back on the arena, Byakuren's team gets thunderous applause, having impressed the onlookers with their great teamwork. Their opponents are treated with equal noise, one a mystery to Byakuren, the other a familiar soul. Remembering the young miko Reimu from few days back, she gets a flashback of her encounter with the ghost of Mima. "But surely this tournament has nothing to do with causing troubles for her.." she thinks, turning her attention to the other one. "Wait.. wasn't Reimu supposed to compete with Sanae...?" This new partner is a more mature-looking lady in a purple dress, bearing a white mop cap on her blonde-haired head. With a long yawn, she lowers her parasol and bunches it back to its closed state. "And here we are folks, at the final round of the pair battles! This promises to be an exciting finish to a spectacular first part of the tournament. How will the success of the newcomers manage against a veteran and a young prodigy, we'll see shortly. Reimu Hakurei has gathered herself quite a reputation from solving numerous incidents across the land, and is extremely skilled at the danmaku game as a result. Her partner.. well, I doubt there's not too many here who don't know about the controller of boundaries, Yukari Yakumo. Will Byakuren and Murasa be able to overcome the gathering of power facing them? We'll find out soon folks!"

A. Offense

B. Defense

C. Something else?


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A! It's worked well so far.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Seriously. A reality warper and the Hakurei miko.


Throw everything at them. EVERYTHING. Those two are freaking Phantasm level opponents. We have to keep shooting and pray that they go down first... Both of them aren't know for their enthusiasm, so maybe they won't go all out before it's too late.


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) If we're lucky, Yukari will toy around with us a bit before going serious, taking out Reimu first is probably a bad idea as it will force her to get serious.
Going serious off the bat against her will probably force her to get serious as well.
Her laidback attitude might let her be careless and sit back while we attack Reimu.
If Murasa and Byakuren has some hidden talent, now is the time to surprise her with it, and take her out in one blow.
Throw some danmaku at Reimu, then try to line them up for a big one, allowing Reimu to dodge out of the way and possibly catch Yukari off guard.
If Yukari is not down after that, say your prayers and donate some money to Reimu before being defeated.
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Uh... Have Murasa sing a sea shanty?

I think our only reprieve here is that as Au said, Yukari is lazy and likely to make Reimu do all the real fighting. Unless we encourage her to help, by doing well. >_>

I really can't think of anything. Referring to ZUN for guidance only tells me that to defeat Yukari, you either have to threaten to wipe Gensokyo clean of all life with an enchanted lunar fan, or be Reimu. Infact the secret to success in just about every possible scenario in Gensokyo involves being Reimu. Spare making money...

So I'm gonna say (C) and support Aurani's plan.