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Synthia (BlueSlime)


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Name: Synthia Love-Cross
Age: 22
Physical Description:

Mental Description:

Synthia has just entered her postgraduate studies in journalism, hoping to make a name for herself writing about advances in personal entertainment technology - a subject near and dear to her heart. She heard about the EGG while researching for an assignment, and ever curious, decided to apply as a tester, hoping she could write a review.

Dropping her application off at the company, Synthia was surprised when she was offered the chance on the spot to try it out. She hadn't quite been prepared, but they were kind enough to be willing to lend her a pad and pencil so she could take notes.

Settling inside of the oddly shaped device, she finds it comforting how even though it's small it doesn't feel at all cramped. As it closes up, the screens come to life, presenting her with many options.
Humans: Y (3)
Male/Female: Y (3)
Female/Female: Y (4)
Pregnancy: Y (2)
Birthing: Y (2)
Non Consent Sex: Y (4)
BDSM: Y (5)
Slavery: Y (4)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y (5)

She quickly fills out the first set, coming up to two more screens. First up is difficulty, easy is grayed out, and it's defaulted to normal. For all her choices a small little (?) provides a useful pop up with information.

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

After selecting that, she is presented with a list of options for gameplay type and location. There are two types, though the first is grayed out. Offensive and Defensive.

Offensive Levels(?)

Defensive Levels(?)
Forest Ruins(?)
Ghost Town(?)
Urban Jungle(?)
And an odd fourth option, with a field to perhaps enter her own idea.
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Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia blushed and looked about her as she read the questions to herself.

Hmmm? What does that mean? Oh... interesting.

She blushes and enters the information onto the pad. Clicks "enter" and watches the next screen pop up.

Hmmm. Guess not all the settings are ironed out yet. Not surprising. That's what testers are for, after all.

Nervous about increasing the difficulty level too high before she has gotten used to the interface, she decides that normal mode would be best.

It'll also be interesting to see what the developers think is an appropriate normal setting. Now let's see... hmm defensive levels... wow, a blank? I wonder what that's about... but no, let's save that for later. Let's start simple and go with Forest Ruins.

She clicked on that option and waited in mild anticipation, chewing on the end of the pencil they had given her as the next screen whirred up in front of her.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia pressed the final few buttons, submitting the choices for processing.

The screens faded away as the chamber darkened, everything went to pitch black, and she felt weightless for a moment. For some reason, it wasn't quite as scary as could be expected. In a few moments a flash of white light as she can see the world construct itself around her. The ground flying outwards, trees, foliage and other things filling in the blank space around her.

When it's finished she finds that her clothes have change, into a more fantasy type outfit. Looking around, she sees she's on a path in the middle of a forest. Lush green tress make a canopy overheard, filtering the sun. She can hear the noises of the forest as a light breeze floats past. She can see down one end of the path what looks to be the remains of some sort of ruined building, being overgrown.

A moment of broken immersion when a screen saying "Game Start!" and she's on her way, taking her first step in the new world.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia takes a moment to get used to the new sensations of the virtual world.

It feels so real, like I'm really in a forest.

She takes a deep breath and inhales the fresh smelling air through her nose, picking up the telltale scents of the outdoors.

How've they managed this? This is groundbreaking! Oh... if only I could feel around for where the pencil and paper have gotten to.

She tried concentrating on feeling her actual surroundings back in the reality where she knew she truly was, but found that she was totally immersed in the game world and unable to pause.

"Oh well," she said out loud, and deciding to keep moving, started down the path towards the ruins - which she assumed she should head for, being that they were the namesake of the level she had chosen.

Looks like they've given me a sword and some armor. Guess I'm a badass warrior chick.

She smiled, happy with the way she was represented in the game.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia walks forward, towards the ruins. The rustling of the grass and the sounds of the forest. Staying on the path proves a good idea as nothing interrupts her on her way.

She arrives at the entrance of the ruins, it looks like perhaps a large building of some sort, brown sandstone colored bricks being overgrown with vines, as an old wooden door lies uselessly on the ground, revealing stairs behind that go deep into darkness. Also visible is another entrance into what seems to be a courtyard, though it is behind an old rusted metal gate, still there might be another way in if she tried.

(Boooring roll :()
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia peers into the darkness.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing --
Doubting, dreaming terrors no mortal ever dared to dream before.

She took a look back at the courtyard beyond the metal gate.

Well if you go down the stairs, you're likely to be eaten by a Grue - or worse if those choices I made earlier are any indication. Oh what the Hell. It's a game. Let's explore the dungeon below.

Thus she thought, and made her way past the useless wooden door and descended into the dark.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Descending into the darkness, Synthia finds a torch in the wall halfway down, taking a moment to light it with the handy lighting kit she had, she used it to beat back the darkness as she traveled into the dark. The stairs turned into a spiral, going deep down.

Eventually she reached the flat of the bottom of the stairs. She took a look around the new room that she had arrived at. She couldn't see the far wall, but could see both side walls, a door half falling into shadow at the edge of her light.

(Ouch, 2 vs 20, monster gets a Crit, a crit in my game is defined as having a differece of at least 15 in the dice rolls, it means double damage.)

Distracted as she stares around the room, Synthia fails to notice what's on the ceiling, until it's a little too late. Finding herself dragged up by the feet all of a sudden as her torch flies out of her hand, she finds she's hanging upside down.

Looking up, she sees what's grabbing her, it looks like almost the entire ceiling is made of whatever the thing it is, and the thing is tentacles. Long, somewhat slimy and a pale green in color, she's dangled upside down as they start to entangle her, just her legs for the moment. But she notices the slime on the things eating at her clothes and feels somewhat drained as it touches her.

Tentacle: 3/3 HP

2/4 FP
0/3 AP
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Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Grunting in surprise, Synthia fumbles to get her sword out of her sheath whilst hanging the wrong way up. Finally managing to get it out, she hacked at the tentacle keeping her suspended.

Wow. That came out of nowhere. Let's hope the game's given me some decent stats -- I don't really know how to swing a sword.

With novice skill, but enthusiasm born out of adrenaline and a distinct cognitive separation from reality, Synthia slashed to try to get free and damage the monster in the same stroke.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

(7 vs 6)

As Synthia takes the sword out, she takes a wild slash, which upon reflecting later she will realize was not as wild as she thought. Cutting the tentacles above her, she frees her legs as the tentacles retract for the moment, letting her regain her footing as she thumps down to the floor.

(18 vs 8)

Sadly though, the tentacles aren't help back for long, shooting out from the darkness above, she finds he arms held to her side by a tentacle wrapping itself around her, it starts to drag her up...It starts to eat away at her armor, and she feels really tired now.

Tentacle: 2/3 HP

FP 1/4
AP 0/3
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Oh come on!" she yelled as the tentacles once again grappled her.

Struggling, she freed her sword arm and took another stroke at the thing, hoping to connect again before it was too late, maybe she could get lucky and stab it in a weak spot or something.

I wonder where this thing's balls are located? Tentacle semen has to come from somewhere, right?
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

(14 vs 7)

Taking another swing, though ensnared, Synthia manages to cut away more of the tentacles, it's tendrils flailing in the pain as they withdraw once more. Synthia takes a moment to catch her breath...she doubts they were done yet.

(2 vs 17 | Difference of 15 or more, a counter)

The tentacles waited, trying to figure out just the right moment to strike. It was a few moments later that Synthia managed to hear the sound of the tentacle flailing, managing to get out of the way and give it another slash as it flew past her. The tentacles fully retreated, no long wishing to feel the sharp sting of her sword.

Taking stock, Synthia noticed her sword was a little covered with the slime from the tentacle, waving it off, she sheathed it again, feeling somewhat safe as she felt a little bit tougher for her experience. some of her clothes were missing, eaten away by the slime, and she blushed as she noticed her armor had become quite revealing.

FP: 2/5 (Fatigue increased by 1, resting with some food or getting a good event will help restore fatigue, Synthia has a good stock of food right now, 7 FP worth)
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Phew. That was close. I don't think I could've held off another grapple. My arms were really starting to get tired.

Synthia checked her inventory when an in game message reminded her about food. In the pack she found various foodstuffs of a "fantasy" theme, simple breads and fruits. She rested where she was and ate a light in game meal before continuing forward further into the ruins.

[eat 3 FP worth of food to restore health to full]

Now, let's see what the next challenge is... hey, is there like, a stated goal with this level or what?
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Being able to relax for a moment was nice, the fare was light and simple, yet tasty. As she gathered her wits for the move forward, her thoughts about the message prompted a small pop up by the game window.

"In Game Knowledge Base - Forest Ruins
The Forest Ruins level is a defensive level. You are playing the role of a treasure hunter who heard that deep within the dungeons of the ruin there lies a great treasure. Although rumors of such spread about many places, there's a twinge of truth to this one. Can you make it all the way to the bottom and claim the treasure?"

After she finished with the window, she continued into down the next stairwell, holding her torch again so she can see, she arrives at another small room, two doors going forward.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Ah hah! Treasure. The classic device of dungeon crawls everywhere. Sigh. I give them credit for the realism of this world, but with all the effort they're putting into this, you'd think they'd hire some writers to flesh out the quests a bit. Tsk tsk.

She looked at the two doors, side by side. Nothing seemed to separate one from the other.

Well, let's do what I always did when solving mazes on food mats with crayons as a little kid. Stick to the left.

Synthia takes the left hand door, and edges through it with her torch held high and her sword drawn. She wouldn't let herself be taken by surprise again.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

As she thinks about the lack of quality in the writing, a little window pops up showing a sad smiley face.

Shoving that aside, and moving through the left door, Synthia spies a dark hallway going for a while. She keeps a wary eye out...

And it pays out, as she spies something ahead of her that she might have normally missed. Just ahead at the edge of her light she spies something slightly transparent and almost blue green in color. She notices as it reacts to the light stopping when she stopped, forming fully and quickly becoming visible fully, it's very large, and looks like a mass of semi-solid liquid, it starts to move towards her.

Slime (Lvl. 2) 4/4 HP

Synthia 5/5 FP 0/3 AP
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Sorry," the aspiring journalist said in reply to the sad face. "It was just a joke - sorta... you guys can at least do better than a WoW fetch quest, I know you can." She smiled reassuringly as she swiped the message aside and stepped carefully through the door.

Okay, on, on she went... hey, what's that?

"A slime, eh?" she mused aloud as it grew to full height before her. "Maybe I have to chop it quickly before it escapes! Hey, you! Gimme my XP!"

So saying she crossed her arms and with a flourish swung both the blazing torch and the sword across her body in an "X" cross attack, attempting to look cool as she dispatched the monster.

God, I'm such a geek-ette.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

The smiley face gives a look of forgiveness.

(17 vs 14)

Looking cool was one thing, but did she have the skills to back it up? Turns out she did. Taking a chance, holding the torch out in front of her as she raises her blade in a charge, Synthia runs towards the slime, the slime looks started by the ferocity of her attack! Swinging the sword down, it slashes through the terrible thing with a slushing sound, it reforms, but looks worn from the effort.

(5 vs 12)
The slime tries to quickly recover and sloshes forward to try and ensnare the would be victim, but she's too quick and moves out of the way as it's actions seem slowed.

Slime 3/4 HP

Synthia 5/5 FP
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Ha ha!" she shouted with glee as her attack struck home, and then again as she dodged the slime's onrush. "You're too slow, even for jell-o!"

"Hee-yah!" she cried as she raised her sword high above her head and brought it down on the slime.

There's something just so liberating being a woman and killing monsters. I wonder if it has to do with centuries of overbearing male oppression... or maybe I just have daddy issues...
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

(16 vs 12(
Bringing the sword down again upon the slime, Synthia feels it slice through the creature, after withdrawing the blade, it again reforms, but she knows that she's hurt it.
(16 vs 5)
The slime splits into two pieces all of a sudden, startled by the split, Synthia has no time to react as it rushes forward and reforms around her, heaving her encased waist deep in the slide, it feels oddly warm, and tingly, and she feels some of her armor dissolving in the slime.

Slime HP 2/4
Synthia FP 3/5 AP 1/3
(AP gives a -1 to rolls to escape for each point. Also the slime gives a -1 to attempts to escape, but not attack, and it has a +2 to attack while holding you.)
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Huh?" Synthia blinked in surprise as what she had thought to be a killing blow swiftly came back to bite her in the ass. Or perhaps bite was the wrong word, but whatever the slime had done, her ass and other nether regions were beginning to feel a bit tingly.

Mmm... that doesn't feel half bad. Um, erm, wait, aren't there a bunch of male programmers observing this? Ugh. Maybe I'll let myself lose once I've taken my personal copy home with me. Until then, sorry boys.

She turned the torch in her hand downwards and held the flame against the slime on her left side, while hacking at the gelatin on her right with her free sword arm.

"Come on, get off me. I've got treasure to find."