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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

AceofWind thank you.


But Omnikuken, yet you saw a "miyuka" in Japanese has become english, is not it? So it must have something of software that can change the swf file.

Yeah, there are programms that allow you to edit script files. But you'll have to translate it by yourself anyway. There's no such magic thing as "press a button to automaticaly translate the whole thing"
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

welp, suddenly the attack bar of the guy in the warrior girl stopped working, staying always at 0, i restarted the game but no luck. Its imposible to win!
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I can't find the censor bar when decompiling the flash. I know it's there, but I can't see it. What the hell is it being stored as?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Hi guys, new member here(well; not counting the time as a lurker :p);
i'm finding these games pretty interesting (especially the ones where you have to actually defeat the girl to access the H-stuff).
My question is, if someone can post the dialogue option/actions to do to access all the endings -example in the last game, i overbuffed my guy, and i was able to obtain 2 endings: 1st one in which the girl is chained to a wall(and well what happens next is obvious) and the other one in which she stun the guy and drag him "home" (fell in love i guess -lol-).
So TLDR: anyone can give me a hand to obtain all the endings in these games? :)

P.S: Sorry for the "bunker" post :D
P.P.S:Sorry if my english isn't "good enought"; been a while since i had to use it ;)
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

So, i found three endings and two counter-rape moves. Think that's it.
Pretty interesting battles(at first,at least) and endings(though somewhat similar to previous games),but dialogues are too simple for my tastes(that's why Imouto is still my favorite).

About the action bar: half full lets you put up guard until next action and activate moves(if you have enough of special bar).Full bar do more damage on basic attacks and useless for everything else, defence is more important here. As soon as your action bar is past half, put up guard(except against her basic attack or spells),this way you guard against damage and accumulate some of the action bar for the next attack.It's crucial in the third round, where you don't have much leisure for wasting action bar.Watch her bar too, some of her slower skills give you time to attack her couple of times before putting up guard.When she's in different stance,she takes more damage(especially to the head).

Skills:upper-left -quick slash,lets you interrupt spells(but don't bother interrupting binding spell),needs special bar at 1/4
upper-right - attack for breaking armor,cost 3/4 of sp bar
bottom-left - healing spell,cost 1/2 sp bar
bottom-right- combo attack, takes full sp bar
Special bar replenishes when blocking high-damage attacks, attacking her,and taking damage yourself.

How to get endings in spoiler:

Subordinate(aristocrate) ending:
This one is basically about being goody two-shoes.But i couldn't get it at first,so it may require some items or skills bought first.But maybe just the conditions i wrote(that's what i did differently when finally got the ending)

Edit: the first two dialogue choices are in prologue.And you don't have to bother with skills and making her feel good for second ending.

1->1. Spare her(that's second option).2.Spare again.2.Spare again.
Conditions: broke all her armor, use all moves on her at least once.I think, most important is to use ultimate skill(bottom-right) at third round.

Eloping ending(traveling couple,called "shuppon"):
All same, as previous, but rape her in the third round.Cum once and make her cum too(first,choose slow speed,wait until text stops changing, than fast, choose 3rd or 4th variation, and again,wait a bit)

Slave ending:
All opposite dialogue choices, you can either rape her three times,or spare her two times(picking appropriate dialogue) and rape at the end.
If still doesn't work, do the conditions from previous endings. She basically admit your strength in every ending if you do that ultimate move.

Well,hope this helps someone.

Here you go. Also of note, do not skip the intro - I couldn't get any endings at all at first because I always skipped the intro.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I can't find the censor bar when decompiling the flash. I know it's there, but I can't see it. What the hell is it being stored as?

IRC, it is the light blue thingies. Not all of them though. If you remove the wrong ones, the swf will freeze in some places.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Download and install these two programs. Air first then Minerva.

Make sure you can see hidden folders. Follow this path on your computer:C:\Documents and Settings\(Your Windows Login)\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\UG7D3554(Varies I think)\localhost
Click through folders that come after and find the .sol of game you want to alter and change all flags to true (you will see what I mean if you toy around with the program). Minerva itself should take you most of the way to the files, you just have to find the exact ones.
Enjoy all the endings, cause they should all be open now. Let me know if you have any trouble.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Download and install these two programs. Air first then Minerva.

Make sure you can see hidden folders. Follow this path on your computer:C:\Documents and Settings\(Your Windows Login)\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\UG7D3554(Varies I think)\localhost
Click through folders that come after and find the .sol of game you want to alter and change all flags to true (you will see what I mean if you toy around with the program). Minerva itself should take you most of the way to the files, you just have to find the exact ones.
Enjoy all the endings, cause they should all be open now. Let me know if you
have any trouble.

Is this the solution for those who can't run/open the swf file?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

can we get a translated version of the one with the blonde female warrior? dont know the name since its in jap but it has alot of text and ops so its hard to work my way through it.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Is this the solution for those who can't run/open the swf file?

No, its a way to get all the endings without having find them in the game.

For those who can't open the .swf files, you could try updating your flash files and then using the latest flash projector. That's what I do.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

can we get a translated version of the one with the blonde female warrior? dont know the name since its in jap but it has alot of text and ops so its hard to work my way through it.

I don't plan to translate it anytime soon. So, only if someone another would do it.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

No, its a way to get all the endings without having find them in the game.

For those who can't open the .swf files, you could try updating your flash files and then using the latest flash projector. That's what I do.

What flash files, flash projector? If you meant to get the latest Adobe Flash player and update it. I already do that and still not working. It be better to instruct us how more specifically.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Here you go. Also of note, do not skip the intro - I couldn't get any endings at all at first because I always skipped the intro.

Download and install these two programs. Air first then Minerva.

Make sure you can see hidden folders. Follow this path on your computer:C:\Documents and Settings\(Your Windows Login)\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\UG7D3554(Varies I think)\localhost
Click through folders that come after and find the .sol of game you want to alter and change all flags to true (you will see what I mean if you toy around with the program). Minerva itself should take you most of the way to the files, you just have to find the exact ones.
Enjoy all the endings, cause they should all be open now. Let me know if you have any trouble.

Thanks to both :D ; you have been pretty helpfull (especially parjoala since i usually prefer to beat these games to get the endings); of course i may give in and use Menelik method if i feel like it :p
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

What flash files, flash projector? If you meant to get the latest Adobe Flash player and update it. I already do that and still not working. It be better to instruct us how more specifically.


Plug that into your browser and then scroll down the page. You should find a link to the flash Projector and Debugger. If your using Windows, the one you want is on the bottom.
Download the Windows Flash Player 11.2 Projector (EXE, 7.76MB)

It will look exactly like what is listed above. If you still have trouble.... I'll try to think of something else, but I'm pretty sure that covers it.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread


This is the uncensoring of the latest version of 姫将軍 on dlsite currently: 5/7.

How am I supposed to know that a light blue box is a censor bar? Jeez... Thanks for info. Also, forgive the butchered link. I have less than the required posts, but still wish to share. And, no, I am not a money uploader. This is an anonymous upload.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I successful in removing the censor, but I can not always Modify the text in the bubbles.

do you have any solutions?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Some text are actual images. What appears during conversations is contained within the FLV as a text. I don't recall where.

Interestingly enough, there's a new kind of princess sword and hair in the latest version. I'm not sure that it's used yet, though.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread


Plug that into your browser and then scroll down the page. You should find a link to the flash Projector and Debugger. If your using Windows, the one you want is on the bottom.
Download the Windows Flash Player 11.2 Projector (EXE, 7.76MB)

It will look exactly like what is listed above. If you still have trouble.... I'll try to think of something else, but I'm pretty sure that covers it.

It works now, thanks!
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Update on blog shows the next girl with dark blue hair resembling the vampire 1.
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