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ACT [ Unholy Production ] UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Uhh Based on the blog lately the next update would be (if my translation skills do me right)
B案ドSロリマジシャン (Draft B : Loli Magician)
Most votes of a 56.7%

Well since the rules of this forum + the author does not want it uploaded anywhere else. All else would be fine, Good news to those whose interested in :
ロリ - Loli <-- *Ifugetwhatimean.png* :cool:

maybe its just as in her outfit? or she will seem silly and childish in that its a game to her? but I'm guessing its 12 going on 153 years old.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

eh does it even count if it's the loli doing the abuse and not the other way around?
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

eh does it even count if it's the loli doing the abuse and not the other way around?

I think it's still does count as long as it involves a being called loli :3
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

maybe its just as in her outfit? or she will seem silly and childish in that its a game to her? but I'm guessing its 12 going on 153 years old.

hmm , true that , expecting the "Don't judge a book by its cover" epitome to occur.

eh does it even count if it's the loli doing the abuse and not the other way around?

-Loli does not take into count of conditions like submissive or dominance, based on games like Orc Strike and Dot handy(<--:cool:) XD
But so as long as the direct dl link is not posted , should be ok.

The game's progressing into construction phase now :D Votes seems to have ended. So far the joy that didn't stop me from boredom was the 2-legged Claw boss at the last patch (Right b4 necro).
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

High five for creating multiple save files and replaying the game over n over ^.^:D
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

If anyone's still having trouble with downloading use FDM

It's Free and works pretty damn good, no bullshit ads or anything

I can attest to this. Though those using Google Chrome wont be able to use it.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Unless my eyes deceive me, it looks like he's working on a new playable character as well. A Mage, by the looks of it.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

can you link the post with the talk/pics of the new mage? i cant seem to find it.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

can you link the post with the talk/pics of the new mage? i cant seem to find it.

Wait it can't be a new character right ? Since the poll is of rather AN OLD geezer or a LOLI mage o.o

Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Ha. I can't imagine what you guys would do if you were ever forced to actually follow the loli rules as they're written, instead of following an unofficial "if the thread grows to 2+ pages, it's immune to the rules" policy.

I really should have some popcorn for watching you twist yourselves into pretzels trying to justify not shutting this thread down while simultaneously piling on any NEW game that might commit the exact same level of sin.

Cognitive dissonance, do you feel it?
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Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Cognitive dissonance, do you feel it?

No, because it doesn't actually apply here. As far as we all know, there's no attached age to this character, and since it's from Japan where loli doesn't necessarily mean young, but rather more like "looks young" similarly to how western-influenced porn has 18-years-old girls look like they're 12, there comes a gray area in the speech barrier that is worsened farther by having a machine translation and a lack of express, in-depth knowledge of the culture.

You can be as intellectual as you like using words most people don't understand, but you're on a vast sea of knowledge with many people far more intelligent and educated than you. Before you try to come off as an intellectual, righteous douchebag try to have a little tact, class, and modesty when presenting an argument.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

He posted a sprite of the mage on his blog not too long ago. About the same height as the priestess, so I doubt she's meant to be underage. Just underdeveloped. Though it's hard to say for sure without seeing the sprite in-game.
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Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

No, because it doesn't actually apply here. As far as we all know, there's no attached age to this character, and since it's from Japan where loli doesn't necessarily mean young, but rather more like "looks young" similarly to how western-influenced porn has 18-years-old girls look like they're 12, there comes a gray area in the speech barrier that is worsened farther by having a machine translation and a lack of express, in-depth knowledge of the culture.

You can be as intellectual as you like using words most people don't understand, but you're on a vast sea of knowledge with many people far more intelligent and educated than you. Before you try to come off as an intellectual, righteous douchebag try to have a little tact, class, and modesty when presenting an argument.

thats not how it works. if the character looks young / kid like, regardless of age its considered loli. its where this server is hosted i believe that doesn't allow that kind of material and would threaten to take this site down.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Ha. I can't imagine what you guys would do if you were ever forced to actually follow the loli rules as they're written, instead of following an unofficial "if the thread grows to 2+ pages, it's immune to the rules" policy.

I really should have some popcorn for watching you twist yourselves into pretzels trying to justify not shutting this thread down while simultaneously piling on any NEW game that might commit the exact same level of sin.

Cognitive dissonance, do you feel it?

As much as the hatred and distinguished anti-loliness that the server has to this site, I can't do a thing >_> as
1. I ain't the developer
2. Voted the old geezer, too bad majority wants the Rorikon mage.
3. If I remember correctly,this thread's the previous page I've already asked whether the game can/should be continued being shared here or not due to the future contents >_>
4. Lastly, there's been a case whereby no direct links are allowed to be shared if desired game is confirmed to HAVE loli content.

Wait why are we arguing over this ? The update has not even been released yet :p
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Yeah, you probably all need to wait, chill, and see what the update brings instead of jumping to conclusions. If there's something not allowed, it'll be taken care of. Pretty simple, yo.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Ha. I can't imagine what you guys would do if you were ever forced to actually follow the loli rules as they're written, instead of following an unofficial "if the thread grows to 2+ pages, it's immune to the rules" policy.

I really should have some popcorn for watching you twist yourselves into pretzels trying to justify not shutting this thread down while simultaneously piling on any NEW game that might commit the exact same level of sin.

Cognitive dissonance, do you feel it?

If this game ends up having loli, it will be dealt with. That's how it's always been. What's the problem?
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

If this game ends up having loli, it will be dealt with. That's how it's always been. What's the problem?

Yeah, just like the Jsk Games, Lightning Warrior Raidy III(not released, but you can see from the previews), Sex Mugen, Monster Girl Quest(both of them), Muddled World Orchestra 1 (violates the "looks loli", no matter what the story says), Saki Quest and its 2 predecessors, 女子校生肝だめし 1 and 2 (unless you're seriously gonna claim that that's set at a college), and the Zone threads were.

And those are merely the examples from the most popular current (top 2 pages) of threads. I could go on... pretty much forever.

Now, don't get me wrong. I wholeheartedly approve of the ineffectual enforcement. I merely like to occasionally point out that you're as "protected" as a pup tent in a tsunami should your purported fear of someone examining your forums for underage depictions ever actually come to pass... in the hopes that someday, far in the future someone will realize the futility.

Won't happen tomorrow.
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Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Hey, you see that button that says "report post" ? Thanks for all the help there, topcop.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Can we just make a thread called "People bitching about rules"?

Scratch that, how about one called "People bitching for the sake of bitching"?

Because that's what is going on here. It's sad, and I have to go to far too much work to -rep manty5 everytime I have to read one of their posts.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

You poor thing. Is your poor wittle finger getting twired?

And TS, don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining. We both know that you can't possibly be unaware of that many threads, all in the top 2 pages. Or are you saying there's a conspiracy of silence? After all, Super_stoopid here has a report button too.
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