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Re: Hate Thread

Sooo... I'm just driving along, slowly coming up to a stop sign to make a right turn onto one of the main city roads.... when suddenly this major dickhead in a pickup comes flying through, cutting RIGHT THROUGH MY LANE WITH ME IN IT to make a left turn. I had to slam on my brakes to avoid crashing right into him! It wasn't one of those little cut through either. He literally drove his entire truck right through my lane. And not only that, after he went speeding by, he had the nerve to honk his horn at me and flip me off... for being in my own lane! What a fucking jerkface!
Re: Hate Thread

One of you is more than enough ganon.
Are you accusing me of being a second account of a guy called ganon?

Because I am not, and the appropriate thing is to report me if you think I am. where the admins can check my IP and history etc, and maybe talk to me if they are really suspecious. Not accuse me of that in a thread and start flame.

If I was really a copy account the mods would catch it and deal with it (and I am encouraging you to use report because I am not and thus have nothing to fear)
Re: Hate Thread

Are you accusing me of being a second account of a guy called ganon?

Because I am not, and the appropriate thing is to report me if you think I am. where the admins can check my IP and history etc, and maybe talk to me if they are really suspecious. Not accuse me of that in a thread and start flame.

If I was really a copy account the mods would catch it and deal with it (and I am encouraging you to use report because I am not and thus have nothing to fear)

It's not actually against the rules to have multiple accounts. Fuck off.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, i really only care if you are being a douchebag, like going off the rails with an in depth explanation about something no one cares about.
Re: Hate Thread

Some people. Just... some people.
And yes, I get it, 'Mario Bros', but NINTENDO has said that no, his last name ISN'T Mario.
Re: Hate Thread

I... had assumed that Mario (and Luigi) only had the one name, kind of like Sonic or Hercules.
Re: Hate Thread

Some people. Just... some people.
And yes, I get it, 'Mario Bros', but NINTENDO has said that no, his last name ISN'T Mario.


Yeah. That was a terrible movie anyway. And I gotta tell you, I hate when my dad forgets something important LIKE PAYING MY TUITION. It means I've been dropped from summer semester and have to go fix it this morning.
Re: Hate Thread

I just went through the calendar, and it looks like I might be able to see my girlfriend about four times over the coming two months... I see her very little as it is, and now to go two months... Fuck.

Also, just to make things worse she still isn't allowed to sleep over, and of those times I'll be seeing her, some might get cancelled, or reduced to a cup of coffee and 45 minutes to spare. Whoopedy fucking doo.
Re: Hate Thread

Congratulations, you've just encountered one of many reasons that some people cheat on their wives. We all make mistakes, and I'm not condoning or condemning... but that's one of the reasons.
Re: Hate Thread

Guh. I'm pretty sure I completed one of the weekend challenges of Mass Effect 3, but I didn't get my commendation pack. Contacted the EA customer support, only to be told that they can't unlock the pack for me. Granted, I get a bunch of free credits instead, but that doesn't help me get one of the rare guns you can only get from those special packs. I want my Valiant II, EA!

Also, due to their software's inability to display German special letters (anything with an umlaut, for example), even though I used the GERMAN help center, my service ticket looks like it was written by a moron. God damnit.
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Re: Hate Thread

There have been delayed releases on the packs before. They're supposed to show up late tuesday, but I've gotten them as late as thursday or friday and I have a friend who tells me he got one the following monday.

So the packs may yet drop, and you'll come out ahead.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when I'm play an RPG and I beat a boss or a particularly large encounter, see that it drops loot, and then am not allowed to pick up the loot that I FUCKING EARNED. Example, the end of chapter 1 on the new? Game of Thrones for the PC, EVERY ENEMY I killed dropped something, but I couldn't pick it up because combat was still going, once they're all dead I get booted into a cinematic and don't get to pick up any of it.
Re: Hate Thread

That was the least of my problems with that game to be honest. I'm a huge Game of Thrones fan, but the game... just wasn't that good in my opinion. Hammy voice acting, exaggerated visuals that seemed out of a blizzard game (especially with the hands) and didn't really belong in a game that was aiming to be realistic, one of the main characters I really didn't like at all yet I was supposed to play as him, fairly boring combat... I could go on, but I won't.
Re: Hate Thread

There have been delayed releases on the packs before. They're supposed to show up late tuesday, but I've gotten them as late as thursday or friday and I have a friend who tells me he got one the following monday.

So the packs may yet drop, and you'll come out ahead.

Everybody else got theirs, though. Either way, it turned out they could unlock it after all, so I'm now a proud owner of an Eagle II (reportedly the worst gun in the game), and I also got their gift pack.
Re: Hate Thread

Congratulations, you've just encountered one of many reasons that some people cheat on their wives. We all make mistakes, and I'm not condoning or condemning... but that's one of the reasons.

Luckily, I have an ingrained dislike for cheating, and doubt I could do it... Going a month without sex isn't a problem for me.

What I find hard is that I might see her 4 times for the next month, and then I'm abroad for a whole month after that... Those who have been in a long distance relationship probably know what I mean when I say that there's that little doubt gnawing at you. The classic ones, "Is she getting bored of this?" "Am I enough for her?" and so on. It's not a problem when you can be together, because you reinforce the relationship. But when you don't see them for a month or two, it starts gnawing on you...

(Also, it's only a six month old relationship, making it that much worse...)
Re: Hate Thread

Nothing worth it is ever that easy. Long distance is hard, but for only a month everything should be fine.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that people are still convinced that planes never actually hit on 9/11 and that The Bush Administration planted and set off bombs to... -stares- "make money by starting a war with people who never did anything wrong."

Good lord. I really don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that people are still convinced that planes never actually hit on 9/11 and that The Bush Administration planted and set off bombs to... -stares- "make money by starting a war with people who never did anything wrong."

Good lord. I really don't want to live on this planet anymore.

I'd suggest counter arguments but we all know people that stupid will never listen to reason.

Although it does remind me of the southpark episode on it. That the 9/11 conspiracy is a conspiracy, because 1/4 of all americans are retarded and will be much more comfortable thinking their govornment is all powerfull.