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Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate how I can be so sure about my feelings, but he's not. He loves me, but he's not certain about marriage.

It's more than just love that makes lives work and he's right but that doesn't make hearing it any easier. I can't let it get me down either. I have to cope. I have to function. I have a test tomorrow. I hate that I can't skip this week to be a sick, coughing, depressed wreck.

Fuck you, real world. Fuck. You.

edit: we are still together. Just taking it one day at the time now.


Sep 28, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

Love, yeah.. Now there's something to hate..

In my experience, I can only think of one word to accurately describe love..


For the longest time I stayed out of the inner boundries of love and dated girls who all wanted to date just for the status of it.. I never loved them, and they never loved me, they just wanted attention.. I'd been doing that for a while, but then I met one of them and something in me just kinda flickered, like a pilot light..

This had never happened to me before, so I didn't know what to do or how to deal with it.

Before I knew it, I had let that flicker turn into a fucking bonfire, and when that person decided to (try to) leave, I literally felt like my soul was trying to leave my body..

I somehow managed to beg and plead them to stay, but now that person is my ex, and I'm in the coldest most awkward painful friend-zone I have ever been in, in my life.. The person is now like a living embodiment of a curse to me.. Their very presence causes me pain, but the thought of getting rid of them or separating from them strikes fear in my heart..

And every day I have to live with the all-too-impending doom that faces me, telling me that I will never find another person like that ever again..

....I'm currently weighing my options....

The only glimmer of hope I see is the fact that I can still fake-date others and give them happiness, and maybe some of it will rub off on me...

EDIT: 2 neg reps for this post..
"grow a pair of balls"
"quit being a faggot"

.... God I love this forum.. -_-
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Hate Thread

Ah yes... Love...

I understand what you mean about the little flicker Sponge, I clicked really well with my girlfriend, but we were just friends. Then at some point, other people where saying "She likes you bro" and stuff like that, and I think that's when I first felt the flicker. Not sure though, because I personally find it hard to make out the flicker in the sea of comfort that is good friendship.

So anyways I did some slightly stupid things, and then got together with her as the flicker grew into love, (it grew way faster for me than for her, but she followed.)

Now I'm in a relationship, I'm happy, but at the same time deathly afraid of it ending. Being a science guy, I know that statistically, it pretty much HAS to end. I hate that fear.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

People say that the pain love can cause is a reason to hate it. If we all lived in fear of pain, would we ever accomplish anything ever? Life is a risk, love is a risk.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Being a science guy, I know that statistically, it pretty much HAS to end. I hate that fear.
Statistics are irrelevant to the individual. You could always be an outlier, and you'll never know if you don't try.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

daria said:
He says that emotional involvement can bring pleasure *and* extraordinary pain. Then he declares that it's still better than never feeling anything at all. Of course, that was written before the advent of community property laws.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who try to scramble the team after every round.
-Especially when it seems to succeed about 80% of the time. Yes I MAD, I was on the winning team, but OH, LOOK, LET'S FUCK ME OUT OF A WIN BY THROWING ME ON THE OTHER TEAM WITH 10 SECONDS TO GO WHEN I RESPAWN. AND LET'S SWAP ME WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS 3x MY SCORE.

I hate Facebook's Timeline shit. NO, I do not want a timeline, you piece of shit. Stop pestering me about it.

I hate being sick. I may not always get sick, but when I do, I feel like I'm coughing up a lung and sneezing my brain out.

Also: Fuck you, Sudafed, for making me drowsy as fuck in the middle of the day.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate Facebook's Timeline shit. NO, I do not want a timeline, you piece of shit. Stop pestering me about it.
It's nothing but an embarrassing attempt to make Facebook more attractive to investors. However I am fairly certain that fb is going to be next big stock market bubble and a lot of people are going to lose money because of it. Just keep that in mind when you see the next button/toolbar/whatever appear and laugh it off. And get well soon!

I hate it when you meet with a girl you like in order to study for an upcoming exam and - despite having deleted the browser history on your laptop - when you want to look something up on wikipedia the first thing you see is the ulmf login logo in its whole glorious tentacle rapeliness. It took me about a millisecond to react and I slammed the lid of the laptop shut hard, using both hands. So thankfully she didn't see, however I had to come up with a pathetic excuse for my over-the-top gesture and it was embarrassing as f*ck!!


Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I had to come up with a pathetic excuse for my over-the-top gesture and it was embarrassing as f*ck!!
I just use incognito mode, or whatever the firefox version is, for whatever NSFW tomfoolery I get up to. Doesn't save cookies or history or local files after a session, so you're always good to go if you just close the window.


RP Moderator
Nov 14, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Hate being swamped... And I've been swamped alot lately... And I say... DOWN WITH SWAMPY STUFF!!

Like... Did you know a bad dye job leaves a persons head in a pussing hamburg like state?

Just right there your treating for chemical burn, allergy, antibiotic, a steriod regimine to regrow the scalp... Moral support cause there sure there gonna go balding... And still try to get them to stop driinking on top of all of this? All on just one person...

Not even mentioning the incontinent obese diabetic...

Hey... If a zombie blows his own head off... Does it count as suicide or a headshot?



Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate my mathematics book... It is written by a guy that's been doing math for years upon years, and he happens to be my teacher... The only problem with the book is that if you're NOT a super duper mathlete that know all the different ways of writing math, (He switches between things like crazy.) and know all the terms then you're off to a bad start. Add in the fact that the book skips and hops all over the flipping place, and yeah...

I have no doubt that it's probably a really good book for people that are already really good at math. But if you're not... Well, you're fucked, because the book doesn't explain pretty much anything in any detail, nor does it show a lot of examples. All in all, each chapter has a brief well written summary of what you'll be learning, then the next page gives you a formula with barely any explanation as to what is what and then rushes forwards to the writers favorite thing, which is proofs.

And the midterm exams he sets up based on the book... Well... Let's just say that the people in my class who spend an average of 8 hours EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. studying (Including weekends.) On top of lectures are going: WTF IS THIS SHIT!


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my mathematics book... It is written by a guy that's been doing math for years upon years, and he happens to be my teacher... The only problem with the book is that if you're NOT a super duper mathlete that know all the different ways of writing math, (He switches between things like crazy.) and know all the terms then you're off to a bad start. Add in the fact that the book skips and hops all over the flipping place, and yeah...

I have no doubt that it's probably a really good book for people that are already really good at math. But if you're not... Well, you're fucked, because the book doesn't explain pretty much anything in any detail, nor does it show a lot of examples. All in all, each chapter has a brief well written summary of what you'll be learning, then the next page gives you a formula with barely any explanation as to what is what and then rushes forwards to the writers favorite thing, which is proofs.

And the midterm exams he sets up based on the book... Well... Let's just say that the people in my class who spend an average of 8 hours EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. studying (Including weekends.) On top of lectures are going: WTF IS THIS SHIT!
The recommended literature sucks most of the time, I have the impression. Your best would probably be to just use your teacher's book in order to know what you're supposed to learn and use a different book for the actual problems. In my experience the math books found in the engineer's section are usually pretty good, because they stick to actual problems one can "relate to" and go from there - that is, however, if you're supposed to solve actual differential equations or whatever in the exam and not those pesky proofs...
Hang in there, Pinkie Pi !!


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

Sound's like the shit my Digital Logic professor pulled, he was from greece and apparently under the impression we were already familiar with Digital Logic. Which was not the case, digital logic wasn't even offered as a highschool course in my or the neighboring counties (probably not even in the whole state, but I can't say that for sure, although out of the 50 of us in the class there was only 1 person who was familiar with it). And boy was it hard for him to understand that we didn't even know the basics, it came down to the point where we had to tell him that we'd have to report him to the administration if he didn't change the cirriculum to reflect what we had been told.


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my mathematics book... It is written by a guy that's been doing math for years upon years, and he happens to be my teacher... and blah blah blah more stuff blah blah blah
I think you're learning the wrong lesson from this teacher... pick up from his business savvy. The money from education isn't in the teaching jobs, it's in shamelessly forcing your own crappy book on other people (and apparently he didn't even work that hard on the book!). This guy may suck big floppy donkey dicks as a teacher, but evidently he's got a mind for money.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when I start having random cravings to play games that are 'officially' dead, and I can't find any good or currently operational private servers for them.

. . . . .



Re: Hate Thread

I hate the fact that some people find my innocence annoying when they themselves do exactly as I do.

Hypocrites make my brain hurt.


Sep 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

You know what I hate?...

Being me..

No matter what I do, I can't not be effected when someone puts me down, or insults me or what I beleive in... I just can't..

I dunno.. I guess I'm just fucked up that way... And... You know what?..

I'm done fighting.. I accept it.. I'm fucked up, I'm stupid, I'm retarded, I'm a faggot, just, whatever everyone keeps telling me that I am.. I admit it.. There's no hope for me, and I don't deserve to live...

Here's to all of you who tried your best to convince me that I'm stupid, worthless, emo, retarded, and just all-over incapable of understanding the most basic things...

You were right, I was wrong, and I thank you for finally getting to me.. I understand now..

You win... This isn't a threat, or a plea for attention.. It's a white flag..
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Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

good to know, so let this be the end of discussion on the matter for now.