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Re: Hate Thread

Ever have one of those days, where the day sucked, but you knew it'd all be okay once you got home?
And once you got home, you suddenly had a splitting headache?
And you come to find that every time you flush, your basement floods just a little bit?

Re: Hate Thread

Ever have one of those days, where the day sucked, but you knew it'd all be okay once you got home?
And once you got home, you suddenly had a splitting headache?
And you come to find that every time you flush, your basement floods just a little bit?


o_o Shit. You better call the mario brothers. I mean the ones from the actual movie. *hides in a bomb shelter*
Re: Hate Thread

"What's your name?"
"Mario what?"
"Mario Mario."
"And who's he?"
"Luigi Luigi?"
"No, Luigi Mario!"
"Wait, how many Mario's are there?!"
Re: Hate Thread

"What's your name?"
"Mario what?"
"Mario Mario."
"And who's he?"
"Luigi Luigi?"
"No, Luigi Mario!"
"Wait, how many Mario's are there?!"

Even if that's stupid, it actually does make sense. since we always calls them "Mario" Brothers
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I have a shit-ton of stuff to do the next 7 days... And I can only blame myself, because I have known a lot of this would be coming for two weeks...

So I suppose hating on it makes me a pretentious asshole.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate having just enough creativity to want to do stuff, and yet when I start on it the creativity bottoms out so fast x,x
Re: Hate Thread

FFFUUUUU i hate being low on money. I could finish my computer build TODAY but id be dead out of cash, and i'll need gas money. That Core i7 quad and New motherboard will have to wait 2 weeks.
Re: Hate Thread

FFFUUUUU i hate being low on money. I could finish my computer build TODAY but id be dead out of cash, and i'll need gas money. That Core i7 quad and New motherboard will have to wait 2 weeks.

You really need an i7?
Re: Hate Thread

Need is such a strong word. I would like to upgrade to it from my core 2 duo Quad.

I wasn't questioning the need for a new processor, but for one so expensive as i7. Unless you do some extremely processor intensive tasks, an i5 should probably be sufficient.
Re: Hate Thread

I wasn't questioning the need for a new processor, but for one so expensive as i7. Unless you do some extremely processor intensive tasks, an i5 should probably be sufficient.

Considering how close we are to the new processor/motherboards/GTX 600 series, im going to get a ps3 instead.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I didn't get Skyrim today.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I have been writing a report on physical phenomenon relating to conductivity in metallic- and semi-conductors, and I was pretty much done, after working for around 12 hours. Then Open Office decides to shit all over me and reduces all my tables and graphs to incomprehensible gibberish. AFTER I'M FUCKING FINISHED! WELL YOU KNOW WHAT OPEN OFFICE? YOU COULD HAVE FUCKING DONE THAT SHIT 5 HOURS AGO WHEN I CHANGED THE FILE FORMAT INSTEAD OF WAITING UNTIL 15 FUCKING MINUTES BEFORE MY DEADLINE YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I HATE YOU!

Ehem... Yah... I've got a lot to do over the weekend. :( fuck.

If anyone's got a solution to my problem, or a decent replacement for office, lemme know.
Re: Hate Thread

i hate that the pc version of skyrim Actually has a problem with The good audio Settings for your audio drivers, or some audio drivers. Mine works now just fine, but if i had it on best quality, it would crash the game. Perfect.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when dvds and blurays don't let me skip to the main menu. I mean it wouldn't be so bad if it was just 1 or 2 previews, but seven? Seriously? I don't care about donating to save film from getting dust on it. Or seeing previews for movies that came out like 2 years ago. Cheesy ripoffs of Valentine don't do it for me either.... the original wasn't that good, the slumber party version won't be any better guys, be serious. And especially movies that have a character with my name that are unhappy all the time with a lame life and want to sacrifice to make their friends happy instead.... don't wanna hear about that either! I guess it's too much to ask to just watch the movie I rented. ^_^

PS: If anyone can tell me how to override that, you get a zillion points.
Re: Hate Thread
