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Re: Hate Thread

Would he then be allowed to post how much he hated the pain?
Re: Hate Thread

HE CAN NEVER WIN! Such is the torment of being a male!
Re: Hate Thread

At first I was was like "=D Catherine! A game by the people who did the Persona games!"

And then I was like
Shigenori Soejima—the game’s character designer—has said that the game will have some “exciting adult scenes”. Shoji Meguro—the game’s sound composer—described the music as being “classic”, “adult abs” and “erotic fantasy.”

And I was like ":| It'll never make it into the country." Fuck the cen****hip board.

The game will feature multiple endings, giving it over twenty hours of gameplay

Wait, what? Over 20? Seriously? it seems to be more of a platformer/puzzle game than the JRPGs the Persona games are, but the game-time is estimated at that short? I mean, I guess 20 is a lot for a platformer, compared to today's "6 hours /game" thigns, but c'mon...
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Re: Hate Thread

I don't anyone should complain about 20 hours of gameplay in this day and age... I mean that's a lot of time.

Mind you I don't want to see RPGs falling into that... but for other genres...
Re: Hate Thread

well the difference between hours of gameplay and playthrough time.
Re: Hate Thread

He could... but then I'd make fun of him for actually going through with it.

I doubt he would...


...Have the balls to complain.

EDIT: Now, I know I complaint about this the other week but I really fucking hate my job. They text me on Saturday to say that they'll have me in at 11am today (Monday) even though they know it's almost impossible for me to get a lift into work because there's no public transport that goes that way. Luckily my grandfather didn't have anything to do today so he said he'll take me in. Then at 9am today they phone to say they made a mistake and that they want me in at 12pm. Sure, it's only an hour but that's besides the point. What if my grandfather had plans after taking me to work at 11am? Then I'd be without a lift to work. Then there's the fact that they don't tell some of the other people to come in after the normal clocking in time (8:30am), there's like a small handful that never get told to come in after then which I will be bringing up with the head manager today.
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate being ill! It just plain sucks.

It's uncomfortable, highly inconvenient, and has ruined my three year streak of non illness. Gotta start over now.
Re: Hate Thread

I thought I'd just gotten over a minor cold, but it seems to be back today. I hate how whenever I catch what's going around, it isn't as bad as everyone elses, but lasts 3x as long.

And just had to turn down helping a friend run into town to stock up before the snow/ice because I'm feeling too crappy.
Re: Hate Thread

This deserves a double post. The ceiling is leaking in three places, and the floor in one, so far...
Re: Hate Thread

fuckin fuckedy fuck fuck. That's all I have to fucking say about my fucking mood right fuckin now.
Re: Hate Thread

I strongly dislike the lack of knowledge of a close friends current status. IE: I hate not knowing whether or not somebody's still alive.
Re: Hate Thread

I strongly dislike the lack of knowledge of a close friends current status. IE: I hate not knowing whether or not somebody's still alive.

That's an utterly shitty position.
Re: Hate Thread

I strongly dislike the lack of knowledge of a close friends current status. IE: I hate not knowing whether or not somebody's still alive.

I have to agree. I have(or maybe I should say "had") a friend I haven't heard for a year.
Re: Hate Thread

I strongly dislike the lack of knowledge of a close friends current status. IE: I hate not knowing whether or not somebody's still alive.

I've been in that position before. I feel your pain, man.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, I know how you feel. Had several close calls with that.
Re: Hate Thread

Ugh. Good luck with that, Tass.

Freezing rain. It's been doing it since about 8 o'clock (EST...it' is now almost midnight) and hasn't let up yet. I'm going to have to chip my car open tomorrow and I swear to the gods, I will SMACK any customer stupid enough to come into the store tomorrow. They *pay* me to be there. There's no f'ing reason for you to be out after an ICE STORM unless you need food, fuel, or medical attention.
Re: Hate Thread

I'll see your ice storm and raise you 6 feet of snow and counting on top of it.
Re: Hate Thread

Whoo! 2+ feet of snow forecast to be on the ground when I wake up... Awesome... >_> (that's 2 feet on TOP of the 2 ish feet we already have)

Also, I am being discriminated against for being American and trying to post jokes on a British joke site. All my jokes get voted down, or get accused of being a plagiarist... Brits just don't like me because I'm American. I can understand the stereotyping, but really? Don't bother giveing me a chance... Whatever. Screw you, Brits! (Present company excluded, of course)...