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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

・AnaMoguri can be selected from the Select screen.
・AnaMoguri added to Watch Mode.
・Additional palette swaps added to Fairy-chan <Tiki><Weak Punch gives her black hair with red wings; Strong Punch gives her white hair, white wings, and a tan; Weak Kick gives her her default colour; Strong Kick gives her Dark Fairy colour scheme, along with matching purple wings; button after Strong Punch gives her green skin with olive hair; button after Strong Kick gives her blonde hair and a tan>
・AnaMoguri Stage Clear condition fixed.
 (Kill all 5 Anamoguri.)
・Roper's SP reserves fixed.

- not sure about this one, but was there a finisher animation and nipple penetration view for Ropers' team SP attack?
Yes there was, since the previous update.

By the way, I did not notice this before, but when Tiki has at least one full SP bar, she will start dripping. Sweet.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

The additional colors for Tiki aren't working for me :( I must have the latest update because I haven't updated to a version with Anamoguri until now and now it has a player file.

Drat I was looking forward to the new look.

Oh wow, I think I downloaded about 5 minutes before he put up the new file, so I got the old version. Weird, I downloaded only after I saw people talking about the latest update and color changes to Tiki, it's like the blog didn't update for me or maybe the latest wasn't available for a short time?
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Re: Fairy Fighting

The is as good as dead, nobody is adding to it
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Re: Fairy Fighting

The Fairy Fighting Wiki is as good as dead, nobody is adding to it

Honestly, the game is rather simple. It's not like Slave Maker and the constant massive additions that needs to be updated endlessly.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Simple though it may be.. I just thought it would be nice if it were up to date as more stuff gets put on the game itself
Re: Fairy Fighting

I was actually just about to make a comment about the wiki. I suggest that the images for the moves used by the monsters (which can be found en masse on the rule34 web site) be added to the wiki pages. If the person who posted said images on rule34 could convert the additional enemies and moves into a GIF format that would be very much appreciated. :D
Re: Fairy Fighting

The 'game' options menu is now accessible. no clue what's in there.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Go into your game folder.
Manually edit the 'game.ini' file.
the last line reads "GameScreenMode=xxx" where xxx is either '1' or '0'
set it to '0'
start the game. it should now be windowed.

alternatively, press F4 at the top row of your keyboard to toggle windowed and full screen.

in the the menu bar at the top of the window, left click options
the drop-down menu selections are game, keyboard, and joystick.
in the drop down menu, select 'game.'

What is all that stuff in there?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Go into your game folder.
Manually edit the 'game.ini' file.
the last line reads "GameScreenMode=xxx" where xxx is either '1' or '0'
set it to '0'
start the game. it should now be windowed.

alternatively, press F4 at the top row of your keyboard to toggle windowed and full screen.

in the the menu bar at the top of the window, left click options
the drop-down menu selections are game, keyboard, and joystick.
in the drop down menu, select 'game.'

What is all that stuff in there?

The game starts out in windowed mode by default. I've been aware of the 'Game' option from the beginning. However, with a fresh download of the latest file, clicking it does not open anything for me, except when I press any keys on the keyboard, including keys that are not used in-game, I hear a sound until I set the game into the background (either by minimizing the game, or by selecting another window), while the game progresses and plays like usual.
Perhaps if you are able to provide a screenshot it would be more helpful; I could help translate if it is in Japanese.
Re: Fairy Fighting

That menu has been there all along, or at least is was quite a few versions ago (the last time I checked). I can't screenshot for you, not in Jap locale for the chars to show up.
Re: Fairy Fighting

That menu has been there all along, or at least is was quite a few versions ago (the last time I checked). I can't screenshot for you, not in Jap locale for the chars to show up.

So the menu does open up to show something? Dang, perhaps it's because I tried running it from a public computer running XP (yes, a public computer, but it was 6-7AM in the morning and there was no one around). I'll try to see if it does the same thing when I run it on Windows 7 when I get back to my home state this weekend.
Re: Fairy Fighting

The menu shows what looks to be a stage elect (lists most enemies, doesn't seem to do anything), some sliders (probably different volumes for the first two/three, the last one I'm not sure about because it's on a different scale entirely), and a checkbox for JoyStick that turns on/off joystick support. Nothing in this menu has changed in a long time.
Re: Fairy Fighting

The additional colors for Tiki aren't working for me :( I must have the latest update because I haven't updated to a version with Anamoguri until now and now it has a player file.

Drat I was looking forward to the new look.

Oh wow, I think I downloaded about 5 minutes before he put up the new file, so I got the old version. Weird, I downloaded only after I saw people talking about the latest update and color changes to Tiki, it's like the blog didn't update for me or maybe the latest wasn't available for a short time?

only colors i know of is

Normal, Dark Tiki , thats S on selecting an blond tike thats D on selecting what other colors are thier :eek:
Re: Fairy Fighting

only colors i know of is

Normal, Dark Tiki , thats S on selecting an blond tike thats D on selecting what other colors are thier :eek:

If you have the newer update:

A - Normal Tiki
S - Dark Tiki (purple)
D - Tan Tiki
Q - Red winged w/ black hair Tiki
W - Dark skinned w/ white hair Tiki
E - Dryad Tiki (green)
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Re: Fairy Fighting

W - Dark skinned w/ white hair Tiki

I wonder if Eluku has taken a liking to Storm from X-Men

Also, what day of the week is Eluku most likely releasing updates?
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Re: Fairy Fighting


Has anyone been able to translate this?
Re: Fairy Fighting

It's the same as in the english games. The system menu provided by the engine. If you mess with it the only way to get it back is to delete and replace the ini file.


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