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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

In Soviet Russia, you rape monsters!

Re: Fairy Fighting

Any new updates yet or no?

There have been no updates as of yet however... it would seem that going by his schedule he should be bringing out a finished version of the wasp/bee in about less then 7 days id say, im only hazarding a guess at this because he normally doesnt let the first 7 days of a month pass by without posting some sort of update on his blog
Re: Fairy Fighting

Is this game supposed to be impossibly difficult? :confused: I just downloaded it and I can't even get past the first monster. :(
Re: Fairy Fighting

Yeahhhh we've been talking about that for quite some time lol. The only way to beat them is through trial and error.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I personally canNOT see how anyone can get past the Meatcatcher.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I've been able to beat him before by cheesing him, whenever he's offscreen he'll be idle. From there I'd just masturbate my energy to full and dump the super attack on him. I'm not sure if that's been 'fixed' in the latest version though... any grab move he uses on you heals him, so I hadn't been able to outfight him the normal way.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Exactly. whenever I fight him, he spams that Magic circle that shoots out. If i touch it (which i cant see how not to) he grabs me and violates from the inside out...
Re: Fairy Fighting

you can duck it, but not with the standard duck, you have to hit it a few times and hold it.
Re: Fairy Fighting

you can duck it, but not with the standard duck, you have to hit it a few times and hold it.

Press down twice and hold after the second press. Pressing the button more than twice may disrupt the ducking animation if you're unlucky.

The magic circle attack also have a maximum range, so if you can't duck, you can try backing off and it would dissipate harmlessly if you can get far enough.

IIRC, the magic circle attack can also be dashed through, if you have good timing. Or at least this was what I did when I pummelled Meatcatcher, but things might have changed since then.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Updates ahoy. The bee's got a finishing animation when it kicks your ass by not egging, it's attack pattern has been changed to make that easier and it's also got a fancy new stage for itself

If the 2 images included in the post suggest what might be included in the next update, it's going to be the egg version of the finisher


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Re: Fairy Fighting

getting a 404 again from the download...can someone re-up it to MU or RS

Re: Fairy Fighting

Same here, I'm getting a 404 for the download. Could we get a mirror?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Downloading now, he tossed up another link I'll mirror to MU when done.

- dev link
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Re: Fairy Fighting

While over-ridding the files from the new link posted above i see there's a difference in files involving Alalune and the "Wasp/Bee" notably larger in terms of file size.

So it is confirmed that "theres a new finishing move that the Wasp/Bee can do" :D

Did anyone see any difference in Alalune? the one within the depths of the lush greenary. ...
Re: Fairy Fighting

Lost to Evil Tiki and got the same ending as losing to the bee, heh.