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Games Discussion Thread


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
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Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

The entire tribes series is currently available for free, to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the series:


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Does anyone know if gamestop's pre-release release dates can be trusted? They've got Final Fantasy XV listed for release on December 31'st of this year and I don't quite believe it as the last confirmed date was sometime in 2016.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Anything marked for 'december 31st' of something is to be released 'sometime the year after'

But doesn't have a date yet
Basically, it's what they do when they don't have a clue what the release date will be but they still need to enter a date because the system refuses to accept the game's info without date


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ok, was kinda of thinking that would be the case, but well, I'm ready for a console FF that finally gets rid of the ATB system (it wasn't THAT bad untill XIII where you had to auto-battle everything).

FFXV and the FFVII remake were pretty much the deciding factor for me to get a PS4. Not that the x-turd was ever an option, I was considering just skipping this gen of consoles.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Double post but whatever

I've been playing super robot taisen blah blah Endless frontier for the DS and was wondering if anyone knows whether the other games in the series have combat that is as focused as this titles' on juggling opponents so they don't block or negate damage altogether or not?


Grim Reaper
Oct 7, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Spoilers if you have not completed the game, obviously.



Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Game review
A pretty good one, with a very obvious flaw

Clandestine is a unique experience with good writing and a somewhat poor graphics and performance attached to it.

Let's just get right to business with the bad. Yes, it looks like it came straight from the Playstation 2 era and this is not at all encouraging to modern gamers. It even has some occasional issues with the performance, bugs that are somewhat obvious, clunky movement and controls, and it definitely does not look like it brings much new to the stealth genre.
But then why the positive recommendation?

Because where the graphics and performance are questionable, the gameplay itself is solid, the writing is great with excellent attention to detail, and the co-op is a good way to spend time with a friend working things out together. and getting through the story. Which, by the way, changes based on what you do. If you kill everyone because dead men don't tell tales, then you will have a different experience after a few missions than if you went through as a ghost, unseen and unheard.
While some things are easy to see coming from far away, the story as far as I've experienced it makes sense and is intriguing enough to keep you coming back for more. As for the co-op gameplay, it does exactly what many people wanted to do for their stealth games. As the spy, you will rely on your co-op partner to hack into the computer net, get you the information you need to play your undercover role out, block cameras from seeing you, and mess with anything electronic that needs messing with. As the hacker, you will be multitasking to hack into their system in one screen, check the cameras for guards approaching your partner from behind, and work with a map to make sure your partner doesn't get lost in the facilities you're infiltrating. Both roles are rewarding, and working together as a team makes for a unique experience that so far I've not been able to find anywhere else in a game.
(I have not played single player, so I can not mention much on that)

Clandestine can be a real hit, something you will remember for years to come and will hope to see more of if you can see past the obvious flaws and outdated graphics. If you can, I can certainly recommend it.
But if you are big into graphics and are easily frustrated it may not be your kind of thing. Clandestine is a flawed gem. If you can look past the flaws you will have a great time.


Grim Reaper
Oct 7, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Perhaps random... enjoy.


Grim Reaper
Oct 7, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Me again.

Older video. Roosterteeth trying out a pong machine that inflicts whipping, heat and electrical tingle on the loser's off-hand. Old but strangely amusing.

2] Silly thing, loud and sweary from Hulk having issues to the man assigned to hunt him down, involves an epic battle between The Hulk and... a man with a giant mask of his own face, wearing pink and throwing C4 at the Hulk from a tiny one-seater car.


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm just going to say it, is everyone here skipping out on Fallout 4, or perhaps even taken on an anti-hype bent towards it? I won't gush about it, but I will say I'm enjoying it, and it's actually less buggy than Skyrim is even after all these years (though not bug free).

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm just waiting for the price to drop, and need to get a new graphics card. I'm off put by the voiced protagonist thing, but there's been plenty of other aspects I've liked the look of. Such as the notably enhanced combat and FPS elements, settlement building, and the new salvage and crafting mechanics.

Will probably still be a while til I get it. Unless my brother caves and buys it himself. (Which would let me play it via the Steam family thing we have set up.)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've found GreenManGaming to be quite helpful. I got preorder for $45, which was a good deal. TBH I'm actually really liking the voiced protagonist. Yeah, it's a shift, but they did it well. Voice acting overall is miles better than other Bethesda games, though some minor NPC dialogue is still a bit derp. Having a char with a background might take some of the fun out of it, but I feel as if the people they got for the job nailed most of their lines.

Settlement building and crafting is fun, though a bit of a time sink. In my first 10 hours playing probably 3-4 was working on settlements. The interface (overall too) is a bit clunky, but once you get used to it it isn't bad.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've been anti-hyped about it, I'm not expecting it to do much, if anything for what I like in games.

From what I've seen it is good at what it does though. Just that what it does is not what I'm after
Few friends of mine sure seem to love it though


Mystic Girl
Dec 3, 2014
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fallout 4 is the best Bethesda game I've played and probably the best they've ever made. It's sandbox, the shooter elements are finally decent, I like the semi-new level system, animations are better, voice acting is finally top notch, story is better than the previous ones, ... The clunky console interface and no azerty support are annoying though. I can only walk backwards and to the right in construction modus, you get the loot screen when reloading your weapon on top of a pile of corpses, really poorly written tutorials, ... And of course there's plenty of bugs and glitches to go 'round.


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fallout 4 is irrelevant to my interests until the creation kit comes out and people start making proper mods for it. Such as a non-consolized UI, for instance.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'll be getting access to it in the next few days, but won't really be able to sit down and play for a while b/c work stuff and when I get a sandbox I like to really tear into it.

Not too worried about a voiced PC, immersion has never really been my thing. I do really like the idea of having stuff that I can do with all the junk found in the wasteland, along with being able to craft weapons (and I assume ammunition) since it makes alot of non-ballistics builds more viable early game and just not having to wait for the thing I want to drop from a mob.

As far as bugs? Bethesda games usually aren't a problem since you can open the console and fiddle around a bit to get broken quests back on track and stuff. Anyone remember F03's bug where deathclaws would just skyrocket for no reason and then sometime later drop back down next to you w/o taking any damage? One of the funniest things I've ever encountered in a game.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wrote stuff. An old game but good

Impossible Creatures is an old(2002) RTS with a twist- The player creates their units by combining animals together, picking and choosing what parts(And powers) to use. This of course leads to a lot of variety and options in your units, while you put together units to fit roles you choose and build the kind of units you want to see.
If you want a large amount of cheap swarming units, you can do that.
If you want a small amount of high quality units, that is possible too.
Mixed force with a few builing destroyers, some artillery, a front line and some ranged? Design them.

The rest is about as one would expect from an RTS. Gather resources, build (a small but functional) base, and use your army to control the map's important locations(Mainly more resource points), and then destroy your opponent.
There are only two resources, coal and energy, of which energy is renewable, but that is all the game needs. It doesn't overcomplicate things by asking for several different resources, that's not the focus of this game.

The focus is on the creatures, and allowing you creativity and customisation far past the standard for RTS games, with what is honestly an interesting campaign with humourous moments, a pretty decent storyline and good progression overall, it will not disappoint. Unless off course you focus purely on the graphics and other minor bad things to be found. As can be expected from a game of this age, the graphics are not exactly the best you can get today. But they are still functional and they do not look awful. They have aged fairly well.
The interface, and some parts of the design may be annoying as well - 'Your animals are under attack!' A very important thing to be aware of, and as such the game will tell you about it. About three or four times a minute, actually. When you've told them to attack the enemy base and are fully expecting them to be attacked. The camera is at times a little clumsy, and you may need to move it a bit to find an optimal viewing angle, but again, this isn't a huge problem. Just something of the time it was released. And of course you might have some issue with defensive structures. Namely, before you get walls they may as well be made of paper and shoot pressurised farts for as much as they do to higher level creatures. Except the anti-air towers, of which three or more will single-handedly destroy entire airforces with only minimal damage to themselves.

I am getting close to 10 hours on this game, and I can't say I regret a single one of them. It is a great game for RTS fans, and a good game for those new to the genre as well. All of the good being good, and most of the bad being small stuff lands this one firmly in the recommend catagory. Go ahead and grab it, you'll probably like it

It will be on sale until the 18th, 40% off at steam
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Double post

Three of my friends have suggested that I apply for a professional games reviewing job.
None of them have given any suggestions whatsoever for where, how, or with who.

So Ill ask here:

1. Do you actually like/read my reviews
2. Where would you suggest I throw them? Might be able to spread them to people who are interested
And finally
3. Do you actually read games review sites other then this forum?
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Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well TBH most of what you review are things I'm not really into. Only have a passing interest in RTS anymore ( I loved dawn of war and after is lackluster sequel I've just felt 'meh' towards RTS), and for the most part (some notable exceptions such as under-rail) I can't stand turn based strategy games where I have to depend on a %chance to hit as I have notoriously horrible luck (bad enough that I've never even TRIED X-COM).

That said I usually read at least a bit of what you write. I find your reviews to be concise, they contain the information I'd find relevant if I were on the fence about a specific title and I'm more than willing to give the benefit of the doubt that your information is accurate.

As far as game review sites... I haven't trusted gaming media for a long time. I don't think I really need to elaborate why. I will go over to gamefaqs and read some of the user reviews, typically I'll try and read a great review, a shit one, and a moderate one giving me a decent idea of what complaints there are and their validity.

Personally I think the industry needs a massive overhaul, instead of large companies putting out reviews that in all likely-hood have been approved by the title's publisher, I'd like to see reviews from individuals that I can believe aren't lying for money. Oh and not on goddamn youtube videos, I don't want to waste my bandwidth seeing anyone's face or hearing their voice. How that would happen I don't know.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Any extra input a person has towards a new purchase is that one extra bit of input that may shape their decision.

In a similar theme of sharing, I feel like it's a decent time of tossing out one of my more recent, serious reviews as well, specifically on WH40K: Deathwatch Enhanced Edition, a Unreal Engine 'remake' of a IOS port for PC. In short, it's got it's faults, especially in equipment acquisition, but it makes up for it with probably one of the better atmospheres that the 41st Millennium's delivered as of late.

Many people will instantly judge this game due to it being a 'hackneyed IOS port that doesn't belong on the glorious PC engine' or complain about it's more lackluster porting issues.

As a person that's been wanting a decent 40k tactical game, however, this hits more buttons than I ever could have hoped for, considering the starvation of somewhat-cheap turn-based tactical games as of late.

STORY - 4/5
Relatively basic as far as 40K is concerned, and requires a small amount of knowledge of things in the universe to get all the offhand remarks and comments caught. To make a long story short, you're the field command of a tactical squad of the Deathwatch, a coallition of other Space Marine chapters opted in to work with the Ordo Xenos of the Inquisition. In this situation, a sector known as Astolat is under the threat of the Tyranids, essentially space locusts that eat planets bare of any bio-organic life that fuels the creation of even more Tyranids, that are slowly chugging towards the center of the galaxy. Your job: Ensure the Hive Fleet is mired here, and if possible, keep it from passing through the sector. Again, simplistic but servicable for 40k and doesn't pull a 'LOL CHAOS WAS BEHIND IT ALL ALONG!' stick.

GAMEPLAY - 3.5/5

The gameplay is still heavily based off it's IOS roots, with controls almost all capable with just Left Mouse, though some things have been tagged with hotkeys, making a chain of Overwatch setups that much more easier. Each soldier has access to 4 AP (by default) per turn, allowing them to move, shoot, or do other actions with those AP over that turn. As far as my experience with the game goes, Your marines are split into four combat classes (Assault, Devastator, Tactical, and Apothacary) who each have preferred weapons and get special skills depending on the Chapter the marine belonged to, with each portrait type denoting what capabilities and abilities that specific marine may have. Everything in the game has a 1-4 Tier rank as well, so the higher the tier, the more special abilities or stronger the thing is defaultly. The tyranid units, while more numerous in the map, tend to act like cannon fodder to a squad of well-trained marines, though in later levels you will meet tougher enemies, up to and including massive 3x3 tiled monstrosities that require heavy weapons and well-trained marines to take down, and managing where the marines are and where they're going.


Easily the most annoying part of the game, and sadly where the port nature comes to bear the most. In order to get more wargear (and marines) you must complete missions, which will grant a random wargear item, and 20-40 Requisition Points (varies by difficulty options, but you can't do difficulty options until you finish the game's 40 or so levels once). These requisition points are used to purchase booster packs, an obvious replacement for a previous F2P cash shop mechanic from the IOS version. This also means that by the time you run into your first major hurdle (like, say, the first Carnifex fight), you may not have the right equipment to face off against it, and thus be forced to grind until the RNG gods bless you with a godly marine/weapon combo for taking down large beasts. The marine's progressions is a bit more tolerable- each marine can gain exp during missions, with most exp to an individual coming from landing killing blows (and each kill giving a small sum to every survivor as well). This banked EXP can then be used to unlock abilities, traits, and level the marine's health/accuracy/crit rate, as far as I can tell the stat buffs are unlimited, with a constantly-increasing buffer of EXP to reach per level. If a marine dies in action, you'll lose that banked EXP however, which makes really grinding a high-leveled marine's exp a bit hard if you're not just tricking a endless-spawn mission for EXP grind (Burning Bridges comes to mind...)


Why yes, I broke my scoring system for this gag, what of it. The setting and presentation of the game is easily the BEST of any 40k game released in the last 5 years, Dawn of Wars included. Viewing the world of the 41st Millenium in a tactical level is why I pine for a Dark Heresy game built like Shadowrun, and while our Deathwatch marines don't actively meet any friendlies in the adventure (as far as I'm aware), the world looks absolutely gorgeous, thanks to the use of the Unreal engine. Even the lowliest of Ultramarine Tacticals have unique visual differences over other chapters that help to show off the units, and the splendor only grows as you get higher-tier units adn the eye candy shows more. The unique chapters for the Enhanced Edition in particular are especially visually delightful, of particular note the Dark Angel Veteran, and the other unique units of the chapters ain't too far off. Another thing, something that not much of the promotional work seems to touch on, is the bantar that goes between your squadmates. Blood Angel, Space Wolf, and Ultramarine squad members will talk between each other, from jabs about chapter stereotypes to musings on if the Emperor would be unhappy about the Ecclisiarchy, to questioning if they are indeed fighting a losing battle for the planets of the sector. The only reason this wasn't marked a 10 was because the Enhanced Edition chapters weren't included in the banter.

It's rough around the edges, and if you are allergic to grinding you'll drive yourself nuts here, but otherwise the averageness of the gameplay tends to get overshadowed by the close-up look of Tyranid Hiveships, torn-apart cities, and corroding Imperial bunkers, and your squadmates talking casually as they mow through hordes upon hordes of the Tyranid menace. If you're looking for a turn-based tactics game where your soldiers aren't made of tissue paper, you can't really go wrong with Deathwatch.