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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Sort of brought that up in the last sentence of the second to last paragraph. The turned against their will bit. Now, zombies, I'd think, are something of a special case, because they can be risen dead (so you're killing things that are, technically, already dead.) But you're right. If it's transferred from zombie to normal person, then yeah, you'd be in the same boat.

I think I was more just wondering if the game gives a fix for the whole "rampaging mutant" thing or if it's just "they're evil now, put them down."

And also remember, I'd been watching the advert ad nauseum, so it's mostly just the ponderings of a bored mind.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The game is so far from serious I doubt they even pondered the cure thing. It breaks the fourth wall as much as Deadpool. However, this situation is really no different than Resident Evil, which were mostly people turned into zombies/parasite hosts against their will.

Though an interesting point regardless. Especially so soon after watching the trailer for "hatred".
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just finished Dark Souls 2 for Xbox. First game was with a Sorcerer with a Ricard's Rapier, it was over 40 hours long and I didn't even reach half the game (also I died +300 times (fucking Ruin Sentinels)), second character was a strength build with the giant OP Greatsword and finished the game in barely 18 hours and with 64 deaths. Gotta say, I'm kinda proud with that second game.
P.S. It was a blind playthrough OFFLINE. For some reason my Xbox won't go live.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, Sin. I call it Technicolor InFamous for a reason. It's kinda like they took InFamous' playstyle, Infamous 2's character attitude, and Lisa Frank'd the thing.

Can't say as I've heard of that one. Sounds psychological horror?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Is it just me or have decent games become WAAAAAAY more scant lately, despite ridiculously bloated file sizes and aggravatingly shoddy looking "HD" graphics? The best games seem to be coming from every which way EXCEPT THE LEAD INDUSTRY COMPETITORS, and the few promising games that do seem to come out, tend to have terribad craptacular PC ports and arbitrarily limited framerates and/or resolution.

I always believed that the potential for greatness was infinitely greater in the indie scene than in corporate development (Also known as the fourth layer of hell) but now it seems like companies are going out of their way to prove me right. Except that indie games seem to be slowing their roll a bit too, not as much, but enough to make me worry. Sorry if I'm slowpoke or somebody else has already brought this up or it's already been discussed to death, but I felt like getting my feelings out, so if that's the case please just dismiss this post as an oversight.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Can't say as I've heard of that one. Sounds psychological horror?

Hatred? Eh, nah, it's more of a public shooting simulator, aiming to ride the controversy marketing boat at full steam. Puts special attention to detail into replicating innocents crying and begging as you execute them. So I guess it's got a "psychological horror" aspect there, just not in the normal meaning. It's designed to be minimal on narrative or structured/objective based gameplay, just focusing on the killing itself. Pretty much a virtual snuff film.

Personally I find the game distasteful in an uncomfortable way that other games never really have before. I've always been for freedom of expression, anti-censorship, and all that, but this, just feels like pushing the ugly limits for the sheer sake of riling people up. Doesn't help that the developers are quoting the game as a "pure gaming pleasure" and "a game for gamers". As if our reputation wasn't under fire enough as it was. Attempts to censor stuff rarely work out well, but some things... are perhaps just better not being made in the first place, you know?

I hadn't mentioned it previously since I feel like I didn't want to draw attention to the game, but... I don't like it, personally. We don't need this. >_>
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hatred is basically Postal. It looks pretty fucked up. I'm not sure if I'm missing some sort of subtext or something but yeah.


Ninja'd by a squid
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Never having played Postal myself, or really any game where you can do the proverbial run over a hooker 24-7 trick, but the problem between Hatred and some of the 'ye old classics' when it comes to games that let ya massacre things is that usually, most games that tread that way tend to be either lighthearted or disguise it in other ways, or grant you other things to do along the way. Look at the GTA series and Saint's Row, both are relatively different levels of serious but there's so much other things to fart with in those worlds you don't HAVE to be a genocidal maniac if you don't want to. And Postal? Well as far as I am aware everything in those games has so many screws loose it's hard to tell what's serious and what's played for last.

But now we got a game that seems specifically designed for playing it as straight as fucking possible, right down to pleading civilians before you're expected to execute them. Before you yourself are eventually shot. With no fucks given by your protagonist.

I'm sorry, but that's fucking dark, and hits WAY too close to home for quite a few of us. I've mentioned being bullied before, and unfortunately this reflects some fantasies of revenge I tried to avoid in ways that a freaking horror game wouldn't try to scrabble the repressed thoughts out of you by. I cannot condone Hatred in the slightest as a result.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Charming. Lovely. Like Squid said: as if gamers didn't have a bad enough rep as it is. And yeah, reading the description, my first thought was immediately "Postal."

Granted, I am one of the first to joke about violence being the answer to problems. Hell, I even have a button that says "When all else fails, blow shit up." and I wear it on my coat. In public. And having a cathartic way to get those urges out is fine. I love playing L4D and Dynasty Warriors when I'm in a bad mood, but yeah, there is that fine line between catharsis, psychological imbalance, and snuff film.

(Back to work. May return on this later.)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I personally think Hatred has a right to exist, it's awful, it evokes pretty disgusted feelings from the consumer, and as previously mentioned it tantalizes certain fantasies of those who feel they've been backed into a corner by society or bullies. But it's conveying a message and is very expressive, the REAL problem at large is that it's an illegitimate message, not a real form of expression, it's a marketing technique at it's most blatant, and if the developers are labeling it a "pure gaming pleasure" that's some trashy bullshit, in the same fucking blurb they described it as a fucking horror game for fucks sakes. Make up your mind on how you're trying to sell it before you give a half-assed explanation dickwads.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's Postal, with a shiny new red and black paintjob. All it is, right down to the way it plays and the scenario. Nothing more, nothing less
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Uh, Postal had a sense of humour and didn't take itself even the slightest bit seriously (Or at least Postal 2 certainly didn't) with corny one liners, and frankly pretty harmless mindless violence. It didn't have the same level of detail or deliberate malice.

So I would go as far as to say that it is less than the first game, though it is ALSO more than the first game as the pretty grapheex and 80s metal hairstyle + trenchcoat signify.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I personally think Hatred has a right to exist, it's awful, it evokes pretty disgusted feelings from the consumer, and as previously mentioned it tantalizes certain fantasies of those who feel they've been backed into a corner by society or bullies. But it's conveying a message and is very expressive, the REAL problem at large is that it's an illegitimate message, not a real form of expression, it's a marketing technique at it's most blatant, and if the developers are labeling it a "pure gaming pleasure" that's some trashy bullshit, in the same fucking blurb they described it as a fucking horror game for fucks sakes. Make up your mind on how you're trying to sell it before you give a half-assed explanation dickwads.

That's a little debatable unfortunately. Although I do also somewhat get the impression from other comments, that the details and differences visible in the trailer (such as Lurker mentioned) seem to go over a lot of peoples heads. I wonder if when they get round to playing it, whether it will be quite what they were expecting.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well of course there are exceptions Squid, but I would also point out that a lot of typical horror genre stuff of all kinds fails to elicit disgusted feelings though in a lot of cases it can succeed.

Although personally, once I go into a game such as hatred I believe that I can pretty much turn the switch in my brain that starts me out controlling the main character like a high-functioning deranged autistic person, rather than an actual functional human being. I think most people make use of this switch here and there, I mean it's not like you would ever in a million years actually use your fists to beat a child to death, but in say Fallout 3, many people will have tried.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I dunno, I had to look up Postal 1 to see wtf it was about, and a longplay of it had some pretty fucked up shit. People writhing around on the ground saying 'kill me', the ending being a bunch of pretty nihilistic words on some kinda grotesque meat-lookin' things, all red and bloody-lookin'.

I guess the violence was a little derpy and tame, but I'mma chalk that up to hardware limitations. Postal might've looked tame, but only because the computers and tech then couldn't handle anything more intense. Couldn't render a big 3D thing to zoom in on realistic representations of people begging for mercy while you make them fellate a double-barrel and make them swallow the buckshot like Hatred does.

Then again, you're talking Postal 2, and I only looked at P1, so.

I've heard arguments that it might be satire or something, but fuck, its not tongue-in-cheek and if it's satirical by virtue of just being played completely straight and overdoing it a little, it's still fuckin' creepy. Iunno. Whatever.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread







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Re: Games Discussion Thread

pretty harmless mindless violence

The final level of Postal 1 is shooting up an elementary school before your character succumbs to his insanity and is dragged off to an insane asylum
Re: Games Discussion Thread


Ohey, it's Qua- *this game is inspired by Unreal and Quake* - Inspired? Fucker, you done straight ripped Quake and Unreal. Not that that's a bad thing, but, 'inspired'? bitchplz

ALSO: They done did went and got Ninjas in my Final Fantasy 14. My god the DPS queue times.
Also also, FF 14 community as a whole right now:
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I got hella' fuckin' high last night and played Sonic Adventure 2: Battle emulated on Dolphin. It's such an objectively bad game with its story. I mean, it's clearly written for kids, but damn. I never had thought it was so cheesy.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The final level of Postal 1 is shooting up an elementary school before your character succumbs to his insanity and is dragged off to an insane asylum

Huh, some description somewhere implied that he was about to [shoot up a school], and then gets dragged off, rather than after. Still though, I highly doubt it exactly mimics the realism of actual child-killing, though it is very clearly a ploy to garner negative press and attention.
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