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Dark Gate OOC Thread


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Well, I didn't get too much of a chance to get attached to my 1.0 character, so I'd be willing to go for the 'end it all' option, especially as my 2.0 character I really like. However, other people would want to keep their characters I imagine, so maybe make it a case-by-case basis? But any way is fine with me.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I get nearly attached to my 1.0 character, in a personal interest i will prefer to end this history and start the 2.0 version with the same or another character if i cant (i haven't made a character for 2.0 :( ). So, the third option will be my choice.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I'd offer to help GM, but you've seen how frequently I can update...


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Well...unfortunately, I'm one of the ones who've become a tad TOO attached to my character to simply start over from a clean slate...so I'm inclined towards towards one to two more than three...Although I still need to reply myself to my own thread. ((Bloody real life getting in the way.)) That said, do what you feel is best.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

For me, it depends on what the details on setting and story of DG2 will be. If there is any unified/central story that is.

I'd be fine with calling Red's adventure done at this point. There's plenty more of her character she's not had a chance to show, but I've certainly enjoyed her run so far. I don't feel any need to have her suddenly get wrapped up in the main events of the plot, so I'm not going to feel left out if she simply continues on her journey and passes through the town to elsewhere. My main interest right now is with her unborn child. This child would effect Red's story/actions, and my decisions for DG2. I'd be happy to do a fast version of the rest of her story, or even merely chat out the details of it.

I'd be happy to continue with Red, but I'm also sure I could think up someone new and be perfectly happy with them too. I even had vague notions of having Red's offspring as my new character, but once again I'm unsure of what that would mean, and also realise that would likely be a time paradox if some people are continuing with the same characters.

System wise there's scarcely been any rolling in my thread anyway. I'd could convert Red to V2 if that was in anyway beneficial. I'd been thinking of doing so for the heck of it even if I decided to write up a new character anyway.

On the side, I am also curious about the future of Naya (assuming it wasn't becoming a snack for Mathias an hour after leaving Red), and what might happen with the little egg Red's carrying.

And one last thing, I may be reading too much into the mentioned "cat-like plant monster", but was OAMP's Lexwyn raped by one of Red's children? :p


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I've actually become less attached to my character as the game has gone on, so ending the game and restarting with v2 would be fine with me. Thetwo's idea of speeding up the stories sounds like it could work well, though, plus I still need to take care of Archer's thread ;). I already have an idea for a v2 character, but have been waiting for the current game to end before doing anything with it.

As far as asking for GM's, I'm a little surprised that I'm the only one who stuck with it, as the others all seemed to be working out. Perhaps some incentive would convince more players to help out. Maybe take Kathy's idea of limiting the number of people whose games you'll run, but give people who choose to help GM priority as far as getting a thread. So, for example, you put a limit of six threads your willing to run at a time. If three people choose to help GM, they get there threads, three other people are GMed by them, and three more get GMed by you. If one of the assistant GMs falls out, you drop their thread and pick up the one they were supposed to run. You would end up always having only six threads to run, and the people who are really interested in playing get to do so. That's if you're willing to harden your heart and say no to some people, of course ;).

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

My character is already v2, so yeah. Not that my game's started yet or anything though (Lack of inspiration really sucks, I know the feeling)

I used to GM for a group of D&D 3rd edition gamers once upon a time, but that was ages ago. Not really up for it anymore


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

You know what? I changed my mind. I am willing to GM as long as the player I watch over doesn't mind the slower activity. As well as put up with my writing.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I have to much free time after the finals of the next week. if you want i could GM, (even with my lack of experience and the fact than English is not my first language).


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I should probably release the details for how I was going to do porting from DG1 to DG2: Firstly, it's only taking place a few years (edit: after) the end of DG1, so you could easily keep your character form the first game. Storywise, everyone would have gone on doing whatever it was they were doing before the invasion, possibly returning home, possibly just going off and doing whatever, or possibly even being stuck in the demons world, depending on your backstory and what happened in game.
For the stats, you would have to have redone your characters, as some of the Talents changed, but everyone that's porting over a new character would have gotten to keep all of their mutations, and would have 10 exp to spend on whatever they like. I know that that's significantly less than some of you earned, but I want to keep things balanced. Also, I'm going to go ahead and say right now that I'm not allowing characters that violate the normal starting conditions this time. IE: Everyone that isn't porting a character only has whatever they can do with the character building system as it is now. And I'm sticking to the female characters only, since most of the monsters are built toward going after them. If I said otherwise earlier, consider this me changing my mind. (grumpyface.)

Also, one thing I intend to do is give everyone some way of porting to the merchant, who will be returning from DG1. You wouldn't be able to do it in combat of course, but it would make money actually useful unlike in DG1.

Right now it's looking like I'm going with thetwos suggestion, though it's a vote like I said before. I think I'd leave up whether or not people wanted to do finishers in the threads or via PM to them, at the moment.

@Squid: The child would be a half-daemon, so you could conceivably play as her. I never really specified a lot of things for that very reason. She could just be aged super-fast, with matching mental maturation and such. She is an immortal, after all. The plant egg she kept was going to bust out of the jar in a little while, and you would have a little plant minion sort of like Kathy has. What happened to Naya I'm not sure about, I haven't really come up with anything for her. And no, that plant monster wasn't one of Reds kids. I probably should explain how the plant enemies lifecycle works, shouldn't I? I'll probably put up a thread with all the monster sheets later.

@xivvix: That's a bit better than just cutting off a limit for the number of people. I might consider that depending on how many people want to join up. I know some people quit, or at least have lost inspiration like I have, but new people are also showing interest. So far, Termite has offered to GM, and I'm guessing you're still in, and plmnko is an option, though for you I'd say it would have to be mutual consent just because English isn't your first language. That's 3, and for GMs that were posting regularly enough I could conceivably give their threads priority over other peoples threads.
Last edited:

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

@Squid: The child would be a half-daemon, so you could conceivably play as her. I never really specified a lot of things for that very reason. She could just be aged super-fast, with matching mental maturation and such. She is an immortal, after all. The plant egg she kept was going to bust out of the jar in a little while, and you would have a little plant minion sort of like Kathy has. What happened to Naya I'm not sure about, I haven't really come up with anything for her. And no, that plant monster wasn't one of Reds kids. I probably should explain how the plant enemies lifecycle works, shouldn't I? I'll probably put up a thread with all the monster sheets later.
From what I could tell of the timing/time line it didn't seem to fully match up, but on the small chance it was the case, I had to ask. I'll get em next time.

For who I'd play, I'm still unsure. A speed grown half-daemon sounds equally awkward and fun. Something to think on. If it was Red, I can't imagine going through the game dragging the kid along.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I'm just restating my interest in participating in DG2. Waiting patiently for it.


Nov 16, 2008
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Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)


I kinda like Alisa, so I'd have to agree with Keylo - I'd prefer to continue, either with the current ruleset or with the DG2 ruleset. On the other hand, if I get to keep Alisa in the DG2 storyline... I don't wanna just rule that out. Since I think Alisa's actions in DG1 are basically gonna be a repeat of the previous nights (find some random demons to gank, go to a safehouse and sleep with Gab, repeat). Her involvement with the main storyline, as I see it, was basically as a reason for Matthias to encounter Natalie - and now that that's over with, it's just random encounters until we get bored.

I'm not trying to belittle Alisa's importance, here, but I did, kinda, make her up as rapebait. It's kinda weird to note that she's had consensual sex more often than she was raped - however much she might have enjoyed the attacks.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I'm interested, too. Still kinda hesitant about writing out smut, but I'm willing to give it a shot. Building characters is fun, and I'd like to see one in play, you know?

I'm still set on the one Night-Elf-Mad-Biologist/Healer character I made for DG1. A lot I want to do with her involves a custom magic class, though, so I've got a couple questions about that:

1) A mage character can attempt to do magic stuff not covered by her spells, right? Not in combat, but out of it - like if a firemage wanted to fry an egg in his palm, or craft/enchant up a firebomb. If it's thematically appropriate, would you allow it?

2) I've been sticking with using the damage formulas from the blast shapes, but I've been tending to stick on a lot of side-effect stuff. Are things like debuffs and damage/healing-over-time okay, or would you prefer I avoid them, since they'd add even more things to keep track of, and recalculate, in the case of debuffs?

Also, I' think you might've answered this already, but... Is DG2 going to have a specific setting, like... I think it's Artmirst, the town, in DG1? Or were you just gonna run adventures for the various characters, scattered about the various nations?

On an unrelated note, another build. This time with some semblance of story~
Character Sheet:

Name: Halora Eurith
Class: Spirit user
Race: High Elf
The pale skinned, pointy-eared, magically adept race of beings that were once of the fey, but became mortal. Small groups of loosely connected democracies that live in grand halls hidden in the mountains or enclaves secluded in the woods. Their children are always taught to hold their word as their bond, so elves are always regarded as trustworthy to a fault. Being once of the fey, they are powerful of both the Mind and Spirit, but this makes them tempting targets for beings that feed off of spirit energy.
* +4 Mind, +4 Spirit, Gain Flaw: Open Soul.

Body: 14
Mind: 20
Spirit: 24

Hit Points: 36
Pleasure to Orgasm: 54
Spirit Energy: 76
Speed: 7
Dodge: 29
Armor: 0
Resistance: 27

Experience: 0
Corruption: 6 levels / 0

*Massive Energy Pool: Increases EP by 20. Cannot be chosen with "Natural Spirit" or "Superior Spirit."

Greater Energy Pool: Grants an additional 15 max energy.

Resistant: Get +10 to Resistance.

Just a Little Longer: Grants an additional 15 max pleasure.

*Priestess: Blessing, Binding

Additional Power: Holy Fire, Holy Wall

*Demonologist: Gorgon's Gaze, Fell Might

Soul-Sense: Increases Spirit to-hit by 10.

Open Soul: Whenever anything feeds on the characters spirit energy, it rushes out like a river. +4 to Energy damage.

*Fertile: Your character always automatically gets pregnant when something cums inside of her, unless that something is sterile.

Mutated x2: Your character starts the game with 3 mutations of your choice.

Blessing: Grants strength to the user and her allies, costing 3 + X to activate and X upkeep. Increases to-hit, Dodge, and Perception by 3X for the user and any allies within 30 feet.

Binding: Holds a creature in invisible, unbreakable chains. Costs 3 + X to activate and X - 2 to maintain. A creature held must win a (6X + Your Spirit) vs (Enemies Body + Resistance) check to break free.

Holy Fire: Spiritual fire burns your foes. Costs X to activate, and does (2 + 2d8) x X damage to one foe within 50 feet, or 2d8 x X damage to all creatures within a 10 foot radius of any spot within 50 feet of the user.

Holy Wall: Creates a wall that no being may pass without your permission or by winning a (Your Spirit x (1 + X)) vs (Enemies Spirit) check. Costs 3 + X energy to activate and X energy to maintain. In addition, demons touching it take 2d6 x X damage.


Gorgons Gaze: An incredibly powerful ability. Costs 5 + X to use. Causes a single creature that the user looks upon to instantly turn to stone and remain that way forevermore unless the user releases them, unless they win at a Resistance vs 4X check. Note: PCs affected by this will be Paralyzed instead of insta-killed.

Fell Might: The user is filled with the power of Chaos! Costs 3 + X EP to activate and X EP to maintain. Increases melee damage, to-hit, Dodge, and Grapple by 3X, but causes the character to lose X HP per round as well.

Massive Breasts: The characters breasts increase in size. How much is up to the player, but it has to be a significant change. (BurningGold)

*Sadist: character takes d4+1 pleasure damage each time she inflicts health damage to something (xivvix)

Lactation: The character begins to lactate, and any pleasure they take due to their breasts being touched is increased by 2.

Fetish (Impregnation) : The character gains a particular favorite thing that sets them off when they're in bed. That fetish has to be simple and within my ability to facilitate in game without horrifying people (so, no guro, golden shower, scat, ect.) Whenever the character comes on the receiving end of their fetish, they start taking +10 to all pleasure rolls. Examples include anal, creampies, tentacles, nipple play, being impregnated, double penetration, triple penetration, gang bangs, oral (receiving or giving,) and bondage. All fetishes require approval.

*Fertile Mouth: If a character swallows a creatures cum, they get a pregnancy roll (even if that monster normally wouldn't need one.)

*Connection: Same as "Fertile Mouth" except for the characters ass.

Warped: The character has become partially demonic, so much so that they can corrupt others. Half of any pleasure dealt by the character to non-demons is also forced on them as corruption.

The weapons and armor you have, along with any other minor items you gain in your travels.
Please list them as either:
Melee weapon (to-hit including bonuses from all Talents) [damage on hit including all dice and full bonuses from stats and Talents] {special attributes}
Ranged weapon (to-hit) [damage] {range; maximum shots before reload; reload time}
Armor [AV = Armor Value; EV = Encumbrance Value; TP = Tearing Points; DU = Durability]
Shield [Bash Damage = dX + Y; EV = Encumbrance Value; Dodge Bonus = Z]
Minor item [quantity in digits]

50 Denarii

Long Bows - Bows commonly used by the High Elves ands the Crolians, with long range and high power but slow rate of fire. Base damage is 2d8 + Body/3. Range is 120 feet. Rate of fire is 1 shot per round. Reload time is 0 rounds. Magazine size is 1 shot.
A bow taken from a dead warrior at her razed mountainhome.

Unarmed - Base damage is d4 + Body/4 damage. Increases with the Unarmed Fighter Talent. All characters have this, and it always deals Blunt damage.

One Handed Swords - Swords meant to be used in one hand, leaving the other hand free. Base damage is 1 + 2d12 + Body/3. Can deal either Slashing or Piercing damage. Examples: Longsword, Ninjato, gladius, dagger, rapier, knife, tanto.
A sword taken from a dead warrior from her razed mountainhome.

Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.
(The remnants of) Priestly robes.

Note: List any game play-relevant value here as what that value is for YOUR character. In other words, you have to do all the math, because I don't want to do it whenever you try to pop someone in the mouth with your morningstar. So, when it says damage, you take whatever values you get from stats, Talents, and whatnot, and mash it all together.
For example: You choose a weapon that does d8 + Body/3 damage. Your Body stat is 30, and you have the Hard Hitter, Skill with Weapon, and Lucky Talents. Your slot should read: Melee Weapon A (+45) [d8 + 18] {None}

Elf priestess from a mountain High Elf mountainhome far to the north. Somehow the demon army razed the place, but sensing great spiritual potential in Halora, they decided to turn her into a demony broodqueen/magic font/whateverthefuck. The heavy corruption and partial transformation into a high-circle demon-ubermensch-factory, they haven't yet taken her mind. She has already formed a sturdy mental barrier against their temptations, and in a moment of laxity with her demon captors (aka demon-derp), she summoned up her powers, slew them, and made it out of the mountainhome, taking with her a few weapons off the rotting dead lying in the halls - it's not like the demons would clean them up, right. She's run downat the entrance to the surrounding forests, now, but she's exhausted, and pursuers are closing in quick.

...The demonologist levels are from the corruption, if that is not self-evident.

(playing the escape scene would be rad)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

@ All new people: If you want to play, make a character to play with if you haven't already. Once things are figured out, you'll get threads.

@Blarg: 1) Yes, but it depends on the effect. For the frying an egg, yes. For the making a bomb, no. Basically, you can do anything that your character could reasonably do UNLESS it might give some significant advantage in combat.
2) Debuffs only affect the immediate stat, I'm not letting them make me recalculate HP and such. It would affect things like grapple and to-hit that wouldn't require a significant recalculation though. And I avoid damage over time for the very reason you stated: it means I have to remember more stuff.
DG2 is going to have several settings, so it's more like the latter than the former. To give a spoiler, instead of just one place being invaded, it's going to be everywhere. And to give an even bigger spoiler, one of the places being invaded is the demon world.

Alright, so far I've got four votes for thetwos suggestion from thetwo, xivvix, plmnko and Squid, and two votes for continuing from Keylo and DeMatt. Did I miss/misinterpret anything/anyone?


Jun 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I think some of the threads need to be wrapped up, and in the end, most of us had little to no impact on things as a whole, with Matthias simply running around and soloing all of the major end-encounters. But beyond that, I'd be game for moving to DG2.

Though parts of your description are a bit iffy. It's taking place after DG1? You keep saying something about before.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I think some of the threads need to be wrapped up, and in the end, most of us had little to no impact on things as a whole, with Matthias simply running around and soloing all of the major end-encounters. But beyond that, I'd be game for moving to DG2.

Though parts of your description are a bit iffy. It's taking place after DG1? You keep saying something about before.
That was something I had a problem with, but I overstated some of the high level monsters, so no one could realistically beat them without some kind of help. I disliked the approach I took even when I was taking it, but it wouldn't really make sense to make the end-game baddies less than incredibly powerful. In DG2, I'm planning on not having any all-powerful NPC to help people since I tuned down the enemies a little, so I should be able to let the PCs play more significant roles.

Yes, it's taking place after DG1 chronologically. Where did I say something about before?


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
Reputation score
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Yes, it's taking place after DG1 chronologically. Where did I say something about before?
Firstly, it's only taking place a few years before the end of DG1 ...
I can't think of anyplace else offhand, and the wording makes it seem like that was a typo in any case.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

*Smacks self in the face.
That's what I get for not taking my time.


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

So any one have any idea what the deal is going to be on DG as of yet?