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Dark Knight Ingrid 1-4

Re: Dark Knight Ingrid 1-3

Next Pixy product is gonna be Himekishi Lilia ep 6. Meh, they should finish Ingrid already. But I'm not that disappointed, since I got my Ingrid 1 DVD

If there's ever gonna be an Ingrid figure, I'm getting one. So far, the only girl with a figure from Pixy's hentai animes is, not surprisingly, Asagi
Re: Dark Knight Ingrid 1-3

Next Pixy product is gonna be Himekishi Lilia ep 6. Meh, they should finish Ingrid already. But I'm not that disappointed, since I got my Ingrid 1 DVD

If there's ever gonna be an Ingrid figure, I'm getting one. So far, the only girl with a figure from Pixy's hentai animes is, not surprisingly, Asagi

damn, i wish they'd focus on one project at a time.....
lets all spam for a new ingrid-episode !!!

where u actually order your resin-anime-figures ?:confused:
whenever i find a promising site their stock is always
sold out. its pitty because i find a few models out there very adorable
and would like much to have some.
and an ingridmodel would kick ass dammit !
this ingrid-thread always makes me drool :rolleyes:
Re: lets all spam for a new ingrid-episode !!!

where u actually order your resin-anime-figures ?:confused:
whenever i find a promising site their stock is always
sold out. its pitty because i find a few models out there very adorable
and would like much to have some.
and an ingridmodel would kick ass dammit !
this ingrid-thread always makes me drool :rolleyes:

I get most of mine from toyslogic but the older ones are harder to get since they sell out fast so I've been focusing on pre-orders and just released stuff :D
Re: Dark Knight Ingrid 1-3

the next pixy will be a new ingrid (ep.4 )
...cant wait for it ... :rolleyes:
Re: Dark Knight Ingrid 1-3

About damn time. Isuka is okay, but they've wasted enough of my time on all this Rei Zero and Himekishi Lilia bullshit.

I wonder what I'll be looking forward to after this is done, since even Pixy seems to be going more and more downward with each release...

And this

>the senpai (if girls can be called senpai)

Calling someone senpai is not based on gender, but on experience. The most usual use of the honorific is in schools, referring to upperclassmen, but it's also used in school sport clubs, other similar groups and in business life (colleagues with more experience)
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Re: Dark Knight Ingrid 1-3

thanks for the hint on senpai-term kakka, or should i say kakka-senpai ? ;)

i agree that even pixy cant maintain their high standards all the time
but theyre only humans as well. okay they are japanese which makes them like
double good humans but even they cant provide unlimited greatness.
the almost-unlimited greatness is a japanese virtue though :)

well as you mention rei zero , it is not up here yet is it ?
do you happen to have it ? i find the artwork looks quite promising.

...hope ingrid will come out soon:eek:
Re: Dark Knight Ingrid 1-3

about damn time for Ingrid 4. 8-27
Re: Dark Knight Ingrid 1-3

I hope there's way more than what shows in the previews:

This is why I hate new tentacle hentai. It's always about breaking the female to where she'll loose her will to ever fight back. *sigh* Logically speaking here, this is even worse than rape, if ya think about it. However, morals don't apply for fantasy. YAY! ^_^

Looks good anyways.
Re: Dark Knight Ingrid 1-3

Not that the third one even had any tentacles in it.... But looks like we'll have dogs in the fourth one
Re: Dark Knight Ingrid 1-3

Not that the third one even had any tentacles in it.... But looks like we'll have dogs in the fourth one

there was sort of tentacles, there was ingrid in that tank of liquid, she had tentacles caressing her every being
Re: Dark Knight Ingrid 1-3

for some reason i think the three headed dog will either have one massive penis or four smaller ones :D
Re: Dark Knight Ingrid 1-3

It looks all good to me thus far. Looking forward to it.
Re: Dark Knight Ingrid 1-3

correct, this is generally a hentai site, just in case you didn't know.

I think he was being sarcastic?


I must say that I'm a little excited to see how this one will end. Maybe they'll have a little "snap out" kind of thing. Get their revenge? ^_^
Re: Dark Knight Ingrid 1-3

Does anybody know how many episodes they intend this to go?
Re: Dark Knight Ingrid 1-3

Usually Pixy does 4 eps per serie. Himekishi Lilia went to 6, but I doubt that's gonna be the case with Ingrid (And oh, do I wish for it to go six episodes)
Re: Dark Knight Ingrid 1-3

please dont be sad kakka-kun. :eek: you are not alone with
your wish for more ingrid. and noone knows if some genius at pixy
talks the team into making more and more episodes because they finally realized how great their tan , pinkhaired heroine really is.

and if they do, they better be sure to make it more like the first episode...;)