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Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Right, as things have been going slow I think I'll fully take charge of the current event until Siphon comes back, and even then thats if he decides he wants to continue this event with me or leave me running it. This is mostly because I forgot christmas was on its way and that it may have an affect on how long/often people can get online. I'll largely be keeping the event how I planned, down to the villain being Alvaren, though he wont be the character Siphon brought in. He'll look the same, but he'll play a different role. As for tracking the villain down that'll be up to Squid to sort out. Feel free to give me a buzz on msn if you want to discuss it.

Also in regards to Grave and Vina-Fran's character's; As I've messaged her once already and she said that she'd post the day after and has failed to do so I'm going to leave it up toe Grave as to what happens, though I do suggest acting as if whatever was going to happen has happened so you're not stuck way behind everyone else.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

I'm going to make my move either today or tomorrow, depending on how this night goes.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Fair enough. Now that you've gotten that square, I might drag one or the other of my charries in, or both. We'll see. I was just waiting to see if you guys were going to get things square before I did anything, especially since, technically, both of my charries are still with Siphon's charries. Again, though, I've no problem leaving the events of the previous night up to the imagination and picking up in the morning.

In fact, I might be able to nudge the Siphon thing along just a wee bit, sorta kinda maybe.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

My bad. Siphon got back to me the other day and said that his character would be at the Water Fall, and so I intended to continue, however was having a little trouble figuring out how Grace and Ellisia would actually react to Gabriel. Then the brilliantly distracting Humble Indie Bundle was released, and it's been all Braid and Cortex Command ever since. >_>


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

I return!

And poor Gabriel if he follows and threatens Siphon in his mood is going to be in for such a rude awakening lol.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Heh, if he made any actual effort to stop Grace she wouldn't hesitate to kick him in the nuts and keep going. Not that I imagine he would. It's not really any issue with him specifically that my group are worried about, but instead the problem of seemingly implicating themselves in some kind of kidnapping case by acting suspicious, or not being able to talk to Siphon and get on with tracking the villain due to giving up their/his identities if Gabriel followed.

Of course it's not necessarily a bad thing for Gabe to discover this and get involved, but as far as the characters are concerned so far, he's just another random teacher who doesn't need to know. =)
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Honestly, at this stage, Siphon is probably frigged enough with everything going on he likely wouldn't hesitate to reveal what he is IF he felt that Gabriel posed a threat to him or the others or was more than what he appeared/claimed to be.

On the other hand, without something concrete, he'd probably just tell the guy to get lost and let him mourn, unless he wants to lose his job.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

I still need confirmation whether you're going to be around often enough to have you continue running this event with me or whether I should continue it on my own.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

I still can't find a place for Matt to enter without it being awkward...

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

If you can find a place to enter period, tell me :V


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

I still can't find a place for Matt to enter without it being awkward...
It's Matt. He could be out vaccuuming the dirt in the middle of the woods and no one would think twice about it among the veteran students.

And Aya doesn't necessarily have to not be at the hot springs. Just saying Ian snuck back early. Maybe he went to get them breakfast *innocent whistle*

And if Siphon's still at the waterfall (presuming it's the same day), Sho's probably there still, too. I'll just wait for the group to show up *there* for her.

In the meantime, time to turn things back around with Ian. Or, if it's totally inconvenient, I can always delete the post. It's sort of self contained.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

By awkward, I mean it'll just seem like I'm barging into a scene instead of easing Matt back in.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Since when has Matt eased himself into anything?


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

No, I don't think you're getting what I'm saying. It's like if you had a party with a bunch of friends, and then this random asshole comes in and starts acting as if he's always been there. And I'm not talking in-character. I'm talking about myself and the rest of the players. It's basically me forcing myself into something rather than allow a situation to present itself so I can enter the RP without making it seem too pushy.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

About time I did a full rundown of what Isa's powers are going to be like after the event;

Creations and their limits
1. At most Isabella finds it easiest to use up to about 5 different creations, anymore and issuing commands to each of them uses up more time than necessary. Though normally she prefers to use about 2-3.

2. The power of Isabella's creations is determined by the detail of the initial picture. For example, a quick sketch (simple line art) would only be able quarter strength of who or whatever she was drawing. A picture that has been drawn to such a high degree of detail is more or less the same strength of who or whatever she was drawing.

This of course is limited to actual people or fictional characters with given strengths. For creations that have no predetermined strengths (such as various creatures from mythology and video game monsters) they are given an assumed strength.

Another problem from this is that Isabella has to concentrate on a drawing which leaves her open for attack. This means it really isn't all that likely she'll end up using a fully powered drawing unless she has some protection (she wont be able to focus properly on both the battle and drawing so her creations wont be able to protect her well enough without her concentration switching from the drawing and issuing them commands).

3. As with normal paper Isabella's creations are weak to fire and water-based attacks. While they have minor resistance that allows them to go unharmed from the after effects of an allies attack they quickly die in most other sized fire and water attacks. Even in rain Isabella's creations dissolve in a matter of minutes.

4. As Isabella's creations can be the doppelgangers of people she knows or of fictional characters they too can use most if not all of their abilities. The only limitations are any passive abilities such as any aura's, or in the case of Yume her dream infiltration ability. They also cannot negate the affects of the creations natural weakness'. However, for the creations to be able to use any powers Isabella herself must know the persons abilities.

The biggest change to Isabella's abilities are her new 'primary' units, the Patapons. Thanks to the tampering done by alien technology Isabella's sketchbook have undergone a change that allows the two demons housed inside to project a part of their life force to aid Isabella in battle.

The Patapon units themselves act very differently to Isabella's normal creations. Each type of unit has their own personality, though the most noticeable feature is they don't suffer the same weakness' as the other creations. This is countered by each Patapon being extremely weak on their own, though in large numbers they are devestating. Again, this is countered by the more there are the harder it is for Isabella to command them all at once, even if they're linked directly to the demons. Lastly, the Patapons speak in a rhythm of 4 beats using pata, pon, chaka and don.

Patapon Types
Tatepon - Isabella's most used Patapon, the Tatepon most often is wielding an axe though Isa does create some with swords. They also wield shields which can be used to protect them from one attack, it then breaks. Once the shield breaks it cannot be replaced. Personality-wise they are the serious combatant type and will stop at nothing to protect their master, even willingly throwing themselves in front of Isabella without being commanded to do so.

Yaripon - The Yaripon are spear wielding Patapon who prefer to attack a distance by throwing their spears though they do attack up close if forced to do so. The spears, once thrown have the ability to disperse and reform back in the Yaripon's hand, ready to be thrown once more. Personality-wise the Yaripon are the jokers of the group, often dancing and prancing around while waiting for their spears to reappear.

Yumipon - The Yumipon are the archers of the group who seem to be able to create a limitless supply of arrows to launch at their enemies. Personality-wise the Yumipon are the cowards of the group, often fleeing when the enemy get too close and not attacking until its safe to do so.

Kibapon - The Kibapon are horse riding Patapon that wield lances which they use to either stab the enemy or attempt to knock them back. Personality-wise the Kibapon are similar to the Tatepon, though they often attack when the enemy come close to them as they normally form a defensive shield around their master.

Hive Strength - Individually the Patapons pose little threat to even the weakest of enemies, though get enough together and they can deal damage to the hardiest of foes.

Heropon is created with the bodies of the other Patapon, though Isabella still needs to draw him first. Unlike the other Patapon Heropon is the demons direct link to the outside world, and being in direct control of him instead of just using a small amount of their life force his strength and defence is almost on par with the Stickman's. As the demons are in direct control of him Heropon lacks the uncontrollable rage that the Stickman had, giving him a considerable advantage in battle.

Heropon has several forms, that which after he is created cannot be changed.

Tatepon Form - Heropon wields a massive axe/sword which it uses with devastating effect to cut down any enemies that may try to hurt it or Isabella. Heropon's shield can also be used to protect against most attacks though after several uses it shatters much like a normal Tatepon's.

Yaripon Form - Heropon wields a massive spear that it can throw expertly to pierce even the most flighty of foes, as well as being able to strike through nearly any kind of armour. While slower and defensively weaker than its Tatepon form this is Heropon's strongest form.

Yumipon Form - Heropon wields a longbow which it can use to launch a volley of three arrows at once. This form is the weakest, both attack and defence-wise though it is Heropon's second fastest form.

Kibapon Form - Heropon rides a great steed and wields a lance, the horse being big enough for Isabella or another person to ride on as well. Much like its Tatepon form Heropon has roughly balanced attack and defence though its Kibapon form has the fastest speed.

Misc. Patapon info - The Patapons come to about halfway up Isabella's shin and Heropon comes to just about over her knee.


Feel free to comment/give critique.


Mystic Girl
Aug 10, 2010
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

After the massive amount of time i have been inactive in this RP(Exams,work,schoolwork and such) , i finally find myself able to post again.However, i see pretty much everyone is engaged into an event or something similar, so i'll just sit back and watch for now.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Wait, we're in a event?

Fuckberries, when did I post last here?!? *goes looking*

Oh, right, leaving the springs and was debating a post to the forest x,x

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Be sure to note that it's also the morning now Lurker. But yeah, the group at the waterfall will be going off on an ad-hoc field trip of sorts soonish. I don't think it's actually closed to more people coming along, but is fairly full already.

And Kenny, not everyone's going off on this trip, so your welcome to have John still doing whatever around the school if you like.


Mystic Girl
Aug 10, 2010
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

I see, thanks for telling.But i still have no idea about what's going on at this moment, so i'll stick to waiting.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Eh, I'll let em have fun and figure out what to do in the meanwhiles ^^;