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Peiquok Town Hall

Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Buster chuckled a bit at her reaction, not in a patronizing way but genuinely entertained. His attention came back and he flashed his large smile. "Heh, I never liked coffee.. too much caffeine. The name's Buster, and don't worry.." he leans in a bit, having a semi-serious face for once, covering his mouth and looking around as if he was enthusiastically telling a secret "..I'm not a townie either." With that, he pulled his head back, gave a reassuring wink and returned to his smile. "And I wouldn't worry about the soldiers, I feel safer with them about. Now if government people in suits start showing up, then I'll start pissing." Buster laughs off a small genuine fear of the unknown situation.

Watching him and listening to Buster's replies made Cara both more and less nervous. More, because he seemed so... carefree. Naive, maybe, but so laid back about what was going on. Didn't he understand that they were all up shit creek, here, very likely?

Then again, she wasn't sure how he put her at ease. "So where are you from?" she finally asked, wanting to move to a less uneasy topic. "I'm from all over... mostly Toronto the last couple of years, though the scene's gotten pretty dead..." or at least she thought so. Not that it could hold a candle to Peiquok, with it's Ghost-town-in-progress!
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Seeing the white haired girl next to her Kaci wondered how bad she was doing. She was also starting to catch on that maybe it was more then just pride that was making her not accept her help. Pulling her knees up like the white haired girl she turns her face to her and says, "Hey my name's Kaci, and even though I don't look like it, like I said earlier I'm training to become a doctor. What's your name?"

She thought it might be a good idea to try to keep their mind off this disaster by talking to each other. Just thinking about it could probably overwhelm anyone.

(When she says "Don't look like" it she's referring to the gothy/tomboyish clothes she is wearing (Refer to Emily's original picture in my album if you are curious XD))
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Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Looking between themselves, the most senior of the small knot of military officers shakes his head. "Sorry, ma'am, we're still bringing in stragglers. Once we're sure we've got the town cleared, we'll be able to escort you and the rest of the people gathered here to a safer point."

He adds, "I understand your concern, and I would like to be able to tell you more, but until we have a solid idea of what's happened here, we aren't at leisure to divulge information yet."
"Can't divulge information yet," Melissa said, exasperated. Turning around and giving a quick point to Jen as she was being led off by the medic, she said, keeping her voice down, "See that girl? She's unstable. Babbling about monsters. And there are other people in here talking about just walking out." She looked back at the officer and continued, "I can understand that you would want to keep a tight reign on a dangerous situation, but all this secrecy is not helping right now. These people need..." Melissa stopped, and brought a hand to her face, covering it as the song once again ran through her head. Finally, she lowered her hand and continued, "We need to know that there's a reason we're all here. Here, locked up in this place, instead of out on the road, getting away from whatever it is you're afraid of."

(try to "charm" the officer into talking)
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Griffen ignores Cara's insult for now, casting her an unimpressed look before returning his attention to Cat. Let her go pester someone else... then again, everyone around here seems to be acting a little strange, and not just panicked-by-the-military-strange, either...

"Kind of like the rat-girl's howling noises?" he asks, quirking a brow.

"Hey now, rats are awesome", Cat tells him with a shake of her head. "We're all kinda on edge here. I'm feeling - strange myself. A coyote sounds about as good as the lizard monster that the breakdown-in-waiting is babbling about", she says with a nod to Jen.
"Fuuuck", she suddenly sighs. "If this goes on I'm gonna have to punch somebody. I want outta here, damnit. I got tickets to a Spitshine concert that cost me a hundred bucks, and if I don't get there by evening they're down the fucking shitter."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

"I'll do my best, sweetie," the medic replies, bringing her out of the hall and past the guards that are keeping the general public away from the side-hallways. Here, Jen can see that the side-doors are open onto a covered porch, a few soaked soldiers are sitting on boxes and watching the road, smoking and chatting. Beyond that, military vehicles are parked, pulled up in a line, maybe two or three of them. Beyond that, Jen can't see too far up or down Main Street, though there is a single civilian car stalled in the middle of the street...

Even as she passes by, a pair of soldiers are escorting a pair of young girls to the town hall. Then the two of them pass by and her view is cut off.

The side hallway of the town hall is usually used to reach meeting rooms, smaller multi-purpose rooms, as well as a storage room for sports, with a small kitchen and breakroom at the back. Now the rooms have been converted to use by the military: the first two doors are closed, but Jen can see lights coming from beneath them, and hear voices speaking in hushed tones from one.

The third door is open, and the medic brings Jen through this one. Inside, several other townspeople (she might even recognize one or two) are resting comfortably on cots; one or two are reading magazines, while the rest are sleeping. The medic gestures for Jen to take an empty cot, sitting her down and asking, "would you like some orange juice, sweetie?"

Morgan, Melissa
Rosie gets to her feet and follows behind Morgan, curious, though more to pass the time than because she seems genuinely concerned. "Maybe she's got that feeling like she's in another place," she suggests, sounding sardonic at best.

Melissa attempts to charm the soldier
11+6 vs Soldier 12, Success

Leaning in close, the man's frown only deepens. "Listen, ma'am," he tells her very quietly, "the less you know, the happier you're going to be. We're not sure yet, exactly, what's going on here. If the brass knows, they're not telling us, all we know is that leaving you all out there to wander around is tantamount to leaving you to die, but we haven't gotten the order, or the transportation yet, to move you out, and our orders are to keep you together."

He licks his lip, looking around. "Don't go telling everyone this, but the closest we can make of it is some kind of mass hysteria, linked to people wandering off and disappearing off the god damned face of the earth, alright? Your friend there's not the first of them, but we're still working on what to do about it."

((xD That enough information yet~?))

Griffen doesn't reply to Cat's bitching, though as she goes on about her missed concert, his eyes linger down to her shirt and the rest of her get-up, then snap back to her face before she notices his roving eyes. He actually grins, then chuckles. "Somehow I don't picture you laying in a lot of damage on one of those soldiers." Teenagers, so preoccupied with superficial things...
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

(haha, she's a cop, it's her job to find out what's going on ;))

"Mass hysteria?" Melissa repeats quietly. Finally she nods and takes a step away from the officer before saying, "All right. I understand, thanks for being straight with me." She gives him a slight wave before walking off, coming to a stop when Morgan and Rosie walk up to her.

"Hi," she says. "Need something?"
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

"Hi," she says. "Need something?"
Morgan smiles, "It just seemed like your were in the middle of everything. I was curious if you'd figured anything out either about the soldiers or..." She turns to look in the direction where Jen was led out, "...or about anything else."

"Have you noticed anything weird," she asks, nervous but almost hopeful. "I mean... just like anything... that happened?" She doesn't seem to be able to explain what she's thinking.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Melissa follows Morgan's look, then says, "Don't worry about Jen, she's fine, she just needed to lay down." She looks back at the officers, to make sure they weren't eavesdropping, then said, "Tell the truth, there doesn't seem to be much information to get right now. The officers sound like they are being kept in the dark as much as we are." With a glance at the windows, she adds, "They could be protecting us from the rain for all I can figure."

Melissa looks at Morgan quizzically at her second question. "Something weird?" She thought for a second then said, "I had something like a brain freeze earlier, then I got some old song stuck in my head, but that's about it." Staring a bit, she tilts her head slightly and asks, "Why? Have you noticed something?"
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Morgan watches the rain with Melissa, nodding as she listens. "I did..." she begins, looking nervous. "This is going to sound crazy, I'm sure but I spaced out for a while earlier. It couldn't have been longg but I felt just like completely distracted."

She blushes, "Once I noticed it, I was fine. A little... um..." She glances around making sure that there aren't any guys nearby, "A little turned on for like absoutely no reason that I could figure out, but fine."

"What was the song?" she asks, clearly hoping to turn the conversation away from her own experience.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

"Hey my name's Kaci, and even though I don't look like it, like I said earlier I'm training to become a doctor. What's your name?"

Snapped from her not long lasting trance as Kaci introduces herself to her, Shiva didn't move her head. Her red eyes shifted so that her right eye was looking at the Gothic looking girl. She spoke in the same quiet, soft voice, "Shiva... Vera..." she told Kaci her full name, as she was used to people avoiding her for her unusual appearance, so she didn't know how she should act, or what she should say. The fact that these two women around her were not even taking note of her white hair, not to mention her devilish red eyes, was something that Shiva could not make an explanation for, as she sat quietly, not saying anything more after telling her name.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Mass hysteria. Melissa couldn't help thinking about the word as Morgan recalled her earlier experience. What if this girl was undergoing the first stages of whatever caused the other people in the town to disappear? No, don't jump to conclusions. Melissa chided herself for a rookie mistake. There wasn't any evidence that everyone in town had simply gone crazy and walked off. Mass hysteria was just a catch-all for when you can't find the real cause for a problem.

She smiled when the girl admitted to becoming aroused, then offered, "Maybe you were just having a daydream about one of the guys in here?" Melissa smiled and looked around. "That tall one over there maybe?" she asked, motioning to Buster. "I'm kidding, it was probably nothing."

Morgan's question about the song caused it to run through her mind once again. Melissa looked a bit uneasy, then said, "Well, it's an older song, like from the 60's." She paused for a second, then continued, "The lyrics go something like, "Where have all the soldiers gone? Gone to graveyards every one. When will they ever learn?" She paused, then began to hum the tune, getting a little embarrassed and cutting off after two repeats. "So yeah, I have that song stuck in my head."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Morgan blushes, laughing and shaking her head, "Hey, I'm engaged. That means all of my thoughts are devoted to my one and only true love..." She busts up in a gigglefit. "Like I said," she smiles once she recovers, "It's probably nothing important. It was just weird so I wanted to mention it since we're talking about weirdness."

She listens to the lines of the song, "I don't know what that could mean. One thing we're not short on around here is soldiers." She gestures at some of the military personnel. "We've got enough to be sending them out to drag more people in here."

Morgan sighs, "I guess there's no way of knowing what's happening until somebody decides to tell us. I'm not going to try and sneak out when I don't know what's going on."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Jen gives a tentative nod before curling up in a tight ball on the cot, clutching the comforting paper pages of the town hall minutes to her chest. It wasn't the minutes that were comforting to her, but the fact that she had a book of any type. Curled there on the cot, Jen looks much younger than she is and the way she holds the books is much akin to the way a young child holds a teddy bear.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Melissa smiles at Morgan's comment about her true love, but says nothing else. Her remark about the song and what's happening, though, prompts Melissa to speak. "Well, they already are dragging people here. At least that's how I felt." she says wryly. "Even if they are rounding us up to protect us, I have a strange feeling whenever I'm around the soldiers. Like something bad is about to happen." She sighed and shook her head.

"You're right though, we shouldn't go wandering around without knowing what's going on," she said. "I'm sure the soldiers are keeping the quarantine tight enough that sneaking out of here isn't a possibility anyway."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Xetia looks at Dianna with mild annoyance and shrugs and speed dials her father and holds the phone up to her ear.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Melissa, Morgan

Rosie listens to the exchange raptly, though she feigns mild amusement and disinterest. The way the two are talking is giving her ideas, though she says nothing for now. She doesn't want to make any claims that she can't back up.

"If we're not out of here by the end of the night," she suggests, "I know the town well enough that we could probably snake out... my place is about an hour's drive, but I know a place a little quieter that's secreted away that we might be able to reach by foot..." she can't quite believe she's saying this, but it seems like better than nothing!

Kaci, Shiva
It was likely that those who saw Shiva assumed her to be an albino of some kind. Cally certainly has seen her fair share of a wide variety of people, so perhaps she's not willing to ask unless Shiva brings it up. In any case, at least she comes to an end of her prayers, which had gone mostly to silent murmurings after the first few utterances.

"Mom!" a high voice splits the town hall momentarily as the newest batch of people make their way into the town hall.

"Alex!" Cally rises to her feet, unaware of Kaci and Shiva against the wall. "Sara!" She meets the two young women, roughly Kaci's age, in a great group hug. "Oh god, I'd prayed you'd be safe," she tells the two of them, in tears. Realizing only belatedly that only half of her prayers had been answered, Cally turns to Kaci and gives a hopeful look. "Maybe your parents will be in the next round-up..."

"Kaci!" the louder of the two twins adds, hugging the tomboy briefly, "I'm glad you're here too." She gives Shiva a strange look, but doesn't say anything else. "Stay safe," she tells the medic, before rejoining her family. Without much goodbye, the three waddle off, apparently joined at the hip, as Cally leads the two girls over to the hot water station. The both of them look about soaked to the bone...

The medic stays by her side for a few minutes, just watching to make sure that Jen doesn't begin to grow frightened again. Eventually she asks, "do you want a magazine? That book can't be too exciting." She tries to grin comfortingly.

For now Xetia only manages to reach her father's voice mail -- it is still the middle of the day, perhaps he's in a meeting.

Dianna smiles saccharinely in Xetia's direction, before returning to her own texting again.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Jen nods, not because she wants something more interesting to read, but because the more books around here, the more comfortable she'll feel. Aside from that motion, however, she stays curled up, clutching the book tightly. The timid woman's eyes have started to fearfully scan the room looking for lizard men.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva's eyes watch as the family reunites, and although they couldn't see her, she smiled as Cally was reunited with her family, not paying any heed at all to the one that gave her a strange look, she was used to it, after all.

After the family had left, Shiva let out a relaxing sigh, making a glance at Kaci before returning her eyes to the center of the hall, not necessarily to look at anything, but just to soften her focus, and relax her mind, still feeling a slight pressure in her head.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Kaci smiled at the white haired girl after Cally left. Although she could feel a void start to grow in her when her parents didn't show up with any of the stragglers she just tried to ignore it. Maybe she could make a new friend here. She said to Shiva "So, why are you so shy?" Kaci had spent most of her life as the weird one. Of course a white haired girl with red eyes wouldn't disturb her in the least. She didn't even really seem to notice her strange appearance at all.

((He he he I accidentally put my name in there XD))
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Griffen doesn't reply to Cat's bitching, though as she goes on about her missed concert, his eyes linger down to her shirt and the rest of her get-up, then snap back to her face before she notices his roving eyes. He actually grins, then chuckles. "Somehow I don't picture you laying in a lot of damage on one of those soldiers." Teenagers, so preoccupied with superficial things...

Cat sticks his tongue out at him, inadvertedly imitating Moxie. "I've got a pair of brass knucks in my pocket", she explains. "Not gonna go on a trip without some protection of some kind or another. Anybody touches me and BAM!" She smacks her fist into her palm. "Gonna leave a lasting impression. 'Course", she adds, "not gonna help me much with a fucking machine gun pointed my way."