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Re: In today's news...

And I respect that opinion as it comes from you, and you are a woman. :)

Nothing is fair about a pregnant woman's situation. The woman (a) has to carry the child, (b) has to endure all the stares and questions from people, (c) has to explain it to her family, (d) has the potential for injury, (e) has to miss work and (f) has to actually go into labor and give birth. The man? He might get stuck with child support, if the woman can hire a good lawyer. :rolleyes:

Soooo yeah. I think the nearest we can come to "fair" is leaving THIS choice up to the woman.

er i wasn't disagreeing with that..... was just saying that if a man or woman says that women should not have the right to abortion, your argument should not change.

-readies flame suit-

and all of your points assume that the man doesn't want the child. what if he wants it and she doesn't?
Re: In today's news...

er i wasn't disagreeing with that..... was just saying that if a man or woman says that women should not have the right to abortion, your argument should not change.

-readies flame suit-

and all of your points assume that the man doesn't want the child. what if he wants it and she doesn't?

No need for the flame suit. :) If a man wants the child and the woman doesn't, she should get to decide. I know it's a bit cold to the male, but do you really think it's fair for a man to be able to force a woman to carry his child?

Now, if there was a way to transplant the unborn child into the man's body to bear, THAT would probably be an acceptable way for a man to insist on keeping the child.

For a man to tell a woman that she HAS to carry his child, despite the fact that biologically she has to do all the work, and socially she has to deal with the bulk of the stigma... well that would just be wrong, in my opinion.
Re: In today's news...

^^^ that can happen however the man needs a c-section to get the child out.
Re: In today's news...

No need for the flame suit. :) If a man wants the child and the woman doesn't, she should get to decide. I know it's a bit cold to the male, but do you really think it's fair for a man to be able to force a woman to carry his child?

Seen something similar happen with a friend of mine. She and her boyfriend were stupid granted, but she got pregnant. She did not want to keep it because she could not afford the setbacks it would cause her in school and career. She could not afford to take care of the child. And her body was not in the best of shape to be carrying one. So she was going to terminate the pregnancy.

Her boyfriend wanted her to keep the child. The argument got bad enough that they were about to break up, and he told her to carry the child, and since she didn't want it, he would just take it and she could leave and never have to see it again.

You have to realize the amount of emotion one goes through to make a decision like this, and to be told to carry it and then just give it up is pretty harsh. The boyfriend's mother even stuck up for my friend's choice, because it was her life, and her body.

Regardless of your opinion on the matter, these decisions are never easy to make. By anyone involved.

^^^ that can happen however the man needs a c-section to get the child out.

How? Males don't have pretty much all the organs required to carry a child, and nurture it.
Re: In today's news...

How? Males don't have pretty much all the organs required to carry a child, and nurture it.

Re: In today's news...

There's actually a space in male abdominal cavities that if they were to implant all the right things (And given a liberal dose of hormones like progesterone and Oxytocin) that they could... theoretically implant a growing fetus in.

Just no one's done it before because it's dangerous, a major surgery and likely means death for the fetus and a slow death of infection if they don't get the thing out quick enough for the male.

-cough- As interesting as it would be to see men finally going through our pain, I think it's best to leave this one to women.
Re: In today's news...

Please tell me you have a link to something scientific that backs that up. I'm getting tired of hearing that I have no idea what pain is from women. Too bad it looks fake with the poor grammar and all... :(
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Re: In today's news...

Well, this is something people can debate about if it hurts more being kicked in the balls or childbirth.

Either crushed small balls or pressing a football through a lemon.

Both ways give great amount of pain, both ways risks of dying (internal bleeding and stuff). So yea, there's not really a true answer since the fact on the pic I heard was from yahooanswers.

So, it stands as a circulated internet rumour until we gets true medical facts.

And I put the picture there just for fun and it kinda was a bit relevant but then again, you can't trust much on the internet.
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Re: In today's news...

Please tell me you have a link to something scientific that backs that up. I'm getting tired of hearing that I have no idea what pain is from women. Too bad it looks fake with the poor grammar and all... :(

The "over 9000" isn't a hint?
Re: In today's news...

The "over 9000" isn't a hint?

Ah, but it says "above 9000" it's close, but not the same. And from what I understand of memes close isn't good enough (I could be wrong though).
Re: In today's news...

Ah, but it says "above 9000" it's close, but not the same. And from what I understand of memes close isn't good enough (I could be wrong though).

Subtle, isn't it?
Re: In today's news...

Instead of separating the sexes, let us celebrate our similarities.

Remember, we both can experience kidney stones

...I think I need a hug now
Re: In today's news...

I know people who had their arms snapped off and continued on running while holding the severed arm. That's probably on par to giving birth.
Re: In today's news...

Now are we talking clean off? Like the limb is now seperate from the body? I don't think you'd be able to run very far with that kind of blood-loss.
Re: In today's news...

Unless you hold the arm wth your mouth and stopping the bleeding with a shirt using the available arm should atleast give you some range.
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Re: In today's news...

Well there is the self-amputation of I don't think there's a comparison between childbirth and cutting off your own arm :eek: with a dull multi-tool.

Actually a fellow runner in her 40s once told me that the aches of completing a marathon (a 26.2 mile run) is on par with childbirth. So, you know, there is that. :)
Re: In today's news...

Why did this suddenly become about who can feel more pain, and what's more painful? Seriously, I bring up an actual fact about how women are being mistreated, and the go to response is to suddenly start throwing in jokes about how men have it harder, and complaining about women saying they feel a lot of pain during child birth?

This is part of the fucking problem. People refusing to see that there is a fucking problem, and treating it like one big joke. There are still glass ceilings in place, there is still rape rampant through military services, women are still seen as lesser in environments such as the military, police, firefighting and even being a fucking doctor. There are stories of guys refusing advice and services from women in hardware, electronics, firearms and so much more... simply because of gender.

Of course it goes both ways, a nurse is still seen as a female's profession and men don't get the same respect because they're just a nurse and not a doctor. Secretaries, clerks, stay at home fathers... all getting disrespected because they are in stereotypical female positions instead of "manly" careers. Why can't a man stay at home and take care of his children while the woman has a career? Is he incapable of loving them as much as a woman?

I would like to see some of you take this seriously. Or prove me right in that even this forum is incapable of rising above such childish antics.