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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

I hate stores like the second one. I used to game a good bit in one, but unsurprisingly the shitty service ensured that it eventually got shut down.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah. The one I don't like kind of has a 'niche' in that he's really the only place around that you can come in, get a table, and game. I mean, I was in there today and he had a cooler set up with a sign on it "Cup of cold water 50 cents." I was like "Really? Dude, you're an asshole." Mentally, of course, but still. I mean, I can understand the 'no outside food or drink' thing, but really? Really?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Never really dealt with that kind of store but I do sympathize with Copper on this. My store, also a comic shop that happens to sell games (go figure), didn't get the order either. Though I only just learned about free RPG day so I din;t truly miss out on the first one.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

a few places just opened up to things like 40k and tabletop.

Also this didn't take long did it? So my work is being forced to consider lay offs and I have already been asked to take next week off.

I will do my best to keep it together these coming weeks or if that failing don't be surprised if I drop off the face of the planet again instead of bringing my bs to you guys.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So, part of my current pass of high stress is done.

The show closed on a serious high note. 115 in attendance, and our Sunday shows are usually the light crowds.

Still have some stress from the bad situation at work, but at least the stress from the show is over.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

One less stress is a good thing. Here's hoping the work stuff calms down, too.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

From now until Thursday, my presence will be varying. After that, I will be missing until the 9th.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I will stay here for my birthday, but after my birthday, I will "leave" and bring the other parts of my personality to the front. This may not be a big "announcement" to those who don't understand, but I will behave differently, yet similar. I already told ToxicShock and Nunu about this.

I will be "replaced" by Luca as a small experiment to see how people fare with her. Luca is the more fun-loving outgoing part of me.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Seems interesting Lila, BRING IT ON.

And just for the lols (and so this post is actually worth it), Imma announce here that today I got hilariously fired from my boring-ass job at the lab. It is a story of drama and complex plot-twists, but just so that I dont bore y'all with that crap, I'll go ahead and make a brief (yet true) summary of it.

Wakes up from bed. Remembers last night got smashed and has pain all over body due to too much drunk sex with gf. Takes aspirin. Realizes it's viagra (god knows how where I even got that from). Suits up trying to stay calm and not get huge erection. Trips and falls down stairs. Hits head on wall. Falls unconscious. Wakes up. Tries to drive to work through town. Gets lost. Asks old lady where the hell I was. Finds way back. Enters lab building. Receptionist freaks out as I have blood dripping down my head. Goes to toilet and wipes it off. Grabs coffee. Realizes how late it is. Hurries to the lab. Weak body of mine decides to fail and trip me over. STEAMING HOT cup of coffee falls on boss' head and laptop, ruining what apparently was a year worth of work. Gets shouted at. Viagra kicks in producing massive erection. Boss freaks out even more. Gets fired. Wonders what to do with life now. Walks out of lab with huge erection. Receives e-mail. Accepted for PHD I had lost all hope in getting. Arrives home. Takes a nap. The end.

...did I say brief? Meh. Shut up, you love it.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

pray tell, how do you confuse viagra for asprin? they look nothing alike?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Seems interesting Lila, BRING IT ON.

And just for the lols (and so this post is actually worth it), Imma announce here that today I got hilariously fired from my boring-ass job at the lab. It is a story of drama and complex plot-twists, but just so that I dont bore y'all with that crap, I'll go ahead and make a brief (yet true) summary of it.

Wakes up from bed. Remembers last night got smashed and has pain all over body due to too much drunk sex with gf. Takes aspirin. Realizes it's viagra (god knows how where I even got that from). Suits up trying to stay calm and not get huge erection. Trips and falls down stairs. Hits head on wall. Falls unconscious. Wakes up. Tries to drive to work through town. Gets lost. Asks old lady where the hell I was. Finds way back. Enters lab building. Receptionist freaks out as I have blood dripping down my head. Goes to toilet and wipes it off. Grabs coffee. Realizes how late it is. Hurries to the lab. Weak body of mine decides to fail and trip me over. STEAMING HOT cup of coffee falls on boss' head and laptop, ruining what apparently was a year worth of work. Gets shouted at. Viagra kicks in producing massive erection. Boss freaks out even more. Gets fired. Wonders what to do with life now. Walks out of lab with huge erection. Receives e-mail. Accepted for PHD I had lost all hope in getting. Arrives home. Takes a nap. The end.

...did I say brief? Meh. Shut up, you love it.

Is this shit for real? How did I miss this?

And there I thought you were one of the 'normal' ones, just trying to fit in maybe. Now THIS was a read I did not expect. At first glance it seems like a retarded greentext story from /b/. But seriously, this doesn't even make sense. How could you get lost on way to work? Was it your first day (I know for a fact it wasn't)? The Viagra thing I sort of understand, because it's natural to screw up while hung over and half asleep. But on the other hand, how drunk were you to be hung over like that AND still get it up? You must've balanced it just right. Amazing.

Still, congrats on the PHD thing.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

oh yeah, what is phd in?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I just wanted to remind you all that yes, I live. I am happy, but i work all the time and I don't have internet at home. BUT. I love you all and I am surviving well.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Re-reading what I wrote I realize how unbelievable that story is. Just how I like 'em.

First things first, Nunu you're totally right, they don't look alike at all but I always keep the aspirins and more random medicines in my bedside table, and somehow the magical blue pills were in there and I took them without even looking. The phd is in pharmacology. Four years of suffering await me, but hey, at least I can make everyone around me call me Doc after I'm done :D

And hey Obsi, I thought you were gone, glad to see you back here. I thought I announced this but it seems like I didn't. About three days ago I moved to the city center (my previous place was in the countryside) and boy is it hard to orient yourself in there. Have you ever taken viagra? Don't, that stuff is nuts if it got me in a happy mood after a visit through Drunk Land. Also, you can't really say drunk, more like obliterated a liver or two. Unfortunately I've drank ever since I was 11, but that gave me some sort of resistance to hangovers and the like.

Hiya Chibi! Good to see you're doing fine and we all love ya too.
Even if you have no clue of who I am ;D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wait wait wait wait.... wait...

You, a pharmacologist, just took some random pills?

Also Heyo chibs.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wait wait wait wait.... wait...

You, a pharmacologist, just took some random pills?

It might not be as unusual as you would think. From a chemist's perspective I can say that many people become more inclined to drugs or at least lose their 'natural fear' of them, simply because they know how they work, look like or how to synthesize them. It's difficult to explain, I remember a prof. of organic chemistry talking about drugs he's taken several times like it was the most natural thing in the world. In my opinion though, many people just try to be edgy and interesting.

fullmetal said:
And hey Obsi, I thought you were gone

Yeah I had a really bad day and was being dramatic.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It might not be as unusual as you would think. From a chemist's perspective I can say that many people become more inclined to drugs or at least lose their 'natural fear' of them, simply because they know how they work, look like or how to synthesize them. It's difficult to explain, I remember a prof. of organic chemistry talking about drugs he's taken several times like it was the most natural thing in the world. In my opinion though, many people just try to be edgy and interesting.

Hey does everyone remember when I said that I found my other half and that I was doing epic awesome? Well she broke up with me a couple of hours ago. I guess all I can do now is eat a bunch of chocolate, find something to drink and cry myself to sleep. Maybe watch some porn. Who knows.
Too many posts in too little time. Almost seems like I'm seeking attention. Ugh.
Re: Member Announcements Thread


Hey does everyone remember when I said that I found my other half and that I was doing epic awesome? Well she broke up with me a couple of hours ago. I guess all I can do now is eat a bunch of chocolate, find something to drink and cry myself to sleep. Maybe watch some porn. Who knows.
Too many posts in too little time. Almost seems like I'm seeking attention. Ugh.

Shit man, that's tough. I think this is the time you should remember that old hobby you forgot you had. Remember that particular musical instrument you picked up years ago? Or that other specific thing I am referring to?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Fuck. My. Life. I just put a dent in a camaro. Im already working two jobs, neither one pays enough for this. This ruins my plans for like, the next friggin year. T.T
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh. Well. Thaaaat.... Sucks.