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Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Hello so here's my problem, couple of days ago, I downloaded a game which contain 3 file: *.exe file, save file and live.dll file, so i ran the exe file and it just kept crashing from the very start that I pressed the "Game Start" button. PLease help! Thank you
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Hello so here's my problem, couple of days ago, I downloaded a game which contain 3 file: *.exe file, save file and live.dll file, so i ran the exe file and it just kept crashing from the very start that I pressed the "Game Start" button. PLease help! Thank you

I probably know what kind of game is that because I have the same kind of problem too.
The game uses LiveMaker ( ) you dont need to download that of course since its just a game engine like Gamemaker or Unity.

I hope someone knows how to fix this because every LiveMaker games crashes on me.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I need help with Megaupload.
It seems everyfile I try to download stops at a percentage, sometimes even 99%, and I cant ever get the full download to finish. Something im doing wrong? i even tried making an account and using the cloud drive and I still cant get full downloads. :(
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I need help with Megaupload.
It seems everyfile I try to download stops at a percentage, sometimes even 99%, and I cant ever get the full download to finish. Something im doing wrong? i even tried making an account and using the cloud drive and I still cant get full downloads. :(

Mega starts downloading first in some kind of temporary file folder of your browser. Once it hits 100% in its graphical loader it then starts 'downloading'
really fast since its in your temporary files.
So maybe if you check your temporary files or clear your cache?
I have no idea, really.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Hi there!
Not sure where to ask the question(because it seems there tech question)

I recently played Sealed Room Breed 1 & 2 and so I am looking for similar games. Could anybody recommend something?
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Original post here: /bbs/showthread.php?t=25713

Lurker here.

I've downloaded the Kurovadis and Eroico demos. I initially got a very slow framerate for both of them, so I installed some sound drivers and it seems like the problem was solved...

...but it wasn't. After a few minutes of playing, both games' framerate drop to around half. They're unplayable, and I don't think I'll be purchasing one of those games for a while until I can get this fixed.

Does anyone else have this problem?
I've got a pretty beefy computer, any other game runs fine at fullspeed. I'm thinking it's a GameMaker problem, related to my PC or something.

(I also have another problem related to saving in Pretty Warrior May Cry, but I don't think that's related.)
Help me hack DLSite DRM for you!

I was looking over my DLSite purchases and remembered that I had bought a few DRM protected games. I'd really love to share them with you all, but I cannot seem to figure out how to crack them. My Google-fu is not strong enough. I went so far as to get ProcessHacker and create a dump file of the Game.exe, but don't know what to do with it or what else to try and take. If anyone could explain to me how to crack this stuff, I'd be happy to share my games.

Re: Help me hack DLSite DRM for you!

I was looking over my DLSite purchases and remembered that I had bought a few DRM protected games. I'd really love to share them with you all, but I cannot seem to figure out how to crack them. My Google-fu is not strong enough. I went so far as to get ProcessHacker and create a dump file of the Game.exe, but don't know what to do with it or what else to try and take. If anyone could explain to me how to crack this stuff, I'd be happy to share my games.


have you tried just copying the game files to another folder while the game is running?
Re: Help me hack DLSite DRM for you!

I was looking over my DLSite purchases and remembered that I had bought a few DRM protected games. I'd really love to share them with you all, but I cannot seem to figure out how to crack them. My Google-fu is not strong enough. I went so far as to get ProcessHacker and create a dump file of the Game.exe, but don't know what to do with it or what else to try and take. If anyone could explain to me how to crack this stuff, I'd be happy to share my games.


hey man, when ever you get a chance hack this game for some of us, thank you.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I'm getting this error on my new pc Object reference not set to an instance of an object when trying to use chiitrans. Can anyone help?
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

which version of chitrans?
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I have a problem with a recent game where i can't see any text in the game.
The game is RJ131389 Advance Harem Second.
I have installed RPGmaker XP RTP,RPGmaker VX, but still not solved. Help will be apretiated
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Go to Game.ini and edit "library=RGSS20???.dll" Change it to one that works in other games i guess.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Go to Game.ini and edit "library=RGSS20???.dll" Change it to one that works in other games i guess.

this doesn't solve the problem. The Game.ini doesn't have that line. The game is WolfRPG. I have checked other games that i have and they work fine.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

this doesn't solve the problem. The Game.ini doesn't have that line. The game is WolfRPG. I have checked other games that i have and they work fine.

In my experience, wolfrpg don't like to run in other local setting than japanese.

Ussually using NTLEA to start them work (but not applocale). Or setting your local setting to japanese.
If you're already using japanese local setting, I have no answer for you.
Question for Translators

I've been thinking of trying my hand at some RPG Maker game translations, so I have some technical questions for those who have some experience.

1. Do I need to buy one of the RPG Makers or are there free utilities that can unpack and repack the data files? I've seen posts about DreaMaker, but I understand that just does dialog and not items or menus.
2. If I need RPG Maker, is there one that can edit all the others? IOW, If I buy VX Ace, will it edit VX and XP games?
3. How do you tell if a game is Ace, VX or XP?
4. Are there any online tutorials for editing RPG Maker games?
5. Any tips, tricks or pitfalls a noob should be aware of?

Re: Question for Translators

I've been thinking of trying my hand at some RPG Maker game translations, so I have some technical questions for those who have some experience.

1. Do I need to buy one of the RPG Makers or are there free utilities that can unpack and repack the data files? I've seen posts about DreaMaker, but I understand that just does dialog and not items or menus.
2. If I need RPG Maker, is there one that can edit all the others? IOW, If I buy VX Ace, will it edit VX and XP games?
3. How do you tell if a game is Ace, VX or XP?
4. Are there any online tutorials for editing RPG Maker games?
5. Any tips, tricks or pitfalls a noob should be aware of?


1. Not that i know off. I use a RPG Maker XP /VX /VX Ace Decrypter by Falo to unpack the Data and graphics store in the RGSS3A.
2. You need different rpg maker to edit them. A game made in xp needs RPG Maker XP and one in VX needs RPG Maker VX. and one made in ACE needs ACE.
3. Just check the RGSS if its. RGSSAD it's XP if it's RGSS2A it's VX if it's RGSS3A it's VX Ace.
4. It should be pretty much straight forward. Just open any game hit F9 (Or click on tools then database). From there go from tab to tab and translate.
5. Save a Copy of original game. That way you can re-check or re-copy if you mess something up. Start a new project, call it w/e then go into
Script editor , find Vocab and copy it over to the game your translating. It usually saves some time. Same for skills and states. But check first.
Usually when i translate states 1-16 are the same as a new project.
But, always make check first before you copy over.
When your translating scripts, be careful. It can mess up badly. But, if you look carefully it usually says something like: CONFIG_ALL_NAME = "音量"
See the " " lines? You can translate inside there. So 音量 becomes Volume.
But, sometimes text won't fit. So use VOL instead. If you use Translation Aggregator and AGTH and hook it to the game, you can get the japanese text in AGTH. So , say you wanna translate "はなす" which is Speak , but it's a menu command simply copy the はなす from AGTH go into the editor, go into script editor hit Ctrl+Shift+F and it pops up a window. enter the はなす and hit search and it shows up a search result. For me i find it at Script v4共通2 at line 125 commands = ["はなす", "じゅもん", "つよさ", "どうぐ", "そうび",
"そのた", "さそう"] Then i translate it from there.

If you got any more questions, feel free to PM and ill see if i can help.
Re: Question for Translators

1. Not that i know off. I use a RPG Maker XP /VX /VX Ace Decrypter by Falo to unpack the Data and graphics store in the RGSS3A.
2. You need different rpg maker to edit them. A game made in xp needs RPG Maker XP and one in VX needs RPG Maker VX. and one made in ACE needs ACE.
3. Just check the RGSS if its. RGSSAD it's XP if it's RGSS2A it's VX if it's RGSS3A it's VX Ace.
4. It should be pretty much straight forward. Just open any game hit F9 (Or click on tools then database). From there go from tab to tab and translate.
5. Save a Copy of original game. That way you can re-check or re-copy if you mess something up. Start a new project, call it w/e then go into
Script editor , find Vocab and copy it over to the game your translating. It usually saves some time. Same for skills and states. But check first.
Usually when i translate states 1-16 are the same as a new project.
But, always make check first before you copy over.
When your translating scripts, be careful. It can mess up badly. But, if you look carefully it usually says something like: CONFIG_ALL_NAME = "音量"
See the " " lines? You can translate inside there. So 音量 becomes Volume.
But, sometimes text won't fit. So use VOL instead. If you use Translation Aggregator and AGTH and hook it to the game, you can get the japanese text in AGTH. So , say you wanna translate "はなす" which is Speak , but it's a menu command simply copy the はなす from AGTH go into the editor, go into script editor hit Ctrl+Shift+F and it pops up a window. enter the はなす and hit search and it shows up a search result. For me i find it at Script v4共通2 at line 125 commands = ["はなす", "じゅもん", "つよさ", "どうぐ", "そうび",
"そのた", "さそう"] Then i translate it from there.

If you got any more questions, feel free to PM and ill see if i can help.

Thanks for the reply.

So, just so I have it clear, I decrypt with Falo's utility, but then I still need a copy of the correct RPG maker to actually edit the game, right? There's no other utilities that convert the data files to editable form and back besides DreaMaker?

(At least the one I want to translate was made with XP, that's $35 cheaper than Ace)
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Does anyone know a good translating set up? It seems a lot of translator referenced or mentioned in this forum usually is part of a particular set up or requires other programs to work and I have to admit I'm rather overwhelmed.

So if someone can point me in the right direction I'll be more then grateful :)
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

None that i know off.
Most new RPG games seem to either use ACE or VX.