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RPG RPG Maker Mod [Ason] Cage of the Succubi (RJ201762) - Modded

Steam Version actually has proper english!

No way I'm going to fuck this up with my shitty mod. Are you fucking kidding me!


I have to do everything again!
I worked... really hard modifying the base game.

The changes to the steam version are massive, and I'd have to do all of it again.
I... I just wasted time.

I can't bring forth the motivation to mod the game again. I just can't. I really can't.
So we'll leave it up to someone else to work the mod for the steam version?
works for me
Well at least now you know to check to make sure if there's an English version or not
Well at least now you know to check to make sure if there's an English version or not
I modded an english version...
I thought both english versions were the same.

I don't like how Steam's DRM forces me to play the game through Steam's launcher. I don't want to share the game I'm playing with friends and hate having to go offline whenever I run a game.

I purchased the DLsite english version and modded that version. It's even got a higher version number. V1.1
Steam version is only v1.03 which in my head meant I had the newest one.


Apparently the Steam version has an edited translation that's better than the DLsite version.
How bad/much worse is the english translation for the dlsite version? If its passable and difficult to switch then its probably better to continue efforts on your already modded work. Or move onto another game if you've already finished with this one. Dreamland is probably one of my favourite games in terms of scenarios and H, but is almost impossible to fail at. Or if you're still not ready to put time into that, another set of games that falls into that category is the excessm games, especially the recent ones.

How easy would it be to patch the other way around? Extract translated english scenes from steam version into dlsite modded version?
Copy files then replace Game.exe?
It's a code mod. The gameplay changes. If I tried to replace the work I did with the better translation one, it'd just make the translation in the better translation one worse.
How bad/much worse is the english translation for the dlsite version? If its passable and difficult to switch then its probably better to continue efforts on your already modded work. Or move onto another game if you've already finished with this one. Dreamland is probably one of my favourite games in terms of scenarios and H, but is almost impossible to fail at.
DLsite english version isn't really english.
It's engrish XD. You can still understand the plot, but it's not engaging to read.

That being said, you can still fully understand the plot and the erotic elements still come through.

It's a step above Machine Translation, but a step below, a confident english speaker.

EDIT: You and Unsaid really want me to do Dreamland.
It's just... I'd need to translate that game. Sugoi translator fucks with name order and variable orders inside of the Translator++ files.

So like text that looks like <\N[1]>\nWhat do you mean by that \n[2]?
Put it under Sugoi and it could change to.
\n[2]\nWhat do you mean<\n[1]>?

So the structure of the speaker and the person being spoken to would change. This includes when variables are included in the text.
MTool handles this aspect of translation way better, because it translates piece by piece.
If I wanted to do Dreamland I'd have to pull all the text through Sugoi then manually go and look through each line and fix all the issues.

That's like... full on translation work. If I had help with that part, I'd totally be down for modding the fuck out of that game! Unsaid gave me a ton of ideas!
The game has such a high potential for eroticism! But right now I open my Translator++ file, see the insane amount of lines and work, and get just... fully overwhelmed. Like full on. I lose motivation like immediately.

Or if you're still not ready to put time into that, another set of games that falls into that category is the excessm games, especially the recent ones.

How easy would it be to patch the other way around? Extract translated english scenes from steam version into dlsite modded version?
Nah. I like ExcessM games as they are. The only thing I'd change is a better translation, which isn't what I'm passionate about.

I might go do Shotacon Quest. I like Dragon Quest and Shotacon Quest is one of the best Dragon Quest spin-off type eroge. It's not too erotic tho. I'd need to talk to Unsaid, what he'd do, but he's not too big a fan of that game cause it has no romance. I have like 0 game-design skill and wouldn't know what to do to make it more erotic on my own in any fair and consistent way tho.

I might do the SEQUEL games. Those games make the adult content fully avoidable because of the fact that Hakika is aware that his interests aren't considered normal.
Hakika is bisexual so players have the choice to experience gay content or not. This has the reverberating implications of making the games naturally unerotic. THAT SUCKS imo. I want that series to feel more erotic especially with its setup. Aren't these girls supposed to be horny and starving for dick? The first game even has a fucking succubus party member for god's sake XD. Don't know what to do to fix that game-design wise tho...

If you guys have ideas I'm willing to hear you out tho. That doesn't mean I'll DEFINITELY do the games, but I'll hear you out.
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I don't like how Steam's DRM forces me to play the game through Steam's launcher. I don't want to share the game I'm playing with friends and hate having to go offline whenever I run a game.

I know that you don't want to re-do your mod but just an FYI that the Kagura games verion is on other sites such as manga gamer without the DRM so you don't have to piss around with being offline or having multiple steam accounts.

I don't buy games that are only on steam for that reason, rather get them from the other sites even if it costs more.
Very good, I'll definitely try this out. Reminds me of a while back when I modded Lilith in Nightmare. I made it harder and more punishing and incorporated level draining for every single enemy, make escaping harder etc. Despite all this it was actually pretty hard to prevent the optimal strategy from just being attack weakness -> heal when low -> repeat and eventually I got frustrated because I realized I modded what was basically statcheck for which you'd have to grind either levels or items... Causing me to delete the entire project out of spite.
Very good, I'll definitely try this out.
Yes. Please give me feedback. If it's bad, it's not my fault. If it's good. I can take credit :D
Reminds me of a while back when I modded Lilith in Nightmare. I made it harder and more punishing and incorporated level draining for every single enemy, make escaping harder etc. Despite all this it was actually pretty hard to prevent the optimal strategy from just being attack weakness -> heal when low -> repeat and eventually I got frustrated because I realized I modded what was basically statcheck for which you'd have to grind either levels or items... Causing me to delete the entire project out of spite.
Aww... that sounds like a waste.
I feel you though. I actually tried to Mod ROBF b4 my Villnammellet mod!

When I worked on it on my own though, I couldn't get the feeling I wanted. Thankfully I have a friend who actually knows what he's doing when it comes to game design so I leaned on him for the Villnammellet mod...
Game design is hard amirite? People just assume you gotta be a good coder, but the actual core design is another skillset on its own.
I might do the SEQUEL games. Those games make the adult content fully avoidable because of the fact that Hakika is aware that his interests aren't considered normal.
Hakika is bisexual so players have the choice to experience gay content or not. This has the reverberating implications of making the games naturally unerotic. THAT SUCKS imo. I want that series to feel more erotic especially with its setup. Aren't these girls supposed to be horny and starving for dick? The first game even has a fucking succubus party member for god's sake XD. Don't know what to do to fix that game-design wise tho...

If you guys have ideas I'm willing to hear you out tho. That doesn't mean I'll DEFINITELY do the games, but I'll hear you out.

Oh god, you're thinking of modding SEQUEL next? On one hand, I did appreciate the base games being able to separate the sex and mechanics so I could play on post-nut, but I'm also incredibly curious what you would change for the games to integrate the sex back into the designs better.
Oh god, you're thinking of modding SEQUEL next? On one hand, I did appreciate the base games being able to separate the sex and mechanics so I could play on post-nut, but I'm also incredibly curious what you would change for the games to integrate the sex back into the designs better.
You wanna hear my ideas?

Hmmm... my ideas are to make it so that the sex you can do at home can improve stats so you have an incentive to do them... Hmm... but that'd make the gay party members innately weaker for straight players and that's not fair to them.
What about... uhhh more locations in the maps to have sex with the MC? That doesn't solve the incentive issue tho.

Man don't ask me this shit. I can't come up with any good concrete ideas. What do you have in mind?
Granted the gay party members only show up every second game so it's not *that* big of an issue, but yeah having sex at home boost stats would absolutely be nice, though the extra locations on the map seem a bit unneeded. Frankly, I kinda expected something similar to what you did for villnamellet with the girls propositioning you during adventures for sex. Frankly I don't have any ideas either unfortunately, I'm just saying if you come up with anything I'd love to hear.
2 things.
1. You're literally a room over. What are you doing?
2. You're really putting me to work hunh...

Anyways, I think I'm rubbing off on you a bit. Your opinion on the incentive and mindset makes sense if more eroticism is the goal you're aiming for. Free stats though? You'd need to rebalance like... the whole game to make that work well. Stats don't come freely in that series, and Hakika makes it very hard to obtain certain stats.
You'd eventually have to limit how much "free sex" you can participate in which would kill the original intention.

The protagonist is called Manatank by all the fans right? In fact, that's your main narrative purpose right? Why not make it so the characters can participate in Sex to restore MP anywhere on the map?
I wrote this on the Leaf Geo discord, but you can also make it so the MC can randomly get kidnapped fighting monster girl enemies and get raped as you explore. When MC is kidnapped you can make it so you can't exit the map, and if the MC cums too much while being reverse raped, he gets soft, and the monster girls kill him so it's a race against time.

Like... show the image of the MC getting fucked, and in a "hotter or colder" situation, change its alpha transparency based on how close the girls are to his position on the map. That's another way to include sex in a way that respects the original setting and intent.

Hmmm... what else...
Really putting me on the spot here.

An easy to way to make casual sex something that people are incentivized to do is by making it so that you can sell "sex juices" from fucking. It'll feel like Manatank is participating in the financial wellbeing of the party that way, and players will want to participate in sex for money in Blight. This can be limited, by making you have to buy the condom item before fucking.

Hunh... none of this gives agency to the heroines though, so I'd still need to think up something to make the girls feel lewd.

Maybe give them a lust stat? The higher their lust the more likely they are to rape the protag randomly after exploring... ahh.. but that's not romantic. The girls in SEQUEL love the protag. There's no way they'd jump him like that. OK. Higher the lust stat, more chance they'll bug the protag for sex while exploring... ahh... but that'd fuck with the tone of the game in the serious moments.
Hmm... OK. Yeah... maybe girls randomly asking for sex when the player enters a "safe" area. Since sex can restore MP, you can increase the likelihood they'll ask based on their lust stat and their MP stat. Not doing the math for it sorry. That's on you again.

Wake up sex should definitely be a universal thing though.

Obviously this stuff only happens once you unlock the scene in the main game, otherwise people might get scenes they don't want.
Can't believe you're trying to mod a bisexual game. Are you actually gonna write text for the gay content? You're a bigger man than I am.
My comment

was more about the DRM thing.
and what Morkor said.
Ahhhh... Yeah I made a mistake there... I don't want to buy the game A THIRD TIME so I'm not doing that though. My motivation's dead. I know it sucks but the mod's gonna be on the engrish translation version.
Ahhhh... Yeah I made a mistake there... I don't want to buy the game A THIRD TIME so I'm not doing that though. My motivation's dead. I know it sucks but the mod's gonna be on the engrish translation version.
And I tried giving you an alternative, replacing a DRM Game.exe with a non-DRM one, usually works well with Ruby based RPG Maker.
And I tried giving you an alternative, replacing a DRM Game.exe with a non-DRM one, usually works well with Ruby based RPG Maker.
I think you two are talking past each other.
Changing the exe to the non-DRM version won't change the translation. The work he did translating is stored in the graphics/data content.

No matter what, to update the translation, he'd need to redo the mod work full stop.