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[WIP - Full] Succubus Rhapsodia (English) - Plains, Hills, and Cages Edition

Thanks both of you for your effort. It seems like the english patch is working on my side with the given instruction.
Errr, if that needs be said, I'm not declaring a 1861 repeat either. I'll gladly work with Zethin for as long as I'm of any use and they can manage to bear with me. Also, I won't ever forbid anyone from using my files, should anything happen. Like succubi adbucting me. Not such luck, so far. :cry:

Awesome! :love: I'll check it out as soon as I take a break! That is to say: soon (©Valve)

RPGMXP saves a lot with each save; SR even more. I'll remember to backup my /data folder, thanks for the warning.
In general: 'never make a save on a map you intend to change'. But I'll look into it; I'll ask for a save (and the map's id) if I cannot reproduce that. It'll be an headache if we need our own Reset Maid, so I hope there are ways around that.
The self-switches, and more, are likely a lost cause. But old maps' data staying, should not be an issue. :unsure:

I'll digress a bit as well: I might have a reliable way to pull out that thorn outta your side in lieu of being one: a ruby script to export, edit, then save the rxdata without risks - much like what I did with System.rxdata. Then we could make and use our own /MOD/Eng_Mod_Data folder (and fix any T++ issue before the files actually go through T++).
If you remember 2-3 CEs or maps that T++ especially screwed up, can you let me know? I'll upgrade my prototype to deal with them; it's rudimentary rn but I can drop an example if you're curious.

Ah, that totally could've been the cause of the problem. I haven't looked too closely at how Marshall dumps the data when saving outside of when we were diagnosing that new game hashing crash awhile back. If it dumps all of the map's data rather than just map number and position coordinates, then it's entirely possible that's what was causing the issue.

Possibility for our own reset maid could be a good idea, although hypothetically just saving elsewhere and reloading the game, then going back to the edited map would work, right? If that's the case, I don't think there's a need to go out of our way for it. I'll try doing that if I notice this happening again.

I don't think I've seen any maps that are screwed up. Like I said, it's been exclusively the CE file so far. The CE has \q\m usage in it (and possibly more) but I don't know where because Translator++ just stuffs all of the CEs into a single object. I'll note any lines I see with them that come up, though.


On that note, I think I've found an easier way to test release builds. SR has a surprisingly well-defined linear path to follow for each of its 26(?) areas in the RPGMXP project. So I think I'll make releases for each area a time. That way we can have staggered testing for any missed text / bugs.
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Well, no a single issue here. So, good job? Including, with the save I made to test the "starter succubus ct300", despite it being being at Home. I'm almost sure we're good savefile-wise. We won't need our Maid either, if we keep the internals Japanese as we do.

My 1st impressions, after speedreading through the library: it's pretty damn impressive you got all almost all of that right! :D
I'm also pleasantly surprised with how many letters fit in these boxes. RPGMXP editor fails hard with text disposition:
(here the one and only line I noticed was cut - Nightm/are. EV028, 'Fear'. +1 for the changes)
I've noted down much stuff (you know me!) and I support most of the vocabulary change I've noticed so far (bar Runaway and Breathe). I'll implement your terms next database pass.
I'll send you my PR notes if you want them, in a file so as not to swamp the thread. Let me know if you want the [still not a WoT] in instalments. I know I'll properly start a new game and do a full, more relaxed pass. Gotta say typos are remarkably few.
when we were diagnosing that new game hashing crash awhile back.+
I don't think I've seen any maps that are screwed up. Like I said, it's been exclusively the CE file so far.
Perfect! If it's only \w\q\y\m to fix then I already have all the Interpreter codes I need. Do tell if you ever see one of these in Show_text, but I doubt it.
I think the Self_switches thing was fixed by the modders, and that our fix is now uneeded; that was probably a nil crash when your /Data/Maps folder had nil maps in the subdirectories - I suppose.

On an equally festive note, I made a temporary script to mass-rename simple inputs (with no change to CEs nor maps):
I'll input the serious words, enter a few more, and we'll remove it before the final release.
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Well, no a single issue here. So, good job? Including, with the save I made to test the "starter succubus ct300", despite it being being at Home. I'm almost sure we're good savefile-wise. We won't need our Maid either, if we keep the internals Japanese as we do.

My 1st impressions, after speedreading through the library: it's pretty damn impressive you got all almost all of that right! :D
I'm also pleasantly surprised with how many letters fit in these boxes. RPGMXP editor fails hard with text disposition:
(here the one and only line I noticed was cut - Nightm/are. EV028, 'Fear'. +1 for the changes)
View attachment 45045
I've noted down much stuff (you know me!) and I support most of the vocabulary change I've noticed so far (bar Runaway and Breathe). I'll implement your terms next database pass.
I'll send you my PR notes if you want them, in a file so as not to swamp the thread. Let me know if you want the [still not a WoT] in instalments. I know I'll properly start a new game and do a full, more relaxed pass. Gotta say typos are remarkably few.

Perfect! If it's only \w\q\y\m to fix then I already have all the Interpreter codes I need. Do tell if you ever see one of these in Show_text, but I doubt it.
I think the Self_switches thing was fixed by the modders, and that our fix is now uneeded; that was probably a nil crash when your /Data/Maps folder had nil maps in the subdirectories - I suppose.

On an equally festive note, I made a temporary script to mass-rename simple inputs (with no change to CEs nor maps):
View attachment 45046
I'll input the serious words, enter a few more, and we'll remove it before the final release.

Some of these changes were not intentional. I tried to flick back and forth but if you notice any discrepancies with skills or such let me know. If you'll send me a list of the discrepancies, I'll review them because there's some that may have been accidental.

As for the clipping, will you show me anything you see in-game? Those particular translations don't show up until some point later and I'm not that far so I can't really see how they look.

If you see anything that sounds weird or could be worded better, or that's outright wrong, also let me know. This is certainly not going to be perfect, and some of the library is referencing knowledge of the game I don't have. A lot of this is rough sort of speed translating to not spend too much time since there's dozens of thousands of lines.
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Allelujah! I have good news and great news!
- there are only 24 lines with \q|\m|\y|\m and they're in CE#32 and CE#34 only. Here's the edited CommonEvents.rxdata (jp); I'll TL 32 and 34 myself to test whether a string edition {jp => EN} script is worthwhile.
- It turns out scripts entered in RPGM's interface EXCEPT Scripts.rxdata, have all \ converted to \\ 🤓 => I could've mass edited every CE without a hitch! I think that explains why Japanese dev have always made that "\H" != "\\H" mistake.
TL,DR: I grossly overestimated the issue 😅
I'll upload my basic exporter too; it'll allow you to browse all scripts in any Common Event. From any Ruby RPGM game, probably.
Output from CE#34 as an example:
#          Common Event #34 scripts breakdown
Line 5  : #スキル名表示を取り下げる
Line 6  : $msg.skillwindow_change = "close"
Line 7  : $msg.ecstasy_member_check
Line 11 : if $msg.t_target == $game_actors[101]
Line 12 :   if $msg.t_target.holding_now?
Line 13 :     $msg.t_enemy.friendly += 30
Line 14 :   else
Line 15 :     $msg.t_enemy.friendly += 10
Line 16 :   end
Line 17 : else
Line 18 :   $msg.t_enemy.friendly += 5
Line 19 : end
Line 22 : #詳細口上モードでは必ず出す
Line 23 : $game_switches[84] = true
Line 26 : #ボス戦・ベッドイン中のみ出す
Line 27 : if $game_switches[91] == true
Line 28 :   $game_switches[84] = true
Line 29 : #ベッドイン中
Line 30 : elsif $game_switches[85] == true
Line 31 :   $game_switches[84] = true
Line 32 : else
Line 33 :   $game_switches[84] = false
Line 34 : end
Line 43 : target = $game_temp.battle_target_battler[0]
Line 44 : target.animation_id = 108
Line 45 : target.animation_hit = true
Line 54 : target = $game_temp.battle_target_battler[0]
Line 55 : target.animation_id = 114
Line 56 : target.animation_hit = true
Line 61 : $msg.talk_step = 1
Line 70 : $msg.talk_step = 7
Line 80 : target = $game_temp.battle_target_battler[0]
Line 81 : target.animation_id = 114
Line 82 : target.animation_hit = true
Line 99 : $msg.talk_step = 9
Line 108: target = $game_temp.battle_target_battler[0]
Line 109: target.animation_id = 114
Line 110: target.animation_hit = true
Line 133: target = $game_temp.battle_target_battler[0]
Line 134: target.animation_id = 127
Line 135: target.animation_hit = true
Line 137: text = "#{$msg.t_enemy.name}はイってしまった!"
Line 138: $game_temp.battle_log_text += text + "¶Σ"
Line 141: text = "#{$msg.t_enemy.name}を絶頂させた!"
Line 142: $game_temp.battle_log_text += text + "¶Σ"
Line 146: active = $game_temp.battle_active_battler
Line 147: active.animation_id = 127
Line 148: active.animation_hit = true
Line 149: target = $msg.t_target
Line 150: text = "同時に"
Line 151: if target == $game_actors[101]
Line 152:  text += "#{target.name}もイってしまった!"
Line 153: else
Line 154:  text += "#{target.name}もイかされてしまった!"
Line 155: end
Line 156: $game_temp.battle_log_text += text + "¶Σ"
Line 157: tg = $msg.t_target
Line 158: if tg.boy? or tg.futanari?
Line 159:   SR_Util.spam_plus
Line 160: end
Line 161: enemy = $msg.t_enemy
Line 162: if enemy.boy? or enemy.futanari?
Line 163:   SR_Util.spam_plus_enemy
Line 164: end
Line 167: enemy = $msg.t_enemy
Line 168: if enemy.boy? or enemy.futanari?
Line 169:   SR_Util.spam_plus_enemy
Line 170: end
Line 174: active = $game_temp.battle_active_battler
Line 175: target = $game_temp.battle_target_battler[0]
Line 176: if active.have_ability?("吸精")
Line 177:   SR_Util.energy_drain(active,target)
Line 178: end
Line 180: active = $game_temp.battle_active_battler
Line 181: target = $game_temp.battle_target_battler[0]
Line 182: loss = $ecstasy_loss_sp
Line 183: if active.have_ability?("EP吸収")
Line 184: $game_temp.ep_drain = SR_Util.ep_drain(active,target,loss)
Line 185: $game_temp.battle_log_text += "#{active.name}はEPを#{$game_temp.ep_drain}吸収した!" + "¶Σ"
Line 186: end
Line 187: if active.have_ability?("VP吸収")
Line 188: $game_temp.vp_drain = SR_Util.vp_drain(active,target,loss)
Line 189: $game_temp.battle_log_text += "#{active.name}はVPを#{$game_temp.vp_drain}吸収した!" + "¶Σ"
Line 190: end
Line 191: if active.have_ability?("EXP吸収")
Line 192: $game_temp.exp_drain = SR_Util.exp_drain(active,target,loss)
Line 193: $game_temp.battle_log_text += "#{active.name}はEXPを#{$game_temp.exp_drain}吸収した!" + "¶Σ"
Line 194: end
Line 197: text = "#{$msg.t_target.name}は、"
Line 198: if $msg.t_target == $game_actors[101]
Line 199:  text += "意識が朦朧としている……!"
Line 200: else
Line 201:  text += "快感で身悶えしている……!"
Line 202: end
Line 203: $game_temp.battle_log_text += text + "¶Σ"
Line 206: text = ""
Line 207: if $msg.t_enemy.state?(318)
Line 208:  text += "#{$msg.t_enemy.name}は、"
Line 209:  text += "満足そうに絶頂の余韻に浸っている……!"
Line 210: else
Line 211:  text += "しかし#{$msg.t_enemy.name}は、"
Line 212:  text += "まだ物足りない様子だ……!"
Line 213: end
Line 214: $game_temp.battle_log_text += text + "¶Σ"
Line 217: text = ""
Line 218: if $msg.t_enemy.state?(318)
Line 219:  text += "#{$msg.t_enemy.name}は、"
Line 220:  text += "満足そうに絶頂の余韻に浸っている……!"
Line 221: else
Line 222:  text += "しかし#{$msg.t_enemy.name}は、"
Line 223:  text += "まだ物足りない様子だ……!"
Line 224: end
Line 225: $game_temp.battle_log_text += text + "¶Σ"
Line 233: active = $msg.t_target
Line 234: target = $msg.t_enemy
Line 235: skill = $game_temp.used_skill
Line 236: SR_Util.develop_plus_rebound(active,target,skill,3)
Line 237: target.add_develop_states
Line 240: active = $msg.t_target
Line 241: target = $msg.t_enemy
Line 242: skill = $game_temp.used_skill
Line 243: SR_Util.develop_plus(active,target,skill,3)
Line 244: target.add_develop_states
Line 249: target = $msg.t_enemy
Line 250: text = target.bms_states_update
Line 251: if text != ""
Line 252:  $game_temp.battle_log_text += text + "¶Σ"
Line 253: end
updated common_events with the climax messages.


  • 魔_Z CE_extractor_test.zip
    1,010 bytes · Views: 3
  • CommonEvents-edited.zip
    92.4 KB · Views: 5
  • modified lines.txt
    9.8 KB · Views: 3
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Allelujah! I have good news and great news!
- there are only 24 lines with \q|\m|\y|\m and they're in CE#32 and CE#34 only. Here's the edited CommonEvents.rxdata (jp); I'll TL 32 and 34 myself to test whether a string edition {jp => EN} script is worthwhile.
- It turns out scripts entered in RPGM's interface EXCEPT Scripts.rxdata, have all \ converted to \\ 🤓 => I could've mass edited every CE without a hitch! I think that explains why Japanese dev have always made that "\H" != "\\H" mistake.
TL,DR: I grossly overestimated the issue 😅
I'll upload my basic exporter too; it'll allow you to browse all scripts in any Common Event. From any Ruby RPGM game, probably.
Output from CE#34 as an example:
#          Common Event #34 scripts breakdown
Line 5  : #スキル名表示を取り下げる
Line 6  : $msg.skillwindow_change = "close"
Line 7  : $msg.ecstasy_member_check
Line 11 : if $msg.t_target == $game_actors[101]
Line 12 :   if $msg.t_target.holding_now?
Line 13 :     $msg.t_enemy.friendly += 30
Line 14 :   else
Line 15 :     $msg.t_enemy.friendly += 10
Line 16 :   end
Line 17 : else
Line 18 :   $msg.t_enemy.friendly += 5
Line 19 : end
Line 22 : #詳細口上モードでは必ず出す
Line 23 : $game_switches[84] = true
Line 26 : #ボス戦・ベッドイン中のみ出す
Line 27 : if $game_switches[91] == true
Line 28 :   $game_switches[84] = true
Line 29 : #ベッドイン中
Line 30 : elsif $game_switches[85] == true
Line 31 :   $game_switches[84] = true
Line 32 : else
Line 33 :   $game_switches[84] = false
Line 34 : end
Line 43 : target = $game_temp.battle_target_battler[0]
Line 44 : target.animation_id = 108
Line 45 : target.animation_hit = true
Line 54 : target = $game_temp.battle_target_battler[0]
Line 55 : target.animation_id = 114
Line 56 : target.animation_hit = true
Line 61 : $msg.talk_step = 1
Line 70 : $msg.talk_step = 7
Line 80 : target = $game_temp.battle_target_battler[0]
Line 81 : target.animation_id = 114
Line 82 : target.animation_hit = true
Line 99 : $msg.talk_step = 9
Line 108: target = $game_temp.battle_target_battler[0]
Line 109: target.animation_id = 114
Line 110: target.animation_hit = true
Line 133: target = $game_temp.battle_target_battler[0]
Line 134: target.animation_id = 127
Line 135: target.animation_hit = true
Line 137: text = "#{$msg.t_enemy.name}はイってしまった!"
Line 138: $game_temp.battle_log_text += text + "¶Σ"
Line 141: text = "#{$msg.t_enemy.name}を絶頂させた!"
Line 142: $game_temp.battle_log_text += text + "¶Σ"
Line 146: active = $game_temp.battle_active_battler
Line 147: active.animation_id = 127
Line 148: active.animation_hit = true
Line 149: target = $msg.t_target
Line 150: text = "同時に"
Line 151: if target == $game_actors[101]
Line 152:  text += "#{target.name}もイってしまった!"
Line 153: else
Line 154:  text += "#{target.name}もイかされてしまった!"
Line 155: end
Line 156: $game_temp.battle_log_text += text + "¶Σ"
Line 157: tg = $msg.t_target
Line 158: if tg.boy? or tg.futanari?
Line 159:   SR_Util.spam_plus
Line 160: end
Line 161: enemy = $msg.t_enemy
Line 162: if enemy.boy? or enemy.futanari?
Line 163:   SR_Util.spam_plus_enemy
Line 164: end
Line 167: enemy = $msg.t_enemy
Line 168: if enemy.boy? or enemy.futanari?
Line 169:   SR_Util.spam_plus_enemy
Line 170: end
Line 174: active = $game_temp.battle_active_battler
Line 175: target = $game_temp.battle_target_battler[0]
Line 176: if active.have_ability?("吸精")
Line 177:   SR_Util.energy_drain(active,target)
Line 178: end
Line 180: active = $game_temp.battle_active_battler
Line 181: target = $game_temp.battle_target_battler[0]
Line 182: loss = $ecstasy_loss_sp
Line 183: if active.have_ability?("EP吸収")
Line 184: $game_temp.ep_drain = SR_Util.ep_drain(active,target,loss)
Line 185: $game_temp.battle_log_text += "#{active.name}はEPを#{$game_temp.ep_drain}吸収した!" + "¶Σ"
Line 186: end
Line 187: if active.have_ability?("VP吸収")
Line 188: $game_temp.vp_drain = SR_Util.vp_drain(active,target,loss)
Line 189: $game_temp.battle_log_text += "#{active.name}はVPを#{$game_temp.vp_drain}吸収した!" + "¶Σ"
Line 190: end
Line 191: if active.have_ability?("EXP吸収")
Line 192: $game_temp.exp_drain = SR_Util.exp_drain(active,target,loss)
Line 193: $game_temp.battle_log_text += "#{active.name}はEXPを#{$game_temp.exp_drain}吸収した!" + "¶Σ"
Line 194: end
Line 197: text = "#{$msg.t_target.name}は、"
Line 198: if $msg.t_target == $game_actors[101]
Line 199:  text += "意識が朦朧としている……!"
Line 200: else
Line 201:  text += "快感で身悶えしている……!"
Line 202: end
Line 203: $game_temp.battle_log_text += text + "¶Σ"
Line 206: text = ""
Line 207: if $msg.t_enemy.state?(318)
Line 208:  text += "#{$msg.t_enemy.name}は、"
Line 209:  text += "満足そうに絶頂の余韻に浸っている……!"
Line 210: else
Line 211:  text += "しかし#{$msg.t_enemy.name}は、"
Line 212:  text += "まだ物足りない様子だ……!"
Line 213: end
Line 214: $game_temp.battle_log_text += text + "¶Σ"
Line 217: text = ""
Line 218: if $msg.t_enemy.state?(318)
Line 219:  text += "#{$msg.t_enemy.name}は、"
Line 220:  text += "満足そうに絶頂の余韻に浸っている……!"
Line 221: else
Line 222:  text += "しかし#{$msg.t_enemy.name}は、"
Line 223:  text += "まだ物足りない様子だ……!"
Line 224: end
Line 225: $game_temp.battle_log_text += text + "¶Σ"
Line 233: active = $msg.t_target
Line 234: target = $msg.t_enemy
Line 235: skill = $game_temp.used_skill
Line 236: SR_Util.develop_plus_rebound(active,target,skill,3)
Line 237: target.add_develop_states
Line 240: active = $msg.t_target
Line 241: target = $msg.t_enemy
Line 242: skill = $game_temp.used_skill
Line 243: SR_Util.develop_plus(active,target,skill,3)
Line 244: target.add_develop_states
Line 249: target = $msg.t_enemy
Line 250: text = target.bms_states_update
Line 251: if text != ""
Line 252:  $game_temp.battle_log_text += text + "¶Σ"
Line 253: end

Definitely give the hash replacement a try, similar to what I did for the SR_Util Announce definition. I don't think we'll even need to re-compile the .rxdata, but knowing which lines are problems lets us nip it in the bud by substituting them.

In unrelated news, I still haven't found a good way of batch installing the English patch. I think, at a bare minimum, people will have to install the game and the mod by themselves. AttacheCase4 having no CLI to interface with means I can't really decrypt files. Otherwise I could make the entire process automated.

As it stands, the finalized process will look something like:

1. Download base game
2. Download and decrypt mod files
3. Extract mod files to base game, overwrite all
4. Run SR_English_Patcher.exe

Were AttacheCase4 interfaceable then I could pretty easily automate steps 2 and 3. But as far as I can tell it's not.


Aside from that, do you know of a way to check which Talk file a Succubus is pulling from fairly easily? I could do it in a log file I suppose, but it's kind of a PITA and I'm not sure this pink-haired succubus is even pulling from one to begin with. I mentioned it in a PM but I'd really like to verify the pink-haired succubus isn't broken.
Well, hashes are arrays with less features... But they do suit our needs just as well.
Aside from that, do you know of a way to check which Talk file a Succubus is pulling from fairly easily? I could do it in a log file I suppose, but it's kind of a PITA and I'm not sure this pink-haired succubus is even pulling from one to begin with. I mentioned it in a PM but I'd really like to verify the pink-haired succubus isn't broken.
The OFEs near the 1st save point also have no dialogue.
- it's not on me - I removed all of my scripts
- it's not on you - I didn't install your talk files yet, and had the same issue
- this doesn't happen with either my 28/07 backup or 2975 backup.
My guess is, this is on the new jp patch. I'd rather wait for them to correct it. I'll have to look into the dialogue code seriously at some point... but this would take much, much time.
...oh I get it: have a look CE120 => トーク【building now】.It's the modders, and they're on it.
TL,DR: while integrating other mods they temporarily broke the Talk function. Only for a few succubi.

Relatedly, I'll edit the F6 battle feature at some point; I'll see about adding the Talk key as a new item. (it's based on personality, and other things)
F5 already reloads dialogue - so you don't need to exit the game to edit dialogues, I presume. Both require $debug.

On that note, I wouldn't recommend touching Common_Events anytime soon. I'll have a script collect the strings, another do the subs and overwrite the rxdata of this one file. I'll keep the keys(ie jp) with the script itself, for our TL needs. As hashes ;)
Well, hashes are arrays with less features... But they do suit our needs just as well.

The OFEs near the 1st save point also have no dialogue.
- it's not on me - I removed all of my scripts
- it's not on you - I didn't install your talk files yet, and had the same issue
- this doesn't happen with either my 28/07 backup or 2975 backup.
My guess is, this is on the new jp patch. I'd rather wait for them to correct it. I'll have to look into the dialogue code seriously at some point... but this would take much, much time.
...oh I get it: have a look CE120 => トーク【building now】.It's the modders, and they're on it.
TL,DR: while integrating other mods they temporarily broke the Talk function. Only for a few succubi.
Side note:
I'll edit the F6 battle feature at some point; I'll see about adding the Talk key as a new item. (it's based on personality, and other things)

On that note, I wouldn't recommend touching Common_Events anytime soon. I'll have a script collect the strings, another do the subs and overwrite the rxdata. I'll keep the keys(ie jp) with the script itself, for our TL needs. As hashes ;)

Hashes have an O(1) time complexity vs O(\n) for array which is why we're using them over arrays. Please absolutely always use hashes if you can.

Good to know the Talk feature being broken wasn't on us. Where'd you see them talking about fixing it though? Kind of curious if this is something getting hot fixed or pushed down the line.
Hashes have an O(1) time complexity vs O(\n) for array which is why we're using them over arrays.
That much? :eek: To quote: "That's a surprising and useful result."
I'll see about revising my UK_name then. I understood Ruby worked otherwise.
the Talk feature being broken wasn't on us. Where'd you see them talking about fixing it though? Kind of curious if this is something getting hot fixed or pushed down the line.
I've read【building now】, so I didn't pry. The CE I mentioned is the one "Talk" calls directly.
I will, if they take too long, but I doubt it. The guys are good. I'd rather alter as little I can from their work, out of sheer admiration.

edit: @xRoguex I'll have a look. I didn't understand you were referring to that one issue.
Last edited:
Well, hashes are arrays with less features... But they do suit our needs just as well.

The OFEs near the 1st save point also have no dialogue.
- it's not on me - I removed all of my scripts
- it's not on you - I didn't install your talk files yet, and had the same issue
- this doesn't happen with either my 28/07 backup or 2975 backup.
My guess is, this is on the new jp patch. I'd rather wait for them to correct it. I'll have to look into the dialogue code seriously at some point... but this would take much, much time.
...oh I get it: have a look CE120 => トーク【building now】.It's the modders, and they're on it.
TL,DR: while integrating other mods they temporarily broke the Talk function. Only for a few succubi.

Relatedly, I'll edit the F6 battle feature at some point; I'll see about adding the Talk key as a new item. (it's based on personality, and other things)
F5 already reloads dialogue - so you don't need to exit the game to edit dialogues, I presume. Both require $debug.

On that note, I wouldn't recommend touching Common_Events anytime soon. I'll have a script collect the strings, another do the subs and overwrite the rxdata of this one file. I'll keep the keys(ie jp) with the script itself, for our TL needs. As hashes ;)
I said in a previous post i fixed it. The modder messed up with that so you can keep this one.


  • C_Talk.zip
    13.4 KB · Views: 10
Mod version has been updated to 3029.atc. Make sure to update accordingly. They, disappointingly, did not address the "broken" OFE scripts. That said, is it actually broken? There's an if-clause covering the pink-haired succubus in particular: if $msg.t_target.can_mating? #夢幻の源泉装備 That's a piece of equipment it's specifically checking for: 夢幻の源泉.

Again, I would rather not delete things without knowing why, and this "fix" seems to erase that if statement. Until I know why, I'm leaving it alone, because that particular if-statement seems to be checking for a very specific piece of equipment.
I said in a previous post i fixed it. The modder messed up with that so you can keep this one.
Thanks, good catch! I didn't even remember these lines were there 😅 Naming the folder could be useful., though.

The guy added pregnancy-specific lines, but derped with the "if $msg.t_target.can_mating?" branch. It's just that line to move to the top. It looks strange but works. There are over 120 new lines, but they're out of place if the Succcubus is unfertile.
Here's new VS original, in case I've read wrong (most lines require Vibrant Life equipped). And the corrected rb, oc.
Note that it still throws a non-gamebreaking error at climax time.

There's little new in 3029, and nothing related to this issue. I'll take the time to study how I can reduce the update-related workload.


  • C_Talk_edited.zip
    35 KB · Views: 9
Thanks, good catch! I didn't even remember these lines were there 😅 Naming the folder could be useful., though.

The guy added pregnancy-specific lines, but derped with the "if $msg.t_target.can_mating?" branch. It's just that line to move to the top. It looks strange but works. There are over 120 new lines, but they're out of place if the Succcubus is unfertile.
Here's new VS original, in case I've read wrong (most lines require Vibrant Life equipped). And the corrected rb, oc.
Note that it still throws a non-gamebreaking error at climax time.

There's little new in 3029, and nothing related to this issue. I'll take the time to study how I can reduce the update-related workload.
Yep for you I deleted only that string and the other half of the C_Talk because is an obvius copy paste of the LesserSuccubus00 C_Talk.
I did something more in my file but I have to see if all works properly. I'll see your fix aswell ;)

Edit: ok yes I played just a few minutes and it seems it work. But for the climax time you mentioned usually is managed by Ecstasy, Ecstasy_Hold and Ecstasy_Self as you know for sure.
In the C_Talk there are only dialogues that happend only for a crisis situation, I don't remember any "if target ecstasy" or something like this. Tomorrow I think to have more time and I can do more tests but said like this it doesn't feel right to me now.
The only other files that can have the same error but I didn't check are MapChat and MapEvent since they have the same "if $msg.t_target.can_mating?" at the start of the whole content.
If there isn't any update about this I'll say something for sure
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I spent today pretty heavily going over combat text, so not much progress map-wise. However, I did add the ability to add modded graphics to the game. Modded images function identically to normal mod files (this functionality only supports map names but could easily be enabled for other images):
Fsml5we[1].png Ww2HCDl[1].png

Going to spend tomorrow hopefully finishing up the rest of the first zone and then upload Release_0002 which includes a lot of combat text translation.


If you can, check this line here:
    when "夢魔脱衣"
      m = "#{speaker} flashes the seam of her clothes\Σ\nwith a seductive look at #{master}!"

Should be line ~802 in MOD_Talk_Sys Text_Talk.rb

For some reason the \n here does not actually generate a line break on the "w" and instead generates it on the "i" and I'm not sure why. I'll take a screenshot next time I see it. I think this line right below it might be suffering from similar issues:
m = "#{speaker} turns the seam of her clothes\Σ\ntowards #{master} with a suggestive look!" if $msg.t_enemy.negative?
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Solution: paste this under 'class Window_BattleLog < Window_Base' in 魔術_English_MOD_Messages.rb
  def log_correction
That'll disable the dastardly code 😅 remaining from the old SR scripts. I'll rewrite it for next patch. Thanks for the catch!

Also, great news about the images! I'm awful with fonts. And art in general.
It happends only to me or when I name a succubus with H at the start like Hina for example, in battle it appears ❤ina?
It happends only to me or when I name a succubus with H at the start like Hina for example, in battle it appears ❤ina?
This one was fixed a while back. I just renamed my Imp Horny, and no problem. Let me know if there're cases I've overlooked.

I've updated my previous post with the TL'ed climax messages. I could use some bugtesting since I couldn't test every case.
Also, could I have a SS of the main status window of any character, preferably with 100-200+ in every right-hand stats (STA, DEX, WIL), from someone using my patch?
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This one was fixed a while back. I just renamed my Imp Horny, and no problem. Let me know if there're cases I've overlooked.

I've updated my previous post with the TL'ed climax messages. I could use some bugtesting since I couldn't test every case.
Also, could I have a SS of the main status window of any character, preferably with 100-200+ in every right-hand stats (STA, DEX, WIL), from someone using my patch?

I can't use .rxdata. If you're translating anything related to .rxdata, it needs to be done in a .rb format using hash replacements. I have to translate the .rxdata on my end, and your .rxdata would overwrite my own.

Also, there have been two updates. Patch 3032.atc was uploaded. A new cosplay patch was uploaded as well (3034.atc) under the alphabet links on the mod page. Make sure to grab both.
I can't use .rxdata.
I wasn't asking you to. It was your common_event.rxdata I edited, and only the necessary script lines.
But I derped and... <snip> Edit: now with the right file and the EN output log.
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I wasn't asking you to. It was your common_event.rxdata I edited, and only the necessary script lines.
But I derped and... <snip> Edit: now with the right file and the EN output log.

But... you are is the thing. You uploaded a .rxdata file. I cannot use .rxdata files from you. My CommonEvents.rxdata file is newer than the version you have. If I use the one you have, it will overwrite my own. It also breaks the Translator++ project by placing already translated lines as the initial keys.

That's why I'm saying you need to just put the lines you're replacing into a .rb file using hash replacement.


On another note, I've found a rather strange and difficult to reproduce bug where enemies seem to ignore any sort of hash replacement during combat Talk usage. I'll only very sporadically get it, as if the game isn't properly loading the text files, and then after interacting with another enemy the file loads and the error disappears.

I rewrote the injection script so that the text files eval() occurs just after tx={} is declared rather than trying to eval() every time a message is pushed. However, still had this bug pop up once after the rewrite. Something to track for Release_0002.

Edit 2:

Also, got a crash stemming from possibly one of your scripts, Strange.
◆ 2022-08-13T14:04:14
バージョン :
パッチ :
エラーの種類 :
メッセージ :
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
ID: 149
Enemies: [88,88,88]
バックトレース :
./Mod/Mod_Scripts/PR_MOD_Game_BattleAction.rb : 58行目 : in `index'
./Mod/Mod_Scripts/PR_MOD_Game_BattleAction.rb : 58行目 : in `decide_random_target_for_enemy'
./Mod/Mod_Scripts/O_MOD_Game_Enemy.rb : 400行目 : in `make_action'
./Mod/Mod_Scripts/O_MOD_Game_Enemy.rb : 394行目 : in `each'
./Mod/Mod_Scripts/O_MOD_Game_Enemy.rb : 394行目 : in `make_action'
Scene_Battle 4 : 87行目 : in `start_phase4'
Scene_Battle 4 : 80行目 : in `each'
Scene_Battle 4 : 80行目 : in `start_phase4'
Scene_Battle 3 : 44行目 : in `phase3_next_actor'
./Mod/Mod_Scripts/魔術_English_MOD_Messages.rb : 2282行目 : in `update_phase3_enemy_select'
Scene_Battle 3 : 123行目 : in `update_phase3'
./Mod/Mod_Scripts/魔_English_MOD_Scenes.rb : 887行目 : in `update'
./Mod/Mod_Scripts/PR_MOD_Scene_Battle_1.rb : 455行目 : in `main'
./Mod/Mod_Scripts/PR_MOD_Scene_Battle_1.rb : 449行目 : in `loop'
./Mod/Mod_Scripts/PR_MOD_Scene_Battle_1.rb : 460行目 : in `main'
Main : 16行目

Was fighting an OFE. Teammate died and another teammate swapped in. Game crashed when I tried to use "Kiss" the following turn.
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