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ACT Ryona [Chaos Gate] Succubus Heaven (RJ284978)


Jungle Girl
Aug 22, 2012
Reputation score
Anyone got a save file? Can't say I have much motivation to do another run after the first tbh lol


Sex Demon
Jul 23, 2012
Reputation score
There's almost no reason to ever control anyone else in earnest. The Great Maces, Whips, and Imp Swords you quickly learn to just give towards Dorthy so she's got her AOE nukes and then let the other two be basic Mace and Sword club for orb holders for the rest of the game. And again, who you control is KINDA vital for the final few segments, so I would just suggest sticking with Dorthey and only hop off for inventory juggling.
Sounds kind of boring having to use a character because of how strong they are. Feels more fun taking a challenging approach and beating it with the less stronger characters. It's why I could never see my self using that ice stomp for Elden Ring. Just too cheesy.


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Sounds kind of boring having to use a character because of how strong they are. Feels more fun taking a challenging approach and beating it with the less stronger characters. It's why I could never see my self using that ice stomp for Elden Ring. Just too cheesy.
You're not wrong, but honestly I can't really forsee how you're suppose to beat up the 5 final mobs with only a single character *because reasons* with the melee weapons, including that they each have ~1500 HP each, and most weapons only hit for around 50~60 per swing...vs a magic spell that rapid hits and has a big finisher worth 300 damage towards all targets inside of it, and lets you stay mobile to dodge everything. I think the balance for bosses in earnest is directly tied towards how good she is, and using the other two is a direct nerf towards your ability to handle such. Still, I need to beat this game many, MANY more times to see the full curse/blessings list...and I'm not too sure it's -worth- it, even if a few icons looks like they might indeed alter gameplay in creative ways...



Jungle Girl
Sep 4, 2010
Reputation score
You're not wrong, but honestly I can't really forsee how you're suppose to beat up the 5 final mobs with only a single character *because reasons* with the melee weapons, including that they each have ~1500 HP each, and most weapons only hit for around 50~60 per swing...vs a magic spell that rapid hits and has a big finisher worth 300 damage towards all targets inside of it, and lets you stay mobile to dodge everything. I think the balance for bosses in earnest is directly tied towards how good she is, and using the other two is a direct nerf towards your ability to handle such. Still, I need to beat this game many, MANY more times to see the full curse/blessings list...and I'm not too sure it's -worth- it, even if a few icons looks like they might indeed alter gameplay in creative ways...
There is some pretty fun ones, and you can even force yourself into a solo only run i imagine through the usage of the friendly fire curse, though haven't yet tried it myself. That said, Dorothy is definitely the largest power house of the group, save for some specific instances where Nellie with the proper buffs, ESPECIALLY with the Cursed Sword on high impurity just wrecks things, with I'd say the general weakest being Sera, albeit, she's also seemingly got the best move set for dealing with general mooks since she really doesn't spend much durability to kill things, and is speedy as all hell, something both her and Nellie share.

That said, Dorothy with any of the AoE spells thorns, thunderclaw in particular, or poison cloud can make pretty easy work of the final fight, though, it does require some intellegent running about or well timed dodges given her lack of mobility in raw speed. Nellie also, as I kinda was forced to discover on my first playthrough, can do pretty well with her AoE fire burst, especially with the added bonus from an altar that caused items to take less deterioration, and you absolutely WANT to keep her starting sword for the end game bosses if you can, as its durability is higher than anything I've found I'm pretty sure.

Interesting thing to note though, whether its intentional or not though I'm really not sure, but during the final phase of the ending boss, you can actually swap between all your downed characters, just you can only control one at any given time as long as they aren't 100% impured. So, if you're in the middle of a grab thats not gonna be seomthing you can get out of, or, are about to lose on one of your other characters, you can merely swap to another. This is how I managed to win, as with Nellie I took out one of the enemies, severely weakening the rest of the group before getting caught in a grab that would have been GG, before randomly trying to swap characters and was suddenly running around as Sera, then immediately swapped to Dorothy and the half bar of thunder claw I had from the Katana weapon managed to see me through pretty easily.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with the game honestly. Its short, sweet, and perfect for some time killing or just general good lewds whenever I'm on the mood, and the gameplay itself is pretty fun if a bit simple. Haven't really tried to master dodging yet as, especially on Sera and Nellie you can bait out attacks pretty easily and go in for a combo that will then stagger, with the best strategy being I imagine to use either of them and save most of Dorothy's super damaging spells for the final bosses throughout the end game.

My only question now is when will we see a tub only spell run?

Edit: Just for some clarity too, don't remember exact numbers but the cursed sword was swinging for somewhere around 260ish damage, and the AoE itself while I didn't get valid numbers, easily chunked the enemies pretty significantly, though given the wind up time its incredibly risky as a strategy compared to much of the aoe hit and run tactics of Dorothy. Sera I havent messed around with enough to see if any of her charged attacks are strong enough to do much, though she does at least probably have the better attack string between her and Nellie.


Sex Demon
Jul 23, 2012
Reputation score
You're not wrong, but honestly I can't really forsee how you're suppose to beat up the 5 final mobs with only a single character *because reasons* with the melee weapons, including that they each have ~1500 HP each, and most weapons only hit for around 50~60 per swing...vs a magic spell that rapid hits and has a big finisher worth 300 damage towards all targets inside of it, and lets you stay mobile to dodge everything. I think the balance for bosses in earnest is directly tied towards how good she is, and using the other two is a direct nerf towards your ability to handle such. Still, I need to beat this game many, MANY more times to see the full curse/blessings list...and I'm not too sure it's -worth- it, even if a few icons looks like they might indeed alter gameplay in creative ways...
Unfortunately, soloing the bosses with Sera or Nellie seems pretty impossible. However, with both of them I did almost manage to beat the 2 succubi with no weapons and a curse that caused Dorthy not to be able to use her spells. Sera charge attack is great for saving Nellie before she gets fully corrupted and you just gotta keep changing between the 2. I used Dorthy as bait and made her keep the other Succ busy until I finished off one. I only lost because I triggered a enemy trap and got swarmed and corrupted. Had her down to like 100 health too, such bs.
Best part of Sera is her charge attack. It will instantly break any hold an enemy has of a character.


Jungle Girl
Aug 12, 2012
Reputation score
I'm still downloading patch1 so I'll update if I make any progress.


PW: Sc1x

Feels like I'm missing something because even with these the game went from refusing to start to crashing after trying to start or go to the gallery.


Demon Girl
Oct 16, 2016
Reputation score
Well. Pretty weak. Pain in the ass to play as well since its pretty much pure luck if you will have enough weapons to get through the game. Combat is respectable for an h game and some of the later enemies really make you use those dodges, but its not enough, especially since even the slightest amount of h is heavily punished by the gameplay system itself, meaning only the gallery is for wanking. Meh/10, not worth the wait lol


May 31, 2018
Reputation score
The "buff" where you can't dodge but gain knockdown resistance is way more of a curse. Dodging feels so essential in the latter stages of the game.

Deleted member 194301

Tentacle God
Sep 26, 2014
Reputation score
I'm a little disappointed with the game, myself, but it could've been worse. I learned to stop praying at the altars when they gave me "blessings" that did nothing but screw me over (seriously, the first one made it to where what felt like 99% of my drops were orbs, and the second made regular attacks weaker in exchange for finishers being stronger). It took me five tries to finally beat the game, and that's only because I finally unlocked a blessing that did something useful (more weapon spawns). I also tried to use the melee characters my first few times, as well, but learned to embrace the Dorothy cheese afterwards.

Seriously, though, it got frustrating how I had to spend hours doing the same thing over and over again (I literally always died to the succubus sisters until my last run, where I managed to beat both them and everything that came afterwards in the same run). Easily the biggest issue was trying to find enough weapons to last me through everything. The hentai content was a little sparse/lacking to me, as well, though maybe I've just come to expect too much over the years. It's definitely not a bad game, but I get why you'd be disappointed if you'd been hyping this game in your head for the last seven years.

Oh, and while my laptop had absolutely no trouble running most of the game at a smooth 60 FPS, the game completely melted at the final area. I wouldn't be surprised if my frame rate was in the single digits for much of the final fight.


Nov 9, 2012
Reputation score
Decent, totaly above average on hentai market, but boss fights its just torture-you chip on those hp boxes and they never ever run out. Its just tedious: you finish whole area in 1-2 minutes and then waste 5-10 minutes of your life to kill sum sucubitch that has more hp than a fucking tank for some reason. New playthrough with different effects is neat idea but those horrible boss fights kills any will to play game again.

Waiting for chad with full save.

Deleted member 194301

Tentacle God
Sep 26, 2014
Reputation score
It's not a "full save" in that there are barely any blessings/curses unlocked, but here's my save with the gallery completed, at least. I don't know for sure if saves can be shared for this game and work properly, but for those who just want the gallery unlocked, feel free to give it a try and let me know if it works for you.



Jungle Girl
Sep 4, 2010
Reputation score
Well. Pretty weak. Pain in the ass to play as well since its pretty much pure luck if you will have enough weapons to get through the game. Combat is respectable for an h game and some of the later enemies really make you use those dodges, but its not enough, especially since even the slightest amount of h is heavily punished by the gameplay system itself, meaning only the gallery is for wanking. Meh/10, not worth the wait lol
Honestly, the game feels pretty designed FOR you to lose, and it not being a real pain in the ass given its design as a roguelite. Sort of just the nature of the territory in terms of game design really, and while I wouldn't say the RNG is TOO heavily against you, especially once you get some blessings to apply from the start that keep up weapon durability, and the early on, if they aren't randomized of course, Virginity = buffs against arousal and impurity, outside of just getting horrid rng with drops and fighting everything in sight you should be able to clear *fairly* easily. Only had one run thus far where I got absolutely screwed with majority of drops being potions and poison spray stones, which without the blessing that makes you immune to poison damage is pretty useless. But once you really start looking at it as a game that's okay to lose, I'd say a lot of the frustration melts away for me personally, though, I DEFINITELY understand the feeling, its something I used to feel greatly back in Dark Souls whenever I first played it since its probably the best real game I can compare to when it comes to roguelite styled games as I haven't played many, that or Rimworld, which is just fun to lose half the time.

I'm a little disappointed with the game, myself, but it could've been worse. I learned to stop praying at the altars when they gave me "blessings" that did nothing but screw me over (seriously, the first one made it to where what felt like 99% of my drops were orbs, and the second made regular attacks weaker in exchange for finishers being stronger). It took me five tries to finally beat the game, and that's only because I finally unlocked a blessing that did something useful (more weapon spawns). I also tried to use the melee characters my first few times, as well, but learned to embrace the Dorothy cheese afterwards.

Seriously, though, it got frustrating how I had to spend hours doing the same thing over and over again (I literally always died to the succubus sisters until my last run, where I managed to beat both them and everything that came afterwards in the same run). Easily the biggest issue was trying to find enough weapons to last me through everything. The hentai content was a little sparse/lacking to me, as well, though maybe I've just come to expect too much over the years. It's definitely not a bad game, but I get why you'd be disappointed if you'd been hyping this game in your head for the last seven years.

Oh, and while my laptop had absolutely no trouble running most of the game at a smooth 60 FPS, the game completely melted at the final area. I wouldn't be surprised if my frame rate was in the single digits for much of the final fight.
Yeah, blessings themselves feel less like a purely beneficial buff all the time, and more of a way to really change the way you play the game at times, so its a bit RNG as to how helpful or harmful they might be mid run from an altar. Personally, I've gotten the flaming weapon buff one WAY Too often for my liking, and while its great for the added damage, it absolutely melts weapon durability unfortunately. Definitely learned though that, while Dorothy with the proper set up is easily the boss stomper of the game, without some decent RNG she really is just a liability compared to the other two, with my only run yet that failed before getting to the final fight, losing at the succubus sisters (Arum can be such a pain in the ass without some good damage, though nearly solo'd her with Sera unarmed, just would have taken ages to properly finish with how little damage she dealt.) was one where my melee were all burnt out on weapons thanks to the fire buff, and I'd only seen a couple morningstars enough to get one single slot of blood thorns without any of the other op spells appearing. Had to use MUCH of the blood of thorns at that to take out the arachne queen, otherwise easily would have lost there.

On that note too, for those who have played, has anyone else managed to clear the arachne queen in one room? I've only gotten it to happen once, and not sure why she stuck around as long as she did, but on my third playthrough she stuck around long enough on her first appearance for me to kill her outright, leaving the other two rooms where she'd normally appear devoid of enemies and ultimately as just really big rooms with some treasure. Has anyone else managed this, or, does anyone know if there is a particular mechanic that allows for this? Originally I thought it might be due to just damaging her during animations, but, thinking back on it, I can't seem to recall her really doing too many successful grabs the one time I did manage to kill her in one go. Regardless, it made things infinitely easier being able to do so, so having this info would be insanely helpful if anyone knows.


Demon Girl
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Arachne boss seems to be on a timer, spend too much time dealing with adds and grabs and she'll move to the next room. Nuking her with Dorothy's blood thorns takes her out and any adds that spaws so quickly that you'll end up with all 3 characters ganging up on her.