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[Complete - Partial] [RJ149527] Consider Nanaha (ナナハよ)

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Welcome back ... Belie .... =translation of 2nd picture
Come on ... tell me? My promise ... A secret I would never forget .... = translation of third pic
just to make sure is the field to enter it in 6 characters long? if so try 継嗣達の記憶
translated it roughly means memory of succession.

if i get a chance on next break i'll ask my weeaboo mate if he could give me a more accurate translation
Welcome back ... Belie .... =translation of 2nd picture
Come on ... tell me? My promise ... A secret I would never forget .... = translation of third pic
just to make sure is the field to enter it in 6 characters long? if so try 継嗣達の記憶
translated it roughly means memory of succession.

if i get a chance on next break i'll ask my weeaboo mate if he could give me a more accurate translation

That is way too complex for the possible words I can use in game. Unless I miss out on being able to type it out, I can only select what's given to me
It's been a while so I can't quite recall, but the pass there might be
Watch out for that third character though, a couple others are very similar :D
It's been a while so I can't quite recall, but the pass there might be
Watch out for that third character though, a couple others are very similar :D
I love you, that is the answer. Now I can finally continue on down the story
Anyone know a good place to grab this game that is not DLsite.
why no one full trans this game?
because is big and heavily story driven, so that's mean a lot and lot of dialogue lines.
it's a huge work for a solo man, so it's understandable no one want to do it for free.
i hope someone will full trans this game in the future then.
I'm a bit late, but to the point
I downloaded the partial translation patch but after uploading it is still in Japanese, please help

edit: nevermind
Last edited:
This thread is for translation discussion only.
Is there any guide exists? How many endings in this game and how to get them? I played both routes. Seems like endings depends on losing in some battles. I won every possible battles, it's easy. If i need to lose some battles - better know how much i should lose and what battles. Game is very long.
Is this partial translation lost like I am your Guignol? sigh..
Hope somebody can provide it again, thx.

This is a partial English patch for the most recent release of Consider Nanaha (Nanaha Yo). It is a heart-wrenching, often cruel tale of sacrifice, undue hardship, and worse. Bad things will happen to good people and even good people will do bad things. Players will grapple with choices which leave none unscathed. Foremost being, which will you save: wife or daughter?

Be warned, this game features NTR (as might be expected of a game about loss)

Wife or daughter?

Yuraha is his doting wife.
Seriha is his cherished daughter.

In the isolated town of Veliente where hell is unfurling,
only one can be saved.

Pick a destination on the world map and progress the story
whilst wandering town and dungeon. The town has a weapons outfitter
and armory, drug store, medical center, stadium for battles and red light district... etc.

Wife or daughter?

Infiltrate the abandoned testing grounds populated by vicious things called Marmots with Yuraha or Seriha, making your way into its bowels. Each floor has a boss.

Veliente is segregated by gender. Families nor lovers are allowed to live together.

Life is harsh. The law is strict. All men are summoned to war against Marmots. All women toil in the farms to provide enough food... or are prostitutes.

This is the tale of one man trying to survive, trying to save his family...

Wife or daughter?

-from DLSite
To get going quickly, dl the file in "Mega Link - Patch.txt", install the game & extract the data files, then drag and drop the 7zip file contents into your main game directory, overwriting all files. Delete/rename the Game.rgss2a file afterwards. If you prefer to check/mod/continue the translation as you see fit, dl and use the RPGMakerTrans version of this patch instead.
ULMF Thread





As this is only a partial patch, quite a bit remains in Japanese. Installing this covers part of the prologue, UI, choices, nametags, items, weapons, equipment, combat, battle quips, name entry, enemy names, recollection room, and about 22 pictures and pop-up notifications. What hasn't been touched: dialogue, and item categories (since RPGmakerTrans doesn't yet support a feature I'd need).

I hope you enjoy this patch, and the game. Feedback is appreciated; I'm always looking to improve.

Puzzle Hints:
At one or two points in the game you'll need to use katakana to finish puzzles. Refer to this post and the thread if you need more help.
Can you reupload? Both mega links got deleted.
Thread locked due to dead links. If you are the OP, please PM a moderator to update and unlock the thread.
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