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ACT Vore Loli Ryona [nanakusado] もんすたぁ☆さぷらいずど幽鬼ち / Monster surprised Yuki-chan (RJ275826 / RJ309773)

Quite disappointed that I literally can't jump and shoot reliably because inputs seem to get skipped. The animations are 10/10 though, not too much of a fan on vore sadly.
Quite disappointed that I literally can't jump and shoot reliably because inputs seem to get skipped. The animations are 10/10 though, not too much of a fan on vore sadly.
Probably input lag. Also I think the talisman has an intentional delay after 3 shots.
Yeah the limit is 3 ofuda talismans on-screen at a time. The power-up item increases it to a maximum of 9 IIRC. Axes are the same, but 2 by default, 6 cap. Bow is 2 by default, unsure on cap but I think it's 3.
Yeah the limit is 3 ofuda talismans on-screen at a time. The power-up item increases it to a maximum of 9 IIRC. Axes are the same, but 2 by default, 6 cap. Bow is 2 by default, unsure on cap but I think it's 3.
That's unrelated to the issue I'm having. The problem I have is that if I try to attack and jump at the same time one of the inputs will get flat out ignored. It's not even input lag at this point, and it made the lamia boss extremely unpleasant to fight.
That's unrelated to the issue I'm having. The problem I have is that if I try to attack and jump at the same time one of the inputs will get flat out ignored. It's not even input lag at this point, and it made the lamia boss extremely unpleasant to fight.

Are you using a legit copy or the cracked copy of the game? I think you might be having frame rate or processing issues that prevent you from shooting while jumping.
A bit of an update to the game today. It's at version 1.03 now, and it comes with a few things. Firstly, it's not a guarantee, but this update tries to fix the problems people have been encountering in the EX stage. I think it's more to do with graphics issues rather than crashing.
Next and last thing are additions. There are 3 more game over CG pictures now. One for the slime girl boss, one for the wolf lamia boss, and one for Charlotte (demon girl boss).
Well I tried version 1.03, and like before, it crashed when I tried to access the gallery. At least I was able to get through the first stage, but the game crashed when I beat the second stage boss.

I would also tried the Japanese version as before and while the game did launched, the game also crashed when I tried to access the gallery. There's a serious crash problem if people tried to access the gallery.
So admittedly I have yet to play this game, but since I discovered it this year I've been looking into it a lot. I'm mindful of the crash issues I've seen mentioned, as well as the DRM issues so my current course is to wait a bit for most/all updates to come out, then download the up-to-date cracked version and donate directly to the creator in the hopes of more like this.

Again, I haven't played so maybe I'm talking out of my ass, and either way it's probably too late- I wish I had discovered this game earlier- but for the shrunken level I have a few minor gripes from my watch of a let's play:

For starters, it's a bit silly you can attack a girl from grass, kill her, and not be noticed while doing so. I don't know if it was programming issues or what, but it would have nice if hitting them immediately revealed your position. In addition, the sight range they have, the goblins and akaname seems too small- you can practically be right in front of them but go unnoticed. They also don't hunt for you very long, and it's really easy to hide from them. I guess a pipedream of mine would be in Hard Mode the shrunken level was harder- not just taking more damage as per most game's hard mode standards, but the demons are harder to avoid instead, in addition to being harder to escape from when they do get a hold of you.

Finally, whereas I do like vore, I like GTS more, and there's more you can do with a small person than just eat them. Don't get me wrong, it fits the girls who do go for vore very well (4 of 5 if I'm counting right vore Youki, those being the mandragora, harpy, akaname, and the zombie (the cutest pred in my opinion)) But it'd be nice if there was a bit more variety- The akaname would be the best for something else, I feel- instead of just voring Youki, as-is she just seems to do the same way the mandragora does (now the let's play didn't show the H-stuff unfortunately so if I'm wrong on that I apologize) Either way though having her use that tongue in a more creative way would have been very welcome, like tying Youki up with it and rubbing part of it against her crotch, maybe proceeding to penetrate her with it when the H-bar goes purple, something like that.

That's enough complaints though, because my god this game looks so good I'm willing to download the metric fuckload of garbage required just to get it to run- I love the goblins' squats as they look for Youki, how their dresses blow upwards revealing their panties- the mousetraps and rakes were inspired, genius really. Also I think I saw the potential for three-way action in the shrunken level upcoming, two big girls on one tiny Youki- that looks great too.

Anyway, that's me- made an account just to post this.
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Hi yes, the giant level was specifically vore themed (Camel/D-Gate suggested the level to Nana, and it was mainly made in part to appeal to the unexpectedly positive reaction to the R-15's vore content)), but the goblins (and the boss gargoyle girl of stage 6) will perform unbirth animations. The boss of the giant stage, Nyara (succubus lady), also licks Youki's crotch (indirectly, through the panties) while eating her, if that makes any difference. If you game over to the boss gargoyle's vore attack, then Youki's clothes will melt and the gargoyle will be licking her naked body. This was implemented as a personal request, but the detail of altering the licking animation to place greater emphasis on rubbing Youki against the tongue and the roof of the mouth wasn't implemented...at any rate, aside from the aforementioned enemies, the gargoyle in the chase sequence has a vore animation (basically the same as the boss though), and the stage boss has two vore animations (one each for the giant fight and normal-sized fight). The zombie girls also have a 3-way vore scene, yeah.

About the enemy sight range, this is also a deliberate design choice to fit the characters. The goblin girls are just that dumb and the akaname can only see movement (I.E. if you don't move they can't see you), probably has poor vision too. Damaging the goblins will prompt them to crouch and look around, damaging the zombie girls causes them to pause and look down (they grab Youki while looking down), and damaging the akaname immediately aggros them. I think the harpy will also be immediately alerted to the player's presence if damaged, but there are only 2 harpy (excluding the one with the zombie) in the stage and I'm not 100% sure how they work. Sometimes they descend before I even approach their shadow...

By the way, as some trivia, mandragora was originally planned to swallow only when HP was 0, but Camel/D-Gate suggested immediate swallowing, themed after carnivorous plants. The harpy was not originally head first when she grabbed Youki, before it was by the leg like the gargoyle boss. It was only head first for swallowing. Also, when the harpy swallowed Youki, she didn't gradually descend into her mouth, but abruptly went down at once. Grabbing by the head and gradually swallowing was my suggestion. Harpy's vore animation was themed after real birds eating mice and such. The Akaname vore animation was given a small draft by Camel/D-Gate, I believe it was all his suggestion from start to finish. The goblin girl and boss gargoyle unbirth animations were Nana's ideas. I think the zombie girl vore animation was also Nana's idea. The 3-way vore animation was something he randomly thought of as well, I believe. The gargoyle chase sequence is a more fleshed out version of an idea I suggested for using her in the stage, I suggested using her as a security camera of sorts, chasing after Youki if she gets seen. There was also talk about wanting to include scenes of the gargoyle boss eating goblins, as a prior conversation established that the boss gargoyle is fed goblins for her meals (the bones in the area preceding the boss are from her meals). The gargoyle chase sequence combines these ideas of having the gargoyle chase Youki and having her eat goblins. Annd finally Nyara is a guest character from Camel/D-Gate and will be appearing in their next game. Like in the Youki game, she utilizes shrinking magic and swallows her victims.

As a bit more trivia, Youki's race is also goblin (she's just extraordinarily strong for one). For the boss gargoyle, who regularly munches on goblins like her, Youki is just another meal. Might add a bit to the scene knowing that she's gobbled up countless other goblins just like Youki.

E: Forgot to mention, regarding the rakes and such, Nana was inspired to implement those elements while watching one of my Time Attack attempts of the game. There was a new strategy of using the rock weapon on Dran, and Nana compared Youki smashing Dran's fingers with the rock as something out of Tom & Jerry. "Dran's fingers will turn red and she will jump to the moon" or something along those lines. Nana took that and implemented more directly inspired scenes into the giant stage, like the rake gag.
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Hey, sorry if this seems a bit off topic, but I just watched a video of this on svipvids. I was wondering what version of "Wicked Child"(?) it is that plays during the fight with the Belmont spoof guy? Would you happen to know?
I aint against vore, and I very much enjoyed Echidna Wars, one of D-Gate's games (dryad is the best girl) but at the same time... I get it, but as a GTS fan, a bit more variety would have been sex. Don't get me wrong, for the wandering girls who do go for vore (four of five, as you stated Goblins unbirth Youki) it fits them well, the madragora perfectly, swallowing Youki to her stomach immediately fits her well, just like a carnivorous plant, and the harpy too- it was a good suggestion to have her swallow multiple times while tilting her head up, just like real life birds. Zombie-chan is the cutest of all, I love how she holds Youki like a toy a first before suckling her, best of the three in my opinion. It does fit the akaname, but for the sake of variety I wish she was more creative with her tongue.

I do appreciate the unbirth where it comes, but there's so much more- footplay, handplay, armpits, thighs, butts, oppai, etc etc. Maybe it would have been nice to get the kunoichi in there with her bare feet, grab Youki between her toes and either step on her or rub her between her feet.
The three-way animations though, those are a goldmine of potential. I hope there are more on the way, imagine two goblins scissoring with Youki inside of both, or a goblin rubbing Youki into a zombie's crotch, or an akaname probing another girl with her tongue, Youki at the tip... Maybe something for the player who decides to interrupt the zombie and the harpy too.
You're right though, the giant gargoyle boss (both, but the first especially) is excellent, the mouthplay was superb, and the succubus is shaping up to be nice too.

You know, the game is oozing character- the idle animations, the way Youki holds her skirt down when she falls, just about everything the goblins have- a true labor of love there. Their dizzy animations when stepping on a rake or getting hit with a box are so cute, and as I mentioned before, the way they squat when they try to look for Youki, all great.
At the same time though, and hey, maybe it's just a hard mode thing, maybe it's just my pipe dream, but a huge appeal of that level to me is the role reversal. All throughout the game Youki's been barreling through foes, but none more than the game's signature trash mob, the goblins.
When Youki shrinks though, that changes. She's still more than capable, but now even goblins are a serious threat. The fact that when they grab her while small, the girl who two-shots them with her most basic weapon, or breaks their necks like a packet of spaghetti is in her hands, is the goblin worried?
No, she starts masturbating and pushes Youki inside herself like a toy. That slick, tight tunnel of a goblin like any other the other hundreds she's killed constricts and squeezes around her as it moves her toward her womb, imprisoning her deep inside the lowest member of the demon army's body as the green girl goes about her ditzy, trashmob life, plus one savior of the human race within her.
That, that's the seriously gourmet shit right there. The lowest, weakest member of the demon army becoming a deadly foe that's best avoided, and there are plenty of them.

Personally, I feel their idiocy is highlighted already by their tendency to fall for their own traps, or when they voluntarily shrink themselves to try to feed Youki to a gargoyle. But when they crouch and spot her, I feel it should be a much harder time escaping personally- both their sight and their grasp. On that note, when any girl steps on Youki and damages her that way, that should immediately give her away too.
I haven't actually seen them crouch upon being attacked, but that they can die to those attacks suggests to me they should be a bit more responsive. I don't know, I just feel as-is it seems the seriousness of being so small is a bit underutilized, but maybe I'm desiring a different game for that. Still really want to play this one though- I've been bellyaching a lot, but it's because I think this game looks rad.

Onto the trivia though: I did not know that Youki was a goblin, I thought she was an oni. Really, I thought she was a callout/love letter to the story of the tiny warrior who fought onis with a needle; A belief I thought solidified by the giant stage. Funny coincidence that.
Everything Nana suggested I'm in love with, lol. Your suggestion for the harpy though was really good, and the abruptness of the mandragora swallowing Youki fits her nature as an ambush predator, but since the initial swallow is so fast I do kind of wish that escaping was more detailed- as is you just kind of pop out with I-frames. Imagine if she crawled her way back up her throat, causing the mandragora to try to fight to keep her down before she got free? Would take effort to animate though, I know. Also, Nyara is a fantastically designed character. I feel the bat motif for succubi has fallen off for some reason, so it's nice to see her bring it back, and she does it well. Is she gonna be the heroine of his next game, or the boss?
Once again, the Tom and Jerry inspiration was, well, inspired.

It's pretty flipping neat you have a line to the game's creator- I'm studying Japanese, but it's a slower process than I'd like. Do you have any more news on the game? Future plans for this one in the way of bug fixes, new content, or a new game?
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Hey, sorry if this seems a bit off topic, but I just watched a video of this on svipvids. I was wondering what version of "Wicked Child"(?) it is that plays during the fight with the Belmont spoof guy? Would you happen to know?
pretty sure it's an original soundtrack. it draws alot from castlevania. stage 1 is also apeing "go! getsu fuma".
It's pretty flipping neat you have a line to the game's creator- I'm studying Japanese, but it's a slower process than I'd like. Do you have any more news on the game? Future plans for this one in the way of bug fixes, new content, or a new game?

Snipping so it isn't unnecessarily huge.

I forgot to mention this, but the zombie girls put Youki in their mouth out of curiosity, like how babies tend to stick things in their mouth. Evidently they decide she's good to eat.

The "kunoichi" is Nana's OC Ranou. I think she was implemented in Mugen originally. I'm not really sure where the shuriken came from but the general design seemed to be intended as some kind of wild child, and indeed for the purpose of the Youki game that's what she's referred to as by Nana. It's a little strange that his mascot character was made into a mob enemy race but that's how it is. The R-15 version's Game Overs didn't have CG, instead they had an animation of Ranou in a hula hoop. I learned just a few days ago that it was a parody of something, but I didn't find out what the original was, Nana was just retweeting some other parodies of it. Anyway, when the giant stage was originally planned out, Nana was intending to implement the slime girls, but ultimately didn't find a use for them. Prior to that, I suggested adding the wild child to the stage since that would make every enemy participate, but Nana said she was too agile to fit the stage's motif, was pretty quick to decide against it. Speaking of the slime girls, I had requested a vore animation for the medium-type ones, but nothing ever happened with them. As such, they and the fire mandragora are the only girls with no special animations. The boss slime is also the only one with zero changes between R-15 and R-18 (boss harpy has the giant stage's vore animation added per a request from me).

About the game itself, it should be done aside from bug fixes. Nana is currently learning 3D game design and is posting occasional updates on ci-en, along with talking about it almost every day on Twitter. The Youki game took about 5 years from start to finish (although he didn't seriously work on it until the last two or so years), he's currently aiming to make a game every two years. Nana was taking a couple hours each morning to study 3D even while finishing up the R-18 version, but now his time is fully devoted to learning 3D. As such, there are no plans for additional content for the Youki game.

Nana did all of the animations himself, although he did have some advice from Camel/D-Gate as I understand, like how to do the way the wolf lamia boss Jourouda's tail moves when charging. Camel/D-Gate also did the stomach internals for the new stage (mandragora/akaname/Nyara). Nana did not make any of the sprites himself though (I think), that was by a sprite artist named Akai ( 赤井 ). Aside from Jourouda and Nyara, the characters are all his design I think, but Akai handled all the actual character sprites. Jourouda is an OC made by Aran Saijou ( アラン・サイジョー ), who is making a vore-centric game of their own. A basic trial version to play a couple animations for yourself is available. About Camel's game, Nyara will be a boss character. Like the Youki game, the player will be shrunken and will have to fight her while tiny. It's an RPG rather than an action game though.

I found out about the Youki game through here, was searching threads for vore, checked the game's trailer, immediately knew to get involved with it after seeing the boss gargoyle's vore animation. After that it was just contacting the dev and talking to them regularly, streaming the game a lot, doing speedruns of it, making a Twitter account just to post about the game, donations etc. I got involved a bit late but thanks to this topic I was able to find out about it. Knowing some Japanese to begin with helped. Nana is a person that greatly appreciates input from others for seeking more ideas on what to implement, though of course he won't do things he doesn't like or would be too much effort. Every boss having a fatal finish is another example of something a ci-en supporter requested, originally it was something Nana made for the harpy boss as part of its fight, but expanded on the idea for the rest of the bosses due to that request.
Snip snip, I'll do the same
I forgot to mention this, but the zombie girls put Youki in their mouth out of curiosity, like how babies tend to stick things in their mouth. Evidently they decide she's good to eat.
To the quoted above though- it's funny you mention that, that's exactly what they reminded me of, either a baby or a toddler. That's what I mean by oozing with character though, his intended interpretations for the characters right down to the trash mobs is spectacular, and super cute too.

Ah, interesting. I suppose it makes sense, she didn't stick out as any specific yokai, maybe a kamaitachi, but an OC's fine too. I guess I see his view on her being too agile, that makes sense- both in-universe and having to change her from jumping around all the time.
I do feel that slimes wouldn't have felt too different in the giant level personally, or maybe they'd just feel like a bunch of stage 1's boss was running around. Either way, I don't feel they'd gain too much from it, so them missing doesn't break me up too much.

Ah, that's a shame, but good on him for seeking new horizons. Is he planning on making more H-games? I can't think of any H-games that are 3D off the top of my head, most are either side scrollers or RPGs. It's awesome he was so open to ideas and comments, he sounds like a cool guy.

Thanks for the heads-up on the behind the scenes, in this conversation and all the way from the start. I'm hoping I'll see you around some more, I'm looking to get deeper into the wonderful world of H-games- I'm pretty lost so far- Even downloading all the necessities for Monster Girl Surprise worries me, haha....
pretty sure it's an original soundtrack. it draws alot from castlevania. stage 1 is also apeing "go! getsu fuma".

Ahh, thanks. I know that one song that he used in some of his other games was original. But if this game uses a completely original soundtrack, that DOES make it more impressive...
Ah, that's a shame, but good on him for seeking new horizons. Is he planning on making more H-games? I can't think of any H-games that are 3D off the top of my head, most are either side scrollers or RPGs.

Yeah, more H-games. The R-15 version of the Youki game is the only thing he's made that doesn't have H elements, and even then the Youki game began as an R-18 game. Well, I like the R-15 version more as an actual game though. I did speedruns of the R-15 version and the boss rush mode of the R-18 version (I hold the records for both atm, don't think anyone is interested in beating them), but speedrunning the R-18 version in full is annoying because of all the H grab attacks. I kinda hope that the next game, whatever it is, has a no-H mode or something. Nana made the R-15 version as an attempt to make a game that's appealing for its gameplay without relying on any H elements, but he felt, and still feels, that the result was a bit of a disaster in terms of sales (R-18 has sold about 3.5x as many copies as R-15 so far). So I think he'll stick with exclusively making H games for H content.

Prior to mentioning he wanted to study 3D, I spoke to Nana about making another Youki game. There were some ideas, and he expressed interest in making another Youki game, but nothing concrete about whether or not it'll be the next project, or if it will actually happen. I think somewhere down the line he'll make another one, but probably not the next game.
Nana made the R-15 version as an attempt to make a game that's appealing for its gameplay without relying on any H elements, but he felt, and still feels, that the result was a bit of a disaster in terms of sales (R-18 has sold about 3.5x as many copies as R-15 so far).
That doesn't surprise me in the slightest, and not just because sex sells. From my initial viewing of the R-15 gameplay (what I came across first) I immediately thought it was just censored for YouTube, and started looking for the lewd stuff. The game just lends itself to H-content- I feel just about any game that has you put up against nothing but cute girls for enemies is kind of that way, ya know?

And also hey, I would be tempted to try to beat your score if not for the fact that my laptop, which can run League at over 60FPS effortlessly can't run a 2D pixilated sidescroller for some reason, like why are the specs so high, what in the goddamn- I don't mean to diss on the guy, but I feel the game must be poorly optimized for it to be so hardware intensive, like Yandere Sim is.

I'll definitely take a look at his twitter account for his next game and cross my fingers for a sequel to Monster Girl Youki.
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It is probably poorly optimized, I had to buy a gaming PC just to play it without lag, and even then, the R-18 version lags in some areas, mainly ones with akaname nests. In a couple builds I bug tested they would endlessly spawn from the nests and create an absurd amount of lag from sheer numbers (probably goes without saying, this was a bug). I feel like there might be something leftover with that, as every area with multiple akaname nests experiences a bit of lag in R-18 from what I've noticed.
Somehow I feel like that may be in part due to the Pixel Game Maker MV software itself. It's always been finicky here and there with some games, even not starting games up if you don't have one specific 64 bit file.

Oh, since you mentioned it earlier, when you said that the game is pretty much done in terms of content, is that applicable for the CGs that Camel has done? I know recently it updated to have three more, but I was just wondering if those were complete as well. Not that I can really think of anything else in the game that would really need a CG that hasn't already gotten one. I can only really think of a CG for maybe the two unbirth scenes, but other than those, I think the specific ways to lose are covered.
It's my assumption that's the case, but that's just an assumption. Like you said, I can't think of anything that particularly warrants an additional CG.