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ACT [ nekofuguri ] [ねこふぐり] Pegasus Knight X II / 女戦士監禁II (RE146859) (RJ146859)

Just read his blog and it seems the new game is almost done.
I randomly decided to start translating this game. I know a lot of people pick this up and then drop it, and you should fully expect me to do the same. For now, I'm attaching the translation for the menu. Just drop it in your data folder. Equipment names are still missing, as well as the hot button text.

I wasn't too sure what to name the character, as "Female Warrior" is kind of long. I settled on Amazon. If anyone has any better suggestions, let me know.

Edit: See next post for updated translation.
Last edited:
OP not up to standard, needs everything. PM either myself, Darkfire or Jesus with an updated OP or when you have updated the OP.
OP not up to standard, needs everything. PM either myself, Darkfire or Jesus with an updated OP or when you have updated the OP.

This post is five years old. I'm not sure if OP is monitoring this or not.
The March 23rd, 2019 thread deletions have occurred. The next set of deletions will occur on April 6th, 2019 at 12:00 AM EST. Any threads that are under this section will be subject to deletion due to having OPs with little information. During this time, any user may message a member of the moderation team (DarkFire1004 , @super_slicer, and @Jesus) with an updated OP. This does not mean copy-pasting translations of the DLSite description. Updates must be written by you. A member of the team will then edit the OP and move it back to the H-Games section.
I've now got everything translated except the dialogue. The village chief half way through the game is translated, but no other characters.
Let me know if you find any typos or missing translations or formatting errors (this game uses manual linebreaks). If you do find something, it would be helpful to provide context (text related to it, where you found it, etc).


  • text.txt
    70 bytes · Views: 331
OP updated, thread moved back and reopened.
Here's hoping this translation goes through! I was very interested in this game but not having any idea what I was doing or what was going on made it more confusing than it was worth.
Here's hoping this translation goes through! I was very interested in this game but not having any idea what I was doing or what was going on made it more confusing than it was worth.

Just to set your expectations: there are about 120 files left to translate, and I'm working through them at the pace of 1 to 4 per day. So, at most it'll be 4 or 5 months from now. At best it'll be next month. Of course, that's assuming that all files are equally complex. I was able to blow through all the dozens of UI files in a day. Some of the dialogue files are equally simple, but the blacksmith, for example, took two days by himself.
Hey guys, I need some help with where the hell to go.
I found a switch that toggled one step over this section of the map, in the labyrinth type area. But I literally can't find anything else to activate or help me move on. Can't seem to find anything online either, if someone could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.

Hey guys, I need some help with where the hell to go.
I found a switch that toggled one step over this section of the map, in the labyrinth type area. But I literally can't find anything else to activate or help me move on. Can't seem to find anything online either, if someone could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.

I think that's one of the sections where you have to meet certain conditions to proceed. I remember one being below a certain HP level, one being poisoned, etc. I'm not sure which one that is, what order they're in, or which game they apply to, though.
I think that's one of the sections where you have to meet certain conditions to proceed. I remember one being below a certain HP level, one being poisoned, etc. I'm not sure which one that is, what order they're in, or which game they apply to, though.

There's another area with what looks like a poison lake around little island areas, to the right of the screenshot. But on walking to the edge, it just doesn't let me proceed. But I can see similar magic circles connecting the islands.
In the labyrinth, to the lower left, I found what I assume is a board with nails. And the switch that made that magic circle appear.
I'd upload more screenshots, but APPARENTLY I've lost my save somehow...
Is this game still being translated? Waiting so long for a German or English translation. Hope for an answer. : (

No. As I said was likely, I got tired of the monotonous effort of translating it. If you can gather 20 of your strongest volunteers and sacrifice them on the third moon of the year, I may start again.
No. As I said was likely, I got tired of the monotonous effort of translating it. If you can gather 20 of your strongest volunteers and sacrifice them on the third moon of the year, I may start again.

Pity, : ( How far did you get with the translation? Can you tell me with which tool this game was created?
Pity, : ( How far did you get with the translation? Can you tell me with which tool this game was created?

The dialogue and names and such are pulled from plain text files. If you want to try your hand at it, all you need to do is delete the Japanese text and replace it with English. You can open the files with any text editor (Notepad, Notepad++, Word, etc).
Keep in mind that the game does not have word wrap support, so you need to manually test where to place line breaks and how many characters a text box will support.
The dialogue and names and such are pulled from plain text files. If you want to try your hand at it, all you need to do is delete the Japanese text and replace it with English. You can open the files with any text editor (Notepad, Notepad++, Word, etc).
Keep in mind that the game does not have word wrap support, so you need to manually test where to place line breaks and how many characters a text box will support.
I already know that. And it's pretty annoying to translate it that way. That's why I wanted to try the tool the game was made with. Maybe it'll make it easier to translate it. Translating it with Notepad++ just takes too long, because of the manual line break, because you have to constantly check if the text fits or not. So I think it will probably be easier with the tool the game was created with. So my question is, do you know with which tool?