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Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I found what to do. Press Q/W to cycle through the words on the top right and talk to the statues with each one selected. Not sure which one broke them.

from left to right

Look/action? - Talk - Pickup - attack

q/w keys cycle the actions up top.
THis game is very hard, and VERY unforgiving for any mistake you make in your choices, save often SAVE ALOT, and make many different saves as you play.

I got decently far, but at the point I basically sacrificed one girl at the 3 "poison button" event, and after I got the blue hair girl, she died later.. seems I can't proceed at the late you use the flute at, she has to be alive? to use the flute so... no idea, gave up on the gave way to hard ;/
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

from left to right

Look/action? - Talk - Pickup - attack

q/w keys cycle the actions up top.
THis game is very hard, and VERY unforgiving for any mistake you make in your choices, save often SAVE ALOT, and make many different saves as you play.

I got decently far..../

Im at a room with a pink door at the top and three poison buttons at the bottom. There seems to be a plumber in the bathroom next to this room. I have no idea how to continue. I only have a silver key which does not seem to open the pink door.

Any help?
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I can't even seem to get pass the first area of the mansion. I've clicked on everything about 100 times with every single option and found a key in the fireplace but can't seem to get any farther than that.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Im at a room with a pink door at the top and three poison buttons at the bottom. There seems to be a plumber in the bathroom next to this room. I have no idea how to continue. I only have a silver key which does not seem to open the pink door.

Any help?

step it, then dont move, NE turn to check/look (left one) then use the item that get in toilet

I can't even seem to get pass the first area of the mansion. I've clicked on everything about 100 times with every single option and found a key in the fireplace but can't seem to get any farther than that.
1 : attack key or other item make it gone?
2 : get the board, then talk it cover hole, then change to check/look step it
3 : forget item in dark room
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Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Walkthrough for the annoying game so far, what I got:
- save sphere, start, then choose option 4, smash both the statues
- in the room (get 2 option not sure what they do, havent seen a difference in the choice so far), use option 3 to take the item in the room, go to the room above it, and grab another item, go to the left room, over the spikes, get the board that is lying there, put it over the hole in the room in the hall at the top...
- go to the dark room, before entering use one of the candles you grabbed in the table room (sorry forgot to mention this I guess...)
you get 30 seconds should be easily enough, dont hit any of the switches, go to the chest, get the key.... go to where the hole is covered with the board, step on the board... enter the room..... get another chest, get a key in the chest...
- with the key from the chest go back to the room that was dark, use another candle, to get across the room to open the door at the end of this....
- (here I am stuck myself... the room is dark, there are 4 girls in this room, then there is a stairs, with some more characters standing there... something lying on the ground.... after a while get haunted by something???)

If anyone knows how to get past that section, took me way long already to get to there... :(
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

with the key from the chest go back to the room that was dark, use another candle, to get across the room to open the door at the end of this....
- (here I am stuck myself... the room is dark, there are 4 girls in this room, then there is a stairs, with some more characters standing there... something lying on the ground.... after a while get haunted by something???)

If anyone knows how to get past that section, took me way long already to get to there... :(

1 : pass dark room to save point dont use candle (road to short not hard to remember), after save go north use it
2 : pass dark room > save point > north room to end use 1 candle

anyway 2 or each need restart but very fast to there
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I'm stuck quest 基地内の詳細な地図を頼む how i can Clear it?
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Harem in maze 2
Who can say what it says ^ ^

etigoya Thanks^^
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Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

This was just released, trial available.

The art is good but the sprites are kind of weird since the characters don't fit well with the background. Also I though this would be a "normal" rpg because she has a sword but its actually a bf which is weird because CLEARLY she has a sword in every picture but decides to not use it and have sex with the enemy which she hates doing and it shows that she is more than capable of taking on these orcs easily. So I was like wtf they put her in prison but left her the sword and armor but I'm guessing that she actually doesn't have it or she wouldn't be doing this. It also has voice work during battle but not for dialogue so it makes me hesitant for getting this game because I feel like a lot of the size could be sound.

Basic story of a girl(princess maybe but probably a paladin based on the title or could be both) who lives in a castle and the castle gets attacked by orcs and she gets imprisoned and it seems like she has to save the country. Battle is pretty bleh nothing special except the art. I always though BF was weird because regardless of the result, the guy still cums in the girl so I guess its a lose lose situation. She has her basic attack and a special attack and a heal but you can't see the enemies life bar. I'm guessing you can tell how far you are in the battle based on dialogue but still a life bar would be nice. Also I don't think there is any grinding because you don't gain exp which is always good.
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Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

The art is good but the sprites are kind of weird since the characters don't fit well with the background. Also I though this would be a "normal" rpg because she has a sword but its actually a bf which is weird because CLEARLY she has a sword in every picture but decides to not use it and have sex with the enemy which she hates doing and it shows that she is more than capable of taking on these orcs easily. So I was like wtf they put her in prison but left her the sword and armor but I'm guessing that she actually doesn't have it or she wouldn't be doing this. It also has voice work during battle but not for dialogue so it makes me hesitant for getting this game because I feel like a lot of the size could be sound.

Basic story of a girl(princess maybe but probably a paladin based on the title or could be both) who lives in a castle and the castle gets attacked by orcs and she gets imprisoned and it seems like she has to save the country. Battle is pretty bleh nothing special except the art. I always though BF was weird because regardless of the result, the guy still cums in the girl so I guess its a lose lose situation. She has her basic attack and a special attack and a heal but you can't see the enemies life bar. I'm guessing you can tell how far you are in the battle based on dialogue but still a life bar would be nice. Also I don't think there is any grinding because you don't gain exp which is always good.

You dont know the story. It says at beginning that trial isnt part of the story or something like that. I also hope the combat isnt just battlefuck.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News


any1 got any info about this one? It was supposed to come out last month but theres no news or anything. Whats going on?


This also looks nice and its supposed to come out soon.

I just bought it and posted on my site someone can download and repost Idc
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Harem in maze 2
Who can say what it says ^ ^

etigoya Thanks^^

They are the setting for your next playthrough. The first one means keeping the progress then return to your base. The second one means starting the game at the beginning with all your progress. The third one means starting from the very beginning without anything bring over the next playthrough. Those sections below should be the difficult levels. The most left one is easy then goes to the right till the very hard.
Hope this will help.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I just bought it and posted on my site someone can download and repost Idc

Downloading at 50KB/s and it took 5min to start downloading.

You should consider switching host
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Prison Fantasia link is legit. Uploading onto Mega, done in 10 minutes.


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Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Can someone PM me with how to make mega work. I just can't figure out how to download or even connect to their site.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Prison Fantasia link is legit. Uploading onto Mega, done in 10 minutes.



Game is very short, finished it in like an hour. Short but very good art.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

CG work is completed or that is what I got from google/bing translation.

Anyone willing to translate this better?
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