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[Nutaku] Cuntwars


Dec 11, 2016
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Nutaku pulled in the p2w cash cow that is cuntwars. [sarcasm] I doubt anyone saw that coming. [/sarcasm]

If anyone is playing on Nutaku you can friend me (id: OKPBLW). Might be nice to setup a ULMF chapter there, the board guilds tend to end up being pretty decent in my experience.

They finally fixed the invite system on Nutaku so here is my link if you are starting fresh. You get some goodies, I get some goodies. Its all good.
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Nutaku pulled in the p2w cash cow that is cuntwars. [sarcasm] I doubt anyone saw that coming. [/sarcasm]

If anyone is playing on Nutaku you can friend me (id: OKPBLW). Might be nice to setup a ULMF chapter there, the board guilds tend to end up being pretty decent in my experience.

Tried the game today and I already left it, the game itself is funny but they milk it so much that I just can't play it, how many "limited pack for 6 hours offer" I have seen, "box spaces to be bought", vip status, exclusive vip status invocation, even the event ones need money (in the sense of getting x character).
Yea, top tier is hard core p2w. Like serious dollars to to compete. But you can get middle top tier f2p, it just takes a ton of grinding. The game gets updates pretty actively though from what I have read, so Ill prolly stick around on it for a while at least. Definitely not for everyone though.
Yeah the game is heavy P2W, still mid tier is able. Cunt Wars is still less P2W then the Thrones of Legend Card Game. At least it seems so.
The thing that irks me the most is how p2w the events are. Like theres no way in hell your finishing an event route as a f2p. Its just impossible. The game is not bad overall though, its kept my interest a lot longer then Thrones. I walked away from that in under an hour.
Yeah its almost impossible to get even close to the middle in the events if you didnt prepare for it.
Best is to add some higher tier Friends and hope they friend exchange some of the later cards.
Well tried the game, first impression is holy shit the p2w factor is too damn high. Got tired of it and decide to switch with mods (unlimited gem gold etc), and it actualy pretty fun. Aslong your not stupid enough to make your self op af in pvp your pretty safe i must say.
Well tried the game, first impression is holy shit the p2w factor is too damn high. Got tired of it and decide to switch with mods (unlimited gem gold etc), and it actualy pretty fun. Aslong your not stupid enough to make your self op af in pvp your pretty safe i must say.
This works like a cuntwars's private server? or something like that? i m very intereseted on this but cant find anything about it :(
This works like a cuntwars's private server? or something like that? i m very intereseted on this but cant find anything about it :(

Cuntwars private server? Never heard of it, try google it put the game name and mods in it. You should find atleast 1 of it for android, don't know for ios tho.