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ACT [Full Flap] [ フルフラップ ] Seisyori Robot エロリ RJ095674


Mar 3, 2010
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It's a side-scroller not unlike their last game...or perhaps a mix of their last two :confused:

Anyway, you start in a compound of sorts with one person that I saw who you can talk to. You leave and head north and there are the stages. Using ZXC to shoot, jump, slide etc.

-Take enough damage, and your armor will come off
-When armor is off, enemies will rape you, portrayed by a still picture CG
-Only one enemy CG visible in the demo.

I'm not sure how many stages the demo has available. I think as far as their games go, I'm probably looking forward to this one the most. It has more of what I like, even if the rape is still picture I still appreciate the in-game implementation.

Dlsite Link
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Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

The whole first level (6 stages) is playable.
When you start a new game there is an option which let you select between easy (Right) or hard (left), in easy mode you get 500 of Energy (equivalent to gold in this game) a Skeleton key and the three weapons at full ammo, you coud skip playing worlds 2, 4 and 5 in this mode.
There is only one CG of the first enemy (unarmed robot) and a H animation after beating the first boss in stage 6.

The gameplay is pretty slow, mechanics are not finished trough, but getting the CGs will be a way less annoying than in his former works, and everybody wonders from where did that last H animation came from...
Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

I thought the character sprites were nice in this. Full Flap tends to do a good job with that. And it's another one of those games I can see myself playing to enjoy, rather than to fap too, as was Mushroom Kingdom Princess.
Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

Since i can't post links yet i've sent PMs to you both.
Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

can you PM me too?
Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

Maybe let someone else post the link?

Oh hell, send it for me too.
Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

I dont have a mediafire account but here it is on ifile:

Have fun
Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

Well, this game looks like it'll be interesting.The gameplay hasn't really changed much from mushroom kingdom princess, but changing medieval setting for a futuristic one is better than having another "save the princess from the dragon" game.The in game rape is a nice addition, but they shoud've just done animated sprite rape(since sprites are detailed enough), plus the standard GOR CG.Yes all of that would be a lot of work to do, but i still think it would be far better than what it is now.The way it is now, it will just be much of the same as the MKP, and the early release date doesn't help much either(it feels as if it will be rushed, and therefore not finished enough). All in all i like Full flap games(for their gameplay not H), and i hope this will be a bit better when it is released.:(
Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

Man I'm psyched for this game's release.

Guess I can kill time by not being able to play Diablo 3 til then.
Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

So am I reading the date correctly that it wont be out until Dec 5? I hope I'm wrong, otherwise I'm super sad right now
Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

So am I reading the date correctly that it wont be out until Dec 5? I hope I'm wrong, otherwise I'm super sad right now

Where did you read Dec. 5? :confused: DLSite says expected release: early August 2012 (発売予定時期 : 2012年08月上旬).
Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

well, i probably misread it then, which i'm glad about then, I didnt want to wait until December, thanks
Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

This game has technically In-game Rape CG, hopefully the next game he makes will have the next best thing: In-game Rape Sprite Animation.
Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

Thanks for posting, excited to see the demo of this. Like the last one the gameplay is solid enough you actually enjoy playing it, was a nice treat while watching the dogshit finale of Fringe.
This game has technically In-game Rape CG, hopefully the next game he makes will have the next best thing: In-game Rape Sprite Animation.
Not everything can be as awesome as Dragon Bride!
Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

When I try and play it a pop up box appears saying start-up failed than it shuts down.
Re: Seisyori Robot by Full Flap

Change the name of the Launcher to whatever you like, that might work.