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RPG [猫ひげラジオ] プリンセスサクリファイス~供犠姫フィーナの冒険~ / Princess Sacrifice (RJ124341)


Oct 28, 2009
Reputation score
Game is now released both on NA and JP sites.

Princess Sacrifice is a RPG with a single playable character that is customizable. Feena, a young refugee, have been choosed to sacrifice herself to the elemental god Demea in order to obtain that the god defeat the enemies of humanity. The god teaches Feena the meaning of this “sacrifice”: she will gain an immortal body, able to steal the powers of the monsters which rape her. Fight, been defeated, fight again, been defeated, raped and again, until she succeeds or lose her reason. This is now the fate of Feena and the beginning of her journey against the Dark Lords.

The game itself is played solely with a mouse, playing similar to a tabletop RPG – dice is use for many of the deciding elements in the game. It features a map divided in rooms which the player explores with secrets placed throughout. The game combat has the classic elements – weapon and magic – with H elements such as pleasure and a gagged mouth affecting the flow of combat. Actions of Feena will affect the ending that can be selected at the end of the game and, with plenty of places not related to the main story, extra boss, and items and classes to discover.



Translation thread here!
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Re: プリンセスサクリファイス

I've played the first demo from way back when, and comparing it to what we have now, it's definitely an improvement. The CGs are in place now, and they are pretty good. The demo is significantly longer, too, though I haven't finished everything yet. The first demo ended after defeating that mega-slime thing and getting your first spell. Now there are a lot of new events to enjoy, new enemies to kill (and get raped by), and some other new stuff I haven't seen yet.

Definitely looking forward to the finished release.

Edit: Alright, I think I've reached the end of the demo. It's not that much farther in, after all. After the slimes map, you go back to the village and discover they've been Orc-ed, taking the loli in the inn with them. You go and rescue her in the cave of rapey wonders, see rapey wonders happening inside, and rescue the loli (or get gangbanged yourself). After that you can go towards the mountains, see some fairies and satyrs of rapeyness...and that's it. There's two routes on the mountain, one will lead you to some queen fairy (who doesn't want to rape you, thankfully), and the other presumably takes you out of the mountains to the next map, but the demo cuts short there. It also gives you some number thingies, which might unlock something for the full game once it comes out.

Oh, and I forgot the mention the new Lucky Dice mechanic. When the game has you roll some dice, you can click a button to the right once the dices start spinning to add another die to the roll, making you have three values to add towards the roll quota. You have three lucky dices, and they're replenished every time you go back to the inn and sleep. It's useful for those important rolls, like evading orc patrols inside the cave.

Played the game awhile myself, there are many events, and hidden events.
You gain "titles" for doing events, and as such new events from stuff you do happens. such as gang rape by some people at the lake, public nudity/prostitution. (at one point she's used as a public toilet, and theirs CG of her drinking cum from all the men).
Blowjob for the weapon seller, multiple levels of rape, and so on. Also, theirs a part to get a vibrator and more events in the game, but unsure how to unlock... many events hidden! (also the chain/shackle S&M thing is kind of neat)
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Re: プリンセスサクリファイス

There was one fairly easy event to get. In the village, go to the farmlands on the lower right side of the map. You can roll to steal their crops, and you'll get points in... I'm not sure what it was, though. Anyway, when you try to sleep in the inn, an angry mob confronts you, demanding you to pay up for what you stole. I think you can either try to fight them, give gold, or, well, let them have their way with you.
Re: プリンセスサクリファイス

Hardly an angry mob. Vigilant Committee is more like it.
Re: プリンセスサクリファイス

I found the location of a secret dungeon, just click around where this picture is pointing at a few times. It's the place where undead can be found, and vibrator.
The boss can chain you too.
Remember to get Flame spell, the boss and wisps are almost immune to melee attacks.
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Re: プリンセスサクリファイス

for anyone that wants to know what that number thing is for, at the title for this game click the option just above the very bottom one and input the numbers that was shown in the game, not sure if it is different per game but just in case here is the number from mine 2131675685 input that and if it works, it will start you on the map instead of the castle with mass amount of items some of the equips about 900 and some gold which can be used to buy all the stuff your missing at the weapon shop, hope this helps for anyone wondering what that number thing was for.
Re: プリンセスサクリファイス

I got a slightly different number: 2131145685

I figured it was going to be a code for later on or something and didnt bother reading about it actually xD thank you for clarifying its use.

I tried your password and it worked on my end, btw.

EDIT: my pw seems to have lesser stuff compared to yours. I guess the amount of stuff one gets depends on how far one has progressed in the game?
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Re: プリンセスサクリファイス

Turns out ITHs built-in hooks for the live engine work for this version of the game.
And how do use that? I somehow got it once but since then I can't find it.
Re: プリンセスサクリファイス

As someone had already mentioned, we had a thread regarding this game before (or may be it was the GOR super thread), and it wasn't considered loli. Her breasts are too big for loli - they are at least C, or even D.

Anyway, horray for this game coming out of hiatus. I remember playing the demo and enjoying the game mechanics.
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Re: プリンセスサクリファイス

Did anyone try virgin run so far? And before you say you can only get the abilities if they come on her you are wrong. The goddess explains that she has a small chance to learn the ability if she defeats the monster in the good old fashioned way.
Re: プリンセスサクリファイス

Yup, I did a virgin run. You get the monsters' essence at a low chance, in other words, grinding. Only the monsters that can rape you have the essence.
Re: プリンセスサクリファイス

For those who want the text hook, you can use this one


^ only works for ith though, agth decided the game would just implode on itself.

Glad its finally going to come out soon.
Re: Princess Sacrifice

Tried hooking it but it was mostly gibberish (may not've done it right though). I hope this gets a fan translation or something. It's a fun game.
Re: Princess Sacrifice

woow thanks for pointing this out, i have actually been following this game for like 2 years since I tried the demo that was released years ago, and it was so high quality, i was just waiting for it to be released
Re: Princess Sacrifice

Some stuff about the game's mechanics as I understand it

There's a "whore degree", 淫売度, it usually goes up when she is defeated in combat and rape occurs (battle rape doesn't seem to affect it I think)
Another common way to increase it is to walk around town when in "thinly dress", "half naked", or "full naked". Technically however that seems to do with her 痴態 "silliness" being high and come into contact with people around town; her "silliness" changes base on clothing condition, egg vibrator or not, cover in cum or not, chained up or not, and current job.
When her "whore degree" reaches a certain level she can start walking around with no underwear, no cloths, or naked, I think it starts around 500+ or maybe 300+ don't remember exactly.

Jobs, the titles that you get sometimes are actually jobs, you can change them in the inn's second option and they gives different stats and skills. Select the job from the list and then click accept on top to change it. Jobs have requirements to unlock, I don't know all the details...but more on that later.

You can sometimes find lock picks or buy it from the woman shop keeper in town. Use them to pick chest or sometimes open doors in dungeon. They can also be use for crime.
Picking from the flower field on the right side of town gives you a bounty, picking the lock in the house in town gives you bounty, so is stealing inside the house.
The higher your bounty the more likely when you go from area to area in town the mob will pop up:
1 You can either pay fine, gold cost go up with higher bounty
2 Fight them, killing them put big bounty on you, lose to them they take your gold, and follow through the same as paying with body
3 Pay with body also increase "whore degree" and get you sex experience, and it might not be enough to clear the entire bounty if it is too high!

Sex experience, the huge list near the middle of the status screen under 経験
Starting from top left:
vagina experience, anal experience, mouth experience, breast experience
Second row:
total experience(?), total climax (self, foe, both?), times cum on/in(?)
Cum in vagina, cum in anal, cum drank, cum bath
Pee release, pee drank, pee bath, breast milk release

Ok for the job part. From what I gather you can unlock a few jobs fairly easily by leveling up. While some need increasing "whore degree", regular stats, and sex experience
Job list:
Translation is kind of rough:
Adventurer: easy to get, get when you hit level 2 or 3(?), gives HP recover after each fight and something else I don't know...

Swordman: seems easy to get by level/stats increase(?), gives plus physical damage and accuracy

Knight: seems slightly harder, unlock base on your def(?), gives defense boost, and maybe some form of enduring at 1 HP?

Magician: easy to get by level/stats increase possibly base on your int, gives plus magic damage and +2 dice roll when gathering(?)

Priestess: fairly easy to get by leveling/stats increase possibly base on your will, gives magic resist and double healing magic

Dancer: This one is kind of hard I think it is base on agility and/or the "equipment usage" stat. You probably need Thief first to get the agility boost first, it gives bonus evasion and random enemy gets excited(?)

Thief: pretty sure you get it the first time you commit a crime either picking in the field or lock picking in town.

Prostitute: probably when "whore degree" reach a level or accumulated enough sex experience of some form. Gives a magic spell that excites enemy also a passive that cause enemy to cum faster when battle rape.

Sex slave: probably when "whore degree" reach a level or accumulated enough sex experience of some form, might also need Masochist points or might also need to pay with body for crime. Gives both you and enemy cum faster when battle rape(?), and mp lose when climax is half(?)

Meat toilet: similar to sex slave, but might require more specific sex acts experience, might need gang bang in the well in town, might also need Masochist points. Gives enemies always excited(?), when cum in HP and MP recovers(?)

There is one more job I think it's SM Queen, I have no idea how to unlock, some indicates you need Sadistic points.

Last one, No job: nothing special just plain old starter class from what I can tell

Events of interest
Before town
first time meeting the goddess, top option for just a kiss, second option for full H event, fairly straight forward

In town
Depending on her "silliness" approaching the well will have her show her goods to people, probably the easiest way to increase "whore degree". At high "whore degree" she'll starts getting solicitation for sex you can choose to accept or not, from bj, penetration, group bj, group penetration, which grant sex experience and bonus "whore degree". Note this might be one of the few places to get anal experience or cum in anal from the group penetration.

Black smith prostitution, after unlocking prostitution or maybe high enough "silliness" you can talk to the black smith in the shop and he'll offer 40g for a bj. Gets "whore degree", sex experience, minus "holiness"

Bath in pond, at low "whore degree" there's a chance she'll get peek on, small increase in "whore degree". At high "whore degree" she'll get gang bang every time. Increases "whore degree" and sex experience, this event also offers pee on and pee bath experience.

Crime: Refer to crime section

North Forest:
Getting defeat by slime offers scenes

The house on the upper left, pick the lock (no crime, opening the box also no crime), go inside, sleep, get scene, get attack. Option to fight or surrender, win the fight nothing happens, lose the fight same as surrendering, minor scene.

West caves:
Getting defeat by orc offers scenes

Kidnapping scenes, I don't know the exact details, but there's seems to be different scene if you get defeated before and after reuniting with the girl

Talking to one of the orcs...don't know what can come out of it yet.

South fairly land:
Getting defeat by fairies offers scenes, possibly the only way to get "breast milk release"

You will most likely meet a small satyrs in a small cut scene. One option he rapes you then battle starts with you bound. One option just lead to battle normally, one for run away.

Bed of flower sleeping, choosing the sleep in the flower bed will lead to rape during sleep then battle

Undead Vault:
Getting defeat by undead offers scenes

Undead coffin boss, opening the coffin might trigger a boss fight I don't think he offers special scene, but he can put the chain status on you, the only place for this to happen. Beating the boss also gives you the egg vibrator

Side note:
I still haven't figure out where to get Pee release
Pee drank can be gotten in West caves fighting a group of random orcs. Seemingly random battle rape event.
No idea how to get the chest in the beginning temple
My passcode if anyone wants to compare 2131675633
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Re: Princess Sacrifice

I put on the whore title, and if you just have sex a bunch of times with mobs I guess? They will pee on her at random after orgasm. (orcs tend to do it a lot)

(randomly, i thought I removed the thread, but it got revived/undeleted I guess and my post merged to it from another thread about princess sacrifice...?)
( ゚Д゚)
Re: Princess Sacrifice

Some reason any time i boot the game up, i get a non responsive but audio and the sub menus (to quit or to go full screen) work... any idea about this?
Re: Princess Sacrifice

Regarding the little girl from the inn (yeah I am revising my previous opinion. This game has loli. This wasn't available in the previous version), you can save her from being raped if you go straight to the cave after defeating the slime boss without entering the village. If you save her, her conversation changes from being sad to openly admiring you as her hero.
Re: Princess Sacrifice

how do you get to the undead zone?

I already beat the swamp, forest and orc cavern.
Re: Princess Sacrifice

When you're at the location this picture has shown, click where the location as mentioned by this picture. It'll be invisible, but just click around that area until Feena's icon goes to that area. From that onward, the undead dungeon will be shown.