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[DMM] Goddess of the Iron-Clad


Jun 22, 2012
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Anyone tried this new game on dmm? The goal is to defend the center character from being attacked with various guardians. Its an advanced Paper/Rock/Si game. You level up guardians by sacraficing other guardians. The game is pretty new so doesn't have a ton of guardians in it at the moment.

Just didn't see a thread out there yet for it, unless it is called something else.
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Every single time i try to enter i get an age autentication and when i click enter it goes to the opening page of DMM.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Requires login.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

didn't help

EDIT: Found it anyways so whatever. Uh, it's a browser game, so you kinda know what to expect from it.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Oh I tried that earlier and wanted to make a thread to help around with basics. Game is lots of fun, however it gets progressively harder as you move on next stages.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

By mistake I delete the main heroine that you choose at the beginning of the game :(

Still the game is pretty good.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I don't like signing up for sites in which I can't read half of what's on it. Someone got a rip or alternate host that doesn't require a log in. It looks interesting.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Sry if i brought this thread back. Anyone play this as well? I've been playing it but I'm often lost in the events so would love a place where this could be discussed.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I'm playing this a lot but since there was no activity and TC didn't care I stopped posting.

Ask anything you want.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Hello anyone can translate the current event ?
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I am not exactly sure, but the idea is to fight event stages, get those rocket monsters, and then use them to get new skills. You get event points for turning the monsters into skills, dunno what you gotta do exactly for different points.

I liked the last event much more though, in this one you don't have chance for any SR card or anything.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Hey.. why does DMM have a english button ? o.o Didn't see it before. I blame naked girls.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

The last event was perfect to grab a lot of SR cards and items... guess that it was because Christmas gift ^^
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Last event i got a bunch of reindeers and that rare holy type. Wasnt too sure how to get the two together though. I made a bunch of scratch items but didn't know how to use them, it was only after the event ended did i realize i lost them..

Also what is that new scratch item with the shield?

Also can you explain turning those rockets into skills, i haven't been using skills in this game and mostly set up my team to tank rounds while i played other dmm games.
I've been using them for fodder to lvl up my rare cards so didn't really notice their value other than extra exp.
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

lol i just keep getting this link when i try this dmm site thing lol anyway here is the link i get
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Last event i got a bunch of reindeers and that rare holy type. Wasnt too sure how to get the two together though. I made a bunch of scratch items but didn't know how to use them, it was only after the event ended did i realize i lost them..

Also what is that new scratch item with the shield?

Also can you explain turning those rockets into skills, i haven't been using skills in this game and mostly set up my team to tank rounds while i played other dmm games.
I've been using them for fodder to lvl up my rare cards so didn't really notice their value other than extra exp.

The new scratch item is to keep skills on it. You can get a skill from a girl and put it on it, then use it on someone else. You can only do it to skills other than the inherent from the card though.

As for the skills, when you go to a card's page, you get many buttons. From left to right, they are: Level card/Evolve card/Level Skill/Get new skill/Transfer skill on scratch item.
There are also the buttons at the bottom, Lock and Scratch.

Level skill uses up other cards to give EXP to a skill.
Get new skill uses a card to take it's skill, if it doesn't have a skill yet it tries to get one of the 3 it could.

So the idea with the rocket cards is to try and get their skills by the button I mention above, since they carry R/SR skills.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

:) hi everyone,i have some questions

1:in the previous event,i was able to figure out what the event was about in time(i join the game 4 days before the christmas event end)and soon with luck,i was able to get the (not sure if it's limited edition or not,which has two girls in 1 card,where 1 with red nose another is blonde )SR card by sacrificing the R极(evolution from 真)the blonde girl card and N真 red nose girl card.Eventually after the event,i found a wiki website about the game,and it stated that R极 is actually stronger then SR .Somehow i feel regret :( since i dont have another SR card(that with red nose and blonde) and i have "wasted" a strong card for a weaker card MOREOVER there is H scene by scratching the R极 twice with love book(wasted again).So,im here asking, is there another way to evolute the SR card i gained? and actually getting another SR card is hard,as one have to earn another 10k points to get 4 blonde girl card and 4 red nose girl card,the level of the boss is increasing too(mine reached 120+)

2:how u guys leveling your cards?lol my inventory is almost full too :mad:

3:[current event]how u guys deal with the 2k points?f******* kidding right?almost impossible without wasting some cash in my opinion:mad: my points currently reached 300 only,and somehow wanna give up soon

4[evolution] do u guys max the level of both your cards which is going to be undergone evolution?1 is the main,second 1 is your sub card

the website i found: goddess.wiki.fc2.com/wiki/トップページ
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

1) Yeah SR wasn't worth unless you got it to SR+ or more. I got it to SR+, it's not perfect but it's fine. You can keep it for collection but I don't think you can evolve it in some other way right now. Maybe they'll put a way in the future.

2) Just lock the cards you want to use, level them using the other cards. I have 38 cards currently and I think they are too many anyway.

3) Go for what you can kill, no need to try too hard and get frustrated. This game is awesome, keep playing and you'll get everything you want from an event someday.

4) If I recall, you don't need to max the sub card for maxed stats, only the base card.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

1) Yeah SR wasn't worth unless you got it to SR+ or more. I got it to SR+, it's not perfect but it's fine. You can keep it for collection but I don't think you can evolve it in some other way right now. Maybe they'll put a way in the future.

2) Just lock the cards you want to use, level them using the other cards. I have 38 cards currently and I think they are too many anyway.

3) Go for what you can kill, no need to try too hard and get frustrated. This game is awesome, keep playing and you'll get everything you want from an event someday.

4) If I recall, you don't need to max the sub card for maxed stats, only the base card.

thanks for the reply:D yup the game is awesome
anyway the skill from the "rocket" ,"神のx告x",what is the effect?:confused:
and the higher the cost,the higher the stat of the card?maybe i should keep some of the high cost R card instead of keeping all of them in my inventory(56/60 lol)
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Yeah higher cost means higher stats, so a 7 cost R is much better than a 5 cost R. What I do is level R cards if they are worth, if not I ditch them, and as for SR cards I always keep them, though I'll stop if they are too many and only keep the ones I'll use.

Dunno about that particular skill, if it's not on the wiki wait till they update it or something.