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ACT [dirtyc101] Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

Kp Romplestein

Demon Girl
Oct 3, 2010
Reputation score
Hi everyone, I know this thread might seem useless, and potentially may get someone's hopes up (thinking that DirtyC101 released his next update or something), but I noticed that we don't actually have a thread dedicated to this game.

anyways, the game can be found here at his blog:

At least we'll have a place to talk about the game now, especially since he's been more recently active on his blog.

P.S. I also made a small update to my shitty vb trainer (not that anyone remembers it):

Edit #1: He has updated the game to version .05 you can find it on his blog in the upper-right hand corner.
Edit #2: for trainer, as requested.
Edit #3: For anyone who was not able to see the trainer, I apologize (I'm a vb noob). here is a quick fix where both forms will simply auto center themselves on your screen:
I'll make them properly autosize in the future when I update this program.
Last edited by a moderator:
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

lol I was actually just looking at his blog a few minutes ago believe it or not xD
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

always been a fan of his work. Should probably fav his blog thanks for reminding me.

Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

Looks like Dirty just released an update.
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

He really needs to make an infinite health cheat :p
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

He really needs to make an infinite health cheat :p

Yeah he does, but for now you could just use my trainer and write your local file path for FF_LOTTO_050.swf at the load game screen (most of the stuff still works, including health/armor).
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

I have your trainer but I have no Idea what it does :p
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

I have your trainer but I have no Idea what it does :p

Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

I was serious but felt dumb when I realised that I was doing it wrong :p..it's actually very simples...except now it needs an update ;)
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

I was serious but felt dumb when I realised that I was doing it wrong :p..it's actually very simples...except now it needs an update ;)

right you are, I'll work on it soon.
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

I can't get the trainer to work at all and I've re-downloaded it several times. It just refuses to start most of the time, otherwise it quietly crashes in the background giving me nonsense about a fatal error. Is it set up for 7 or just XP?
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

I can't get the trainer to work at all and I've re-downloaded it several times. It just refuses to start most of the time, otherwise it quietly crashes in the background giving me nonsense about a fatal error. Is it set up for 7 or just XP?

That's most likely due to my inexperience more than anything else...made it on windows 7 though...do you have .net framework 4? post the error too (or just pm me it).
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

Can't get the error anymore, now all I get is: "You cannot start application Furry Fury LOTTO Trainer from this location because it is already installed from a different location."

Windows : 6.1.7601.65536 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime : 4.0.30319.239
System.Deployment.dll : 4.0.30319.1 (RTMRel.030319-0100)
clr.dll : 4.0.30319.239 (RTMGDR.030319-2300)
dfdll.dll : 4.0.30319.1 (RTMRel.030319-0100)
dfshim.dll : 4.0.31106.0 (Main.031106-0000)

Deployment url : file:///C:/Users/RIG/AppData/Local/Temp/Rar$DI38.640/KpRomplesteinDirtyC101Hax.application

Deployment Identity : KpRomplesteinDirtyC101Hax.application, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4f69f1e5eecbf70e, processorArchitecture=x86

* Installable application.

Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log.
* Activation of C:\Users\RIG\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$DI38.640\KpRomplesteinDirtyC101Hax.application resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
+ You cannot start application Furry Fury LOTTO Trainer from this location because it is already installed from a different location.
+ You cannot start application Furry Fury LOTTO Trainer from location file:///C:/Users/RIG/AppData/Local/Temp/Rar$DI38.640/KpRomplesteinDirtyC101Hax.application it is already installed from location file:///C:/Users/RIG/Desktop/Kp's%20FF%20beta%20Trainer%20v0.4%20rev%209/KpRomplesteinDirtyC101Hax.application. You can start it from location file:///C:/Users/RIG/Desktop/Kp's%20FF%20beta%20Trainer%20v0.4%20rev%209/KpRomplesteinDirtyC101Hax.application or you can uninstall it and reinstall it from location file:///C:/Users/RIG/AppData/Local/Temp/Rar$DI38.640/KpRomplesteinDirtyC101Hax.application. If you reinstall the application, be aware that you might lose any customizations that you made to the application.

No transaction error was detected.

There were no warnings during this operation.

* [11/20/2011 4:49:44 PM] : Activation of C:\Users\RIG\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$DI38.640\KpRomplesteinDirtyC101Hax.application has started.
* [11/20/2011 4:49:44 PM] : Processing of deployment manifest has successfully completed.

Following errors were detected during this operation.
* [11/20/2011 4:49:44 PM] System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentException (DeploymentUriDifferent)
- You cannot start application Furry Fury LOTTO Trainer from this location because it is already installed from a different location.
- Source: System.Deployment
- Stack trace:
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.CheckDeploymentProviderValidity(ActivationDescription actDesc, SubscriptionState subState)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivation(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut, String textualSubId, String deploymentProviderUrlFromExtension, BrowserSettings browserSettings, String& errorPageUrl)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ActivateDeploymentWorker(Object state)
--- Inner Exception ---
System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentException (DeploymentUriDifferent)
- You cannot start application Furry Fury LOTTO Trainer from location file:///C:/Users/RIG/AppData/Local/Temp/Rar$DI38.640/KpRomplesteinDirtyC101Hax.application it is already installed from location file:///C:/Users/RIG/Desktop/Kp's%20FF%20beta%20Trainer%20v0.4%20rev%209/KpRomplesteinDirtyC101Hax.application. You can start it from location file:///C:/Users/RIG/Desktop/Kp's%20FF%20beta%20Trainer%20v0.4%20rev%209/KpRomplesteinDirtyC101Hax.application or you can uninstall it and reinstall it from location file:///C:/Users/RIG/AppData/Local/Temp/Rar$DI38.640/KpRomplesteinDirtyC101Hax.application. If you reinstall the application, be aware that you might lose any customizations that you made to the application.
- Source:
- Stack trace:

No transaction information is available.
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

Might as well post all the codes on this thread as well..
NotToThirty: 30 continues
OffTheBoat: Skip to Act 2
TowardTheHorde: You can select what enemies spawn in Horde mode. (Note, this ones bugged. It claims it's an invalid code, but it still works.)
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

Here's a question. Are you supposed to be able to beat the slime/tentacle boss without using continues? Or is that fight the whole reason you have them?
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

Here's a question. Are you supposed to be able to beat the slime/tentacle boss without using continues? Or is that fight the whole reason you have them?

It's possible. Just hard. Here's some tips.
The boss only has one attack. he goes into the ground, then comes out beneath you for a grapple. (You can see his shadow)
The small tentacles can't grab you while they're underneath the slime. (Though they can easily pop out and grab you while you run over them. Hah!)
If you're playing Farah, move out of the slimes attack, then grapple him for the advantage. Her high body stat lets her do good damage when grappling, and makes the bar deplete slower.
If you're playing Krystal/Lei Lei, use the mop. It has good range, so you can keep your distance. I wouldn't bother with it's power attack. It doesn't seem to hit often enough.
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

I guess I'm just not very good, because I always get hit by something or another. And once you're hit, you're poisoned, which means you can't run, which means you're hit again. You really can't afford to get hit at all in the fight, I guess.
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

What I did was (as Farah, with the fire axe + ballistic armor), I just swung at him.

Every time he went underwater I would use my super attack just as he came back up, and while it would cost me a few hit points, it also pushed him to the far end of the screen, where I could easily combo my standard attack untill he went underwater again.

Then I just rinsed + repeated.
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

Can't get the error anymore, now all I get is: "You cannot start application Furry Fury LOTTO Trainer from this location because it is already installed from a different location."

You've most likely tried uninstalling it, but I honestly don't know what's wrong (i'm doing some google-fu right now to try and find out). But in the meantime, in case you haven't already:

Try uninstalling it, then open command prompt and write the following line:
rundll32 dfshim CleanOnlineAppCache
hit enter, and reinstall. Then try running it from the icon that appears on your desktop.
Re: Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs

Error Signature

EventType: clr20r3  P1: kpromplesteindirtyc101hax.exe  P2:
P3: 4ec082d5  P4: mscorlib  P5:  P6: 4e181ae3  P7: 3fd1
P8: 105  P9: system.invalidoperationexception

This is what I keep getting after being told the program has encountered an error and needs to close. Anything?