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RPG RPG Maker [Swegabe] The Legend of Queen Opala 2

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Jungle Girl
Jul 22, 2010
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Episode 1 is out!
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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Here you go, what better way to explain it than the author itself.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Damn it.. I dont wanna wait another Year & a Half! Though from the sounds of things the wait will definately be worth it..considering if that's all he has already done I cant wait to see how much more he puts into the final item.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Though I'm wondering why if it is already that much bigger then the first why not just polish it up, finnish up the main storyline, and set it loose then give the rest as an Add-On or another Gold Edition when all the extra content is ready?
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Damn it.. I dont wanna wait another Year & a Half! Though from the sounds of things the wait will definately be worth it..considering if that's all he has already done I cant wait to see how much more he puts into the final item.

A year and half?
What are you talking about?
It will be out, according to the author in summer 2011.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

The good thing is, now Gabe know how RPG Maker works, he can make his sequel faster. Haaa lovely experience...
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

I hope the 2nd game has a true evil path, not like the half-assed bad guy path in the first.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

A year and half?
What are you talking about?
It will be out, according to the author in summer 2011.

He posted on January 6, 2011: "The game will hopefully have a release date around summer next year, ..."

Meaning Summer 2012, unless he forgot it was 2011 (which isn't that unlikely).
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

The way to know when he's gonna release it is simple. Just wait until the next news, or try to ask him.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

The way to know when he's gonna release it is simple. Just wait until the next news, or try to ask him.

By the way, it's 'she' not 'he'.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

okay quick little update on the game, it would seem that Gabe gonna prolong the release of the game. She said that the size of the game was kinda underestimated, so it was decided that the game was gonna be release a little late.

On the other hand, there is gonna be a demo release instead to keep us busy until then.

For any other info or a clearer explanation (I'm bad at explaining thing, sorry) go to Swegabe blog in HF.
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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2


"Mostly known as Gabe, SweGabe or Gabriel Logan."

So what's with this "she" business?
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2


"Mostly known as Gabe, SweGabe or Gabriel Logan."

So what's with this "she" business?

Furs seem to have this thing where they consider themselves female instead of male to fit their RP character. Or something like that.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Huh. Gabriel Logan is also the name of a Syphon Filter character.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Like the first game, I'm beta testing LoQO II, and I can say that the game is so far a lot better than the first. By far.
Not sure what all he wants revealed, but the story is a lot more involved, and party members get more involved with the story and practically with you from the beginning. Some of them are from the first game (Like the royalty of course, and a certain pervert), but most of them are brand new characters. There's also an achievements system implemented, and an actual forging system.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Like the new concept of the game, but I gotta ask, is there any chance of you sharing the beta? Just asking out of curiosity, cause I can wait until the release of the game.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Maybe it's best that he doesn't share it, you know best to be surprise at the end. Also lets wait till she/he lets out a demo...
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

yea I know, can't hurt too ask though
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Like the new concept of the game, but I gotta ask, is there any chance of you sharing the beta? Just asking out of curiosity, cause I can wait until the release of the game.

No, Gabe doesn't want the beta distributed. He doesn't like the idea of releasing an unfinished product to the public, when he has probably more than enough beta testers as it is.
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