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ACT [ Z-Fied ] Resident Evil Progeny

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Demon Girl
Sep 6, 2010
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surprised no one has put this up yet. debuted on LOK forums and has been going for a while. it is a side scroller action/adventure/survival horror game starring rebbeca chambers from resident evil. its currently a work in progress, but it has come pretty far from the initial demo. downloads on makers blogsite.

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Re: resident evil game

surprised no one has put this up yet. debuted on LOK forums and has been going for a while. it is a side scroller action/adventure/survival horror game starring rebbeca chambers from resident evil. its currently a work in progress, but it has come pretty far from the initial demo. downloads on makers blogsite.

Oh didn't someone mention this on Ryonai? I'm glad to see the developers are really putting a lot effort in this by responding to comments and constantly updating.
Re: Resident Evil: Progeny

Okay, well, I just signed up to these forums upon noticing that the blog has had a ton of views from here already!

As stated, it's a work in progress, we're currently about 2 months into production of it, and I'm taking lots of ideas and feedback from people.

Obviously I have to draw my line somewhere, and while I'll be covering some fetishes, I'm not going to go for too extreme ones. When I say too extreme, I mean loli (it's not allowed anywhere really anyway.), scat (Don't find it attractive.), explicit guro (I put this in one of my last LoK posts, I'm willing to do some guro (e.g. blood, slight body damage, decapitation for certain attacks)

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the game, and feel free to ask questions/suggest ideas in either this thread, the LoK thread, or my blog. I'm a good listener :D


P.S. lhurgoyfguy can you change the title of the thread to "Resident Evil: Progeny" ... thanks ^^
Re: resident evil game

Oh my god, totally spaced. I noticed I hadn't checked the LoK forums in a while, decided to do so and found this, but then the next day, I thought I got it from here and just couldn't find the thread. Thank you for posting it here.

So z-fied, the boss was once playable, but now isn't? A glitch screwed that up? Cuz at first it read like it only screwed up on the boss some of the time, so I kept retrying, then going flying.
Re: resident evil game

Would be nice to see our favourite resident evil female characters inside as well. Like Claire Redfield, Ada Wong and Jill Valentine.

Actually, that would be VERY nice.
Re: resident evil game

Holy shit. I'm glad to see developers that really give a shit about what their fans think of their game. I really should give the demo a spin now.
Re: Resident Evil: Progeny

Obviously I have to draw my line somewhere, and while I'll be covering some fetishes, I'm not going to go for too extreme ones. When I say too extreme, I mean loli (it's not allowed anywhere really anyway.), scat (Don't find it attractive.), explicit guro (I put this in one of my last LoK posts, I'm willing to do some guro (e.g. blood, slight body damage, decapitation for certain attacks)

Yeah, Scat and Guro are probably on the major no list for most people, and loli is usually acceptable to anyone who's on internet (read:4chan /b/) for long enough. Maybe not on the point of "I'd fap to that", but "eh, whatever" level.

Well, my feedback on the game so far are:
1. Have the close button actually close the game. Sometimes I'd be stuck in a situation where I ran out of ammo and can't progress either, so either I have to wait whlie enemies slowly chip my health away, or I'd rather close and reload the game.

2. Don't make tapping X twice drop items, I've accidently drop my herb far too many time with this (since X is used for leaving other menus, but in inventory it's for picking up and dropping items).

3. Make doors/entrances somehow more noticable, at the start of the game if you run straight right, in that building there's 2 'doors', but one just open your inventory up.

Other things seem to still be WIP so I won't comment on them.
Re: resident evil game

An RE hentai game? Why did I not know of this sooner. Please tell me it has zombie rape in.
Re: resident evil game


In the previous version (I might start doing all that v0.x) going into the boss room would mean you get teleported way up high and the fall results in your death... and it happened everytime, not just sometimes. However, it's fixed with the new version though.


We're focusing on Rebecca as the main character, and once we have all of the things with her out of the way, then we're moving onto the Mercenaries mode, which is found in the extras.


Yeah, the problem is most don't, which is what leads developers like capcom to where they are now... >.>


1) In most situations (unless you're dead/opening a door) you can hit the escape key to bring up an in-game menu, which has an option to quit. I did originally have escape as an "if the game bugs" escape key, so I might make another key "emergency escape".

2) Any suggestions on that? The only thing I could think of is when moving items, hitting Z brings up a menu (like the one when you select items) that says "move" or "drop"

3) The one that "opens your inventory up" is a locked one, and requires a keycard. I'll add in a small text snippet for locked things from now on.


You'll be pleased to know it does, however, sex animations are being done, so it'll look weird for now. The game is mostly a gameplay test, with some of the new graphics in there. To sum it up: you can tell that there's more going to be added in.
Re: resident evil game

Technically, it does have zombie rape, if you're capable of imagining the sprites as zombies.

But if someone was capable of that feat, they'd get better animation from rubbing two paper clips against one another and making zombie noises.
Re: resident evil game

2) Any suggestions on that? The only thing I could think of is when moving items, hitting Z brings up a menu (like the one when you select items) that says "move" or "drop"

Probably something like this:
in inventory
hitting Z open up the menu for use/equip/move, etc
if you're moving an item, hitting X put that item down on the current slot(if it's not empty)
if you're not moving an item, hitting X leave inventory

and of course hitting C just leave the menu
Re: resident evil game

Oh forgot to ask about the submit feature. I don't know if there's any particular cues to when that wouldn't be available. I think it doesn't work on the dogs, I'm not sure if it was planned for that though
Re: resident evil game

Nice concept. But 5 error messages in 15 minutes - a little too much.
Re: resident evil game

z, i think a moderator would have to change the title. i have an earlier version where ashley graham is playable in mercenaries mode, but i dont know what the filesize limit on here is. anyway,keep up the good work z.
Re: resident evil game

Edit your first post hurgo, you'll see the option for it.
Re: resident evil game

Yeah it is pretty buggy and you cant hit the dogs with the Handgun but they just keep raise again and again so just jump over it.

Another bug if you walk Rebecca is nude but if you stay still or take your stance the sprite changes.
In the last room (there the locked door is) you cant schoot cause the menue will pop up instead.
The Knife dont have a animation/stance nor sprite she just hold the Handgun.

The story is pretty bad, there could be more not just a Barkeeper who tells om my god what happens and than suddenly a zombie come from behind...

thats way too lame besides how did Rebecca came to this Bar and is it after the Mansion in which town they are Raccon City?

These things still bug me but else the idea is great ^^
Re: resident evil game


Harsh, bro.


I'm going to add submit to all grapples, besides those that will insta-kill you if you let them finish.


Any chance of sharing those 5 errors? I'm guessing one of them is the load one, and another is the Mercenaries one... but I don't know any others.


1) Yeah, I'll need to fix it so you can hit that dog.
2) Not a bug, we're still making all the sprites.
3) Which room is this?
4) Same as #2
5) I'm going to be changing the intro.
6) It's set 7 years after Raccoon City, Rebecca is on her way to another city (which you go to after this part) to join TerraSave as a fully trained botanist/biochemist.
Re: resident evil game

Well i think we shouldn´t complain so much.

The Game is still under Construction and he´s still on it as much as he can.

Im happy that someone is making a resident evil side scroller game, waited a long time for this.

Z-Fied keep on going
Re: resident evil game

I like the idea, big Zombie fan here. but at the moment the game just isn't enjoyable for me though it shows signs of hope. if you do but more player choices in I'd love to see Yoko Suzuki from outbreak. I'm guessing this is why your game starts in a bar by the way. I'll be looking forward to seeing what happens with this.

A RE style rape game is nice but now if some one makes a L4D rape game with a VS mod well that would just be epic.
Re: resident evil game

1st one was about missing sound file after few gamestarts.
2nd - save before boss, reload - message about division by zero or something like that.
3-4-5 after changing difficulty - playing few min - reload - change again - missing sound file.
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