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ACT [ NONKI] Queen's Axe クイーンズアックス RE073102 RJ073102


Jungle Girl
Feb 19, 2010
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Just so you know its not my link its from Amaruuu's thread in the unsorted hentai. From what i can tell it looks like it's based off of Golden Axe but i can't get it to work i get as far as the Character select i select then it says something about a player error.

You have to rename the first way of opening the game or it says startup fail the other way thats in the QA folder seems to work as far as the character select aswell. Hope you can help :)
Oh this is my first attempt at a Thread on a forum ever so sorry if everything is wrong.

I'm honestly too lazy to translate the story or whatever but basically it's a parody of the Golden Axe games with two girls from Queen's Blade as playable chars(or it seems that way, I don't regonize the red-head at all, it's probaly an original char)Cattelya and Aisya Gleylancer, a side-scroller beat-em up.

The game doesn't have much H to speak of, there's a single picture from losing on each stage(Game Over Rape/GOR I guess?) and selecting the 3rd char on the character select(the orc holding Cattelya hostage) gives you a series of looped sprite based animations of Cattelya being raped by orcs. Really wished this game was Run-or-Rape/ROR but oh well. From what I know there isn't anything special from clearing the game, atleast from my knowledge.
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Re: Queen's Blade Help

It's named Queen's Axe* and the hotfile upload has that problem, the name of the files is garbled, so when the player tries to run them, its like they dont exist.
Found a working version in fileserve:

Also the "name" of the file is RJ073102, makes it easier to find. Hope this works.
Re: Queen's Blade Help

I was actually going to post a mirror for this last night but I got too distracted.@@

Guess I'll drag in a Descript of the game+screenies



I'm honestly too lazy to translate the story or whatever but basically it's a parody of the Golden Axe games with two girls from Queen's Blade as playable chars(or it seems that way, I don't regonize the red-head at all, it's probaly an original char)Cattelya and Aisya Gleylancer, a side-scroller beat-em up.

The game doesn't have much H to speak of, there's a single picture from losing on each stage(Game Over Rape/GOR I guess?) and selecting the 3rd char on the character select(the orc holding Cattelya hostage) gives you a series of looped sprite based animations of Cattelya being raped by orcs. Really wished this game was Run-or-Rape/ROR but oh well. From what I know there isn't anything special from clearing the game, atleast from my knowledge.
Re: Queen's Blade Help

It's named Queen's Axe* and the hotfile upload has that problem, the name of the files is garbled, so when the player tries to run them, its like they dont exist.
Found a working version in fileserve:

Also the "name" of the file is RJ073102, makes it easier to find. Hope this works.
Thanks for helping me out. As i said i'm new here so i don't know how to change the title of the thread. But thanks again :)
Re: Queen's Blade Help

still getting the error even with the good version. and Kirshz you said there wasn't any good sex scene expect the game over?
Re: Queen's Blade Help

The sad thing: I would be but a step away from paying for a game that looked like this.....

if they'd just get it right for once.....:mad:
Re: Queen's Blade Help

That cattleya could be turned in a great mugen character, already has s/k/m compatible sprites.:rolleyes:
need help with this game plz

when i try to play i get a jp error msg about one or so .player files either couldn't be found or couldn't be located also this is the link for the picture from the site i goto if it helps any
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Re: Queen's Blade Help

to play the game(the link with working version), I've only done two things:
1)renaimed the first .exe file in some latin name
2)ignored that, goto "QA" directory and japlocale QA.exe from there.
Re: Queen's Blade Help

@Jackpot: youre welcome.

Yeah, being a great fan of the sidescroller beat'em up ( Golden axe was actually the first arcade game i played), this is ALMOST there. Guess its back to waiting for ProjectX and Dragon Bride Taiken.
Re: Queen's Blade Help

Amazing game. I'll sure purchase it in case it will be in english DLsite.
Re: Queen's Blade Help

Pretty solid game. Everything is solid, from CG, to rape animation. Enemies are a bit repetitive, and the difficultly is pretty low once the tricks are figured out.

My only big complaint is lack of CG view mode. Some of the game over CGs are pretty good. Also, there's not a lot of hentai either, which is always too bad.
Re: Queen's Blade Help

Just...just the dang last boss. He can reduce your hp to nothing if he spams his Flaming charge enough, and I wish there was more to the game H-content wise as well.
Re: Queen's Blade Help

Hmmm, i've seen a good amount of hentai content in it compared to the average GoR, the orc rape thing has a lot of positions, a close up for every position and 2 different money shot for every position, plus the game over cg, should have done the same for the second character tho.

I liked the game, the sprites are detailed and well animated, the characters have several moves and require diferent strategies to play, although the game is pretty easy, playing cattleya made me want to go play Berserk(the game) again.:)
Queen's Axe

I found this game while browsing imperia of hentai and it seems it would interest the people of this forum. It is a side scrolling fighter game with multiple levels and enemies and has game over rape. the controls are QWEASD and movement is TFBH. let me know what you think, and if the MU link works.

Re: Queen's Axe

Not really, this game's been discussed already in another thread, so you're a bit late, but the Megaupload mirror is helpful.

Though, I honestly do kind of like the game, the difficulty really goes up after a while(the dragons...oh god the damn dragons near the end, and then there was the final boss..). The H-animations that were made were also made pretty well.
Re: Queen's Blade Help

i still don't know whitch file should i rename srry i didn;t understand......
Re: Queen's Blade Help

Well, looks like the game has been updated, posted recently by sizu over at Hongfire.

From what I seen so far, the other playable character is now selectable for the orc rape sequence, and now two selectable modes, the regular Arcade mode, and what seems to be a boss rush, I haven't cleared it yet so I don't know if it gives any sort of special scene.

If anyone is having problems with freakshare, there should be a MU link somewhere on the last page of the thread. Otherwise, I'll be getting a Mediafire mirror up as well if need be.

On a sidenote, maybe the title of the thread should be changed to the name of the game now?(Queen's Axe)
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Re: Queen's Blade Help

Great. Now add some ingame rape, and it'll be worth paying for! :)
Re: Queen's Blade Help

I'm downloaded the game from the megaupload link. For some reason, everytime it loads, it just says something about a error and closes itself.
Is it because I'm using Win7 or something?