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ACT [Kaijo] Nagai Yamiji - NOW ONLY $4.99

Re: Nagai Yamiji

I'm so envious...
I don't had webmoney or credit card to buy that game.
Only demo I'm playing right now.:(
Re: Nagai Yamiji

Must be the Nintendo Wi. I remember Nintendo(NES) games being fucking brutal and merciless most the time hahaha I'll try out the game later today :p
Well there is also a Nintendo Hard mode, referencing the classic NES difficulty :p

Hmm, dlsite doesn't like me. If only the game is also available on the english dlsite. then I'm gold. Paypal, why you do this to me?
Well it ought to be eventually... At least I'm under the impression that it should be.

I'm so envious...
I don't had webmoney or credit card to buy that game.
Only demo I'm playing right now.:(
Hmm, sorry about that! Wish there was some other way for you to get the game :\
Re: Nagai Yamiji

agreed with poster above...about kuro level quality...my only gripe is the level design...so much jumping! im doing it so much that my fingers actually hurt and the joints in the fingers start to lock up after a while and then i have to stop for an hour or 2...its one reason i hate button mashing games and whatnot is cause of my joints in finger locking up (resident evil 6 im looking at you!)...

dont get me wrong i like this game but i just cant enjoy it as much as i should because of the jumping...a few spots here n there of lots of jumping is okay but it seems like its nonstop jump roll fest and my poor fingers just cant handle it lol...still bought the game though to support the developer though great work! maybe less jumping focuse next time and more open rooms with bad guys to fight?
Re: Nagai Yamiji

agreed with poster above...about kuro level quality...my only gripe is the level design...so much jumping! im doing it so much that my fingers actually hurt and the joints in the fingers start to lock up after a while and then i have to stop for an hour or 2...its one reason i hate button mashing games and whatnot is cause of my joints in finger locking up (resident evil 6 im looking at you!)...

dont get me wrong i like this game but i just cant enjoy it as much as i should because of the jumping...a few spots here n there of lots of jumping is okay but it seems like its nonstop jump roll fest and my poor fingers just cant handle it lol...still bought the game though to support the developer though great work! maybe less jumping focuse next time and more open rooms with bad guys to fight?

Yeah the plan for the next game is to focus on the combat and keep platforming challenges to a minimum. To be fair, doctors (or something) recommend taking a break from playing video games every hour XD
Re: Nagai Yamiji

this game is borderline masochistic...im in full on rage mode cause of the timing needed to make some of these jumps...think im gonna put this one aside for a while...its just so bloody difficult on the timing on some of those jumps that im fully pissed off and thats no good for me...

i think the reason it seams easy to you as the dev is because you built and designed it...or maybe your just good at timing jumps n what not i dont know but your fans are having a mother fucker of a time with it...or atleast i am i know that much...

the one im having trouble with is after the first boss the room with the lasers and the leaf platfroms that snap shut on you i just for the life of me cannot get past the first laser with out 50 attempts and losing all my hp just getting up there...then to top it off there are those ghost hands just uptop that make it so you have no time to catch your breath! but those lasers are what fucking me up on my jumps...

like i said full on rage mode im gonna go play something easier for a bit and cool off...

on the funny side if i could have recorded with a webcam or something my reaction the amount of swear words per second lol would have been worth the laugh...
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Re: Nagai Yamiji

on the funny side if i could have recorded with a webcam or something my reaction the amount of swear words per second lol would have been worth the laugh...

Me exactly when I tried the demo.

I tried the demo a while back but I am sorry to say that I can't bear myself to buy the game after the reviews I've read here. The price tag is alright but I just don't want to frustrate so much over a game ever again...

I would be curious to hear what other devs who work on similar games have to say about the difficulty of this one. It is true that most devs do not see the difficulty of their own game because they designed it and they understand intuitively the pattern of each jump and each enemy on the screen. Perhaps, it is just me...

Anyway, best of luck to the dev of this game. I am going to follow the progress of all your further projects with interest. AS Kyrieru said, th emore dev who work on H-game full-time, the better...
Re: Nagai Yamiji

Hehe, yeah I've admitted that I'm probably not seeing the difficulty because I've been playing the game for months on end :p And please do make a recording, rage quits are usually rather entertaining!

All I can say is that the game was intended to be hard, but my next game won't have nearly the platforming that Nagai Yamiji does.

Thanks for your support :) Hopefully you'll both enjoy my next game a little more ;P
Re: Nagai Yamiji

Ahhhh, finally got some time to play! Beat it, loved it, my fingers hurt! Haha, reading all the platforming rage, just makes me happy that I won ;)
Re: Nagai Yamiji

How long is the full game compared to the demo?
Re: Nagai Yamiji

Hehe, yeah I've admitted that I'm probably not seeing the difficulty because I've been playing the game for months on end :p And please do make a recording, rage quits are usually rather entertaining!

All I can say is that the game was intended to be hard, but my next game won't have nearly the platforming that Nagai Yamiji does.

Thanks for your support :) Hopefully you'll both enjoy my next game a little more ;P

After waiting patiently like nobody's business; the game's finally available on the eng part of Dlsite. Heck yeah! Enjoyed the game so far and reached the room with the second.
...But not after getting "pushed" into the walls while I was trying to reach the cogwheels platform. Causing me to fall off the world and then...oddly enough, into the save room RIGHT BEFORE the second boss.
Re: Nagai Yamiji

After waiting patiently like nobody's business; the game's finally available on the eng part of Dlsite. Heck yeah! Enjoyed the game so far and reached the room with the second.
...But not after getting "pushed" into the walls while I was trying to reach the cogwheels platform. Causing me to fall off the world and then...oddly enough, into the save room RIGHT BEFORE the second boss.

that's not where i ended up
Re: Nagai Yamiji

After waiting patiently like nobody's business; the game's finally available on the eng part of Dlsite. Heck yeah! Enjoyed the game so far and reached the room with the second.
...But not after getting "pushed" into the walls while I was trying to reach the cogwheels platform. Causing me to fall off the world and then...oddly enough, into the save room RIGHT BEFORE the second boss.

Can you be as specific as to where this happened as possible? Maybe even screencap the place? Not really sure if I can fix this sort of thing... I'm fairly proud of how glitch-free the gears are, considering how jammed up your can get in them, but they aren't infallible :p
Re: Nagai Yamiji

Can you be as specific as to where this happened as possible? Maybe even screencap the place? Not really sure if I can fix this sort of thing... I'm fairly proud of how glitch-free the gears are, considering how jammed up your can get in them, but they aren't infallible :p

let me fetch, okay f9 doesnt work so... spider boss save point, right, bottom of next screen on right, few rotary platforms with a cog on the bottom, if you wallcling, the platforms push you through the wall

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Re: Nagai Yamiji

Yes, that's the spot. However, I think it applies to other rooms with similar situation as well. Though that one is also accidental. On another note, do I need a better spell for the spider boss? Can't seem to beat it and I currently have 3 spells with the purple one being the latest one.
Not sure on how to backtrack out of that place as well.
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Re: Nagai Yamiji

So PayPal shat out on me... pretty unthrilled about it. Anyone happen to know any good ways to continuing to the sell the game other than through DLSite? Ideally there would be no monthly rates, and something like 20% commission or lower.
Re: Nagai Yamiji

I can make my way to this (easter egg spoilers), but I can't for the life of me find the easter egg near spider king that was mentioned earlier in the thread.


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Re: Nagai Yamiji

lol WTF is that for real? no way that is really in the game.

also the new game your working on sounds awesome already, but the character....well she looks like she is wearing a batgirl outfit. something more realistic/tactical looking and have a clothing damage system, I know that can be a lot of work but I feel you have the skillz to do it. plus it would add so much more to it.