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Re: Hate Thread

If it's an open relationship, then it's not really cheating, is it?

That's true. I still don't understand how that works. When you make a commitment... it's a commitment. D: If you didn't want to make a commitment... why be in a relationship at all?
Re: Hate Thread

in an open relationship you make a comitment in heart and mind, but not body.
Re: Hate Thread

but that's part of the package D: If you aren't committing all of you then it's not Commitment. it's... waffley. I won't deny some people can make it work and more power to them if that's what they want to do, but I'll never understand them.
Re: Hate Thread

If it's an open relationship, then it's not really cheating, is it?

I don't consider it so, but some people do.

That's true. I still don't understand how that works. When you make a commitment... it's a commitment. D: If you didn't want to make a commitment... why be in a relationship at all?

As Nunu said, the commitment is in heart, mind, and soul. While the body can still experience outside the relationship. These people can love each other very very much, without denying the urges they feel for other people.

While sex is an important part of a relationship, it is not the entirety. People in an open relationship can see that, and focus their commitment to each other through other facets. It can still be commitment without being waffley.
Re: Hate Thread

I don't consider it so, but some people do.

As Nunu said, the commitment is in heart, mind, and soul. While the body can still experience outside the relationship. These people can love each other very very much, without denying the urges they feel for other people.

While sex is an important part of a relationship, it is not the entirety. People in an open relationship can see that, and focus their commitment to each other through other facets. It can still be commitment without being waffley.
I can never understand that. To me it's always been an important part of a relationship and I can't separate it in my head. I hate to say I'm incapable of understanding, but I can't understand how it's possible.

Probably because my dad cheated on every woman he spent time with including my mom and stepmom.

What if they decide sex isn't enough? What if they want kids with someone else and still decide they want nothing emotional to do with that someone else? what happens then? Is there some kind of "Open Relationship" rulebook I've never heard about that explains stuff like this? If you're sharing the body where does it stop?

I'm not trying to be mean or hateful about this, but it's very confusing.

(Also, I hate falling asleep while reading... in the middle of the day)
Re: Hate Thread

I really could have worded that better. I didn't mean it was a bad fetish due to the harm the real-life equivalent can inflict on someone, I meant it doesn't make any sense to me. You're getting off to losing someone who's apparently special to the protagonist or whatever. It's like anti-porn or something.

Yet people can understand rape perfectly well, even though that's completely destroying someone's lively hood. I don't understand how people can fully accept that, yet switching from one relationship to another completely boggles the mind.

I can never understand that. To me it's always been an important part of a relationship and I can't separate it in my head. I hate to say I'm incapable of understanding, but I can't understand how it's possible.

Probably because my dad cheated on every woman he spent time with including my mom and stepmom.

What if they decide sex isn't enough? What if they want kids with someone else and still decide they want nothing emotional to do with that someone else? what happens then? Is there some kind of "Open Relationship" rulebook I've never heard about that explains stuff like this? If you're sharing the body where does it stop?

I'm not trying to be mean or hateful about this, but it's very confusing.

It doesn't need to be confusing. Open Relationship rules are always established between a couple. What's allowed, what isn't. It stops exactly where both people in the relationship are comfortable with it stopping. If you can't do it, there's nothing at all wrong with that.
Re: Hate Thread

but that's part of the package D: If you aren't committing all of you then it's not Commitment. it's... waffley.

Surely you're not insulting possibly the greatest breakfast food ever conceived, the noble waffle? What insolence!

Cheating is a perception, and it comes in varying shades of gray. It's not simply limited to sexual relationships. Some people get upset if their partner dances with another person. Or uses pornography. Or even drinks out of the same cup as another person (I witnessed this argument).

I suppose one of the main issues is jealousy... how much of your partner do you wish to share with the world? Most conventional couples are open to pretty much everything within reason except sexual/familiar activities. Others are more restrictive (extreme cases include the Austrian man a few years back who locked family members in his basement) or less restrictive (swingers and "open relationship" couples). In a way, it's impressive that partners in an open relationship trust each other not to get carried away in a fling with an outsider.

Either way, I think it's important to set the expectations between two people, and then honestly attempt to follow those expectations as best each person can. If you fuck it up, you owe it to your partner to tell them.

Oh, and locking people you love in your basement is bad, mmmkay?
Re: Hate Thread

It's not fapping to the idea of not getting laid, its being excited by exploring the unknown, the forbidden fruit.

And Hope... I've seen guys get yelled at for simply acknowledging the existence of another woman.
Re: Hate Thread

How DARE they share existence with another woman!!
Re: Hate Thread

It's when you get bitched at for talking to females in your family that it's time to get gone.

..... not that I'd know from personal experience... or anything... <.< >.>
Re: Hate Thread

It's when you get bitched at for talking to females in your family that it's time to get gone.

..... not that I'd know from personal experience... or anything... <.< >.>

You have a sister? Slut.
Re: Hate Thread

Not really a hate, but I'm sad the change of seasons took away what became one of my favorite ice creams. Hot chocolate ice cream was oddly satisfying. (It didn't have an image by itself.)

Re: Hate Thread

I missed lab nr. 2 this semester, out of 6. Most times this wouldn't be a problem, because people routinely jump onto other peoples labs to get theirs. If however, you are unlucky enough to be on the lab group that has lab on the last day... There are no labs for you to hop onto.

Of course, this shouldn't really be a problem either, since there is a "collection lab" thing next week, so I just asked to join that. I was then told that without a note from a doctor saying the reason I missed the lab was because I was seriously ill, they would not let me in. Seriously. So I might not be able to take my final exam in this because of these two things.

1. I missed 1 lab, (And I should probably add that I've done the same experiment several times, and that lab was an explanation lab for the people who haven't already spent 2 years studying chemistry.)

2. Because my lab group just happens to be on a Friday.
Re: Hate Thread

I cannot explain how much I fucking despise Ben's boss right about now.

After a full week of , "Nah man, course we're not working on friday" This assface tells him on the last day of the workweek "What are you talking about, of course we're working on Friday."

And ben needs it. no denying that. But I was expecting him home tonight. I miss him, I need him. I need the kind of comfort only his hugs can bring, goddammit. If I'd been expecting this all week, I would have been disappointed, yeah. But now? RAGE.
Re: Hate Thread

I missed lab nr. 2 this semester, out of 6. Most times this wouldn't be a problem, because people routinely jump onto other peoples labs to get theirs. If however, you are unlucky enough to be on the lab group that has lab on the last day... There are no labs for you to hop onto.

Of course, this shouldn't really be a problem either, since there is a "collection lab" thing next week, so I just asked to join that. I was then told that without a note from a doctor saying the reason I missed the lab was because I was seriously ill, they would not let me in. Seriously. So I might not be able to take my final exam in this because of these two things.

1. I missed 1 lab, (And I should probably add that I've done the same experiment several times, and that lab was an explanation lab for the people who haven't already spent 2 years studying chemistry.)

2. Because my lab group just happens to be on a Friday.

Studying chemistry really doesn't allow you to be sick. I had a similar problem more or less exactly one year ago, when a accidentally cut my thumb in half and couldn't to any lab work during the semester (nor write, mind you). So in this semester, I have to put in double shifts in order to not lose any time, resulting in 50hr weeks + homework. Yay!
Re: Hate Thread

Studying chemistry really doesn't allow you to be sick. I had a similar problem more or less exactly one year ago, when a accidentally cut my thumb in half and couldn't to any lab work during the semester (nor write, mind you). So in this semester, I have to put in double shifts in order to not lose any time, resulting in 50hr weeks + homework. Yay!

Only difference being that this lab was seriously about re crystallization as a method of cleaning a substance, and I've only done it about 400 million billion times since this is my third year of chemistry... But for some reason I not only needed to have this lab to take my exam, but they also wouldn't give me the chance to take it again even though they were setting one up anyways...

In the end it sorted itself out though, and I have now made a distinction in my mind between "Academical" Chemists and chemical engineers. The latter are problem oriented and progressive, and do what it takes to get stuff done... The former are one of the most unpleasant races in the Galaxy. Not actually evil, but bad-tempered, bureaucratic, officious and callous. They wouldn't even lift a finger to save their own grandmothers from the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal without orders signed in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters.

See? See? Reference!
Re: Hate Thread

Only difference being that this lab was seriously about re crystallization as a method of cleaning a substance, and I've only done it about 400 million billion times since this is my third year of chemistry... But for some reason I not only needed to have this lab to take my exam, but they also wouldn't give me the chance to take it again even though they were setting one up anyways...

In the end it sorted itself out though, and I have now made a distinction in my mind between "Academical" Chemists and chemical engineers. The latter are problem oriented and progressive, and do what it takes to get stuff done... The former are one of the most unpleasant races in the Galaxy. Not actually evil, but bad-tempered, bureaucratic, officious and callous. They wouldn't even lift a finger to save their own grandmothers from the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal without orders signed in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters.

See? See? Reference!

At least they don't usually make you listen to their poetry.
Re: Hate Thread

Only difference being that this lab was seriously about re crystallization.

That's just sad.
I wouldn't even know how a lab could be "about" this and only this. That's like the equivalent of a student of engineering having to "practice" tightening screws.

There are assholes everywhere though, I guess I got lucky on that one. If I should fail to make up for my lost time, I will still have the opportunity to do some work at the professor's workgroup, and that would count as my "lab". It wouldn't even have to be the same things I'm supposed to do now, it would just have to be something. To quote him: "Since it's my department, I can do whatever I want."
On the other hand, my university isn't really that big, despite it's renown. In bigger universities, students are more likely to be considered "exchangeable" and treated as such, I guess...

Oh BTW, was that Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate hate hate hate HATE unreliable subordinates. And yet I've found that I take a perverse pleasure in micromanaging the crap out of them...
Re: Hate Thread

Take the commissar solution and shoot one randomly to improve morale.

I hate losing things in my house. I know I own something. I know where it *should* be. Yet, the gaping black hole that is my residence seems to have swallowed it up. Bought a game for my 360 and logic dictates that I put the thing next to the 360, or somewhere in the same room. I have no reason to have taken it downstairs (to be lost in my living room, which is another organized mess.), so it stands to reason it should be on the main level of my house. Haven't found it yet.

At least I know where my ME games are.