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ACT [ rusimarudou] [ るしまる堂] HENTAI EATER / エロイーター (RE113831) (RJ113831)

Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Tried it the other day and it was meh..okay. Decent gameplay, decent animations and cg but none of it all that spectacular. I'll have to reserve my full judgement for the full game.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

I don't know with You Guys

But I prefer the Heroine has a clothes
Than after several damage end her up naked

I find it more erotic and amusing
Rather than naked from the start...
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Wishing I could play this but when i boot it up im just getting a bunch of read errors in the in-game window. I've got aplocale set up to japanese settings, running XP. any suggestions? not exactly the most tech savy when it comes to jap locale settings and games like this.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Wishing I could play this but when i boot it up im just getting a bunch of read errors in the in-game window. I've got aplocale set up to japanese settings, running XP. any suggestions? not exactly the most tech savy when it comes to jap locale settings and games like this.

That's strange. I played it on a Vista computer and it played straight-up with no issues at all. No aplocate, no Japanese anything beside having the language set installed on the computer. I'm pretty sure I even played it straight from the zip file without unzipping it first so for me the game really wasn't finicky at all.

So there's double enemy too..? That's just an insane amount of animations per monster... But there's no way to know just how much the creator has done beyond the demo, and the game only comes out (tentatively) in 4 months. So I'll be keeping hope that the game still has a chance to be reasonably long with actually interesting stages.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Hi all,

Is there any possibility to download this game ? i mean for free ?
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Hi all,

Is there any possibility to download this game ? i mean for free ?

Sure, go to the link in the first post and then click on the yellow box for the demo.

Other than that, no...game hasn't even come out yet.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

I don't know with You Guys

But I prefer the Heroine has a clothes
Than after several damage end her up naked

I find it more erotic and amusing
Rather than naked from the start...

Well, you've a point here... still in this case the protagonist is willing to have sex.

Eh, she could've used the clothes as weapon vessels, more or less like Bayonetta (maybe we are asking too much)
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Needs cumshots. There's clearly animation frames for it but all them demons shoot blanks lol.
Could also use a bit more control over which sex animations you get. I'm fine with the rng reactions of the enemies. Some chase, some assume the position. But at that point you should have some ability to choose what you do. I had to run to that dog like 4 times to see it's other animation, and even then I suspect there may be two more...

Overall hot game. Too easy, but enjoyable.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Anyone else getting weird graphical glitches during some of the walking and sex animations? The girl seems to create 4 clones of herself and they all get extremely slim. I assume that the glitch is that all of the frames for one animation are being smooshed into the sprite size box.

This happens on afew ofther games as well, such as Ki's Quest.

Anyone know of anything like this?
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Anyone else getting weird graphical glitches during some of the walking and sex animations? The girl seems to create 4 clones of herself and they all get extremely slim. I assume that the glitch is that all of the frames for one animation are being smooshed into the sprite size box.

This happens on afew ofther games as well, such as Ki's Quest.

Anyone know of anything like this?

never seen the glitches you are talking about, what were you doing before you got the glitch? probably whats causing it, or your system is outdated and not displaying things properly because it maybe?
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

never seen the glitches you are talking about, what were you doing before you got the glitch? probably whats causing it, or your system is outdated and not displaying things properly because it maybe?

Don't know, it just messes with the size of the sprite...
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Don't know, it just messes with the size of the sprite...

Update direct X, video drivers. If your using on board video (90% of laptop users) its probably what is causing the problem as it is too old most likely.
Try on another PC as someone suggested.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Trial version has been updated to v1.01. According to the blog, the difficulty level has been adjusted and some animations have been modified or added. Didn't try it myself yet.

Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

added a more stages, sounds and removed some enemy's differently a lot easier now to, to easier really. its looking nice, only thing that I don't get is why all enemy's don't have a knock down and rape to take HP from you it would fit I mean the ending CG is of her being raped after all.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

added a more stages, sounds and removed some enemy's differently a lot easier now to, to easier really. its looking nice, only thing that I don't get is why all enemy's don't have a knock down and rape to take HP from you it would fit I mean the ending CG is of her being raped after all.

which, as a fan of succubi I would say it's wrong.
You can't possibly rape a succubus, is like throwing yourself in the mouth of a lion to hurt its stomach.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

which, as a fan of succubi I would say it's wrong.
You can't possibly rape a succubus, is like throwing yourself in the mouth of a lion to hurt its stomach.

not really, it's obvious she likes to be in control
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Hmm,so i gave a go to the trial of this game,and it's not too shabby...Yeah it does have its flaws(like someone else pointed out the H scenes are too short,and there's an obvious lack of bodily fluids),but i really like H sidescrollers,and games of this kind are always welcome in my book(although i really don't dig the main char's dick-like tail...).Another plus is that it kind of reminds me of games that Marimo does in terms of graphic style(which i like)...

On a side note it really does seem like the main char is a dominant type,since she doesn't seem to enjoy getting screwed instead of doing the screwing herself(the tentacle plant/trap or whatever that is is an obvious example),and she seems preety much helpless once caught and stuffed(it even drains her health instead of filling it).So i wonder if there will be any enemies who will be able to rape her instead(i mean moving active enemies unlike the static tentacle trap) to tip the scales since that would increase the difficulty of the game and give you an initiative to avoid certain enemies,and encourage the use of the now useless tail attack...It would certainly make the game more fun.
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Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

So i wonder if there will be any enemies who will be able to rape her instead

There is one already..the giant, halfway through the demo. Seems like he has more than one attack and one of them is a sex grab.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

the tail attack is actually really useful against the catgirl :)
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Dick-tail on a Succubus is a brilliant design. She has all the strengths of a futanari and none of the weaknesses.