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Artificial Girl 4 Announced


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score

Hype! Set for release on May 13.

As I understand it:
- The game will take place in a school.

- You can possess any character put in the game to be your character, instead of just the one faceless generic avatar.

- You can make the guy now, too! He'll have a voice and shit and everything! In fact, you can make a whole bunch, and stick 'em in the school.

- Body types! For the girls, you can choose lo- I mean uh, short, tall ("teacher") and average student heights, and then make her either skinny, average, or curvy. The guys only get muscly-student, trap-student, muscly teacher and fat-teacher.

- The character limit has been upped to something fucking insane like 25, with as many distinct personality/voicesets for the girls alone.

- Settings. How smart, skilled, loose/"easy", sexual preferences and looks. Doesn't seem to have that trait system AG3 had, though.

- Girl/girl action, bitches!

The guys aren't nearly as supported, unfortunately. Four voice sets compared to the girl's 25, no tanlines, and manly man on man mansex isn't confirmed like the lesbian stuff is. Another complaint is that there's only light, normal, and tanned skin in the demo - no super dark stuff like doz likes, which kinda sucks. Of course, it IS a demo, so there's always hope, right?

That's right, a demo. A character creator and significantly more discussion can be found on Hongfire. There's also a mod to translate some of the demo, for whatever reason.

There's also a thread on Futanari Palace, where I first heard it. If you've got an account, you should totally Thank the OP there - he compiled a bunch of links for the demo.


Menu semi-translation:

My install bitched at me that it was missing d3dx9_42.dll or something, so if that happens to you, run a search for it on YOUR COMPUTER (don't download it off the internet or shit like that) and then just copy paste it into the folder with the demo exe.
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Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

Well, the trial was rather limited, (though incredibly easy it was to install at least) but I can say I'm certainly looking forward to the full game coming out now. Whilst a few things have been simplifyed a bit, the whole expanded character limit, voice and personality options sounds good. I'm trying to figure out if being able to choose your avatar means choosing one fixed one per game world, or being able to switch as you go. If it's the latter that will open up some interesting possibilties and be a nice shift from the harem style gameplay of AG3.

Oh well, will have to wait and see.
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

Ooh, I'm definitely gonna have to check this out tomorrow. Though one question that I probably already know the answer to but need to ask anyway; does this need your computer to be in Japanese unicode-whatever to play?
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

im going to have to try this, i dont often download the big games, not got a lot of harddrive room, and they never seem to work for me, but i got rapelay working once so im going to give AG4 a go.
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

I don't think you do, Oni. I'm not sure if I have 'em installed on the comp I've got the demo on, but the kanji doesn't display properly, so I don't think I do.
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

Don't know about the unicode settings since I leave them on 24/7, but the trial is actually very small and surprisingly is for once actually dead easy to install and run, so you could probably answer that question for any others yourself. Strangely, just like Blarg says, I had problems with some sections of kanji not displaying properly despite having unicode set up, but the partial English translation removed that.

I wonder how long it will take them to build a new subtitle overlay mod like in the last one. I kind of get the impression there might just be more dialogue that means something/needs a response in this one.
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

I am unfamiliar with the AG franchise. What kind of game is it?
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

Ooh, I'm definitely gonna have to check this out tomorrow. Though one question that I probably already know the answer to but need to ask anyway; does this need your computer to be in Japanese unicode-whatever to play?

I managed to play this without it, so I think you should be fine. :X
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

I am unfamiliar with the AG franchise. What kind of game is it?

But to be fair the game was about making one or more girl in the character creator with clothes and stuff. Putting them into an 3d world usually standing from a house a small city with beach school and a Shinto temple. And trying to build relations with them. Spiced with lot of fully interactive sex.

Its a yummy game.
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

I am unfamiliar with the AG franchise. What kind of game is it?

What Wessex said. I've played AG3 myself, and despite the long download and awkward install, would recommend it.

Has a big focus on customisation and a fair bit of free form gameplay. Has a very nice character creator, allowing you to design any number of girls, including choosing voice and a number of quirks and personality traits. An outfit designer allows you to design and fully tailor sets of clothes to be used in the game, which can then be assigned to different girls and chosen when the different outfits will be worn.

In the main game itself you can select up to five girls to have in the world at any one time, which will roam about doing things, behaving a bit like a group of sims going about their daily business of eating, sleeping, bathing, peeing, chatting to each other and randomly exploring. You take control of a hyper generic silent male avatar, and are free to run about and play with them.

Depending on the personality type and traits you pick, most won't let you jump in their pants immediately, the game making you do just a little work before sexing can begin. I find the game has the balance between quick access sex and relationship building stuff down nicely. If you want a challenge, a shy or tsundere character will take a while to woo. Whilst for quick and no nonsense fun, a highly lewd character will be easily persuaded.

There's a thread for AG3 buried somewhere in here that I think links to Hongfire with the necessary guide to getting the game. I can probably help you out if your interested.
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

Ah, so you do not play one of the girls. Okay.
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

25 girls? well, that would take a while to populate,

still. my biggest complain with ag3 is that the world is so empty

even with 3 girls it looks like a post-apocalytic world where you 4 are the only ones left. (that would explain why you can get away with walking in to empty houses and stuff, it makes the girls running off to go to school look silly, classes never take place, there is no teacher and no students.

at least rapelay had little blue shadowpeople
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

Ah, so you do not play one of the girls. Okay.

Not in AG3 no. Which makes it an addition I'm looking forward to in this new one. And I can agree with Iamnuff. Whilst the emptiness never bothered me too much, it did certainly seem strange at times. I always wanted an extra setting to at least choose who lives in what house, and that they might react differently if you barge in early. I always used a full five girls in each world, which meant there was always someone around, but also made it strange how my "neighbours" always came round to use the toilet/eat/sleep/bath/stare at me, whenever they felt like it.

As far as I can tell the new specific school setting should improve on lot of that aspect. 25 will take a little while yes, but then I made 29 for the previous game so I'm sure I can manage it. >_>

Especially since the character creation system has been streamlined this time round. With far less sliders to fuss over, it forces you to make decisions quicker. 25 character slots, 21 female voices, 4 male voices. All kind of adds up huh.

Just found this. Dunno if the other translation mod included this. The one I downloaded didn't. But this image sheds some light on how the extra personality options actually work.
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Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

So I finally downloaded this and pissed around in the editor for a bit, and I have to say I'm really impressed with the changes they've made to the female character creator. One thing I really like is that now you can choose how tall you want your character to be, which adds a fair bit of variety from AG3 where you could only change their hip and bust size (as far as I remember anyway).

I am disappointed with the lack of an outfit creator but it is only a demo so I'll be able to piss around with that once the full game comes out. I am also hoping there will be more options for height, hair style etc... No doubt there will be, but I could've really gone for another hair style or two in this demo.

Anyway, can't wait for this to come out in May and get a translation patch. This may very well end up as one of the best games I get without putting money towards this year.
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

Hm girl/girl action.

Is it npc on npc, or are you able to create a female and bang other females?

Other then that I too am looking forward to this.
Alot of new additions it seems, I just hope the basic selection of clothes/options is also vastly increased, ag3 basic inventory is somewhat, poor if you ask me, only through mods can you make good looking stuff.
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

Hm girl/girl action.

Is it npc on npc, or are you able to create a female and bang other females?

Other then that I too am looking forward to this.
Alot of new additions it seems, I just hope the basic selection of clothes/options is also vastly increased, ag3 basic inventory is somewhat, poor if you ask me, only through mods can you make good looking stuff.

- You can possess any character put in the game to be your character, instead of just the one faceless generic avatar.

I'm hoping this means you can take control of the girls as well as playing as the boys, if that's true then it'll be PC-on-NPC.
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

Assuming the outfit design element remains, and the new theme focus, designing the uniform will be a big choice. I made a good half dozen uniforms in AG3 (reduces the overall amount of clothes your required to make : P ). Now with all the characters anyone could need in one game, I'll most likely end up picking one and sticking with it. Hmmhmmhmm.

Regarding girl/girl fun, and having seen the orientation selector in there, I'm left wondering how I'm going to handle that option. And am also curious about how strong an effect this orientation will have. Do I create a shining yuri paradise, keep it "realistic" *cough... realfuckinglistic lol?... cough* and have them mostly straight with a few special cases, or hell, there's always the option of filling my ranks with an army of bi-sexuals. But that seems cheep. Where do I balance it?

From the looks of it, I don't think there will be any extra height options, but a vast amount of hair is certainly yet to come. Part of the reason behind limited set heights is how it makes lining up animation properly much more complex. It's certainly doable, but would probably be stretching Illusion a bit to expect it.

There was actually a height changing option/hack included as part of the modders illusion launcher software required for the translation patch. The problem with it was that as well as throwing off the animations, it was massively glitchy, in how that sometimes after interacting with a 80% height character for example, for some inexplicable reason, both you and the girl would suddenly shrink an extra 20% and both stay like that until you interacted with another. It was hilarious, but utterly broken. Height changes went both ways, I ended up at one point with a giant woman with her head in the ceiling, and another running around at skirting board level. If there was a way to make it work properly, I never figured it out.
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

With the girl-on-girl thing I'll probably end up making a mix of straight/bi/gay girls, obviously throwing Isabella into the fray. She was actually the first girl I made in the demo. Hell, I may make an SBS save. Though that'll probably take a bit of work, as well as several mods as no doubt AG4 wont have the correct hairstyles, or ones close to some of the characters.
Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

Man, the lack of darker skin colors is really bugging me. I don't want to mod out existing tones, either, though... I really hope they add some more.

Lacking those traits kinda sucks, too, like the one that made the girl need glasses.
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Re: Artificial Girl 4 Announced

I am looking forward to this game like you wouldn't believe.

In fact, let me give you a sense of just how much I am looking forward to this game.

I'm seriously considering buying a new computer. Just so I can play this game at maxed graphics settings with no slowdown.

That's how much I'm looking forward to this game.




Here's hoping it won't turn out to be a let down, like Hako or Sexy Beach Zero.