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Jun 14, 2009
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Re: Walkthroughs

I support this idea.

However, instead of making it its own sticky, why not put the list in the games list post? That way, we don't have an extra sticky lying around and if we have the game in the list, you can also see if it has its own walkthrough.


Jungle Girl
Apr 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Walkthroughs

That would be ok too of course, but who is going to organize that?
And can Admins just shove a post between like... the first and the second?
So that you have the first post a game list and the second one a walkthough list?
I dont know, but i dont think that it works, so i suggested a sticky ^^

Edit: Already found some walkthroughs to add, i hope u like it. :3
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Jun 14, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Walkthroughs

I don't think they can just shove a brand-new post in between posts, but they can edit other people's posts. I'm positing an edit of that post, so we only have one sticky, and one post, and any link to a walkthrough is right under the link to the actual game.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Walkthroughs

I have a couple problems with your suggestion, Alias. First, people around here tend to be blind and will most likely overlook the walkthroughs in the first place. If it were its own sticky, more people would take notice of it than if I just did something like change the title of the Game List thread to have"(THERE'S WALKTHROUGHS HERE)"... Actually, that'd probably work.

The other problem is, I haven't updated the list in a looooong while. It'd take a very long time for me to get it back up to date, so a lot of games that we'd probably add wouldn't even be on the list in the first place.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 21, 2010
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Re: Walkthroughs

How about finding it trough a category like you choose from the list if you make a new thread ([Other], [Full Game])
Just make a [Walktrough]


Jungle Girl
Apr 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Walkthroughs

Yea, i think there would be some problems, easiest thing:
Some Admin should make this a sticky and we're good to go. ^^

I think when someone is looking for a walkthrough for a game he is playing,
he already knows the category and its easier to find it in an alphabetical ordered list.
Or do you mean that EVERY walkthough should have its own thread?
That would be even more complicated and overflowing the board ^^

But still, thanks a lot for your interrest and ideas everyone.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Walkthroughs

I would like to think the simplest thing is to have a walkthrough in the first post of the game it's posted. Really the only thing that makes sense to me, why would the walkthrough for the game not be with the game.


Jungle Girl
Apr 3, 2010
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Re: Walkthroughs

1.) They would be scattered all over the place
2.) Not everyone would want to see it.
3.) Again Admins would have to edit the post, and delete what other people say about the game.
4.) You have to copy the post everytime a new version is released and gets a new thread.
5.) If the Walkthrough gets bigger, u would have to delete more and more user posts.

It would be nice to have them there, just like in the games list, but thats lot too much work.

And i dont think that most ppl would be happy when their posts get deleted / completely edited.

Again a nice idea, thanks, but not realy possible that easy.
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(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Walkthroughs

1.) They would be scattered all over the place
No they wouldn't, they'd be with the games themselves.

2.) Not everyone would want to see it.
Then they don't have to click the link or open the spoiler

3.) Again Admins would have to edit the post, and delete what other people say about the game.
Wouldn't have to delete anything. That's why I said ideally anyway, because they're up already. Here's how hard the extra step is. If you find the walkthrough, you already know the name, so you search the forum for that name.
4.) You have to copy the post everytime a new version is released and gets a new thread.
You'd have to copy it every time either way, who cares. The game gets updated, the walkthrough gets updated, you throw in the edits for both in the first post of the game thread and everything's tidy.
5.) If the Walkthrough gets bigger, u would have to delete more and more user posts.
No you wouldn't I have no idea why you think peoples posts have to be deleted just to put in extra information.


Jungle Girl
Apr 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Walkthroughs

1.) Yea, they would be as scattered as the games that are not in the "Game List".
2.) Ok, spoiler would be an idea
3.) So you CAN make new posts between post 1 and post 2 of a thread?
If no, then u can only add Walkthroughs to games with no second post in the thread OR edit the second post and with that delete what that person wrote.
4.) Why would you have to copy it when its in a list?
5.) see 3.

If you have a Walkthrough as big as mine, you need the ENTIRE second post and maybe more, there is no space to leave what that person wrote before.
(I had to delete a lot of redundant stuff in my Walkthrough because i wanted it to fit into one post ^^)

And i think that u would have to do that because Alias sayd:
"I don't think they can just shove a brand-new post in between posts, but they can edit other people's posts."

Edit: May i ask what all of you have against a list?

Is it realy easier to edit other people posts,
Squeze a whole walkthrough into a spoiler tag in the second post,
Maybe even deleting or moving other ppl's informations,
and then...
Use the forums search engine,
browse the over 9000 results for the right post,
open the thread and then looking into the spoiler,

then just writing it here, make a link in the first post,
and then...
open the list and click the link?

Editedit: I tried to search for some walkthroughs for the list and yes, it realy are like over 9000 results, alone like 1000 for Legend of Queen Opala...
I searched for like 30 minutes and look how few actual walkthroughs i found.
And btw, who is going to do all the work to add the Walkthroughs into hundreds of posts?
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Jun 14, 2009
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Re: Walkthroughs

I don't understand why you seem to think hitting the "edit" button means some information of the post gets deleted.

Admin hits edit, adds some information, and doesn't remove anything. You don't have to delete a part of a post just to put in something. Case in point: Your last post. Did you delete anything in order to put the extra information in?


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Walkthroughs

Yeah, I have to say I don't understand your misunderstanding of my position. I don't know what you think is required of anyone, but you're most likely incorrect.

The games here are all here. I don't know how to say that any easier. I know they're here because if they're not here, then they're not. So if the person gets the game off this site, which is most likely if this is where they're searching for the walkthrough, then the walkthrough would be RIGHT UNDER where they got the game from. That's the easiest thing I could ever think of. If you have the game on your computer already, you can use the search button for the title, and if someone has to wade through 9,000 different results, they're borderline retarded. Mod edits work the exact same way as individual edits, they just hit the first post, edit it, and throw in the walkthrough


Jungle Girl
Apr 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Walkthroughs

Well, if its so easy, then why isnt there a walkthrough in the second post of every game that has one?

And what about the RPGMaker games?
Those walkthroughs would be scattered all over the thread wich has like 100 Pages.

I just wanted to add something use and helpfull to this forums,
but if u guys are so much against that idea, then just leave it
and wait for some admin to add walkthroghs in the games posts,
wich will (i think) never happen.

@ToxinShock: Thanks for calling me retarded, how low are you?
No wonder you write bullshit like in your post before that.

Maybe you guys first read and then post before insulting others.

I hate to repeat myself but:
If you have a Walkthrough as big as mine, you need the ENTIRE second post and maybe more, there is no space to leave what that person wrote before.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Walkthroughs

@ToxinShock: Thanks for calling me retarded, how low are you?
No wonder you write bullshit like in your post before that.

Maybe you guys first read and then post before insulting others.

I hate to repeat myself but:
If you have a Walkthrough as big as mine, you need the ENTIRE second post and maybe more, there is no space to leave what that person wrote before.
It doesn't have to be in the second post and I didn't say you were retarded, I offered a hypothetical and used a fictional person. You really have no idea what this process is, so I don't know how to explain to you how you're wrong. I'm not trying to be abusive and it was a good idea, but I just can't wrap my mind around how you're not understanding.

There's not a post limit or something, I don't care how long your walkthrough is. And a spoiler tag limits that, like I said. Or anyone can have it uploaded on a website as a text document, so if you download the game, you can just download the walkthrough with it, and you never have to go looking through this forum. There is absolutely no reason any of what you're saying has to happen, so I don't know how to approach this conversation anymore.


Jungle Girl
Apr 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Walkthroughs

"if someone has to wade through 9,000 different results, they're borderline retarded."
Thats exactly what i did to get the 5 links, so, yes, you called me retarded.

And now plz try to add my walkthrough into any second post that has more that 1 sentence in it.
And remember, were talking about the walkthrough, NOT a link.


(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Walkthroughs

Why does it have to be the second post? And I'm not a mod so I can't edit things. But check this out.

Let's find a game on our forum that you have a walkthrough for.
Hey, let's play Blank Blank Shoujo. The only problem is, I have no idea where it is on the website!
Just about 8,998 short of 9,000, but two threads is still a lot, so I can understand how you're confused. And one of them is this very thread that you created.

Aww but thats a huge thread because it's only rpgmaker games in general, which in all fairness to you, shouldnt really exist. Games really should be threaded by themselves. If only we had a "search this thread" so we could
Oh, holy shit! There's a search this thread option! and there's a total 11 posts on that thread about blank blank shoujo.

I guess we'll just check the first post that says anything about it. And wow, lookie gee, it's the first post of the thread.
Now watch how this would work.

The newest game by the creator of Kaido Shoujo - Blank Blank Shoujo.
Beware, it's instant death if you mess up - guide the girl to the true ending or else.
17 possible BAD END and 9 True Ending, with lots of different death animations.

First world - The magic woods:
- The lake in the woods (the area before you drain the pond)
- The spiral towers first half
- The area between the wilderness and the pond (forgot the name again, stormy plains or something)
- The well... XD (use it 10 times after you saved, and if you didnt do that already, use the campfire 10 times too)
- The minos place and the tentacle fields
- The dark road (glass floor dream world)
- The The wilderness of quartz (the dessert / non underground mining area).
- The bird of preys buzz (area around the teleporter mountain)
- The dead mines (the underground area of the mines)
- The submarine tunnel and the aquarium
- The spiral towers second half

Second World - The depressed town:
- The town
- The bar
- The shop
- The rich guys mansion
- The open house next to the grave
- The upper 3 houses
- The middle of the lower 3 houses (team up with Mutsuki to open it)
- The left of the lower 3 houses (exchange for the golden hammer)
- The flower garden (bush near the grave)
- The loophole

Third world - The infected city:
- The arcade
- The tea house (first zombie coming out of it)
- The sewers
- The drainage (the first door in the sewers)
- The draining management room (second door in the sewers)
- The abandoned laboratory (after water drain, go right in the sewers)
- The exit (after water drain, go south in the sewers)

Fourth world - Phantom thief :
(I guess everyone knows phantom thief ^^)
- The orphanage
- The surroundings
- The church
- The flower shop
- The restaurant
- The mansion

Fifth world - The last trial:
- The tiral

ITEMS (incomplete)

First world - The magic woods:
- Copper coin
- Silver coin
- Gold coin
- Ruby key
- Saphire key
- Ruri key
- Menou key
- Lighter
- Gunpowder (Chest in sprial towers first half)
- Crane chopsticks (first screen left after entering the dessert)
- Piece of the puzzle x 4 (chests on the dark road) (need it 4 times to open the first door on the dark road)
- Something medicine (found somewhere on the dark road and lost after leaving it. Editor says: try using the item in fight against Lira)
- Gold ring (lost by Lira after beating the dark road)(Used to make the grail in the fourth world)
- Scented oil () (Used to make the grail in the fourth world)

Second world - The depressed town: (Only real complete one i think)
- Lipstick (team up with the girl in the inn and get it from her room) (first)
- Mysterious clothes (find the keycard in the loophole and get it from the hotel room) (second)
- Hair ornament (found in the flower garden on the first screen) (third)
- Bracelet (found in the flower garden on the second screen) (fourth)
- Dress (found in the flower garden on the third screen) (and fifth part of the beautiful cloth set)
- Pollen (you get them when you leave the flower garden) (exchange at fourth worlds flower shop)
- Inn girls key card (team up with her, you can buy the house when you did that) (you can enter Mutsukis room / are protected by her now)
- Random key card (found in the loophole) (you can enter the right room in the inn)
- Sake (exchange for an old key in the back of the shop) (give it to the barkeeper)
- Sake (you get as much as you want in the inn after the first sake) (???)
- "Enemi-bureika-A" (given in exchange for sake from the barkeeper) (find another arrow in the last trial)
- Housemaids Hairband (found after the boss, in the room with the skeleton) (housemaid set)
- Housemaids Apron (found after the boss, in the room with the skeleton) (housemaid set)
- Housemaids Cloth (found after the boss, in the room with the skeleton) (housemaid set)
- Key to your depressed town house (exchange it for the golden hammer) (you can enter the left lower house)
- Dancer qualification (not a real item, get it for refusing to become a dancer) (changes a variable that changes almost nothing, it has to have another purpose)
- Blue herb (After leaving the now dead town, go right) (exchanged at world fours plant shop)
- Green herb (wow, hard to find stuff... green herbs ^^) (exchanged at world fours plant shop)

Third world - The infected city: (Think i forgot 1 or 2 items)
- Teahouse key (right upper screen)(you can get the drainage key now)
- Drainage key (house the first zombie came out of)(opens the first tor in the sewers)
- Manhole key (left lower screen)(opens the sewers)
- Chun's partnership (not a real item, middle right screen)(you can go left after the drainage security system)
- Envelope with passcode (In that guest room where the bathroom is)(gives you the door code)
- Green test tube (drainage, first room on the left)(use centrifugal separator to get the medicine for Aru)
- Blue test tube (After using the lever you can reach it)(use centrifugal separator to get the medicine for Elly and her firends)
- Battery pack (Near the lever)(needed for the seperator)
- Warehouse key (bookshelf in the same room as the blue test tube)(opens the way to the lever and the vlue test tube)
- Medusa killer (proof for beating Kurara)(no use)

Fourth world - Phantom thief:(instead of an item list i will tell you what to do)
- Work 5 times in the restaurant if you want the money make title that has no sense
- Take showers until the screen turns black if you want a nice little conservation.
- Go to the plant shop and get the B-bureika in exchange for the pollen and the 2 herbs.
- After working one time, talk with Riara (middle option) and enter the lower left room.
- In the first room of the mansion there is one secret way you have to take, and right another secret way
- Go there and make the grail by putting scented oil, mirura of offering and the gold ring into the wall.
- Now go wild in the mansion and have fun with the last trial.



Main character - Young adventurer Elly
Being too young and naive, Elly starts a dangerous adventure wich can end her life in many ways.

Girl from the inn - The young kunoichi - Mutsuki
Being a young adventurer like Elly, she got stuck in the depressed town too. After she tells Elly her story,
witch is similar to hers as far as i understood, they team up.

The pistol girl - The sniper - Mika
She ended up in the infected city, just like Elly, they team up to get out of there.
Being equipped with a pistol and some awesome skills, she is a big help for Elly.

Girl from the Arcade - The journalist - Chun Hai (Spring sea)
Stuck in the infected city too, she seems like she at least isnt that helpless against zombies.
Teaming up with her allows you to fight against Kurara instead of shooting zombies.

Woman in the medical research facility - Last scientist - Dr. Otsuki

Girl with the black ribbon - Phantom thief - Riara
Living in an orphanage, she carries on the kindness she received when she was a kid
and had no parents herself. Being low on food she decides to get some money from
the mansion.

The mysterious pink girl - Little helper - Miria
Appearing from nowhere sometimes, she has the look of some kind of fairy.
She has an eye on Elly and talks with her a little from time to time, and even
supports her later.


Dead mines guard - Mining machinery - The experimental Taitanpa
It seems to be an old mining machine that is blocking your way.

Dead mines boss - The titans - Taitanpa and the experimental Taitanpa
This things seem to be old mining robots that got out of control, what was
the reason the mine got shut down.

Aquarium guard - - Ice field snowstorm (cant figure out the non translated name)
Didnt translate too much yet, coming soon.

Aquarium boss - The protectors of the sea - Akua and Riumu
For an unknown reason, those two protect the aquarium from the humans that
"make the sea dirty". You cant tell if they can control the kraken or just
called it and keept out of its reach.

Dark road boss - The pink haied girl - Lira
She appears on the dark road, and wants to help Elly getting some rest by
putting her to eternal sleep. She acts like a nice person that doesnt
know that killing is a bad thing.

First world boss - The swordsgirl - Shia Rou
She is the guard of the spiral tower, but if you read everything about her,
it seems like she fell under some dark influence. She doesnt look as if she
likes to kill at all.

Second world boss - The housemaid - Clair
She seems to have lost her mind when her beloved master died and after that,
she lived inside the depressed towns villa, guarding it and her dead master.

The optional sewer boss - The girl in the raincoat - Kurara
This girl controls the slimes. When you reach her she is busy with Chun, who
is bound by some slime tentacles. She starts attacking you with some very weak
attacks, and turns you into food for her slimes if you realy get hit by that.

Third world boss - The knife girl - Aru
Didnt translate too much yet

Optional abandoned laboratory boss - The slime queen - Kurara
In the abandoned laboratory, you can meet her again. And as you might have found
out now, she wouldnt have killed Chun even if you didnt interrupt her (you can only
guess what the two of them were doing.. alone... with slime tentacles...) She seems
to be the very first enemy who likes what she is doing, but she doesnt just kill
everyone. What she does with Elly seems like a test if she is worth to become a
mother to the slimes.

Fourth world guard - Weird plant girl - Idler
Didnt translate too much yet

Fourth world boss - Demoness - Nin Faye
Didnt translate too much yet

Third trial - The mysterious pink girl - Miria
After defeating the first two girls in the last trial, Elly finally is glad to see Miria.
Having helped Elly through the dream world, she tells Elly that the bad dream has
ended now, and her life will end too. Being quite strong, since she is able to
use magic, she starts attacking Elly.

Final boss - The creator of the dream world - Succubus Lillith
Being the creator of the dreamworld she has almost unlimited possibilities
there. She seems to pull people from the real world into the dream world.
She seems do to everything out of fun, because she is god and she is bored.

I made the names and description of the endings white, so you wont read it if you dont want to

Ending No.1 - The one to pass on the will.


Most easy ending to reach. If you cant read the text you will
most likely trigger it by selecting the first answer after
you bring the ore to Bokkuru. To get the ore you just need
the lighter, the gunpowder (from inside the spiral tower where the spikes
shoot down), and a barrel (wich are right next to the stones you have
to destroy to get the ore).


Bokkuru seems to trick Elly into becoming his apprentice, and
after years of torturing hard work, he becomes sick and dies. Elly after that decides
to carry on his technique and will. The last thing you see is her laying some flowers on
his grave.

Its a rather long ending, but i dont like it.
Looks like a sad life she is living... :/

Ending No.2 - The Flash of the Iris-Wing


Before you go up the Spiral tower, you will need "minos meat", and to get on top of that teleporter mountain. If you lost your minos meat, you can get some new in the slaughterhouse. After that you can walk up the teleporter mountain. Thats right, the teleporters are just distraction, making you think there is some way to "jump down" onto the mountain or something, where you need to hit the right spot to land in the middle. Even the sign tells you that the teleporters help you down, again, making you think there is no other way down. But you just walk up there from behind... On the top you will get attacked by uhm... a bird that eats the meat.. looses his wing and yeah... uhm... flies away oO... now you have the Iris-Wing. After that you have to finish the first world by reaching the top of the spiral tower, beat its boss, and go right to the throne of eternety.


After walking up to the "Throne of eternety" Elly gives herself
completely to the warm Light that emittes from the Iris-Wing.
She grows some / becomes one with the wings and drifts off to the
sky getting completely engulfed by the warm light wich made her
"never to be worried and never feel pain again".

Sad, short ending. Somehow it sounds like a nice description for her death :/
edit: Wow, the top of the mountain where you get the wings is called "altar of sky burial"... she realy just dies...

Ending No.3 - The Lamplight


You need to find the "beautiful cloth" set thats hidden in the depressed town.
When you put on all 5 parts, you can walk up the stage in the inn.
- Lipstick (team up with the girl in the inn and get it from her room)
- Mysterious clothes (find the key card in the loophole and get it from the hotel room)
- Hair ornament (found in the flower garden on the first screen)
- Bracelet (found in the flower garden on the second screen)
- Dress (found in the flower garden on the third screen)


Elly becomes a dancer in the inn and instantly the star of the town. Everyone
wants to see her on stage. It doesnt take long and the news of the new young
and beautiful dancer spread around. After that people start coming from
everywhere to see her, and the town starts to flourish.

I liked what i tought first more. That she became a whore, not a dancer XD But i like
the ending, its nice to imagine Elly making everyone happy, and making the
depressed town flourish instead of making it disappear.

Ending No.4 - Compromise peacefully

You just need to get 12 of the stones that are laying around in the first worlds
dessert, feed them to the talking chest, bring the rare ore to the miner, and later
exchange the gold hammer he gave you, for a house in the depressed town.

Elly being sick of having to fight, and risk her life in those dangerous adventures,
decides to settle down in her new house. After a few weeks, the girl from the bar
witch seemed to have become Ellys friend, tells her that she is going to leave the
town and continues on her adventures. Elly stays in the town and lives a quite
and peaceful life.

There could be a little more information about what happens to her after that.
Not only like "her only friend leaves Elly and she is alone in a depressed town
until she dies..." :/

Ending No.5 - And the World is covered with the virus...


In the virus city sewers there are 2 anti toxins.
I didnt realy understand why you had 2 different test tubes,
but the first anti toxin you brew i used for the boss of the
sewers. As far as i understood that Aru became evil because
of the virus, and after you weaken her enough to give her
the anti toxin, it kills her. After that you will flee from the
infected city, if you dont choose to become mommy. ;)
Depending on if you have brew a second anti toxin or not, you
will leave the virus city more or less save.


After a short cutscene with some mercenaries, that try
to stop the virus by killing everyone in the town,
Elly and her 2 friends flee in a helicopter. After they
Take of, Elly starts to feel weird. After that the scene
wents black and you can hear Elly slaughter her friends
and the pilot. The helicopter crashes down, and the, i guess
now 4, zombies start spreading the virus all over the world.

Rather short ending if you dont count the part you will see
when you survive too. I hoped more from it, because i
did the whole city again in hope that there is a cool
ending when i only brew the medicine that kills the knife girl
and not the one that saves Elly and her friends.

Ending No.6 - The body becomes cold


After Elly ends up in the orphanage, Riara asks if she wants to stay there.
If you decide not to stay there, she will bother Elly asking her again and again.
After Elly said no often enough, Riara becomes annoyed of her, and Elly leaves
the orphanage.


After Elly went out on her own it started to become cold, very cold.
Elly, not equipped for that weather, starts to freeze and feel very sleepy.
Even tough she knows shouldnt take a rest, she sits down on the street
and drifts off to sleep. You can see that after some time Riara and Taeko
have carried Ellys frozen corpse to the side of the road, so she is not in the way.

Ouch, poor Elly, thats really a harsh end. But thats what happens if you dont show
thankfulness for the help of others. That probably what would have happened if
Riara didnt pick her up anyways.

Ending No.7 - The Mother


After you drained the water in that "virus city sewers", go to the right and up
the ladder. The building there is an abandoned laboratory. I tried that 3 rooms
for like 1 hour, but i allways died at the first 2 enemys in the 3rd room. To see the ending
i deleted the enemys. After you got past the enemys go through the secret passage,
save (your only save chance in the whole house) and enter Kuraras room.
Getting hit by her bullets CAN trigger this ending.
edit: If you are not as blind as i am you might see the other savepoints in the house...
Now i even got through all rooms without dying once, damn, this was so hard the first time... XD


You can see one of Kuraras slimes impregnate Elly, and
after Elly gives birth, she instantly gets pregnant again. Soon Elly is starting
to like it and wants to give birth to more and more slime creatures.

Love this ending, even tough its very short,
Elly looks pretty happy as a mommy.

Ending No.8 - Only the ones who survive...


Reach the last trial, defeat Miria and leave the dream world.


After Elly leaves the dream world, the screen fades and you can see
a reporter from a camaramans angle. She talks about an airplane that
has crushed near her location and the 451 dead passengers. After some
talk about some survivors, the reporter discovers Elly lying dead in the grass.

Until now, this ending is just wtf? Some of that will change, some will get worse...
You can guess that there is another way to finish the last trial, the grail.

Ending No.9 - The final


Use the Grail after you have defeated Miria.


After defeating Lilith, Elly leaves the dream world. She wakes up in some house.
One after the other girl that Elly met in the dream world shows up and is happy that Elly is awake again.
But after a few girls Elly starts coughing up blood. Soon almost everyone she met is in the room and Elly
starts spitting more and more blood. Elly seems to die, and before everything wents black, Miria appears and
(like she is worried or sad about her) calls her "big sis".

Even since its a sad ending, its pretty cool if you look at it together with what Lillith sayed about the
dream world, and the eight ending i think.

Connection between Lillith, ending 8 and ending 9:

Seems like Elly and all the other girls were on a plane when Lillith pulled them (or their spirits)
into the dream world, wich caused the Airplane to crash. I wish you had at least seen something like
a pilot and co pilot in the dream world, so it makes sense that the plane crashes if Elly cant wake up
everyone through defeating Lillith. Something like some stewardess would have been cool too, or if they told
you a little more about Ellys past... Dont they say in the beginning that Elly starts her journey because she
wants to discover the magically overflowing world, saying goodbye to her mom and dad? But maybe
thats just something Lillith wanted her to think. Maybe she knew all of the girls from the plane / dream
world and Lillith made her forget. She at least had to know her little sister.

Looks like i finally reached what i wanted from the beginning, saving all those girls that didnt realy seem to like
fighting against Elly. I knew that they were not all bad, but i didnt think that all of them were good people.
Just makes me sad that you cant do anything about Ellys death. She cant make it out of the dream world alive.

To be continued?:

And after all that, (i just hate this scene, because seeing this makes you just feel like...
Damn, they look like none of this shit ever happened. Didn't Elly die in the final ending?)
you can see Elly and Miria running along a street, talking about "how light it feels to walk"
and running onto some weird girl wich tells you there might be a second part of the game.


- When you dry out the pond, there are 3 new paths you can go, not only the big one in the middle, the little rivers at the side are now ways too.

- In the depressed town, you need to team up with the girl from the Inn. Else, when you fight the boss in the villa, she will trick and kill you

- Ok, the laboratory is not hard if you are not blind like me, and see the savepoints.

- In the underground mines, i think after that guard you only have to run past, (the "sound wave shooting" one) there somewhere is a room with a chest. In this room there is an arrow drawn on the ground, there is a "not really secret passage". But in the same room on the right side is a crack on the wall and another hidden chest witch contains the only not easy to find part of the diving set, an air tank.

- Yes you need that chest that is protected by the very first girl enemy. You can trick her because even since she looks pretty fast, you are faster.
Dont mess up your savegame

- On the dark road, (the dreamworld you reach by falling asleep in the most south tentacle field) there is a room with archers. You need to pass them only 2 times, because you can jump over some of the gaps.

- The key yon need in the spiral tower after the shooting spikes, is in the chest you can reach when you have the hammer.

- To get the Iris-Wing, you need i think this.... "different minos meat". I think after you either get past the lion , or when you give the artificial flower to the talking minotaur, there will be 2 new minos meat inside the slaughterhouse.

- After you drained the virus city sewers, and the water is gone, it only seems to have blocked your old ways. There are new ways, even since the "viewing angle" might hide them.

- In the mansion of the fourth world there are somewhere, something like axes coming from the ceiling. You can pass them easily when you know that they only reach every second field. They somehow look like they would cut everything they pass.

First page of an individual game thread, done.


Jungle Girl
Apr 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Walkthroughs

Oh, your not an admin?
Then good luck adding anything in one of the first posts,
or editing the walkthrough, wich is only possible for admins if you post them there.
So everytime a game gets updated, an admin has to update the walkthrough.

But yea, i am amazed how much u can write in one post, like i said,
when i made my walkthrough, i was VERY limited and had to delete parts because the post was too long.


(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Walkthroughs

Oh, your not an admin?
Then good luck adding anything in one of the first posts,
or editing the walkthrough, wich is only possible for admins if you post them there.

So everytime a game gets updated, an admin has to update the walkthrough.
Every time a game get updated, the link to the updated version changes, which means the first post has to be changed anyway, so what's the problem. Update it in one single post instead of having the walkthroughs completely separate from the game thread.

But yea, i am amazed how much u can write in one post, like i said,
when i made my walkthrough, i was VERY limited and had to delete parts because the post was too long.
which is why it's popular for the longest walkthroughs to be uploaded as a text document for download.