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The Irrumation Society (IC)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"I doubt that Ember will be in any state to really notice any blood honestly, but alright," Lilia said to Linnea, helping her to bandage her arm up a bit with what she'd cut loose from the guy's shirt. "Also send us a message off to our employer and tell him we caught one of those he mentioned that would be trying to stop us, and that I'm wanting to know if he'd like us to bring him in for questioning or anything," Lilia added to Linnea after bandaging her up as her companion checked her phone just before the elevator doors opened up to reveal a new girl.

Seeing the new girl stepping off the elevator with a sword slung over her shoulder, Lilia prepared for another fight just in case, but it seemed that was unnecessary thankfully as this girl was the help mentioned on Linnea's phone. Cautiously taking the new girl's hand, Lilia shook it, keeping a wary eye on that sword just in case. "It's a pleasure to meet you Helen, and yeah we work for him, I'm Lilia by the way. And yeah I'd say it's best for us to get this over with so she can get some rest. I'm feeling a bit horny after that tussle back there with that guy too so maybe we can all have a go with her, who knows," Lilia said after introducing herself to Helen while Linnea kissed her on either cheek, then she led the way back to Ember's room and went on in.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Ember looks to be fine, so Lenneth suppose than she will have more possibilities of succees if she let her like that and give her something to recover once the girls get recovered.


Tentacle God
Jan 4, 2014
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Helen followed the other guys. "I hope I didn't miss much." Smiling as she watched each of them curiously.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

The girls saw Ember sitting in her armchair with a glazed over 1000 yard-stare in her eyes. She looked exactly like she did in the photo they received with the exception of her currently drooping jaw and dazed look about her. Whatever their team-mate Lenneth had given her, it had done the trick. They could see from Ember's apartment that she was indeed well-paid. The furniture and furnishings were a mix of modern yet cozy. She had past articles framed up along her wall and her laptop was open on her desk with a report half-written.

Ember could see the new girls as distorted and blurred figures. In her state though, she didn't feel threatened by them... in fact she couldn't feel much of anything. She had fevered-thoughts without the fever and no panicked sweats that usually come with such thoughts. Everything was good... everything was calm.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

With the girls joining her at the room, the small girl get finally relaxed as they were out of danger and then she saw the girl with the sword making her react quickly to take more distance with some backsteps. Who is she? I must suppose than all is fine, so its dont needed to bring that. Lenneth said pointing softly at the end to the sword stored at the side of the new girl.

Ember is fine, i just tried than all dont get out of control... So what should we do now? Lenneth ask sure than she will not do this when these experienced girls were around.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Linnea stepped through the door last, locking it behind her, and almost immediately noticed how out of it their target looked, once she was in view. Pulling their little guidebook out from the inside of her jacket, she flipped through it.

"'Passion', 'Volume', an' 'Humiliation'... uith her dis out of it, dat last one seems a little hard to achieve," she muttered quietly to her compatriots. Then, she sighed. "Oh uell. Make sure not to cum until the end, ya? We uant as much in her as possible." Then she turned to Lenneth, and she simply said, "Our fourth."

Linnea thought for a bit, and then approached their target, smiling at her. "Hello, Ember. We are conducting a survey on reactions to sudden amorous advances. Tell me - uat vould you do if a beautiful, Swedish woman came up to you and did this?"

Quickly, Linnea straddled Ember's lap, legs folded and her toned ass pinning her in her seat. Then, she grabbed Ember's head with both hands and forcefully pulled her into a kiss, pressing her body against Ember's, using her dominant position to lean into and above her, forcing Ember to crane her head back while the Swede feasted on her lips. Linnea moaned into the other girl's mouth as she pulled on Ember's power lip, holding it firmly in her teeth, and as much as she could, kept eye contact with the loopy woman, waiting to see if she would be shaken out of her reverie. She also, after some time, or if Ember seemed like she was about to freak out, remove one hand and grab the back of the chair they were in, and use it to pull herself down on Ember further.
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Tentacle God
Jan 4, 2014
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Helen watched Linnea sit in Ember's lap, watching as she kissed the dazed woman. Turning she looked at the other two woman. "So.... " Looking unsure on how to continue. "Do we take turns or just wait for them to finish?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

As the girls made their way inside the room, Lilia watched as Linnea straddled Ember and looked over to Lenneth when she asked who Helen was and nodded as Linnea said she was their fourth. "Aye, the boss sent her to help us, also Lenneth, after we get done here I want you to check Linnea's arm okay, she got a bit cut up," Lilia whispered to Lenneth after Linnea started kissing Ember, which was surely going to keep her distracted for some time if not completely. Then she turned to Helen and smirked. "No, we'll wait until she's got her good and warmed up and all join in. The boss said the more we make her swallow the better, so yeah we'll need to all give her some probably. Or it would be best to," Lilia added in a whisper to Helen.

Watching Linnea, Lilia waited until Ember was good and ready before moving over with her companion and sat down beside Ember on the sofa she was sitting at just to Ember's left. While Linnea was kissing Ember's lips, Lilia leaned in and kissed Ember's neck and nuzzled against it to help warm her up more, one arm wrapping around Ember's lower back while her other began feeling her up some. "Hmhm... and what would you think if a I joined in with her hmm? We'll make you feel amazing love... you need only say the word and we'll make you feel like you've entered heaven. So what do you say hon... do you want to feel the most amazing thing you've ever felt in your life?" Lilia cooed in Ember's ear, helping to solidify Linnea's enticing of the news reporter and make her want them rather than them just raping her senseless.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Ember, the usually bright and thought-provoking female reporter, was in a bit of a haze. She could feel presences in front of her... something in her mouth? What was that? She didn't know but she couldn't exactly refuse the invasion either. She was being kissed, that's what it felt like... something or someone was suggesting that this was okay. All she could do was agree as she simply sat there, unknowingly making out with her would be oral assailants. She was feeling more and more relaxed with the situation. Her lips only sort of kissed back, a sort of delayed reaction.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Linnea flops her tongue around with Ember's for a bit before deciding that it was completely pointless. From her place on the reporter's lap, she twisted around to look at the swordswoman and their druggist.

"Uell, this is completely pointless. She's so out tof it, I don't even think she knows we're doing stuff to her. Dammit, vhat did you even do to her? Don't do it again."

She got off and made Lilia help her over to the bed, where they first pulled off whatever she was wearing for a top, and then laid her out supine, head hanging off one end with enough room for them to stand around.

"Uell, get to it," she said, simply. "We can't humiliate her, so ve need to focus on da passion and volume parts, ya? No one bust a nut 'till everyone is ready. I'm going to see if I can at least get her riled up a little - dat might help. Oh, and here - if need."

Linnea pulled the ring gag out of a pocket and tossed it, landing it in the middle of Ember's cleavage. She then proceeded crawled onto the bed between Ember's legs, hiking up her skirt and pulling down her panties, letting her cock flop free. It wasn't very impressive flaccid, if you ignored that it was attached to a woman... but then, Linnea was most definitely a grower.

With that, Linnea pulled down Ember's pants and underwear, exposing her pussy. First, she stuck her middle finger in to the knuckle in her own mouth, to coat it in saliva. Then, licking her lips - the Swede definitely had an oral fetish - she dove in, starting with light, almost tickling touches with her tongue to Ember's outer folds, while also rubbing them her slimy finger. She did this for a bit, to see if her body started to react... and if it didn't, then Linnea would slowly push the finger in and out, probing the roof of Ember's pussy for her G-spot. When she found it, she would give her clit a rough, slow lick as she played with her inner button, pulling back the hood if necessary.

If Ember did start to react, though... well, Lin would do the same stuff anyway.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Sure... it should not take too much time to heal her, as she looks to dont care her wound. Lenneth was almost speechless by how now all were getting ready to use this girls, this should be wrong in many senses and then the Swedish woman was pointing than she has made wrong her job, there was not reason for that and it has been the right choice or all would had turned into an even worse scenario.

I was not the one than just jump at her, if you had given me some time i could give her something to make her recover her senses. Lenneth answer slighty upset by how Linnea was trying to end their mission. The small girl was expecting than they could talk with this woman instead just rape her.

So what happened with that crazy janitor? Dont say me than you kill him in front of the camera? We should clean all or we will get into more problems.


Tentacle God
Jan 4, 2014
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Helen watched a few moments thinking. Placing her sword against a wall and then moved towards the drugged woman. She sat down and began to lightly fondle Embder's other breast. Leaning in she joined Lila in kissing and nuzzling Ember's neck. Her eyes briefly wander down to watch Linnea go down on their target.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"Would ve be here taking our time if we had killed dat guy? Did you hear a gunshot? No? Vell den, maybe you should not worry about it and focus on da task at hand, ya?" Linnea shot back, with her mouth full of pussy. "I suppose it vould have been better if we could work on da third objective, but I will settle for seeing if this whole thing is actually true or not, right now."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"No I didn't kill him silly, If he'd given me no other choice though... well let's just say I wouldn't balk at doing so. I've got him in an empty room down the hall, I plan on taking him with us back to headquarters, I figure they might be able to make use of him. And the cameras were fixed on a looping feed where the guard downstairs couldn't see what was really going on," Lilia whispered to Lenneth before joining Linnea at Ember's side on the sofa.

Lilia helped Linnea get Ember over to the woman's bed, picking her up herself and carrying her the whole way like a princess over to the soft thing where she laid her down in a comfortable position so she had her head on the pillows. Then she laid down next to Ember on the same side and helped Linnea get the woman's lower clothing off. As soon as Ember's panties were being slid down, she raised up and got onto her knees next to Ember, where she pulled her own pants down and off, then her own panties which allowed her more than half hard dick to flop free from its confines, where the head of her length softly slapped Ember on the cheek as it flopped free. Lilia looked to Helen and Lenneth and nodded at them both to join in and take their clothes off too.

Lilia's erection was soon at full mast, the well endowed girl sporting 11 inches in length and an inch and a half in thickness, all right in front of Ember's face for the drugged girl to see, where she hoped that Ember would lean up and grab it between her lips. If she didn't though then Lilia would pull Ember's left hand up to make the girl grasp her length though not roughly, where she'd get her to start stroking as she pressed the crown of her cock against Ember's lips to further put her into the mood along with her companion who was licking the girl good to get her worked up. "I'm not a quick shot hon, so don't worry about that alright. I'll be ready when you all are," Lilia said to Linnea specifically, but where all could hear her.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Ember could feel hands on her and she knew she was being touched, groped and moved. There was a presence between her legs, licking and touching her now exposed pussy. The girls could see that she shaved herself bare after pulling down her lacy red panties. Her breasts were laid bare as well after removing her blue shirt and lacy red bra. They were ample things, soft and shapely, nice to touch.

Suddenly, Ember felt the presence of something wave in front of her face. It was kind of blurry and she could not tell what it was... some sort of rod? stick? wobbly snake? She could not tell. Her face was turning a little red from the pleasure between her legs. Whatever that 'stick' was in front of her face... it was now rubbing against her lips... just what was this thing?

Though she still felt no danger, she could slowly feel rational thought returning to her.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

It was working! It seemed like Ember was starting to get turned on. Which meant she ought to start working on herself, she supposed. She had started to swell up, but now Linnea reached down to play with herself, tugging on her throbbing cock. At first, it could have hidden in her fist, but soon it grew enough that the head poked out from the fingers encircling her shaft, and it continued steadily growing until she probably could have wielded her cock two-handed and still have room to move.

One hand was all she needed, though... her other was kept to work on Ember, alternately pumping her sex and rubbing her G-spot, while her own lips and tongue worked their magic on Ember's netherlips, clit, and plunging as deep as they could in-between.


Tentacle God
Jan 4, 2014
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Helen moved over with the to the bed. Her hands continuing to rub and fondle Ember's bosom. Her finger and thimb lightly twirling and gently pulling on her nipples. Her eyes watching the the other two get themselves ready for the drugged woman.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Lilia enjoyed Ember's body as she caressed and groped her shapely breasts and curvy hips, oh how good it would be to wrap those nice tits around her rod and just go to town. She restrained herself though for now, because they had a job to do for the moment and it came first. "Shh, we'll make you feel wonderful love, you only need to let us and we'll take you to such heights of pleasure that you'll be on cloud nine until tomorrow morning," Lilia cooed at Ember, gently caressing her cheek a bit while prodding her dick at those luscious lips.

With that, Lilia pulled away for a moment and lowered herself back down so she was even with Ember again and she pressed her lips against the other girl's, sliding her tongue into Ember's mouth and wrestling with her's a bit to keep up the pressure on her and make her body heat up to the point that even should her mind come back to her completely she'd not want to stop at that point.

Once she was sure that Ember was ready enough, Lilia would get back up into her previous position with her dick prodding at Ember's lips, where she'd try to urge Ember to take it into her mouth and suck, if she was ready enough for it at this point.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Fine, i will just see than all is fine and return soon. Lenneth said as she see the rest doing what would be a really interesting porn video.

She first secured the door and once closed she tried to make a small peek using the little peephole of the door to see the corridor and where the fight passed, so she could detect any strange event happening as they were ending their mission.

If all went fine she will return with the others and unless if it was needed she will join, she was mostly focused on check the vital signals of their target to see if the effect will pass soon or she need to act to avoid any problem
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Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Ember was feeling warm all over. Her entire body was being used in a very inappropriate manner and she wasn't even aware of it. She was visibly aroused and she unconsciously moaned into the cock-head that rubbed against her lips, waiting to strike her like a fleshy cobra. With some coaxing, her eyes seemed to regain a spark of awareness... and with that awareness came panic.

She immediately noticed what was happening to her, especially with a large protruding cock that pressed against her face. She also immediately noticed the entities what were encircling her nether regions and breasts. She yelled out and not in the pleasurable tone that the girls were probably used to hearing.