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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No, not today..." was Rachaela's unusually blunt reply to the inquiry about work. She was usually not one to throw words in directly, preferring a more gentle approach, but this time it was full-on. "We could eat, it is probably lunch time already, if not dinner." she carried on, suddenly jumping up from the chair in a rapid wake-up maneuver and stretching around a bit. It was almost startling to witness such a quick change. "But I think I have to feed my little ones first. Come on."

In the next room, which was right there if one took a few steps onward on the single-way second story corridor, was a little less hassle as it was more free of furniture. There, the girls could find two different glass enclosures, the other big while the second was a lot less massive. If she looked in them, Adelle could see that the bigger one had been set up into quite a jungle set-up, with several frogs in there. They were the same kind that had attacked them in the flooded subway tunnels some days ago, only missing the freakish size. These were small enough that even Rachaela could hold them on her hand. In the other, there was a much more sparse set-up, the occupants being crickets.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That's fine with me Rachaela, don't worry about working any if you're too tired to. And like I said I'm up for anything, I'd say it's closer to lunchtime rather than dinnertime though, but I am starting to get a little hungry actually," Adelle said in reply, looking very quite amazed when Rachaela jumped up and out of the chair she was all bundled up in where she then began stretching. "Your little ones? R-Rachaela... do you have children or something?" Adelle then asked after Rachaela mentioned feeding her little ones, her eyes a little wide at the thought of the little bitty Rachaela trying and having to push a baby out of her tiny body.

Adelle followed Rachaela out and into the next room where she then went into the room Rachaela led her to. Adelle took a peek inside one of the glass enclosures she saw, picking the larger of the two, and inside of it she noticed frogs. "Hey... these things look like the ones that attacked us down in the sewers the other day. Did you work some kind of magic on them and make them small or something?" Adelle said as she looked inside the larger of the glass structures the frogs were in.

Adelle would peek inside the other glass enclosure to see what was inside of it as well, curiously wondering why Rachaela had frogs like this as pets. She would of course not judge the frail little thing, because for some reason Adelle just felt protective of Rachaela, like she didn't want anything to happen to her, which was one reason she was glad that Rachaela had no children and it was these frogs she spoke of as her little ones, because just the thought of her having a child nearly brought tears to Adelle's eyes.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"What? No, silly." Rachaela replied as the sudden thought about kids came to Adelle's mind.

At the room, the tiny sister began to feed her froggies, picking up some crickets from the other enclosure and dropping them off into the frog home, where the tiny amphibians ate them. "Nope, these guys have been in my care far longer. I don't have enough ability in transmutation magic to change a living creature's size. These are ones in their natural size, the other we met had most likely mutated due to some sort of pollution or fallout radioactivity. They are untainted. Not that I wouldn't want one that was big as those..." she told them, following the eating process behind the glass. As the pet feeding progressed, Garagan too entered the place, looking somewhat alarmed. "My lady, there was an announcement on the radio just now. There has been a big event. Someone has assassinated that Isolda woman. And according to some witnesses, the killer was wearing something similar to your dress."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle giggled a little when Rachaela called her silly after she'd said what she did about Rachaela maybe having children, wrapping an arm around her and giving her a little hug while she fed her frogs and grabbing a cricket or two and tossing them into the container with the frogs to help Rachaela out a little. "Yeah I figured that they had mutated somehow or another, but wasn't completely certain about it. And I kind of figured since you've got so many here that you wouldn't mind having one or two of those big old frogs from before," Adelle said to Rachaela after tossing in her crickets she'd grabbed.

A few moments later when Rachaela's manservant entered the room with an alarmed look on his face, Adelle started to get worried, wondering what was wrong. She soon found out what had happened when Garagan told them about Isolda being murdered, and that apparently someone was possibly trying to frame Rachaela with it. "What? I... the woman I worked with yesterday, Rosieta. She'd told me about Isolda and what kind of place she ran, and I had actually considered working there if I was really in need of some money. Glad I didn't go ahead and go there today and check the place out like I started to. I wonder who it was?" Adelle said, asking who it could have been to nobody in particular, then she shook the thought from her head and turned back to Rachaela. "Rachaela sweetie, we need to get you out of that dress, and I don't mean like that. We need to get you out of it and into something a little different, and if someone is trying to frame you you'll probably need to lay low for a little while until we find out who it was that did it," Adelle added after a few moments of thought, suddenly very very worried for the tiny sister, that she felt the need to protect like a big sister or something.

Assuming Rachaela agreed with her on the needing to change part, Adelle would go with her to her room to help her find something to change in to so that she could get out of her dress, telling Lacri to keep an eye out downstairs for any trouble just in case. Adelle was ready to leave with Rachaela to get her someplace safe if the tiny sister wished to leave, and she would tell her that she'd stay by her side until she was safe, her gun slinging arm at the ready to whip either of her guns out to shoot anyone that tried to hurt Rachaela.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"What, frame me? You think they'd come to me immidiately? There are four of us, and we wear basically the same thing. Well, there were a few more. But I'm entirely sure there won't be a massive police unit on my door right now. And besides, we are not that well known, much less things like our homes and places to visit." Rachaela replied to the hasty stuff Adelle was going to. "Only some minute details separate our dresses, Lacri's big cross there being the only real eye-catcher." she reminded the busty girl again about the intricacies of their fancy dresses, but soon turned to Garagan for more information, namely how the murder had been carried out. "It was a firearm hit, a large-caliber rifle most likely as Isolda was found with a hole where the heart was and the insides splattered onto the wall opposite to the broken window. It has to have been a good shooter, since the estabilishment is three-story and her personal quarters are in the top floor..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle realized that she did seem to have overreacted to the news, and that was something that she didn't do very often. She then kind of kicked the floor a little bit as she blushed all embarrassed like that the girls saw her get all worked up like she did. When she heard Garagan continue on with what happened, Adelle heaved a small sigh of relief, but was still more than a little worried about the situation, especially since she'd considered working there at Isolda's and all.

"S-Sorry, I guess and got a little carried away and overreacted a bit there. I wasn't taking everything into consideration. But... you don't think they may look for Izzy do you? Because she's got all of the different guns and stuff I mean," Adelle said after stopping for a moment and taking a breath and calming down, though suddenly thinking that someone may think to check out Izzy if anyone knew about her and her guns. Then Adelle stopped for a few moments and thought it over, suddenly remembering the girl from Miguel's place the night before. "Hey... I remember someone last night at Rosieta's boss's place. There was this girl that I could have sworn was Mariela if she hadn't told me that she wasn't, Oh... what was her name... ... Margaret, that was it. She wore a dress that was a lot like all of your dresses," Adelle added after a few moments of trying to remember the girl's name from the night before, and she remembered the girl was quite cold acting which would probably make her a very good assassin.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The hassle didn't seem to bother Rachaela too much. No worries, I think I know how you are by now. But there is a slight possibility that Isabella might get in trouble, surely. That is a chance I can't deny. the sister replied before going into similar ponderance mode that Adelle had gone into. The mention of the unknown dress user Margaret seemed to cause a strong reaction as the two sisters both suddenly became very interested in what Adelle had to say. "What? Margaret still lives? And is here in the city?" the tiny magic sister suddenly broke into a barrage of questions. "Did you hear what she was doing there? There might be a connection with this murder."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle grew worried when the two sisters with her heard mention of Margaret and looked quite interested and worried from what she could tell. "She's at the estate where I stayed at last night with Rosieta and Miguel. I could've sworn she was Mari when I saw her though. I can't remember what kind of weapons she had though, so I couldn't tell you if she had guns or not. But she did seem to me to be awfully... cold, like what you'd expect in an assassin or something. It actually kind of scared me to be honest, and she didn't tell me what she was doing here, but I do remember that she said she knew you girls when I mentioned Mari to her, cause I told her that I thought she looked a lot like her," Adelle said, trying to answer the questions as best she could.

Adelle wondered what it was about this girl that Lacri and Rachaela knew, thinking to herself that if she was capable of a shot like that on Isolda, then she was definitely someone she didn't want to tangle with. "Why, what's her story? Is she like an assassin or your enemy or something? You sound kind of... well I hate to say it, but slightly scared in a way," Adelle asked curiously, though with a hint of fear as to the answer she would be getting.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"She used to be one of us..." Lacrimosa piped in with one line before letting Rachaela carry on. "It is like Lacrimosa says. Originally, there was six of us. The four of our current members, Lacri's sister Astrea, and Margaret. Margaret was Mariela's childhood friend and the one who helped her survive into the present day through the hardships of earlier years spent on the streets. The two were close, and not without reason as they are orphaned half-sisters. But somewhere along the line, the clearly more skilled Margaret began to stray away and left us without too many words, only saying that she would be going for something that would have more impact on the city. Sometime later, there has been some whisperings among the underground people that a dress-wearing assassin has began to rise among the ranks of the mysterious assassin network that can be contacted if you know the right people." she broke into a brief storytime. "So, if your yesterday's spotting was true, she might have been there to pick up a job. Assassins kill anyone for pay. While she did favor fighting in close quarters, Margaret never had any problems using guns."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle listened to the two sisters explain about Margaret and the more she heard, the more she wished she hadn't. It made her feel a little sad for Mariela, whom she'd quickly made friends with upon first coming to the city. She also wondered just how skilled this Margaret was in terms of fighting, especially with guns, as that was her own specialty and if someday she ended up having to fight this Margaret she wanted to know just how good she was.

"Well I may have been slightly drunk, but I remember who she said she was clearly enough to know her name was Margaret, so have no worries there about that. And from the way you're talking I'd say that she had one helluva impact. D-Do you think I should tell Mari about this? Do you think she would want to know? And what do we do about it? I'd say we should go and warn Izzy as soon as possible, since she is our resident gun person and all," Adelle said, assuring her two friends that she was remembering correctly that it was Margaret.

Should the others agree to go and inform Izzy and or Mari, then Adelle would tell them that she would stick with them for strength in numbers just in case, because you never could be too careful she would say, and if they did decide that Mari should know about Margaret being back in town, then she would say that they need to go warn Isabella first, and then on back to Mariela's house.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"She won't be happy to hear about that, so I'm not entirely sure. Guess you can decide that yourself." Rachaela replied to the first thing that she was asked about as the situation was starting to be more clear. "But maybe we should stick together and go visit the others." "They will be surprised to see us for the second time..." Lacri once more piped in for a brief moment.

With some plan now in effect, the trio would leave, Rachaela briefly giving instructions to Garagan in case something happened at the house while she was away. The quick instruction time was followed with them leaving, the girls going along less used backstreets to avoid too much attention. And eventually they were back at Isabella's factory of a home, where the gun sister took them in, looking as surprised as Lacrimosa had speculated earlier.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah I doubt she'll be happy to hear it considering what all you told me, but I think she should know, it wouldn't be right to not tell her you know," Adelle said, then she turned to Lacri and continued, "And yeah Lacri they will likely be surprised as hell to see us again, but we don't have much choice."

With that, Adelle waited until Rachaela was ready to leave and had given Garagan his instructions with watching the house and such, and when the little sister was ready to go Adelle stayed right beside her with her guns ready to whip out and shoot anything that tried to attack them all, especially Rachaela, a she felt that she and Lacri could take care of themselves. Adelle followed the other two, as they knew the backstreets much better than she did, and when they arrived back at Isabella's place, the gun sister looked a bit surprised just like Lacri and she had expected.

"Hey Izzy, we're back. Did you hear the radio earlier? Someone assassinated Isolda, and we're fairly sure of who it was, because whoever it was on the radio, Garagan heard they said it was someone that was wearing a dress like all of you all wear, and assassinated Isolda on the top floor of her place with a gun from what Garagan said, and I immediately though that they might suspect you possibly. And then I told them that I remembered this girl from last night at the place that woman I worked with yesterday took me to rest and all, where this woman that wore a dress like the ones you all wear was there, and she said her name was Margaret when I spoke to her, and I asked her if she was Mari because she was almost the spitting image of her," Adelle said, explaining why they were back and what they knew about the situation at hand, looking a little scared about what all was going on, and fearing for her friends lives. "Rachaela told me about who this Margaret woman is, and who she is to Mari. So I was thinking to go tell Mari next, because I think she should know, it's only right she does after all," Adelle added after taking a breath, letting the others know that when they were done there, she was heading to inform Mari of the situation.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, no I did not. Have been busy doing things, so there has been no real time to switch the radio on. Not that I'd have heard it anyways over the sound of the machines. But that sounds quite serious. I suppose I'll come with you guys. Kikuchi can handle the home, he is a good enough guy to do that." Isabella replied after all of the outburst that she was subjected to. Unlike her companions, Isabella didn't seem to care about getting into her dress, instead coming with them in her coveralls. Still, she did take a few guns, not wanting to be dead weight. "Let's go."

Not long afterwards, the quick-moving group had made their way to Mariela's. "Not sure how you guys will fit in here, but sure, do come inside." the blade sister said at the door when she let the group of other ladies in.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well come on then I guess," Adelle replied to Isabella, waiting for the other gunner to get ready, not really surprised that she hadn't heard considering the amount of machinery that was running and all.

Adelle noticed that she didn't even bother changing into her own dress, opting to stay in her other clothes for now, then she watched her grab a couple of guns, telling Kikuchi to keep an eye on the place while she was gone, stating to the others that he could handle watching the place. Then with that, they headed out, going for Mariela's place once more.

"Hey Mari, don't worry we'll manage," Adelle would tell Mariela when they arrived and she opened her door. "Well um... I thought that you should know this, especially after Rachaela explained something a little to me earlier. Yesterday I went over to Samson to see if he had any work for me, and I went out with this girl to do the job and all that. And afterwards Rosieta, the one I went with, took me back to the place she works at and I stayed there for the night..." Adelle added as she trailed off, then she would continue on and explain everything that she could remember about Margaret from the night before and then she would tell her about what Rachaela's manservant had heard on the radio earlier, unless Rachaela wished to tell Mariela herself that is, in which case Adelle would let her do so.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Initial reactions to Adelle's story were curious looks and urgings to get into the point, followed later by unbelieving looks and something what appeared to be a combination of anger and slight fear. In the end, there was a loud bang as Mariela slammed her fist into the table, shaking it quite hard with the blow. "THAT BITCH! SHE HAD TO BE ALIVE AND STILL HERE?!" the girl yelled as she got up from the table and stormed towards her room. But she stopped at the door for a few seconds, telling the others that she needed a moment to herself before the door slammed shut.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle watched on as Mari's reactions changed from curiosity, to a look of disbelief, and then on to anger and fear. When she slammed her fist down onto the table, Adelle flinched and let out a small yelp, as she hadn't quite expected that. After Mariela's outburst and subsequent storming off to her bedroom, Adelle gulped.

"I guess she's pissed about it. I hope she isn't mad at me. Do you all think she is?" Adelle said to the others, hoping that her friend wasn't angry with her.

Adelle would give Mariela a few minutes before going over to her bedroom door where she would peck on it and ask Mari if she wanted to talk about anything that she'd told her earlier, or if she wanted to just talk, that she was her friend and wanted to help.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, I don't think so. Mariela did tell us about the fight the two of them had during the split, and she said that it was something that she'd never forget or forgive. What the specifics are, none of us know about as she has not been very talkative about it. Only noticeable thing was that she was spending time on her own for a couple of days after it happened." Rachaela was the one to speak up first with her story. Both Lacri and Isabella seemed to agree, but did not really add anything to what the magician told Adelle. But when there was knocking on the door, Mariela did come out, but the scene was quite different from just a moment before. On her shoulder was an absolutely huge , one that looked oversized for the girl wielding it, but she was still apparently quite able to lug it around. "This... I was thinking I'd never use it, but now I'm kind of happy since I had it made just for that bitch. Now, might you be able to take me where you saw her? I need to settle things." she said, almost fawning over the curving blade that she was carrying.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Listening to the others revealed a little about what had seemed to have happened between Mariela and Margaret, but all in all it didn't tell Adelle any more than she already knew really, though it seemed that the others didn't appear to know much more than she did if any at all themselves. They did however all agree that it seemed that what Rachaela had said was how it happened.

When she knocked on Mariela's door, she was a little surprised to see the sword girl come out, and her eyes went a little wide when she saw the huge scythe fixed over her shoulder. "So I'm assuming that you've got some bad blood with Margaret then. (Sigh)... Yes I can take you there, but I'd rather not take you into the place itself, because there are armed guards for one, and the head of the house that live there paid me quite well after all for working yesterday for him. He'd probably not like me very much anymore if I took you there to do what I'm assuming you'll be doing to Margaret with that," Adelle said, though she didn't sound opposed to Mariela settling things as she had stated. "Would you be opposed to me going and telling her to meet you somewhere? O-Or tricking her into heading out where you can then do whatever it is you have to do?" Adelle added, wondering if Mariela would consent to that instead of just going straight into the manor and attacking Margaret, and possibly ruining her any chance.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Whatever, just get me to her, this ends today." Mariela replied, not apparently showing too much care about how she would get into grips with this Margaret.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Um... okay Mari. J-Just be careful alright, I don't wanna see you get hurt... or worse," Adelle replied, then she turned and headed back into the living room where the others were. "Uh guys, Mari wants to go kick Margaret's ass. I think we ought to go too to make sure she does, or at least to make sure that she doesn't get killed," Adelle added to the rest, twirling her trigger finger around and around a small lock of her hair.

Regardless of if the others agreed with Adelle that they should all go to make sure Mariela was alright or not, once she'd told them she would head on out and lead Mariela on to Miguel's place, but she'd tell her to wait out of sight somewhere near there so that she could head up alone, because they would likely be turned away if they saw Mariela with her large weapon coming up like that, and she'd tell the others to wait with her until she returned.

When she got back to Miguel's place, she hoped that it was still the same guards from before since they knew what she looked like and such, but if it wasn't then she would tell them that she knew Rosieta and would like to speak with her. Assuming she was able to get inside, Adelle would ask Rosieta if Margaret was still there, that she needed to speak with her.